• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 2,319 Views, 33 Comments

The Unknown King - Chaos Nightmare

The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

  • ...

The Dragon Lands (unedited)

I woke up in a cave and wondered how I got here. “Where am I?” I asked as I heard something walk behind me I quickly summoned the keyblade and turned around to see a blue dragon eating a gem who stopped when they say I was awake.

“Oh you're awake.” The dragon said.

“Where am I?” I asked pointing my Keyblade at her.

“Dragonlands.” She said flatly “Now come on my father wants to see you.” She said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to outside the cave to a secluded area. “Father I brought the human.” She said as a large dragon flew over and landed in front of us.

So you are the Keybearer.” He said as I took a step back.

“Uhh yes that me.” I said.

I am Torch the Dragon lord.” he said.

“Why was I brought here?” I asked.

I brought you here to see if what my ancestors said of the keyblade were true.” he said as I was confused “ The ancestors of my ancestors were the Primordial dragons whom were said to have lived when the worlds were one.” he said as I was about to ask questions when he continued “ The primordial dragons were the ones who fought in the keyblade war..” He finished.

“Alright I appreciate the history lesson but that can’t be the only reason you brought me here.”
I said.

I brought you here for one purpose to create a keybearer for the dragons. he said.

“That could be a problem I don’t know how to pass a Keyblade to someone.” I told them.

Then there is only one way to get our champion.” he paused “ The Two of you will mate.” he said as my face went red I took a quick glance at the other dragon who was confused.

I took a step forward to ask the second question that came to my head “Is this even physically possible?” I asked.

The female dragon then brought out a potion before she said “I was wondering why you needed this.”

Drink that and it will turn you into a dragon.” he said.

I took a look and asked “It's not a permanent potion is it?” I asked.

No it will only keep for a day or two.” Torch said.

“Well then I’m guessing I can’t just leave.” I said.

No.” Torch said flatly.

I thought about it for a second as I knew I could just use a Dark corridor to escape but that would raise some questions back in canterlot that I don’t want to answer yet and might cause them to not trust me. “Okay tell you what how much of that potion do you have?” I asked.

Torch opened his mouth to answer but his daughter answered for him “Counting this enough for a week or two.”

“Alright how about this I look around for a dragon worthy of the keyblade if I can’t then i’ll sleep er mate with-” stopped as I realized I didn’t know her name.

“Ember” She said.

“Okay If i can’t find one worthy of the Keyblade I’ll mate with Ember.” I said as I was handed the potion I took a sip before chugging it down it tasted bitter but not horrible and within seconds my body began to change. My skin began to flake off, the strange magic even affecting my clothing, my clothes molding into the scales that rose up from my flaking skin. My bones snapped, regrew and reshaped themselves into a taller, heavier form, a form of a dragon. I felt bones and flesh growing outward on my back as wings grew out. My fingers becoming claws, a tail growing out from just above my butt. Even my pants and boots molded into my new form. Finally, when it stopped I was about the height of Ember, slightly more built, and black from head to tail, the only exception being my claws and eyes. I took a deep breath as I got accustomed to my new form slowly moving my body around to make sure I don’t break anything.

“Are you ready?” Ember asked.

“Yeah give me a second.” i said as I finished stretching before she lead me to the entrance of the cave as we walked to the other entrance of the cave where I saw a bunch of dragons and gems I was impressed to say the least. Maybe finding someone worthy of the keyblade won’t be so hard at all.

As we walked I took a quick look around when I was greeted by a red dragon “How come we haven't seen you around before?” The dragon asked.

“Yeah I flew here yesterday.” I answered.

“Well then names Garble let me show you round the place.” Grable said.

“Yeah... I already have a escort.” I said as Ember walked up.

“There you are don’t wander off.” Ember said as she saw Garble. “Garble.” she said flatly.

“Ember.” Garble said before turning to me “Maybe you should think of finding a better Dragon to show you around then this softy.” Garble said.

“Come on lets just go.” Ember said.

“Aw what's the matter ember you gonna complain to daddy?” Garble said as we tried to walk away Garble said something he shouldn’t have “Yeah walk away just like your mother did from a runt like you.”

Ember took a look at Garble before I walked up to him “Alright it's one thing to insult someone but to insult their past is a whole different story.” I said.

“Yeah what are you gonna do about it?” He asked as I punched him square in the jaw before he tackled me to the ground and started pummeling me.

As he was beating on me everything suddenly went black and when things returned I felt a weird goo on my hand and the taste of blood when I looked around Garble was limping away holding his neck as he turned around to look at me I noticed he was missing an eye. “What... happened?”

“I don’t know.” Ember said confused “You went feral but that shouldn’t be possible the potion was just to give you dragon like traits but not turn you into a full dragon.” she said.

“Then how were we supposed to...?” I stopped as she got what I was saying.

“Lets just say it's one of the traits and leave it at that.” She said.

The next few days were fruitless as most of the younger dragons here were too selfish to help others or to young to understand what I wanted. As for the older dragons I didn’t know what to do with them If i were to pick one of them they would either have Keyblades the size of a house at the smallest or have tiny keyblades that they couldn’t use. So I was worried I would actually have to ‘mate’ with Ember a fact we were both uncomfortable with. “It's the last day to find a keyblade user.” Ember said.

“Yeah I know.” I said before I took a drink of the potion I was still not use to the taste. “I’ll give the dragons of this place one last look before your father makes us...” I stopped as she got the point.

As I wandered around I was approached by a dragon who was larger than the other teenage dragons spoke “The elders have summoned you.”

I nodded and followed to a secluded area where six dragons were sitting atop some plateaus. I noticed however the Dragon lord was missing from this thing. “Wheres Torch?” I asked.

The largest dragon then spoke “Torch will not be joining us as he is not needed for this.

I looked behind me and the dragon who escorted me was standing there with a few more large adolescent dragons. “Whats going on?” I asked cautiously.

You attacked another dragon which normally would be fine as we do tend to attack each other but you went feral, And as you know there are legends of the rise of Nergigante the devourer of dragons-” the Dragon was cut off by another dragon.

Oh let's cut the explanation were going to put this feral beast down anyway.” The other dragon said as the three large adolescent dragons marched forward.

I quickly looked around there was no way through those guys and I couldn’t fly so I had no other choice but to run away into a Dark Corridor towards Ember. “Huxley what?” Ember asked.

“No time to explain you have to hide me elder dragons are trying to kill me.” I said.

“Now hold on first explain what that shadowy door is.” she said.

I sighed “Fine I can use darkness to travel to places like other worlds.” I explained.

“Wait what?”

“Look where is your father?” I asked.

“He was sent by the elders to-” I stopped her

“Damn it the elders are trying to kill me.” I said.

“Why do you say that?” Ember asked.

“Well there was the whole ‘put this feral beast down thing’” I said before sarcastically saying “Other then that I don’t know”

“Well it sounds like they do want to kill you but why?” SHe asked.

“They said something about nerdy dante.”I said as she paused before releasing.

“Nergigante the devourer?” she asked as I nodded “They think your Nergigante?” she said.

“I don’t know what that means but yes they think I am that.” I said.

“Oh this is bad the elders can only be overturned by the dragon lord and right now my father is gone for the day.” she said.

“Do you know where he went?” I asked.

“Yeah I do but If I go after him you won’t have anywhere to hide.” She said.

“I know but I can buy time plus I have few secrets left.” I said as she nodded and went to find her father.

Two hours passed as Ember found her father floating above a ravine confused. “Father the elders are trying to kill Huxley they believe he is the next coming of Nergigante.” Ember said.

Torch turned around before saying “If what you are saying is true then we must hurry.” he said as he grabbed Ember and flew off back to the dragonlands.

Meanwhile back in the dragonlands I was busy fighting the three dragons and I was losing. “GRAH” I screamed as one of them pinned me to a wall so I quickly summoned my keyblade and smacked the dragon before taking a deep breath as purple fire came out of my mouth. The dragon backed off and I attacked knocking the dragon down.

“Well then do it Nergigante.” He said as I knocked him out with the keyblade.

I then turned to the other two and gave them a look as they charged me I quickly dodged out of the way but my tail was caught by one of them and I was dragged back where I was quickly placed against a wall he was about to use one of his claws to smack me but I grabbed his claw with my free claw and struggled to keep him from clawing my face off...not sure if the healing factor could heal lost faces As I was knocked down I was dragged back to the six elders whom the largest one said “ We’ve learned from our mistake you have nowhere to run Nergigante.” as the dragon that was holding me grabbed my neck and began to hold me inplace for the elder dragon to fly down and look at me “ Now-” He was stopped by a voice in the distance.

STOP! Torch ordered as the dragons holding me in place let go. “ that one is under the protection of the dragon lord. he said.

He’s Nergigante he’ll kill us all.” the eldest dragon said.

no he’s not he’s a keyblade wielder Torch said.

There are no such thing as keyblades that was just a legend that our elders told to entertain us as hatchlings. the eldest dragon said as I summoned my keyblade.

“You were saying and I’m pretty sure that this nerdy dante-” I started as Ember cut me off.

“Nergigante” Ember corrected.

“-Whatever is also a legend” I finished.

The six of you have deceived me into going on a wild hunt while you were to kill the keybearer. And for that I banish you from this flock.” Torch said as they looked at eachother.

You can’t do this!” One of them said.

Torch simply roared as magic surrounded them and they all fled while the three hench-dragons just stood there confused what to do. “ You three are free to go as you were just there pawns of there games but be warned should this happen again you will be punished.” Torch said as the three just ran off. I looked at Torch before he spoke “Have you found a suitable bearer for the key?

“I think I may have.” I said summoning my keyblade and walked towards Ember before handing her my keyblade. “I’ve been looking for someone who’s been right in front of me the whole time.” I said handing her the keyblade.

She reluctantly grabbed the keyblade before handing it back to me “So what now?” she asked.

“Well it takes time for the keyblade to come it took another keybearer 10 years before he could summon his.”

Torch then spoke “She has till the great Migration to summon it or you’ll do your other promise

I looked at Ember who was trying to summon her keyblade “Well lets hope she does...now can I get a ride back to Canterlot?” I asked as Torch picked me up and flew away.