• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 2,319 Views, 33 Comments

The Unknown King - Chaos Nightmare

The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

  • ...

Awakening remake

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Kyle Belmont for helping me

It was chaos in the streets of Ottawa as rioters were fighting the Military and Police. Luckily my family was on the other side of the river on the Quebec side so we were spared the carnage.

We were packing our stuff in the trunk of our car and hopefully leave and find a safe place where we could; well; be safe. My sister turned on the radio, at that moment heard the news person speaking about a ‘safe’ place and just a few hours away from where we live.

“Everyone here?” Mom asked as we got into the car where me, my sister and dad gave an audible “yes”; though mine took a bit longer before I yawn.

An hour pass as my attention slowly turned away from the burning City of Ottawa and back looking forward. My eyes have grown heavy throughout the period of time in the car and a bit before, I really need some sleep. Before I can even realize, I soon fell asleep just as the clock turned to 12:00.


When I woke up; my sight could only view white as I turn in every direction in mid air (if you can even call it air that is).

“Where am I?” I asked myself since there’s nobody around. In Fact, there isn’t anything beside the huge white marble colored void. Looking over myself just be sure that I’m still present and; to my relief; still have everything I have on.

I’m a male up to 6.2 tall. Short brown hair, bright peach skin and dark blue eyes. Plain green shirt that has black mostly cover the chest, left cuff just below the elbow line and back. Black sweatpants for his lower parts and just below are white socks and black track sneakers.

As I began to wander; Why am I here? when a bright light flash right before me and blinded me for about a second before lifting an arm to shield my eyes. Moment later, whatever it is releasing that much light dims to a more bearable, then was gone, letting me lower my arm down to see an old man. Seem to look just like generic version of the christian god, I think?

“Hello.” Old man greeted.

Unassuming of his response I asked. “Who are You?" confused on ‘where’, the ‘who’ and the ‘what’, more on the ‘who’ and ‘where’.

"I am the Alpha and Omega. Creator of the Earth and everything on it." He states as I wondered what that meant before realizing just seconds later.

“Wait; are you saying; you’re god?” I asked, receiving a nod. “Okay, so why am I here?” I asked.

“Are you familiar with the Mayan Calendar?” He asked as the gears started turning in my head.

“Are you saying that you caused the end of the world?” I asked.

“It wasn’t the end more like a new beginning.” He started. “It was actually a test by me to see how the human race's reaction if chaos went wild over the planet. Would they embrace it, or try to stop it by any means necessary. Sadly, chaos was the victor.”

“And why am I here?”

“There are those who didn't go the violent route. For those people, I'm giving them the choice to go to any world of any dimension they wish that is within my powers. You, my good lad, are one of those.”

“And those that failed?”

“To them, today's events never took place. They will continue to live their lives out in that timeline you came from.”

“Aren't people going to question why thousands of people just disappeared?”

“Yes, they would, if I wasn't going to leave a clone of yourself there if you choose to decide to go somewhere else and live out your dreams!”

“Why clones? Why not just erase all memories of people ever being there?” I asked.

“Now that would work if it were at least a hundred people but thousands, people would realize something isn’t right and realize something is missing.” he said before taking a few steps forward “Now enough questions. Where do you want to go? You can go anywhere within my power.”

I thought for a minute not being able to decide where to go. “Could I get some powers before I choose?”

“Not the strangest request I’ve gotten. So what do you want?”

I thought for a good minute before saying; “How about a healing factor?” I asked and he cracked his hands.

“Anything else?” He asked, by the way he said it made me wonder if he thought it was what I want.

As I thought for a second before a golden idea came in my head. “I want a Keyblade and the ability to open Dark corridors.”

“Alright but I can only give you the Kingdom Key.” He then walked towards me and put his hand over my head as a shock flowed through me and I fell unconscious again. “Have a nice trip.” he said.


When I woke up and see my own surrounding turn from white to black. Luckily, there's something in here this time. I stood in a huge pillar made of glass thats blue.

I was in the Realm of Awakening from Kingdom Hearts 1. “Alright.” I muttered, looked around for any signs of life.

I was startled by a voice speaking, it wasn’t the voice of God but a different voice; one that was both familiar and strange to me. ‘So much to do, So little time…’ It said as I looked around. ‘Take your time. Don’t be afraid.’

‘Now, step forward. Can you do it?’

I took a few steps forward to the center of this circular structure plane, a display stand with a black shield with red rims and red symbol of mickey mouse head with gold frame lines on the center magically appeared in white sparkles; ‘Power sleeps within you.' turning 35 degree right around to see another stand with a green wand with brown base and on top of it is a blue mickey mouse head appears; ‘If you give it form...’ turn around again and a third stand popped up with a sword with a blue wrapping handle, yellow arc guard and black mickey mouse head symbol on the base of the guard. ‘It will give you strength. Choose well.’ Finish saying as all three stands are now present.

I walked towards the sword. ‘The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction.’ Reached for it while the voice respond to my arm extension. ‘Is this the power you seek?’ Without hesitation I grabbed it.

Calmly watch as the sword in my hand vanish. ‘Your path is set.’ the voice said. Turning around to view the last two as it continued speaking. 'Now what power will you give up?'

I walked towards the wand. ’The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin.' Voice explained as I reached for it, just like before with the sword it asked. ’You give up this power?’ I grabbed the staff and it vanish as the voice speaks as though reading a scripted.

'You’ve chosen the power of the warrior. You’ve given up on the power of the mystic. Is this the form you choose?’ It asked and I nod in response. Before I knew it; the stands lean down to one side before sinking, the floor began to shatter underneath me and I began to fall.

As I fell I saw a glass stained picture of a woman I don’t know. Slowly descending down and landed on my feet with a tap. Suddenly, the Kingdom Key keyblade appeared in my hand.

’You’ve gained the power to fight.’ I took a practice quick swing down as I wasn’t familiar with sword combat. ‘Alright! You’ve got it.’

'Use this power to protect yourself and others.’ Five Shadow heartless started to appear from the ground up like 2d to 3d. ‘There will be times you have to fight. Keep your light burning strong.’

I rushed to smack a few heartless as they tried to get a swipe in but they gave delayed opening for a smack from my blade, not giving them a chance. I only took down two before they all sank back down and gone, with only the remains of their kind, small green orbs which flew into me as I got near it and can feel a tingle but since I haven’t taken damage I didn’t really need them.

‘Behind you.’ The voice commented as I turned around to see one Shadow tried to sneak up behind me, ready to attack. However, I smacked it away as hard as I could. By gut instinct have turned around, facing two more or them and had to dodge away from the one on the right but wince and surprised when the other one react just a few millisecond and gave a scratch mark at my rib but luckily no actual mark. I swung at one and by miracle it disperse into dark wisps while dropping two small green orbs which flew into me seconds after.

Last two heartless decided to leave now that they are not in big numbers. Sinking into the floor as the floor started to turn black from their escape and before I knew it I sank into the darkness.

Awaken once more from being trapped in the darkness that soon leaved my view. Seeing myself laying on the floor. Sitting up only to gain the attention of what’s on the floor. Another glass stained picture of another person that I don’t know either.

When I got up, my eyes lock onto a beam of light pointing towards a door. I walked towards it and just when I reached within better perception to realized it was see-through.

“Great can’t open it...” I said. Turning around to see a yellow and red chest which I walked towards and tapped it with the keyblades tip. It open to find a cylinder, cup size bottle with an odd green jello star. “Oh nice a Potion,” I said, putting it in my left jacket pocket. [Get Item: Potion x1 Held: x0 > x1]

At that moment, a large crate appeared behind me. I looked at it for a few seconds before my keyblade flash shortly, gave me a hint to smash the crate. Taking this thought to the test, I smashed the crate in a overhead slam, smashing it into wooden shrapnel's and another potion popped out in a small hand size clam chest which I picked up and store it with the other one. [Get Item: Potion x1 Held: x1 > x2]

As I picked it up the frame of the door became solid. Hming to myself only to get my thought sidetrack when a flash came from behind turn to look, seeing a wooden barrel standing upright just a few feet from the left of the door. Following the logic of this room, I managed to pick it up and throw it at the door which caused the thrown object to shatter and caused the door to fully become solid. Reaching out to the bar handle I opened it and was bathed in light.

As the light left, I was in yet another room where there was a glass stained thing with another unknown woman as an image.

Looking around for anything that might lead me forward. I saw another heartless so I pulled out my keyblade as I became surrounded by them. Had to avid taking hits though that wasn’t easy with around 10 Shadows keeping me moving, if I ever stop it’s to either get hit or attack once only to continue this rodeo routine.

Hour later, the fight ended and got myself a deep breathing room, I was tired. Stretched my limb for a bit, a bright circle light up from the center of the room. Guessing what it does I walk inside it and immidiately sigh as feeling of being rejuvinated in and out of my being.

[Save point: Healed Health and recover Mana. Save: [Y]/[N]]

Same headlight moved forward before fading away at the edge and a walkway appeared made out of stain glass of different colors.

After a long run which is a relief of regaining stamina before heading forward, I made it to the other side and found a light. From here I decided to walk casually. Stepping into the light a familiar voice spoke. ‘The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.’

I quickly look behind me to see my shadow grow and raise from the ground and slowly taking a more three dimensional form. ‘Don’t be afraid.’ I took a few steps back, mixture of fear and adrenaline rush through me. This large shadow took one step forward as if it sense my fears. ‘and don't forget...’

It didn’t finish as the Darkside reeled its fist, dark sphere engul its fist and slammed it into the ground just barely miss me. Taken the opportunity I slashed at its balled up fist as Shadow heartless came out of the darkness that the fist spawned. After a few hits, the Darkside pulled its hand back and started to launch orbs of darkness from the heart-shaped hole in its chest. I dodged the blasts but wasn’t lucky against the nearby Shadows and got hit by them that were swarming around the Darkside. No choice but to get rid of them, I gone and dealt with them in a hit or two before focusing on Darkside as I slashed at its arms on its side. It feel to its knees and hand and began to sink into the ground. I think, I may have killed it!

“Alright, what's next? Twilight Thorn?” I asked to nobody in particular as I began to sink into darkness.

‘But don’t be afraid. You hold the mightiest weapon of all.’


I woke up in a grassy field. Slowly getting up I noticed somebody was standing there in front. “U-um, a-are you alright?” She asked quietly. A healthy peach women with long pink hair draip down to her hips, light blue eyes. Wearing a yellow long, one piece dress reaching to her lower leg and have a bit loose fabric straps slack off her shoulders that sticks out including her collar bone, torso upper back and pink sandals.

“Could you repeat that, I didn’t quite catch that.” I said as she spoke a bit louder.

“A-are you alright?” She asked as I could actually hear her.

“I’m alright why are you asking?”

“You were um unconscious... n-near the E-everfree Forest.” She said shyly. I felt like I knew that from somewhere but can’t quite place it.

“Well, I guess I just chose a poor place to nap,” I said, tried lighten up the mood. Girl just hid behind her light yellow wings, just noticing them just now.

“Hey, do you know the nearest town from here?” I asked. Getting her to leave her somewhat hiding place to answer though her cheeks were a bit tint of pink.

“Um well, Ponyville is just down the road... that way,” She said pointing towards the buildings in the distance. The name sounded familiar too but not enough to get my memories going.

“Well, thanks miss.” I said as I walked away as she ran past me into a nearby hut. As I got closer to the town, I realized why it sounded familiar. It was from My Little Pony. “Great...” I muttered as I head over to my destination. There was no turning back now, at least I can leave anytime I want. As I got to town I wondered when I was, was I in before Nightmare moon or after Sombra?

As I step into civilization, I headed to the mayor's office to see if I could get any permanent housing. As I walked through the streets I pass by a peach woman with blond long hair tied near the end in a brown stetsons hat. Stopping form a 180 turn and walk up to her and asked. “Hey, excuse me! Could you tell me where the mayor's office is?”

Turning towards me to see under her hat that lifted to see me are green eyes. Wearing a three tone brown in a odd square pattern, button shirt with it unbutton halfway to see white cotton shirt underneath. They’re tucked under a worn out light navy jeans and brown belt with caramel buckle. Working light brown sleek gloves and a matching colored cowboy boots.

She smiled. “Well partner, mayor’s office is that there tall building at the center of town, the rotunda. You in town for the Summer Sun Celebration? It’ll be a great shindig!” She asked while removing her hat and brush it off just for any loose dust on it before placing it back on her head.

“Yes actually,” I said as I looked at the clocktower.

“Oh! Ya better hurry on! Do what ya gonna do with the mayor before she closes soon,” She said as I ran towards the building. She watch where she was chuckling. “New fella huh?”

As I made it to the pillar with rotunda building I got inside and was greeted by a secretary that looked like David Tennant. Peach skin and ruff short beard and mustache, short brown hair and brown eyes. Wearing a black suit all unbutton, underneath is faint light blue undershirt and dark blue tie, blue business pants and brown work shoes.

“Are you here to see the mayor?” He asked.

“Yes, actually I’m here to see if there's any houses in town are available.”

“Alright you’ll need to fill in some forms out here,” He said, handing me a pen and some papers.

Taking them and finding a place to write. Few minutes of looking at the forms, I filled out all that’s needed to be acquired, leaving my name for last. My Name Huxley. I wrote down as it was my organization name...even if I had no clue where the H or U came from. “Alright Mr. Huxley all we need now is your down payment and we can start next week.”

I searched around in my pockets before coming across something bulgy. Pulling it out and; to my surprise; was the Munny Bag made by Olette from Kingdom hearts 2. “Will this do?” I asked in a bit of a dumbfounded expression. Passing it over, he weighed it.

“I’m going to manually count it if that's okay?” He asked.

“Sure will it take long?”

“Just an hour, unfortunately, the office closes in half an hour so tell you what, come back tomorrow and I’ll count your bits,” He reasoned, giving back the bag and munny.

“Okay is there a hotel in town?” I asked.

“No, but tell you what, nobody has used that old treehouse in years. I’ll hand you the keys and you come back tomorrow and we’ll resume the part alright?”

“Alright thank you, Mr?” I said as he introduced himself.

“Time Turner,” He said shaking my hand.

“Alright, Mr. Turner. I’ll come back tomorrow.”

[Got Key Item: Munny Bag, Munny Total in bag: 5,000]