• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 3,359 Views, 26 Comments

They Call Me Johnny - Dashie1791

Johnny is a human who lives in Equestria and become friends with alot of the pony folks but has a secret that he hasn't told them.

  • ...

Eight Months Later

They Call Me Johnny
By Dashie1791

"Chapter One- Eight Months Later"

A rooster made it's way to the edge of the roof of the rather large house on the outskirts of Ponyville. The noise it made into the air was announcing that it was now five thirty in the morning. The rooster continued his calls into the sky until thumping noises could be heard from the inside of the house. Rapid loud thumping noises from the newest resident of Ponyville, and even Equestria. He's not a pony, a griffon or even a dragon. He's in fact a human, the only human living in this colorful world of happy and smart talking ponies. The rooster ignored the thumping coming from inside the house and continued to bellow at the top of it's lungs till the human rapidly opened the window with his head out.


The rooster then took the hint that the human was now angry and quickly lept off the roof and landed down on top of the woodpile next to the house and made it's way into his little home. Meanwhile the human slammed the window shut and laid down on the bed looking at the ceiling.

'Unghhh, why did Fluttershy have to give me that fucking rooster? I already have an alarm clock, so I don't need that little bastard cock a doodle dooing every morning at five thirty!'

Then the human tried to get out of bed, aches and pains pulsated throughout his body from his head right down to his feet.

'Guess I had too much to drink last night! That's Jack Daniels for you!'

He then made his way into the bathroom and turned the light on inside giving him a view of himself. He saw that his eyes were bloodshot and noticed that his hair was now a lot longer than before and his beard was now bushier than ever.

"I look almost like that guy from the Hangover movies!"

He then looked at his rolex watch and saw that it was now five fifty five. He knew that he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep now, not after that rooster gave him that annoying wake up call. He then shut the light off and made his way back into his bedroom to dress himself for the day. He looked around the room that had posters of different movies titles, anime shows and a couple pictures of two hot supermodels. He remembered that they were still on his wall, he hadn't noticed them for quite awhile as this was the first time waking up in his room in about four months. Most of the time he had been waking up on either the couch, on the floor in the living room or sometimes he would not sleep at all. Sometimes he would attempt to watch an old movie, or he would go into Ponyville and interact with the strange but friendly talking Ponyfolk, and he would even lend a helping hand around town to the ponies that required the use of his hands. But for the most part he spent his time in the garage with his music blaring loudly while working on getting his motorcycle going again.

His Ducati was his only prized possession that he had when he came from his world to Equestria. The ponies who saw it for the first time were not sure what exactly this two wheeled contraption was or who was this strange creature riding it. But when he came into this world, he arrived while riding super fast and lost control sending him and his bike flipping front over forwards. He was hurt in the accident and made it with only a broken leg and some minor cuts and scrapes, but his Ducati was mangled and needed repairs. He asked if there were any motorcycle shops in Equestria that could help repair his bike for him, but sadly he figured out that these ponies had never seen something like this before and didn't know how to repair something of this design.

He then knew the only someone who could fix his bike was himself, but he needed tools to do that! He then discovered that himself and his Ducati were not the only things that had arrived from the other world. He saw that at the spot near where he was found, was this large house sitting in the middle of no where. He then realized that it was his house! All of his personal belongings were inside, right where he left them! Like a time capsule! It included an entire garage full of tools, every piece of technology from an unknown place that ponies had never seen before, and a collection of certain objects that had been collected over the years back in the other world.

The male human had to recuperate for several weeks before he could even walk, let alone work on his most prized possession. There were a few nights spent at the pony hospital that was definitely not used to having a strange creature like him being there. When he left the hospital, he would have to walk around on one leg with a set of makeshift crutches that were built for him by Applejack.

He immediately became acquainted with the town folk of Ponyville, especially the most famous ponies that lived there. They were called the 'Mane Six'. Their names being Applejack who was known as the element of 'Honesty', Fluttershy who became known as the element of 'Kindness', Pinkie Pie representing the element of 'Laughter', Rarity as the element of 'Generosity', Rainbow Dash as the element of 'Loyalty' and Twilight Sparkle, who was not only the Princess of Friendship but the element of 'Magic'. At first he was a bit nervous to talk with these strange talking ponies that seemed to know about a lot of different things. Maybe it was the realization that talking ponies exist in this world, and know how to use magic, are incredibly strong and can even fly. At first it was too much for his tiny human brain to take in, but after getting to know them slightly he saw that they would not cause any harm to him and his nervousness quickly went away. The residents of Ponyville at first didn't take to kindly to this alien like being now living in their town, but when he started to help them out with different jobs that they couldn't do with their hooves, they soon took a liking to him and slowly began to welcome him in as one of their own.

Meanwhile the tall broad shouldered man got dressed by putting on his Muhammad Ali shirt and his one of three pairs of blue jeans. He made his way down the stairs and staggered into the kitchen. He turned on the coffee machine and proceeded to make himself a hot cup of coffee to wake himself up and hopefully get rid of his throbbing head pain. He then opened the fridge to grab the glass jar of milk from inside so he could mix it in his coffee. When the hot beverage was finally brewed he poured the milk in with a couple spoonfuls of sugar and went to sit down on the large sectional couch and turned on the T.V and began to watch one of his old movies. It was strange when he arrived in this world. He was surprised to see that these ponies in fact have electricity for lighting up their houses, provided heat and even had running water. Even his house had power and water hooked up to it which puzzled the human tremendously, it was something that nor him or anypony else could figure out.

The only thing that they didn't have was a television station and didn't have a telephone line or have any WIFI, which at one point the human wished that they had but soon discovered that he didn't need them to get by. The only thing he used was the television to watch old movies and play the occasional video game on his Playstation four. He knew that this kind of technology was unheard of here, and his use of them was used less and less. Only when he was really bored!

He sat on the couch with his cup in his left hand and the remote in the other. The movie that he chose to put on was the classic western flick called 'Tombstone', it was always an excellent movie to watch but today for some reason after watching it for about fifteen minutes his desire to watch the film was not in his best interest. He then pushed the stop button on the remote and shut the T.V off. He then looked around the living room to see it's messy layout. He could see many photos in their frames that have been turned facing downwards so they couldn't be shown and he could see the amount of dust beginning to start forming on the table around the room.

'Man, I got to start cleaning up after myself more often! This place looks like a trash house now!'

The human then finished his last mouthful of coffee and then walked out of the living room and walked into the garage. Inside the garage he saw the project that he had been trying to work on for these last few months. His Ducati was sitting in pieces, waiting for it's owner to put it back together so it could carry him to his preferred destination. He opened up the garage with the opener and then grabbed a lighter and lit himself a cigarette. He took a long drag of the tobacco stick and then began to get to work fixing his bike. He took apart all of the parts that he knew where not in the best of shape, and put them aside to be worked on, and the ones that he knew would be a little difficult to repair he put them to the other side and would work on them last. He had taken apart this Ducati of his apart numerous times and he knew which part was which and where it went like the back of his hand.

He then turned on his iPod that was connected his gigantic sony boombox and let his music start to play. The sounds of music playing in the garage as he worked on his Ducati somehow made it easier for him to concentrate and figure out what needed to be done. After three hours he turned his head out of the garage to peer outside. The weather appeared to be good for today, considering that it was raining the day before. The human then turned his loud blaring music off and then wiped off his brow to stare at his work for the day. So far he had managed to tear the engine apart some more and put everything aside tagged and in a correct order. After lighting up another cigarette he then looked at his watch that now read fifteen minutes after nine.

'Oh that's right, I promised Twilight that I would help her and Spike sort through her books in her library'.

He then went back inside the house to wash himself of the dirt and grime. After he was done he redressed himself and got his shoes on and grabbed his chocolate brown leather jacket from the closet and walked out of the door and headed into town. As the human walked along the path that led to Ponyville he noticed that he no longer had any pain in his right leg, which is the one that he broke when he came to Equestria. It took him awhile to even put weight on it since it was broken in three places, but the pain was something he could handle. He was used to experiencing pain like this, back when he was in his world he used to be a boxer, until he was forced to retire after taking too many concussions. For the first two months he was only able to walk around with the set of crutches that Applejack built for him, made out of the wood from a few old apple trees that were no longer growing apples. After the next month and a half he was able to get around with one crutch and put some weight on it but not too much. For the last four and half months he was able to walk on his own while carrying a walking stick with him at all times, but now he could walk around without any assistance.

He then made his way into the marketplace of Ponyville and walked by all the different concessions with different items for sale. He walked passed Roseluck who had just put a batch of roses out to sell. She saw the familiar man and waved a hoof at him and smiled.

"Hello there Johnny, I haven't seen you in a while! You are walking on your own now, that's fantastic!"

The human smiled brightly hearing his name called. He had become good friends with the flower selling pony and had even helped her and her friends pick flowers for her.

"Hey Rose!" He said happily. "That's a nice bundle of roses you have there! You pick those today?"

"Yes as a matter of fact I did. I just picked them about half hour ago." She replied while picking out the largest rose from the bundle. "Here you take this one. It's the nicest one I have".

"Thanks Rose, but I'm sorry I can't take that for nothing. I can pay for it!"

"Don't be silly Johnny, it's a congratulatory gift for now being able to get around on your own and healing to a hundred percent!" She insisted while holding the rose closer to him. Johnny smiled from ear to ear as he accepted the gift from his friend.

"Thanks Rose, you really are a great friend!" Roseluck giggled loudly while slightly blushing.

"Your welcome Johnny. Next time you come by, we should go look around Canterlot for some new flowers and maybe go on a picnic."

Johnny nodded his head in agreement and waved goodbye. He then proceeded to make his way through the market, with the rose tucked in neatly in the front pocket of his coat. He walked by many of the Pony folk who lived in the bustling little town and stopped to say hi and wave hello to them.

"Good to see you walking on your own Johnny. Looking good!" Lyra called out to him who was walking with her friend Bon Bon who also smiled and waved to him.

"Thanks Lyra. Feels good to be walking on my own."

Johnny then looked above and saw a familiar grey pegasus with a yellow mane flying overhead.

"Hey there Derpy."

The pegasus looked down at him and smiled brightly. But then she bumped into a sign and fell to the ground with her saddlebag full of letters that she was trying to deliver.

"Holy shit! Derpy are you okay?" Johnny asked worriedly. Derpy then quickly sat right up and gave her head a rub.

"Hey Johnny. Don't worry about me I'm ok." She replied while then attempting to pick up her mail. Johnny then quickly grabbed the letters as gently as possible and put them back in her saddlebag. She was very grateful that he had fingers. Picking them up herself while using her mouth was more time consuming.

"Thanks for that. I wish I had those things you call fingers! It would make my job more easier!" She said while putting her saddlebag on her back.

"It's no problem. I'm sorry that I distracted you earlier, It's my fault!" Johnny replied while looking away feeling bad for himself. But Derpy then gave a reassuring pat on his arm and smiled.

"Don't worry Johnny, it's fine. This kind of thing happens a lot. Trust me!" She said while chuckling. He couldn't help but chuckle in agreement and then he stood up on his two legs.

"I'm happy to see that you're walking now on your own. How does that feel?" Derpy asked with curiosity. Johnny sighed in and stretched his arms into the air.

"It feels very free-ing!" He replied with a smirk. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a muffin that he had intended to give to her. He learned how to bake muffins from Pinkie Pie, especially his favorite kind. Blueberry! When he first met Derpy she told him how much she loved muffins, and he thought it was funny as he also loved muffins as well. The night before he had made a batch of blueberry muffins and put one aside to give to Derpy when he would see her next. She was excited to see the muffin, and quickly took a bite out of it.

"Mmm this muffin is delicious. It's probably the best one I have ever had!" This made Johnny smile brightly.

"Well I should hope so. I made it after all!"

Derpy blushed a deep color of pink and then finished off the muffin quickly which made Johnny give out a slight giggle.

"Well you definitely have the knack for making muffins, that's for sure! Thank you very much for it." She said sweetly.

"It's no problem Derpy, and if you want more of them come on by my house later." The grey pegasus giggled and then began to flap her wings.

"Thanks Johnny, I think I might do that!" She then took off into the sky to complete her delivery of the mail. Johnny then continued to head for Twilight's castle till he passed by Applejack's kiosk that was full of apples.

"Hey Applejack!" Johnny called to his farm pony friend. Applejack looked over at him and waved happily at him.

"Well howdy there Johnny, Imma glad tuh see ya walking 'round on yer own." She said in her recognizable southern voice. "How's that leg of yours feelin'?"

"Better. Much better thank you. I'm sure glad that I had those crutches that you made to get around, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't of made them for me!" Johnny admitted. "I just wanted to say thank you AJ, thank you for helping me get around too!" While Johnny was walking around with crutches, Applejack would sometimes offer him a lift into town or even come pick him up to help her and her family sort through apples at their farm Sweet Apple Acres. He enjoyed working at the farm, of all the different jobs he worked around town going to the farm was his favorite.

"It's no problem there Sugarcube. Anythin' for a friend!" She replied while handing him the largest roundest apple he had ever seen. "Here ya go hun, one for the road."

Johnny smiled and grabbed the apple from her hoof and took a bite out of it. It made a large crunchy and juicy sound, and it tasted absolutely fantastic.

"AJ, that's probably the tastiest apple that I have ever had in my life!" He mean't it too. He enjoyed all the different apple treats that she and her family made, it reminded him of his mothers apple deserts from back home.

"Aw shucks, that's good tuh hear. Well ah better be gettin' back tah work. These here apples aren't gonna sell themselves!"

Johnny smiled, then nodded his head and waved goodbye as then went to head towards the castle. He promised to Applejack that he would help her and Big Mac with the next harvest. Johnny then continued to walk through town until he finally reached the front door of Twilight's castle known as the 'Castle of Friendship. He knocked on the front door three times till he head the sounds of scurrying feet approaching from the other side. He then could hear the door unlocking till it began to open up from the inside. Johnny waited and looked down to see a familiar face. From inside the castle stood Spike the dragon, Twilight's number one assistant, the savior of the Crystal Empire and his best friend. One of his best friends!

"Hey Spike, how's it hangin?" Johnny asked with a smile. Spike looked up at Johnny and smiled back at his human friend.

"Hey Johnny Boy, it's hanging in the same place as always!" The purple dragon replied. "How about you? How's it hanging with you?"

"Same as you. Still in the same place". The two friends then laughed until they had tears forming in their eyes. Johnny then stepped into the castle with Spike walking beside him.

"So you're helping me and Twi sort through the books in the library today?" Spike asked.

"Yeah I told Twilight that I'd offer you and her a hand, as Starlight is away with Trixie on a trip to Vanhoover."

"That's great. I tell you we sure appreciate you helping us out. If you didn't come by today this would take the two of us forever to sort through them all! Thank celestia you have those hands of yours!" Johnny looked down at Spike with a puzzled look.

"What are you talking about Spike? You got those claws that kinda look like hands! What are saying? That you can't handle these books very well?" Spike looked back at Johnny with a bashful look.

"No, but I guess what I'm saying is that two sets of hands is better than one!" Johnny then chuckled and patted Spike on the shoulder.

"Its okay buddy, I'm just busting your balls! I'm more than happy to help you guys out, besides it's what friends do!"

Spike smiled and nodded his head in agreement. He knew that Johnny liked to tease him about different things, mostly about how he was so small for a dragon, how he sometimes was a bit of klutz when it came to doing some of his chores and his incredibly hilarious puppy crush on Rarity. Johnny thought it was funny to see Spike get all flustered every time he saw her, it made him remind him of himself back in his younger days. They then entered the library where Twilight was already sorting through the piles of books that lay in front of her. As Spike closed the door, the Alicorn princess turned around and was met with the sight of her dragon friend and the tall beefy and scruffy looking creature.

"Hey there Johnny, it's good to see you. I'm glad you could give me and Spike some help sorting through these books." She said kindly. Johnny looked at his purple alicorn friend and gave her a warm friendly smile.

"Hey Twilight. It's no problem at all. I'm more than happy to help!" Twilight nodded her head in agreement and then looked back at the pile of books.

"Well we better get started. I'm just hoping we can at least get these all sorted before sundown, I have been looking at these piles of books for the last three days and I have had enough with looking at them like this!" Johnny and Spike chuckled quietly and then set to work. Johnny wasn't and hadn't been much of an avid reader, but all the times he went over to visit Twilight and Spike he always went home with a book to read, or had his head filled with information from a story that she read to him during his visit. Well as it turned out it didn't take them all day to sort through the piles of books. With the use of Twilight's magic and the use of both Johnny and Spike's claws and fingers the job went by quickly, it was also easier considering that he was six foot seven inches tall. They were soon down to the last few books on the floor when Twilight looked over at Johnny and smiled again.

"Thanks for all your help Johnny, this would've taken far more longer without your help."

"It's okay Twilight, I said that it's no problem. I'm more than willing to help out a friend. Anytime!" Twilight blushed slightly and then proceeded to look at the last three books on her side of the pile. She remained quiet for another few minutes until she once again broke the silence.

"It's been eight months today! It's hard to believe all this time went by since when we found you!" Johnny immediately stopped sorting through the small pile of books and just sat there stiff and still for another few minutes until he acknowledged her.

"Yup! Hard to believe alright!" In a instant flash his attitude went from somewhat happy to completely still and quiet, he then felt numb deep inside himself and began to slightly tremble. Twilight noticed that Johnny had completely changed his attitude and became incredibly silent and had his back turned to her.

"Johnny. Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. Johnny didn't say nothing at first, firstly because he didn't want her to see that he had tears trickling down his cheeks. He quickly wiped the tears away and did a loud sniff into the air before he responded.

"Hmm...Yeah I'm f-fine. Just dandy". He then stood up and began to head for the exit from the library.

"If you excuse me Twilight, I am going to get going and go home for a nap".

Twilight was surprised by his sudden change in character, and the way he just said that he was leaving sounded strange to her. She knew that Johnny was a strange and odd guy but to her something was eating at him. Something was bothering him. Something that she just couldn't put her hoof on.

"Oh, well okay Johnny. Me and Spike can handle it from here. Thanks for your help though, I mean that. Honestly!"

Johnny didn't turn around to face her. He just simply waved goodbye with his head held down and his shoulders slumped over. Twilight felt sad for her friend. She had wanted to find out why he was acting so strangely and why did he want to be on his own most of the time? She had tried to go to his house several times to talk with him as well as her friends. But Johnny was a very private person and was protective of his house and wouldn't let her, Spike and not even the rest of her friends inside.

Meanwhile Spike came back into the room after he had been off taking care of his business.

"Hey Twi, where did Johnny go?" Twilight looked over at her dragon friend and simply shook her head.

"Johnny had to leave. He wanted to get going so I told him that we can finish from here." She replied with a slight smile on her face. Spike just looked down at his feet and sighed.

"Oh man. He said he was going to tell me about the greatest athletes who ever lived in his home world!"

Meanwhile Johnny was walking through Ponyville with his head held down and his feet dragging slowly behind him. He just continued to stare at the ground while he walked through the same part of town he had walked through earlier. All the other ponies waved and said hello to him, but he barely responded as he was no longer chipper and eager about himself. He didn't even notice the familiar white unicorn with a purple mane with the curls at the front.

"Johnny, oh Johnny darling. Over here!" Johnny then looked up and saw that he was walking by the carousel boutique and noticed that Rarity was standing out in front.

"Oh hey Rarity". He responded quietly. Rarity then stared at her tall and long haired friend that seemed rather quiet today for some reason.

"What's the matter darling? Did Rainbow Dash play another prank on you again?"

Johnny just shook his head. "I'm fine Rarity, I'm just tired from helping Twilight and Spike over at the castle for the last few hours".

"Oh okay, I completely understand darling. I just wanted to ask if you were still coming by tomorrow so I can measure for your new shoes?"

Johnny had completely forgotten that Rarity had promised to make him a new pair of skate shoes, considering the once brightly crimson colored Vans that he had on were now darkened and faded from being worn too much.

"Oh....Yeah I didn't forget. I'll be over sometime after breakfast Rarity."

"Fabulous darling, I'll see you tomorrow then!" She said with a hint of excitement. She had made lots of different dresses for ponies, but she had not done something like make shoes for a human before. She was excited and looking forward to the task. Johnny just slightly smiled and then turned away.

"OK. Thanks".

He then continued to head back towards his house, unbeknownst to him that Rarity was watching him walk away.

'I've gotten to like him very much, but I can't help but understand what is wrong with him? I wish I knew why, he just looks so sad all the time. It's....It's....Heart wrenching!'

Johnny then heard the distinctive sound of a pegasus flapping it's wings rapidly. He knew very well who that was! It was none other than the one and only Rainbow Dash. Equestria's fastest flier and member of the Wonderbolts. To Johnny Rainbow Dash was one of the coolest ponies that he had ever met. There was something about her attitude, the way that she always kept her head up even in the most difficult of situations, and the way that she showed a side of pure loyalty towards her friends and even him. They were somewhat almost exactly alike! They both loved things that go fast, they both had interests in things that fly and they were both very tough as nails. He told her about his times as a boxer, about the greatest bands of all time where he came from, and they would even arm wrestle each other. She would show him just how strong she really was and most of the time their arm wrestling competitions would end in a tie!

But today, Johnny was not in the right mood to want to be around anypony. Even Rainbow Dash! He kept his head down as the cyan speedster began to fly over top of him.

"Hey Goose!" She called to him with her own nickname for him. Johnny usually snapped at her when she called him by that name, but today he didn't respond to her normally the way he had done previously. He just kept walking and kept holding his head down.

"Hey Rainbow." He quietly replied giving her a slight wave.

"Do you think you can watch me practice my new tricks tomorrow? There is a couple of things that I have to nail down for the wonderbolts and I need somepony to watch and give me pointers. Any chance you can do that for me tomorrow? Might be a wonderbolts ticket in it for you if you do!"

Johnny didn't respond right away which Rainbow thought was strange. He loved going to see the Wonderbolts perform. He said it reminded him of airshows back where he was from.

"Yeah sure. Why not!" He replied glumly. He kept on walking through town and just continued to walk away from her.

'Something is definitely bothering that guy. I have seem him act strangely before, but I have never seen him like this! I wish he would tell me or the others but he won't say anything! Someday we will find out. Someday!' She thought to herself before taking off for home.

The tall quiet human then made his way past Sugarcube corner, which always gave off the hint and smell of fresh baked goods. Most of the time that smell would shake Johnny out of whatever funk he was in. But today was a different story. He didn't react to the smell of the delicious goodies being made inside, and he didn't even notice Pinkie Pie shouting to him.

"HEY JOHNNYYYYYYYYYYYY! You want to try my newest cupcake that I invented? It's called double fruit, double chocolate and double frosting cupcake! You want to try?"


The pink party pony was surprised that someone like him, who absolutely loved her baked goods and pies didn't respond back to her with interest in wanting to try the new cupcake. Her mane deflated slightly and her ears drooped towards her head.

'Huh, that's not like him to just turn down one of my cupcakes! I wonder what's wrong with him?" She asked herself before devouring the newest invention she created. Now she was saddened and the delicious flavor that the cupcakes gave off now didn't interest her anymore.

'Back to the kitchen to try another recipe!'

Meanwhile a pale yellow pegasus mare with a wavy and flowing pink mane was waiting patiently and whistling a pleasant tune. Fluttershy was waiting for Johnny at his house. She wanted to know how things were going between him and the rooster that she had given him. She then heard the rooster crow loudly into the air from up above on the roof which made the animal caretaker smile. She then saw the familiar shape of a bipedal figure making his way toward the house, with his head held down and both fists jammed into each pocket of his jeans and his head looking down at the ground.

"Hi...Hi Johnny. How are you doing today?" The shy pegasus asked kindly. She had taken a special liking to the only human of Equestria. She even helped look after him when he was in the hospital recuperating. As for Johnny he also took a special liking towards the kindest pony in Ponyville. There was something about her that reminded him of a girl he once knew back where he came from. Even though he was in a glum mood and felt miserable, just seeing her kind face and her aqua colored eyes made him feel slightly better, so he responded so not to be rude.

"Hey there Fluttershy". He said trying to hide the emotions that he was feeling. "I'm doing fine. What about you? What can I do for you?"

"Oh....I was just wondering if Norman isn't giving you too much trouble."

"Norman?" Johnny asked with a confused look.

"The rooster?" Fluttershy giggled while pointing to the roof where the rooster was earlier. Johnny felt rather stupid and smacked his palm against his forehead.

"Oh yyyyyeah. That's what you call him. I completely forgot what his name was 'heh heh'." Johnny chuckled. He looked at Fluttershy who appeared to be entertained by his goof up.

"But in all honesty Fluttershy, I really don't think I need him to be here! I mean I already have an alarm clock which can get me up whenever I want, but that darn Norman keeps making that racket every morning at five thirty! I ask him nicely to be quiet but he never stops his damn crowing!"

Fluttershy then gave Johnny a slightly worried look.

"Goodness, I'm really sorry Johnny. Norman usually doesn't crow that early when he was living at my cottage. Maybe I can talk with him and see if he can stop crowing so early in the morning." The little pegasus declared. She then flew over towards the rooster's den and poked her head inside and began to talk to the rooster.

Johnny at first thought Fluttershy was crazy when she said she talked to animals. He had never seen anything like it before in his life! He then became used to seeing her how she cared for the animals around Ponyville, and would sometimes chuckle to himself whenever he saw her doing that. Especially today!

'She's probably giving that little fucker the business. Serves him right too the shithead!' He said to himself while chuckling. Fluttershy then finished her conversation and then came back to talk with Johnny.

"He said that he will stop crowing so early in the morning and that he will do it later in the morning." She happily stated.

"How later in the morning are we talking?"

"Around seven in the morning. Give or take?"

"Okay. Well that's better than nothing I guess!" He replied with a smirk on his face. 'If it gives me an hour and a half of extra silence from that asshole then I'll take it!' He mumbled to himself.

"Thanks Fluttershy! If you didn't have the ability to talk to animals, I wouldn't have been able to get him to tone it down on his crowing." He said kindly. Deep down Johnny wanted her to remove him from his yard, but she was always so kind to him and he didn't want to hurt her feelings so he decided to give 'Norman' the rooster another chance.

"You're quite welcome Johnny" Fluttershy replied while slightly blushing. "Say would you like to come over to my cottage tomorrow for tea with me and Discord?"

Johnny looked at the little pegasus pony with his dark brown eyes and sighed deeply.

"Maybe Fluttershy. Tomorrow I have an appointment with Rarity at her boutique so she can make me a new pair of shoes, and Rainbow Dash wants me to give her pointers on her new trick for the Wonderbolts". Fluttershy looked a bit let down as he gave her his reply.

"Oh. Um..Okay that's fine". She quietly exclaimed. Johnny then began to feel bad deep down inside, he didn't like seeing her look so down.

"But if I finish up with the others early, then I can come by for tea". Fluttershy looked up at the tall bipedal creature and smiled brightly.

"Okay, that sounds good to me. See you tomorrow maybe". She said with a smile and a friendly wave of her hoof.

Johnny watched as his kind and friendly pony friend made her way back to Ponyville. He felt slightly better when she came by to visit him, but as soon as she left his mood reverted back to the way it was before and felt even more saddened deep down inside in his chest. A part of his brain wanted him to call for Fluttershy to come back as he didn't want to be alone right then and there. But no matter how much he tried to force himself to call her name, he just couldn't do it!

He went back inside his house and went up to his bedroom and laid down on top of his bed. So many thoughts were pulsating through his mind, it had gotten to a point that he didn't know where to begin.

'Has it really been eight months since I've been here? Shit it doesn't feel eight months, it feels more like a year or so.'

'And why did Twilight have to bring that up anyway? Doesn't she know what kind of pain I've been experiencing?'

'Well actually no as I have not told her or any of these Ponies about what's really wrong with me! And the less they know about me the better! I don't want them to worry about me, they already have enough shit to deal with! They don't need to hear my pathetic life story, it's no one else's business other than my own!'

He then began to close his eyes, layed as still as possible and then began to drift off into the land of slumber. That was until the sounds of screaming, the sound of tires screeching and metal being crunched and scraped along a flat hard surface could be heard.


Johnny awoke instantly while screaming loudly at the top of his lungs. He was cold and clammy and his t-shirt was drenched with sweat. He panted profusely as he felt like his lungs were on fire. He looked at his watch and saw that he had been dreaming and had only dozed off for twenty minutes. Now agitated and frustrated he jumped out of his bed and made his way downstairs. He then opened the liquor cabinet that was stocked with alcoholic beverages from his world and Equestria and grabbed the half drank bottle of Jack Daniels that he had attempted to polish off the previous night.

He removed the lid and threw it on the floor and tilted his head backwards to begin drenching his sorrows with the bitter tasting beverage. He winced at the taste of the bourbon and burning sensation that went down his esophagus towards his belly. He looked at the bottle and clenched his teeth in anger while proceeding to down another large gulp of the bourbon.

After downing another large gulp of the beverage he then began to feel the alcohol doing it's thing making him slightly tipsy and making him feel numb inside. After another few seconds he then placed the bottle against his mouth once again and this time he didn't take it away. Now used to the taste of the 'Jack' he began to chug the beverage rapidly and he didn't stop till the bottle was completely empty. After he got the last of the liquid from inside the bottle, he then panted desperately while trying to catch his breath. Afterwards he then shouted at the top of his lungs in a half drunken rage and then took the bottle and smashed it against the wall. The bottle smashed into pieces and put a rather large hole in the drywall, and then he took his frustrations out some more by punching the wall several times with both of his fists. Johnny then started to calm down and then slid down with his back against the wall, his fists trembling and bleeding. He then began to cry uncontrollably with tears streaming down his cheeks while he layed his head in the palms of his hands and bawled loudly.

'Why? Why did they have die? Why them? Why did this have to happen to me?' He asked himself while continuing to weep.

'And why am I still alive?'

"To be Continued"

Author's Note:

That's the end of the first chapter of 'They Call Me Johnny'

I wanted to write this story as this has been something I have been wanting to do for awhile. This will probably be one of the deepest and saddest stories that I will put here on fimfiction.

I hope you enjoy this so far.

Chapter 2 'That Night' coming soon.