• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 3,359 Views, 26 Comments

They Call Me Johnny - Dashie1791

Johnny is a human who lives in Equestria and become friends with alot of the pony folks but has a secret that he hasn't told them.

  • ...

We're your Friends

The Next Morning:

The feeling of what felt like his head being squeezed in a vice made Johnny absolutely sick to his stomach, as well the incoming rays of Celestia's sun didn't help matters much either. He quickly brought his hand to his face to cover his eyes, but even doing this felt like everything was in slow motion and made him feel nauseous. He then began to try and roll over to look away from the sun, but as he was doing this, he noticed that there was a certain pressure on his sheets and covers which made it harder for him to move.

'What the hell?'

Johnny then turned over to the other side and this time lifted himself up to see what could be possibly sleeping on his bed with him. He squinted his eyes to get a better look at the small figure that was completely passed out and not making a sound. He could see what looked like yellow feathers and some strands of pink hair alongside the bed on the pillow beside his.

'Fluttershy?' He asked himself, 'What is she doing here? Why is she in my house? And why is she in my bed?!'

He was just about to raise his voice and awaken the sleeping intruder, but as the rays of the sun slightly disappeared he then saw just how peaceful and cute she looked when sleeping. And he then remembered that she is a shy and frail pegasus and doesn't like it when she is startled. Johnny could only chuckle lightly to himself as he then proceeded to cover her with the remaining parts of his comforter. As he tucked her in his bed, he then felt his stomach beginning to make strange sounds and then his head and vision began to get blurry and everything then began to spin!

Johnny knew what was coming next! And he didn't want to be anywhere near Fluttershy when it happens. Struggling through the pain and dizziness, Johnny stumbled his way into the bathroom and shut the door. He turned on the light and stared into the mirror in front of him. He was shocked to see what looked like himself but in fact was completely different with bandages on his forehead, cuts and scrapes along his face and some bruising around his right eye.

The events from last night were nothing but a blur inside Johnny's head, which immediately made him feel dizzy and even more sick to his stomach. He turned on the tap until he got the water all nice and cold and slammed three glasses of water to try and get himself feeling better. At first he then began to feel better, but the strong gurgling sounds from his stomach came back in an instant and he knew what was definitely coming now..... Johnny then made a mad dash over to the toilet, and as soon as he lifted the toilet seat he put his head down and released the most foul looking and smelling vomit he had ever seen!

Johnny continued to puke into the bowl in a rapid fashion, and the dry heaves afterwards didn't help either as he just continued to release all that he had in his stomach from the night before. 'Fuck I hate puking!' After he finished his fourth release he then felt something resting on his shoulder. He looked over to see that Fluttershy had now entered the bathroom and was doing everything she could to make sure he was okay. For her to see him like this made him feel sad, but before he could get a word out he then humped himself over the toilet and retched into the bowl once again.

Fluttershy then began to repeatedly rub his back with her hoof as he continued to throw up into the bowl. Johnny thought for sure that Fluttershy would have bolted from the smell that clung in the air, but to his surprise she didn't go anywhere! She just continued to rub his back and soothe him with a gentle humming of a song.

"It's going to be okay Johnny, get it all out! You'll feel much better afterwards, trust me. I'm not going anywhere!" She said calmly and sweetly.

Hearing her kind words made Johnny feel warm inside, and he wasn't going to lie. The feeling of her hoof rubbing him down on his back did feel nice.

After he completely rid himself of whatever contents where inside his stomach from the night prior, Johnny then went and laid down on his bed once again. Fluttershy then came into the bed with a warm rag, a glass of water and some little pills in a small dish that was all laying on a tray while lying flat on her back. Johnny was enamored by how she could balance all that on her back and not spill anything, he guessed that probably after taking care for so many sick animals in her time she must've of gotten used to it.

"That's very impressive Shy. You really are a talented pony!" Johnny croaked out slightly as he took the glass of water from the tray and gulped down the pills that she had brought for him.

Fluttershy just managed to blush slightly as she fiddled with her mane that covered her right eye. "I-I don't know about that. I am not talented like Rainbow Dash with her flying tricks or even Twilight, Rarity or even Starlight with their magic. All I can do is look after sick or injured animals and take care of them the best I can!"

But Johnny quickly raised his hand up. "Don't second guess yourself Fluttershy, you are one of the kindest ponies around, and what you do for the animals around Equestria and how you look after me, I'd say that you definitely are talented. No matter what anyone or anypony says, you my friend are talented and are very special!"

Fluttershy didn't know what to say to respond to his high praises of her. All she could do was show him a big smile and give a small chuckle in reply which was good enough for him as he then laid back down on his bed and placed the rag on his forehead.

"Ugh, my head is killing me! I drank way way way too much last night! That's the last time I mix a bunch of different drinks together at once..." He stated as he closed his eyes. He then patted his eye which was still slightly swollen from last night but was slowly going down in size.

"By the way, what happened to me last night? How come my face is all banged up and bruised? I don't remember a thing from last night!"

Fluttershy then sat beside him on his bed and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I don't know Johnny. Spike was the one who found you first and then we came and took you home. You were already beat up and in bad condition when we found you." She explained as slowly as possible. "You then said something about....Um I don't really don't want to say b-but you said you got your 'Butt Kicked' and that's all you said..."

Johnny didn't say a word as he then opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. After a few seconds he then began to chuckle slightly. "Yeah, that definitely sounds like me! Leave it to me to get shitfaced drunk and completely forget every little fucking thing!"

Johnny then removed the cloth and placed it on his night table. For some strange reason the pills that Fluttershy had given him had now began to work their magic and his headache was starting to disappear. Fluttershy noticed this and began to rub him on the back. "Are you feeling better?"

Johnny nodded in reply. He then moved his legs over to the side of the bed and sat straight up. He then cleared his throat and then looked at Fluttershy. "Thanks for helping me out Shy. I appreciate it."

Fluttershy giggled and nodded her head. "It's no problem Johnny, I am always happy to help a friend."

Then Johnny got serious. "But I have to ask you? Why were you in my bed this morning? And how come you are in my house?"

Fluttershy then began to get nervous and started fidgeting with her hooves. "Umm, w-well when we found you, we brought you here and began to clean you up and then we put you to bed. Twilight and the others helped with cleaning up your wounds and scrapes, and then we put you to bed. I stayed because I wanted to make sure that you would be okay and were going to be alright, so I umm slept in y-your bed... I hope you are not mad at me..." She finished and then looked at the ground waiting for Johnny to flip his shit.

But he didn't.... Johnny then placed his hand on her head and began to rub her on the top of her mane, and also gave a scratch in behind her ears. She was surprised by what he was doing, but she was also comfortable with it as he gave ear scratches to all them. "It's okay Fluttershy. No I am not mad at you, a little pissed but I am not mad. I knew it was going to be a matter of time before you ponies would start coming over to my house and want to come inside again."

Flutterhsy then looked up at Johnny and gave him a kind smile, but then it faded as she remembered the other guests that were asleep downstairs. "Umm Johnny?"


"If I told you the others were downstairs and they were also worried about you, would you be mad about that?"

Johnny then looked to the ceiling. "It depends really..." He then looked at Fluttershy who now had a guilty look on her face. "Their all downstairs aren't they?"

Fluttershy squeaked and then nodded slightly.

"Oh for fucks sakes!"

Johnny then got himself dressed and made his way downstairs with Fluttershy right behind him. He could now see that his living room was now a hostel for five sleeping ponies and a dragon. Johnny wanted to be cross about this whole situation, but seeing his friends all passed out on his living room couch reminded him of his younger years with his old friends from back home and for some reason it brought back good memories. Memories that he thought he had lost forever...... He chuckled slightly to himself as he made his way into the kitchen to make some coffee.

"Do you need help with making the coffee and do you want me to wake up the others?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

Johnny looked down to his pegasus friend and shook his head. "No thanks Fluttershy, I got this. And don't wake the others up, I've got something up my sleeve to wake them up with." He replied.

Fluttershy didn't know what he could possibly be thinking, so she decided to just wait and find out. She nodded her head and just watched as Johnny began to prepare the pot of coffee. Once the coffee was finished, he began to pour the beverage into each medium sized cup that he could find. Today Johnny was going to make them the best damn cup of coffee that they have probably had in their lives. He didn't really like the coffee that the ponies drank in Ponyville. He found it too weak and tasting like dishwater.

'I'm going to blow their minds with this stuff. They have never had the coffee I make, and I bet they will never want to go back to their weak ass stuff ever again!'

When he was finished, he then presented a cup to Fluttershy who was more than happy to receive it. She blew into the cup and then took a small sip from it. 'She'll probably hate it! Even my old friends didn't like the way I make my coffee.' He thought to himself. But to his surprise Fluttershy was wide eyed and starting to drink more of it.

"Johnny, this coffee is amazing! How did you get it to be so tasty?" She asked with amazement. Johnny snickered and then showed her the inside of the holder that held the coffee grounds.

"Easy, I made it nice and strong. The way I have liked it since I was two years old."

Fluttershy then sputtered. "Y-you were two years old when you started drinking coffee?"

Johnny then shrugged. "Yeah, I used to like it black but now I need to have milk and sugar in it. It's funny, people from where I'm from said that coffee stunts your growth. But look at me! I'm over six foot seven, so I guess that all those people who said that were full of shit!"

Fluttershy then laughed slightly before taking another swig. "That's a funny story Johnny. Now I don't know about these people you are talking about, but this is the best coffee I have had in a long time!"

Johnny slightly smiled and then nodded his head. He then placed the rest of the cups of coffee on a tray that was in the cupboard and began to head out into the living room. "C'mon Flutters, we've got six sleepyheads that need waking up!"

Soon Johnny began to go to each one of his friends and held their cups just inches from their muzzles. The aroma from the strong coffee was more than enough to wake them from their slumber with a start.

"Wakey wakey!" Johnny teased as he watched Twilight and the rest of the group come to their senses. They all stared wide eyed at the human who was still holding the cups of hot coffee on the tray.

"Oh my gosh Johnny, we're so so sorry! We didn't mean to stay here for the night, we didn't mean to trespass in your home and we sure didn't mean t-"

"Twilight!" Johnny yelled out to cut off his Princess friend. "It's okay. Here I've got some coffee for you guys.."

Twilight then grabbed the coffee using her magic as Johnny began to go to each of the others with the tray. "Well thank you very much darling. This coffee smells absolutely divine." Rarity said.

"Wait till you try it!" Johnny replied with a smirk.

The others then followed suit and did as Johnny had told them. And from what he could see on the look of their faces it was more than enough for him to see that they liked the coffee.

"Wow! This coffee is sooooooo goooood!" Pinkie Pie cheered happily.

"It's even better than Rarity's coffee!" Rainbow Dash joked.

"Hey!" Rarity hissed.

"And it's way better than tha sludge Twilight drinks." Applejack added.

Now it was Twilight's turn to get all flustered. "My coffee is not sludge! I'll have you know that I like the coffee that I make, and I think it tastes just fine thank you very much!"

"Yeah yeah, if you say so Twilight." Spike chirped in. "Why do you think I don't drink it in the mornings? You're coffee is terrible!"

Twilight glared at her assistant. "Well excuse me for-"

"Girls please, it's way way way to early to hear your bickering. Now just drink your coffees and please 'SHUT THE FUCK UP'! I just got rid of a headache and you're already starting to give me another one!" Johnny hissed.

That was more than enough to quiet down the group. They soon averted their gazes and began to slowly drink their coffees quietly. Johnny sighed and then sat down in the recliner chair nearest the window. He opened the window and then lit up a cigarette and began to drink his coffee. He stared at the ceiling as he listened to his friends continue to drink their beverages. He took drag after drag of his smoke and then finished off his coffee before the others could. His morning ritual of drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette was complete, except that instead of listening to the sounds of silence, he had seven of his friends in his living room. They were used to seeing Johnny smoking, and were even comfortable around him whenever he lit up, but they didn't think he smoked in his own house.

"Why do you smoke inside the house? Wouldn't it be better if you smoked outside?" Rarity asked, the first one to break the awkward silence.

"Cause it's my house, and I can do whatever I want!" Johnny replied with a hint of agitation.

"Oh, well sorry I asked then darling." Rarity replied as she looked away with a sad look on her face.

Johnny sighed quietly to himself. He wasn't trying to be a dick to her, but he just didn't like it when he was told what to do. Especially in his house! He then moved forward and placed his empty cup on the dirty coffee table and threw his smoke out the window.

"Look, I didn't mean to be rude. I just have a bit of a pain in my head and don't feel right after last night." He stated as his friends looked into his eyes. "I'm also not used to having this much company over here in the morning, especially you guys. I know you always want to come over here and check out my house, but after what Pinkie did, I really didn't want anyone else to come barging in."

"This is my home, my place of solace and peace and I didn't want you all over here ruining it! But I realize that I wasn't a very good friend these last few months. You've all been so kind to me ever since I came here and I can't thank you enough for all you've done. So if I have been an asshole to you guys since I've come here, I just want you all to know that I'm sorry." He finished.

Twilight and the others then smiled and nodded their heads in approval.

"You were not a bad friend to us Johnny. We all think that you're one of the nicest beings that we know." Twilight sad happily.

"Yeah you're one of the coolest things that we have ever seen. And you are also pretty funny, especially when you get a bit flustered when I call you goose!" Rainbow Dash chipped in. Johnny then glared at her but shook his head. 'I should of never told her about that movie or that guys name!'

"Yeah you're also super duper fun to hang around with and always enjoy a good party here and there!" Pinkie Pie said while appearing on his shoulder. 'How the hell does she do that?'

"You're also very helpful." Rarity said with a flick of her eyelashes. 'Did she just seriously do that?'

"And you're also very strong. Especially when it comes to helping out at tha farm." Applejack stated. 'She definitely is an honest one.'

"And you also give out some great advice!" Chipped in Spike. 'I don't know about that.... Just wish he'd take my advice and tell Rarity how he feels about her already!'

"And you are also very kind. I think you are one of the most kindest creatures in all of Equestria!" Fluttershy said in a calm and low voice. 'I'm never going to get used to being called a creature! I guess I'll have to deal with it, me being the only human around these parts after all!'

"But most importantly, we forgive you Johnny!" They all said together in unison.

Hearing all these kind words made Johnny feel better inside. He was definitely lucky to have them as his friends, but deep down he still felt sad for himself and for hurting his friends feelings over the last few months.

Pinkie Pie then sat beside him and placed her hoof on his leg. She had one of the saddest most guilty looks on her face he had ever seen. "I am again also sorry for what I did the last time I was here. I know I shouldn't of barged in as this is your house and I need to learn how to respect others privacy. Please forgive me and please let us come over here more often!" She wailed with little rivers of tears flowing out of her eyes.

Now Johnny couldn't bear to see others cry, especially someone as bubbly and happy as Pinkie Pie! He sighed and then began to scratch her behind her ear which made her leg start to thump up and down like a dog. "It's okay Pinkie, I forgive you. And yes you can all come over more often."

Pinkie sniffed and then began to show a small smile. "R-really?" Johnny then slightly smiled and nodded his head.

Then the pink party pony began to vibrate and then jumped into the air almost hitting the ceiling. "Yayyyy!"

"BUT!" Johnny cut her off as she froze in mid air. "But only when you knock on the door like civilized beings, and not touch anything without asking me first! Got it?" Pinkie then nodded her head while still in the air.

"Good, that settles things. And for love of god, stop doing that! You're creeping me out!"

Pinkie then dropped from her place in mid air and landed safely on the ground. The others all sighed and smiled hearing that they were now allowed to come over to his house more often. Johnny could only shake his head and chuckle as he then began to sit upright and do a slight stretch.

"Okay, now who's up for some breakfast?"

About an hour later, Johnny had finished his cheddar omelette which he liked to make really cheesy! The others had the same, except Twilight's was not as cheesy. Each one of his friends were really enjoying their meals and were also excited as this was the first time that Johnny had cooked for them. No one was saying a word as the only sounds that were made was the sounds of munching and mmmmm's coming from each other. But Johnny thought this was too quiet...

Johnny then finished his third cup of coffee and then leaned backwards and let out the mightiest and loudest burp he had probably ever done. All eyes were on him as he looked at the group of his friends at the table. Rainbow, Pinkie, Spike and even Applejack had tears in their eyes as they couldn't stop laughing. Twilight let out a small chuckle but then tried to look all serious. Fluttershy blushed as the words just couldn't come to her mind. But Rarity was the one who didn't laugh and who didn't chuckle. She was borderline put off and disgusted.

"Seriously darling? At the table of all places?"

The laughing group finally managed to get a grip on things as they all wiped away their tears and held their stomachs. Johnny just looked at Rarity with a big shit eating grin and replied.

"Well it's better out that in! And don't be mad just cause you can't burp that loudly."

Rarity's face then turned a bright shade of red, and then she turned away. The others couldn't figure out if Rarity was that upset or was about to blow her lid. But then Rarity turned back, inhaled deeply and then released a similar sounding belch that echoed throughout the whole house. Her friends especially Spike were absolutely shocked that Rarity of all ponies in Equestria would do something as rude and impolite as that. Rarity looked to the others and then to Johnny who was now completely still. He didn't say a word nor let out a single chuckle. He just shrugged and then picked up his mug and held it up to her.

"Nice one!"

Then the entire group then all burst out into a fit of laughter once again, even Twilight and Fluttershy had to join in on the action. Johnny didn't laugh, he just chuckled and then stood up and began to take all the empty plates into the kitchen to clean them off. Twilight noticed this and remembered full well why they were all there in the first place. She then leapt down from her chair and went into the kitchen to talk with Johnny.

Johnny now had the hot water running and began to wash off the plates by hand. He did in fact have a dishwasher, but he didn't have any dishwasher detergent left so until he found another type of detergent to use in it he was doing the dishes by hand. Which didn't bother him the slightest. As he rinsed off the first plate, he could feel the presence of eyes staring directly at him. He turned around to see Twilight who was sitting at the entrance way of the kitchen and was giving him a solemn look.

"What? What are you staring at?" Johnny asked, starting to feel uneasy with the Princess looking at him like that. Just then the rest of the group of his friends joined her and were giving him the exact same look. Twilight then cleared her throat and sat up on her hooves.

"Johnny, we have to talk!"

Johnny then turned back to his dishes and began to wash the next plate again. He didn't say a word as he continued to do his thing. Twilight was stunned that Johnny had completely ignored her and she tried again to tell him.

"Didn't you hear me? I said we have to talk!" She stated loudly which made her friends cringe slightly. They didn't like seeing her get loud, but they were also worried how Johnny might react.

They all watched as Johnny then rinsed off the last of the plates under the running water. He didn't turn his head before he gave her a cold and quiet reply. "There's nothing to talk about!"

Twilight cocked her head. "What do you mean there is nothing to talk about?"

"You heard me! I said there's nothing to talk about, so just stop saying we need to talk!" He snapped. Twilight backed up slightly but was not backing down.

"Johnny! There is something seriously wrong going on with you that we need to talk about. Now the reason we are here is to talk about this and we're not going anywhere until you tell us what's going on with you!" She stated in a stern demanding tone.


A plate went hurling across the kitchen at full force and broke apart on impact and landed everywhere in about a hundred pieces. Johnny then using his right fist forced it against the wooden door of the cupboard three times making solid connections with it until the door broke in half down the middle. The group was wide eyed and shocked! In all the time that they knew Johnny, they had never seen him lose his temper and had never seen him destroy anything. By now Johnny's hand was shaking uncontrollably and blood began to drip from his knuckles. He clenched his teeth together and let out a massive shout which echoed through the whole house.

His friends then all covered their ears and closed to their eyes to advert their gazes from what could possibly be a sight of destruction. But after a what felt like had been an eternity but had been a few seconds, the sounds of screaming and smashing came to an end. They all looked up to see Johnny with his left hand covered over his mouth, his eyes were shut tight and there were streams of tears flowing down his cheeks, and was now sobbing terribly and shaking all over. He then leaned against the sink and slid down slowly until he was now entirely on the floor. He slumped forward and began to cry loudly while resting his forehead on his arms all while his whole body shook.

Fluttershy then moved towards her sad, broken and hurt friend and sat beside him. She placed her hoof on his back and began to rub it in small circles as she tried her best to calm him down. She was then surprised when he then embraced her in a tight hug and brought her closer to him. She didn't deny this motion as she then draped her wing over top of him. Then Johnny could feel warmth around his entire body. He opened his eyes a crack to notice that Twilight, Spike, and the others had now surrounded him and now had him in a hug. To Johnny, this warmth that he felt was something that he had not felt since his he was with his parents and brother and sister.

After a few minutes Johnny's crying then began to die down. He tried to wipe his tears away with his right hand, but he was still in a tight embrace from his friends and he saw that his hand was still cut up from hitting the cupboard. Luckily the bleeding had stopped. Rarity using her magic then began to wipe away his tears with a handkerchief, Twilight and Fluttershy began to bandage his hurt hand, Spike got him a glass of water while Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack sat around him and rubbed his back trying to make him feel comfortable.

When his hand was finished be bandaged, Twilight then stood up and sat beside him while resting a hoof on his shoulder and then cleared her throat. "Johnny, I am really sorry that I angered you, and wanting to find out about what's going on. I should've respected your decision and let it be, but I mean it when I say that we do care about you and that we're really worried about you!"

Johnny then tilted his head forward and looked at the ground. He couldn't get any words to come out at the exact moment so he said nothing.

"We're really worried Sugarcube". Said Applejack.

"Yeah, we don't like to see you when you're sad." Pinkie choked with tears in her eyes.

"C'mon bud, please tell us what's wrong." Rainbow said while patting his back.

"Or you can tell us when you're ready. Whatever works for you will be fine, but when you do I'll be sure to do what I can to help." Fluttershy said kindly.

"That's right darling, and so will I." Rarity added.

Johnny then looked up to his seven friends, and asked them in a croaky voice.

"Why? Why do you guys care about me so much? And why do you want to know so much about my problems?" He asked with a few small tears in his eyes. His friends then all had shocked looks on their faces as he asked them the one question they never thought he would ask. Then all at once, in unison they looked Johnny right in his eyes and gave him his answer.


Johnny all of a sudden could feel his heart beginning to break. He knew that he was having problems, not only with his drinking but also the pain that he had locked inside himself that he didn't want his friends to know. He didn't want to bother them with his problems, but seeing how caring they were and how worried they looked was too much for him to bear. And he knew he had been distant from them and had been a real shitty friend. He then wiped off his tears once again and tilted his head down and then raised it one again.

"Okay." He said in a low voice. "If you really want to know what's going on, then I'll tell you."

The group of friends all then wound up back in Johnny's living room, all sitting on the floor together in one big circle. Johnny had Fluttershy to his left, Rainbow Dash to his right, Twilight sat directly in front of him while Spike sat beside her on her left and Pinkie Pie on her right. Applejack and Rarity took up the rest of the spaces until they had formed the perfect circle. In the meantime, Johnny had managed to crack open a bottle of Grey Goose that he had inside his liquor cabinet, and had poured some of it into a small glass. Normally he would've drank it out of the bottle, but after the rowdyness from last night that was still a blur in his mind, he decided to pace himself and take things slow.

Twilight then cleared her throat which caught the attention of the group including Johnny. He sat up as straight as he could and looked at Twilight directly in the eyes. "Johnny, what has been bothering you these past few months?" Johnny took a swig from his small glass of vodka and placed it on the table.

"I have been like this a lot longer than a few months Twilight! In fact I have been like this for quite a few years now!"

The group of Ponies then all got confused looks on their faces as he finished his sentence. "What? What do you mean for the last few years?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You've only been here for eight months!"

Johnny scratched behind his neck as he shifted slightly in his place. "I know I have been here for eight months Dash. But i'm talking about before I even came to Equestria, back when I was still living in my world."

The others stared at Johnny with eyes wide open as he finished off his glass of vodka and placed the glass on the table. He then looked down to the floor and and breathed in slowly and sighed deeply. "Guys, I am not happy! In fact I am far from it!"

Twilight scooted over towards him a little bit and placed a hoof on his leg. "What do you mean you are not happy Johnny?"

Johnny then cleared his throat and then looked up into his friends eyes and to the others. "I mean that I am depressed! I have been dealing with depression for along time now, since the day of my eighteenth birthday and the day that I lost everything that I loved...."

There was silence in the room for about thirty seconds until Applejack broke the silence. "What did ya lose sugarcube?"

The others leaned closer, waiting for their friends answer. The answer came after Johnny then wiped away a small tear from his eye. "My family."

Pinkie then came over and wrapped her forehoof over his shoulder. "Aww, you miss your family. Oh well I'm sure that you will see them again. I'm sure that Twilight will find a way to get you back to your world so you can see them aga-"

"She can try all she wants!" Johnny replied while cutting her off and slamming his hand on the floor. "But I will never see them again! Even if Twilight did find a way for me to go home, they would not be there waiting for me!"

"Well what happened to them darling?" Rarity asked.

Johnny then huffed loudly and looked away. "They died.... They all died on my eighteenth birthday!"

The entire room went so quiet, that even the sound of crickets chirping could be heard. Johnny could see that his friends all had looks of shock, sympathy and sadness. Fluttershy leaned against him and spoke in a low low voice that he could hardly hear. "Th-th-they d-d-died?" Johnny immediately nodded his head. The reaction was too much for Fluttershy as she then wrapped both forehooves around him and began to cry. Twilight and the others were still trying to catch their bearings. They knew that Johnny was sad and had problems but they didn't expect it to be this bad.

"I-I thought you said you had family back where you came from?" Twilight asked. Johnny didn't say anything.

"I can't believe that happened to you." Rainbow Dash said in a low raspy voice. "I'm so sorry!"

"That's horrible darling, I feel so terrible right now!" Rarity sobbed slightly.

"Ah'm so sorry to hear that hun." Applejack added.

"I went from being sad to super duper sad!" Pinkie Pie wailed as rivers of tears began to flow from her eyes and her mane completely flattened.

Spike tried to say something, anything to say to his friend but the words just seemed to not want to come out. He just sat in his place quietly and wrapped his arms around Twilight's right forearm, which she responded by placing her wing over Spike and holding him next to her.

Johnny was now sitting in a circle with his seven friends who were all shocked and some were even crying. None more than Fluttershy who had still not taken her head off his leg. He could feel a wet spot forming where her head was laying it. He didn't want to see his friends get all sad because of what happened to him in his past. That was the last thing he wanted to do! So he tried to calm every pony down and get everything straightened out.

"I'm sorry you guys. I didn't mean to keep that away from you, but that's why I lied about my family still being alive cause I didn't want to get you all upset."

His friends all then seemed to calm down and moved in closer to him. "It's a hard thing to talk about you know. It ain't easy telling others what you're going through. I dealt with my sadness and my depression for years after the day that they all died, but no matter what I just couldn't run away from it."

"It turned me into a broken down mess. My boxing career went for shit from that day on. I couldn't get my head in the game and I then started to drink my sorrows away thinking that it was the answers to my problems!" He stated as poured himself another small mouthful of vodka. "But in reality all it made me do was turn me into a really really big fucked up mess! I then couldn't spend my days without having a alcoholic beverage near me whenever I was sad or even when I tried to sleep."

Johnny then told his friends how his parents car was struck by a drunk driver and that the car rolled over several times and he was the only survivor. He made it out with a broken arm, and had cuts and scrapes all over him. He then explained when their car then burst into flames which really horrified him from that day on, and it even horrified his friends when he told them. He then explained that the crash and the sight of the car on fire became etched into his mind, and that the event haunted him still.

"I have had troubles sleeping at night ever since then!" He explained. "Every time that I close my eyes and drift off to sleep the same events keep playing in my mind like a movie set on replay, it just keeps playing over and over and over again. It just never stops! I wake up in the middle of the night screaming and have sweat running down my face, and tears just coming out of my eyes. It's just so painful to keep living through the same events and the same tragedy over and over."

"Which I why I also chose to keep drinking. It seems to help get rid of the pain and it seems to help me sleep as well. I sleep much better when I am shitfaced, but doing so has turned me into a really bad alcoholic! I pretty much can't go on a single day without consuming some kind of alcoholic beverage, and I know if I keep it it up I'll eventually hurt myself or even die! Which is what I wanted to do the night that I came here!"

As soon as he said those words, Fluttershy immediately stopped her crying and looked up at Johnny with red eyes and a look of confusion. "W-what do you mean?" She asked.

The others all agreed with her. "Yeah Johnny, what do you mean that is what you wanted to do?" Twilight asked with a slight frown on her face. Johnny knew that eventually he would have to explain to his friends that he was in fact suicidal. It was not the easiest thing he wanted to tell them since he wound up in Equestria, but the feelings of the darkness still lingered inside him ever since that night.

He took a deep breath and revealed his biggest secret, which would be even more shocking than revealing that he was depressed. "The night that I wound up in Equestria, was the night that I wanted to take my own life." He revealed. "I hopped on my Ducati after consuming a lot of booze and decided that I couldn't be happy unless I killed myself. So I drove down the road near my house and then down my driveway at fast speeds. I was aiming at the concrete wall that was at the end of the driveway and was going to crash into it. I knew that hitting that at high speeds would kill me for sure but I didn't get that far because I somehow ended up here!"

His friends all then remembered the night that Johnny came to Equestria. The sight of the unknown object appearing out of a massive blue entity at incredible speeds, the sight of the foreign creature all banged up and bloodied, and then remembering the last eight months he had spent with them. There was no doubt that they had become quite attached to Johnny, they all saw that he was the coolest and most kindest being from another world that they have ever known. But now their friend was revealing that he tried to take his own life, and by the sounds of it he still had some interest in fulfilling his plan.

Twilight then cleared her throat and then spoke up to be heard. "Is that true Johnny? Is everything that you said to us the truth?" Johnny didn't say a word, he just nodded and turned his head the other way. The others were shocked to hear what their friend had said. They all thought he was a fun loving guy who liked to take things to the extreme with his drinking, but they never thought that he would do something as drastic as this.

"But why didn't you say anything to us if you were feeling bad?" Asked Pinkie, "We would of been more than happy to help you to try and feel better. Why didn't you say anything?"

Johnny then lifted his head and gave his reply. "To be honest it's not an easy thing to talk about. And the reason I didn't say anything to you guys is that I didn't want to bother you with my problems and have you all feel bad about my sorry ass! And also it's not your business to worry about what is wrong with me!"

Twilight and the others gasped to what he had said. All except Fluttershy! She quickly sprang to her hooves, and then she connected her hoof against the side of his face and sent him backwards onto his back. Johnny was wide eyed as then the supposedly shy pegasus then towered over top of him. She was huffing loudly and had tears forming in the corner of her bloodshot eyes. Johnny was scared! He had never seen Fluttershy this mad and never in a million years thought she would hit him.

Her friends were shocked and speechless!

Johnny then tried to sit up but was quickly pushed back down by his friend. "Fluttershy? What the fu-"


Johnny was completely stunned. Never in all the time he had been in Equestria he had never seen Fluttershy so mad and yell so loudly. He had seen her upset at her animals before but had never shouted at them, so this was a side of her that clearly did not show very often. Even her friends were surprised by her outburst. He tried to say something to her but he couldn't, Fluttershy then choked up again.

"Please! Please don't talk that way anymore! Please don't think of yourself as a bother, don't ever keep things like this to yourself... We are your friends and we would do anything to help you, doesn't matter what it is if you feel depressed or even feel like taking your own life, we would do anything for you. If you do harm yourself, think about what it would do to us? So please, don't talk about harming yourself anymore!" She finished while holding back her tears.

Johnny's whole spirit inside was now completely crushed. He had never felt so bad about himself in a long long time, and he knew that he had hurt Fluttershy and his friend's feelings. He became teary eyed once again as he looked over at the open bottle of vodka on the table. His first instincts told him to take a sip, but then he clenched his teeth and moved away from the bottle.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy. I'm sorry the rest of you. I know that I have been a really shitty friend these last few months, and I am sorry that I didn't tell you the whole truth. But there is actually another reason why I didn't tell you!"

The group then looked up at him as he proceeded to put the cap on the vodka bottle. "You see, when I said that I had friends back where I'm from, I- I lied about that too! I don't have any friends back home at all!"

There was silence in the room as Johnny told them his other secret. "Why don't you have any friends Johnny?" Asked Twilight. Johnny then cleared his throat again as he told them the rest of his story.

"Well I came from a very wealthy family. And when my parents died a whole lot of money was left to me in my name. So I went from being in rich family to being a very wealthy individual. And once I became rich, all of my friends who I thought were my friends then started to act like different people".

"They didn't seem to care that my family had all died, but were then all interested in me because I then had a lot of money and all they all started coming to me looking for handouts! One by one, they all came and bummed money off of me! And then when I did give them some money they all took off and I never saw them again. Of all the people I expected to screw me over and treat me like that....My friends! My so called fucking friends all stabbed me in the back and took off! Even through all tough times in school and all the years that we spent together growing up they all showed their true colors and vanished!" Johnny finished while clenching his right fist into a ball.

"And that is why I don't have any friends back home. I couldn't trust anyone after what they all did to me! I thought I couldn't find a true friend that wanted to be friends with me for 'ME' and not because I was rich. I didn't want to experience being lied to and treated like that ever again so I told myself that I would not try and look for any more new friends!" He explained as he then covered his face with his hand and sighed deeply.

"And that is why I didn't tell you guys anything. Because I wasn't ready to make any friends and I wasn't really that ready to trust you guys either. I just thought in my mind that you would all treat me the same way that my other so called friends treated me." He then finished. He waited to see what Twilight and the others reaction would be to his big reveal, but then quickly he had his answer. He was then fully engulfed in a huge hug by Twilight and the others.

"Johnny, it's awful that your friends betrayed you back in your world. But we would never ever treat you like that. We really like you and you are our friend!" Twilight said in a comforting and heartwarming tone.

"Yeah, forget about those losers that went behind your back! You have friends that would never go behind your back or treat you like garbage. We've got your back big guy, and don't you forget that!" Rainbow Dash said sternly.

"Yeah, we are best friends and we will always help ya whenever we can!" Applejack added.

"Hear hear!" Said Pinkie Pie.

"Friends till the end darling!" Rarity chimed in.

"No matter what situation, we'll be sure to figure them out together!" Spike said proudly. Twilight was happy with what Spike said and rubbed him on top of his head in approval.

Fluttershy spoke last. "And you know that if you ever need to talk about anything and if you ever start to feel sad or down, just know that we will be here for you. No matter what!"

Johnny then started to cry once more. His tears trickled down his face as he choked up from every breath as he tried to get it together. But the more he cried the more tightly his friends hugged him. Rainbow Dash began to rub his back as Fluttershy rubbed him on his head. To Johnny, this sensation of getting hugged by his friends and having them comfort him was a feeling that he had missed for a long time. And also he then began to feel an overcoming feeling of relief from telling them about his past and his problems.

'Maybe......maybe this is what I should've done from the very start. I should have told them what was going on with me and told them I was struggling. Cause now I feel better inside, no I feel extremely better inside.'

Then to the ponies and the dragon's surprise, Johnny then began to laugh. In the whole eight months that he had been living in Equestria, they had never seen or heard Johnny laugh but now he was in a full out laughing fit. Johnny laughed and laughed as he held onto his friends, his dear friends as he laughed away his sorrows.

"Johnny?" Rainbow asked.

"Are you okay darling?" Rarity wondered.

Johnny then released his friends as he then wiped away his tears and got hold of himself. "Hehehe, yeah I am just feeling so much better and also very relieved. I just can't remember the last time that I have laughed that hard before, it just feels so good right now." He explained as he looked to all his friends.

"I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I can do anything that I couldn't do before!" Johnny finished. His friends all then smiled as he then began to stand straight up. He then took a long look around his house and noticed that it was indeed very messy and disgusting inside. There was dust on all of the tables, as well as on the TV and the entertainment stand. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling which made the house look like something from a old fairy tale, garbage was covering most of the floor as well as several empty liquor bottles and particles of drywall from the walls with holes in them from many late night drunken ragers.

"Like clean this freakin house! Oh my god, I can't believe I let this house get this dirty. My mom and dad would have my head if they saw their house look like this!" He finished as he then walked over to the small closet near the front door and brought out a contraption that had a cylinder shape at the top, a long tube down the middle and a rectangular box at the bottom. This was of course a vacuum cleaner, but he knew that the ponies didn't have anything like this Equestria.

"Do you...Do you guys want to help me clean this place and get to check out the cool technology from my world?"

For Johnny, he didn't have to ask twice as his friends all bolted up to their hooves. Rainbow Dash immediately had a broom and dustpan in her grasp, Twilight and Rarity's horns were charged up and the others all had cleaning supplies with them, which was somewhat strange to Johnny.

"Yes of course Johnny!" They all said at once. Johnny tried to say something but he just sighed and smiled brightly as he then grabbed a rag from the closet.

"Alright then. Let's get to cleaning!"

End of Chapter Five

Author's Note:

Finally!!!!!!! After a long hiatus I have finished chapter five.
This was a hard chapter for me to complete as I have had a lot of stuff to deal with these last few months. I completely understand if this chapter is not what you have been expecting, but I have not been writing for quite some time, so I kinda rushed through some of the material.

I promise to bring out more chapters and other stories in the not so distant future. But in the meantime, enjoy this chapter and continue to show your support.

Thanks readers......

Comments ( 13 )

This is so cute :heart:

Wow a relay good chapter, so much emotion and depth just WOW.

I really like this :)


Do you know if there will be a update soon.

I have been taking a break from writing but am starting to get back into it as I've realized how much I miss it. I am currently working on a couple of different projects but I should be working on the next chapter very soon...

Thank you for the reply.

7.8/10 too much water

Can you please update.

Love this story so much! Even if it never gets updated again.

I am still plucking away at the next chapter. I just have alot of things keeping me busy from writing. I don't know when it will be finished but all I can say is soon.

Comment posted by Deathofaking deleted Sep 11th, 2022
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