• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 3,360 Views, 26 Comments

They Call Me Johnny - Dashie1791

Johnny is a human who lives in Equestria and become friends with alot of the pony folks but has a secret that he hasn't told them.

  • ...

The First Few Days

While he was in the Ponyville hospital, the nurses and doctors quickly examined Johnny and then got a good look at his leg. He was in excruciating pain when the doctors felt around his leg, it was obvious that they had not done an examination on a human before, so they really didn't know what to do till Johnny had to basically tell them what to do.

While out in the waiting room, Twilight and the others where waiting patiently to hear of any good news about the newest visitor in Ponyville. The nurse with a nurses cap and had a white coat and light pink mane and tail then came into the room to address them.

"How is he Nurse Redheart?" Twilight asked nervously. Redheart looked at the princess and then gave her a reassuring smile.

"The patient known as Johnny is stable and is doing okay." She replied. "He's in room four if you girls want to go visit him?"

The girls then quickly made their way into the hospital room where the human was being held. Rainbow Dash cringed as she walked down the hallway of the hospital.

"What's tha matter Rainbow?" Applejack asked.

"I hate coming back to this place!" Rainbow replied, "This place makes feel uneasy every time I come here. I haven't severely hurt myself since I've been in the bolts. Knock on wood!" She then tapped the wooden floor with her hoof, which made her friends laugh.

They then entered the room to see Johnny laying on what looked to be a makeshift hospital bed, it was made up of two hospital beds that had been put together lengthwise. Johnny was looking over at the pony who was laying the bed next to him, he was severely bandaged up and was giving Johnny the most frightened look. Johnny then made several hand gestures to the pony next to him to try and calm him down.

"Take it easy there man, I ain't going to hurt you or anything. Just relax and don't worry about me." The pony then gave Johnny a slight nod and then turned his head the other way. The girls gave a slight chuckle to what just happened and then walked up to him.

"Hey Johnny, are you doing okay?" Twilight asked. Johnny then looked at the six ponies that helped him and kindly smiled.

"Hey girls. I'm doing okay. Doc just gave me some painkillers to ease the pain, and I think it is working."

They all sighed with relief as Fluttershy then examined Johnny's right leg. It was now wrapped in a full cast and held out in a straight line and was now stiff as a board.

"So what did the doc say about your leg? Fluttershy asked in a worried tone.

"Well Doc says it's definitely broken, but he is just waiting to see the final results from my X-ray."

No sooner he said that, the doctor who had a jet black mane and tail and was wearing a lab coat and had a solemn look on his face. He made his way over to the group and cleared his throat to announce the situation.

"Well I have to say as I have never heard or even seen a creature quite like you before it didn't take much to see from the examination that you're leg is indeed broken. We took some X-rays of your leg but we will not know how bad it is until the morning." He concluded by adding, "So you will have to stay here in the hospital until then!"

Johnny understood what the doctor was saying and nodded his head. He then looked at the six ponies that had brought him there and gave them a small smile before letting out a yawn.

"Well thanks for bringing me here girls. I appreciate all that you have done for me, but I am kinda tired and would like to try and get some sleep." Twilight and the others all nodded their heads and smiled back.

"Of course Johnny. We will come back later in the morning to check up on you." Twilight happily replied. "I'm curious to know more about how you got here and where you are from!"

Johnny chuckled and then waved to her politely. "Oh yes....Of course!"

The rest of the group then all said goodbye and then made their way out of the room. As he began to make himself comfortable in the makeshift bed, he then looked over at the nurse who was walking into the room with a glass of water.

"Excuse me nurse? Do you have any strong whiskey or vodka here that can help put me to sleep?"

The nurse looked at Johnny with a slight frown and shook her head.

"Sorry sir, but there is no alcohol allowed in the hospital."

Johnny let out a sad sigh and then held his head down.

'Of course not! Well this is not going to end well!' He said to himself. The nurse then left the room, only to return about five minutes later with a little paper cup with a couple pills inside.

"Here you go sir. These should help you sleep easily tonight!"

Johnny looked at the oddly colored pills with an examining look. He then shrugged as he then grabbed them and popped them into his mouth and washed them down with the glass of water. He then looked at the nurse and returned her the empty glass.

" I hope you're right!"

The Next Morning:

Johnny awoke the next morning with a stinging pain in his head. The pills that the nurse have given him had not done their work at all, and he kept having the same recurring nightmares over and over again. The only good thing was that he wasn't waking up screaming his head off, only waking up in a cold sweat and wanting to constantly vomit. In total, he only got about maybe two hours of sleep, but being a person suffering from insomnia for the last few years he was totally used to it.

He placed his cold and clammy hand on his forehead as he wiped off the access sweat from his brow. But as he moved his arm, he caught a glimpse of something in the corner of his eye. He turned his head over to the right and saw that Fluttershy was passed out and fast asleep on the small couch next to his bed. Johnny was surprised to see the peaceful and beautiful pegasus asleep in the room, he did not expect to see any of the girls yet so early in the morning.

He then attempted to adjust himself in the bed, but then the pain in his leg came back at full force and prevented him from moving anywhere. He yelped loudly as he then clenched his teeth and pushed the buzzer for the nurse. Johnny didn't have to wait very long as the nurse came quickly and was right by his side.

"I have a severe headache and my leg is really hurting me right now!" Johnny said to the nurse. She then ran quickly but silently to the other room and soon returned with some pain medication for him.

"Here you go sir, this will take your pain away in a matter of minutes." She said sweetly.

And she wasn't lying. Johnny soon began to feel much better as the meds began to work their magic. He gulped down another large glass of water as he looked over at Fluttershy who by a miracle was still asleep, not awoken from the wincing and yelping from his pain. The nurse could see that Johnny was looking in Fluttershy's direction and smiled warmly.

"She came in late last night. She said she couldn't sleep and was really worried about you, so the doctor and I said she could stay in the room with you and sleep on the couch."

Johnny's checks went slightly red from hearing what the nurse had said and she then began to giggle loudly.

'That's awful nice of her. I didn't expect her to care about me so much.' He thought to himself.

There was then a small knock on the door from out in the hallway. Johnny looked forward and saw Twilight and the rest of the girls peering into the room and had smiles on their faces.

"Hey Girls." Johnny said quietly as he then began to wave them into the room. They began to walk in when they noticed Fluttershy all passed out and curled up on the couch. They were about to ask why she was there but Johnny quickly put his index finger to his lips and shushed lowly.

"She's still asleep. Just let her rest for a little bit longer."

Johnny and the girls then had a very quiet discussion as Fluttershy continued to sleep. Johnny then saw Rainbow Dash grab a black felt pen from the counter inside the room and proceeded to write something on Fluttershy's face.

"Rainbow, what the hell are you doing?" Johnny asked quizzically. Rainbow then turned her head and had a very sly and evil grin on her face.

"What? I just drew a few things on her face. It'll come off! Eventually......" She grinned widely, showing off her terrible artwork. It appeared to be an attempt to write something funny but he couldn't make out what Rainbow had written, but he could see that she had drawn some glasses around her eyes and gave her a fake mustache.

Johnny then placed his palm to his head and looked at Twilight who had a forehoof across her face.

"Why don't you stop her? That's not exactly nice of her you know!"

Twilight just shrugged and shook her head slightly.

"That's just Rainbow being Rainbow! You'll get to used to that a lot. Trust me!"

Johnny let out a small chuckle from hearing her words, but it was in that moment that the nurse had began to bring Johnny some stuff on a flat metal sheet that appeared to look like food.

"Here's your breakfast sir. Eat up so we can give your other medications."

Johnny looked at the food he received from the nurse. The food did not appear to be the most appetizing stuff in the world. It was what looked like to be a bowl of some kind of porridge, a couple pieces of toast and two small glasses, one filled with milk and the other was filled with juice. Probably apple. The girls glanced at Johnny with strange looks on their faces as he then began to pour the milk into the porridge.

"You're not really going to eat that, are you darling?" Rarity asked with a eyebrow cocked. Johnny just gave her and the rest of them a confused look.

"Yeah! Why?"

"It don't exactly look like tha most pleasant stuff in tha world!" Applejack stated.

"It's just that the hospital food a'int exactly the best tasting stuff around." Rainbow added. "Trust me, I know!"

"We can go get you something else if you want?" Twilight asked. But Johnny just shook his head and politely waved a hand to them.

"No thanks girls. I'm perfectly fine with this. You know the old saying 'Waste not! Want not!'."

Pinkie then giggled loudly.

"Oooh, he's right you know. I say the exact same thing while working with the Cake's!"

Johnny smiled as he then began to put a small spoonful of the porridge into his mouth, but after a couple movements of his lips and then a gulp he frowned.

"What's the matter? Is it not good? I told you!" Rainbow said with a smirk.

Johnny then swirled the porridge around the bowl a couple times.

"It's fine, but there is no sugar. And I like sugar with my porridge!"

Pinkie then giggled and then put her hoofs behind her back and brought both of them to her front and presented them to him.

"Here you go! Did you want brown sugar or regular sugar?"

Johnny then winced as he saw what the hyper pink pony just did before him.

"Wha...What? How in the world did you do that?"

Twilight and the others just laughed, much to Johnny's confusion.

"Oh that's just a thing Pinkie does. Don't ask me how! Trust me, neither of us can figure that out!" Twilight explained with a smile.

Johnny then shrugged his shoulders and took the brown sugar from Pinkie.

"Brown will do!"

Shortly after Johnny finished eating, he then began to relax in his bed and continue his conversation with Twilight and the rest of the girls while Fluttershy continued to sleep. They told him about the elements of harmony and they explained that they were the bearers of the elements. They even told him what their roles were around Ponyville and in Equestria as well. Johnny was amazed. He knew these ponies were pretty cool and smart, but he didn't think that they were a big deal not only in their town but in Equestria in general.

"So you girls are famous around here huh? You're all called the elements of harmony and you have all saved this country several times?" Johnny asked with bewilderment.

They all nodded in agreement.

"That's right. I know it sounds like a big deal, but trust me it's not that big of a deal." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Dashie, I wouldn't say its not a big deal, cause it totally is!" Pinkie chimed with excitement.

"She's right Darling, think of how much the elements of helped us throughout the years." Rarity declared.

Twilight didn't say anything, she just rolled her eyes and sighed with a smug grin. Johnny definitely thought that these certain ponies were different, but in a good way that made him feel warm inside.

"So Johnny, are ya going to tell us more 'bout where ya come from?" Applejack asked kindly.

Johnny quickly remembered that Twilight asked him what a TV was last night, so he quickly asked the girls to come sit by his bed closer so he could tell his story. He explained what they were and how much they were used in his world. He also explained the use of computers, cell phones and the use of the internet and all it's handy features that humans use every single day.

"So you humans use this certain technology called the internet, which you use with these devices called 'Cell phones' and 'Computers' to look up certain things that you need?" Twilight asked.

"Yes that's right!" said Johnny.

"And on this thing called the internet, you can even do your own shopping and sell things on there as well?" Rarity chimed in with curiosity.

"Yep you betcha!"

Johnny then explained the different kinds of transportation that humans use. Like boats, trains, cars, and planes. He also explained the way humans used special modes of transportation to go into outer space called Space shuttles.

"Humans use these machines called airplanes to fly to different locations, and certain groups use them for protection?" Rainbow Dash asked with a hint of amazement in her voice.

"Yeah and they are really fast. They even can break the sound barrier and have really powerful weapons on them too!" Johnny explained with a smile. "And these other planes that take people to other destinations can carry between ten to over a hundred people at a time."

"I bet I can out fly one of those fighter planes easily! They got nothing on me!" She then boasted with a cocky smile.

'I highly doubt that!' Johnny chuckled to himself.

"You humans can go to the moon?" Twilight asked trying to keep her excitement under wraps. "How many humans can go there at a time?"

"It's been a long time since mankind has been there Twilight. They stopped going to the moon sometime in the nineteen seventies, way before I was even born. They stopped going because it was getting really expensive, so they shut down the program. One day, they will return to the moon. One day!"

Twilight sighed sadly. "Aww, I thought humans went there all the time. That's a shame."

Johnny couldn't agree more.

"And humans use contraptions called automo....automobys.......something mobiles?" Applejack struggled to say what she wanted to ask. Johnny tried his best not to laugh but he had to chuckle.

"Nice try there Applejack but they're called automobiles! But we call them cars."

"So what do humans like to eat where you come from?" Pinkie asked.

Johnny then explained to them about the certain different types of foods that humans eat, the different cultures that humans have and religions. It was a lot of info for Johnny to process as this was a topic that he thought he would never have to answer in his life, so he tried his best to answer all their questions the best of his knowledge all while Fluttershy continued to sleep peacefully.

'She really must be tired. The poor thing.'

When Johnny mentioned that humans eat meat, the look the five ponies gave him was enough to send chills down his spine.

"You humans eat meat? Do your kind eats ponies? Are you going to eat all of us?" Rarity gasped and began to back away slightly, the others followed suit and did so as well. Johnny quickly shushed them and waved his hands in a defensive way.

"Girls keep quiet, you'll wake up Fluttershy!"

They then began to calm down and move in closer again.

"And for your ridiculous question, no humans don't eat ponies! Yes we humans eat meat but we also eat vegetables as well. We're omnivores! And I wouldn't dream of eating a pony, I couldn't live with myself if I were to do something so unforgivable as that!"

The group all then sighed with relief and wiped off their brows.

"Well that's good to hear." Twilight said happily. "What kind of meat do you eat anyway?"

Johnny looked away from her for a short while and then gave his reply.

"Actually I don't eat meat. I am actually a vegetarian. Human's eat meat for protein which is good for our bodies, but I found that I can get proteins from things like beans, eggs and tofu."

"Well that's definitely good to know at least." Came an unfamiliar voice.

Johnny quickly jerked his head forwards to see a rather large white unfamiliar alicorn with a beautiful multicolored mane and tail like Rainbow Dash, but it had different colors like Magenta, Cerulean, Turquoise, Cobalt and Heliotrope. But that's not what caught his attention. For some reason her mane and tail seemed to be flowing in a non existent breeze which confused him. She stared at him with her strong cerise colored eyes which to him seemed to pierce right through his soul. Johnny felt extremely nervous as he didn't know who she was. That is until Twilight and the others all said her name at once.

"Princess Celestia!"

Johnny then remembered that name from what Twilight and the girls told him the previous night. 'That's Princess Celestia? Wow, she is extremely pretty! I have never seen anything quite like her before......Oh crap she has probably come to throw me out of this country! Shit...What should I do?'

His voice inside his head was going a hundred miles an hour a minute as he began to start sweating profusely, and began to uncontrollably start panting loudly. His new friends saw that he was not alright for some reason and were about to see what was wrong, but Celestia began to make her way over to Johnny before they could.

'Fuck! She's coming right for me! Brace yourself man, she is going to pummel you into next week!'

Johnny then quickly closed his eyes and moved his hands over his face to try and hide himself. But that ultimately failed as the Princess then used her hoof to move his hands away.

'Oh god, this is it!'

He braced himself and waited for the worst, but to his surprise he wasn't met with a barrage of flying hoofs. He was met with a calming and soothing voice, something like his mother had.

"It's perfectly alright Johnny. There is absolutely no need to be afraid."

'Wait? Did she just say my name? What the hell?' Johnny opened his eyes and was now face to face with Celestia, who had the friendliest smile on her face. It made him feel all warm inside again, like how the girls made him feel the night before.

"Sorry about that your majesty. I was just a little nervous that's all." Celestia chuckled lightly and patted him on the head.

"It's okay. I totally understand the feelings going through you right now. But I assure you, there is no need to feel threatened." Johnny then breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Well that's good to hear. I mean Twilight told me about you last night, but I just didn't expect you to show up here today. And another thing, how do you know my name?" Celestia then did a slight laugh when she was asked the question.

" I was informed of your arrival late last night from Twilight when she sent me a letter. She told me that you were a human, that you were very kind and that your name is Johnny."

'Well that makes total sense!' Johnny said to himself. He then glanced over at Twilight who gave him a reassuring smile.

"Well that's good that she is giving me a good rep." Johnny joked as he slightly chuckled while scratching the back of his neck. "But it is a honor to finally meet you Princess."

Johnny then extended his right hand to which Celestia kindly let him grasp and shook it politely.

"The pleasure is all mine, but you can call me Celestia." She kindly stated. Johnny felt somewhat uneasy about calling one of the co-rulers of Equestria by her name. It was okay calling Twilight by her name, but Celestia is a ruler of an entire country which makes her more of a big deal. Johnny didn't reply, but he did give her a nod with agreement.

"Celestia, I didn't think you were coming here today." Twilight spoke with confusion, "What are you doing here so early?"

"Well I couldn't wait till after lunch to come here to meet Johnny, so I decided to come a bit earlier to meet him, and see what the doctor has to say about his leg." She replied.

'Well, Twilight sure didn't leave out any details did she?'

Soon after she spoke, the doctor came into the room and seemed to have a chart tucked in under his arm. He was surprised that Celestia herself was in the room, but he then began to act professional.

"Well for a creature that we have never seen before, we were still able to make out your injuries. You have a few minor cuts and scrapes and some bruising to your body. But your right leg is broken in three places and needs some serious time in that cast to heal." The doctor finished while showing the chart to Johnny, Celestia and the others.

"Do I have to stay in this hospital until my leg heals doc?" Johnny asked.

The doctor just shook his head. "Not necessarily. You just have to spend one more night here just to be on the safe side, and then you can leave the hospital." The doctor replied before he left the room.

Johnny really didn't want to spend another night stuck in this pony hospital. He wanted to get out there and look for his Ducati.

"Well that's just great!" Johnny exclaimed loudly. "First I arrive in a different world on my Ducati which I have left behind somewhere, and now my leg is all busted up in three places. Great! Just great!"

His body then quickly shifted and a slight pain shot through his body which made him stop moving right in his tracks. The nurse came in quickly to give Johnny some painkillers which he quickly took with a large glass of water. Applejack then patted him on the back as he slunk back in his bed.

"Don't worry there Sugarcube. Me an' Pinkie and Rainbow Dash will go find your Doo..caty thing and find 'er for ya!" Johnny then felt slightly better as his new friends wanted to help him find his bike.

"Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it. Are you sure you know where it is and what it looks like?"

Pinkie then smiled from ear to ear. "Of course we do silly! It was very close to us when you came here, I remember exactly what it looks like!"

"And I'll keep an eye out for it from the sky!" Rainbow Dash added.

Johnny watched as his three new friends then left the hospital room to go look. He was now left with Twilight, Rarity, Celestia, and Fluttershy who by a miracle was still fast asleep, despite of all the loud voices coming from the hospital room.

"Johnny, you never did tell us how you ended up coming to Equestria last night." Twilight said while sitting in a chair next to his bed. Celestia took a seat next to him on the other side while Rarity sat in a chair at the end of the bed.

Johnny then explained that what he remembered was that he was going fast and then he saw a bright flash of blue light that completely engulfed him and his Ducati and somehow brought him to Equestria. He didn't dare mention to them that it was actually a suicide attempt, he didn't want them to feel all sappy and feeling sorry for him and want to know his life story. It was his business and his only!

"Interesting!" Celestia said.

"I agree." Twilight added, "It definitely sounds like something that science nor the universe can explain".

"Poor Darling. I'm sure that whoever knows you back where you come from must be worried sick about you!" Rarity said in a worried tone.

'I wish!' Johnny said to himself. He didn't have no family or friends waiting for him back in his world, back there he was completely one hundred percent alone and was also very sad and depressed to boot.

"Yeah maybe, but I'm not too worried about it." Johnny assured.

Celestia and Twilight were surprised that Johnny said those words, they would've at least thought he might want to return back to where he came from but if he was not so worried about it then they decided to not pressure him. Before long Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie returned from their little expedition.

"Hey Johnny, we went and looked for your Doocatayy, and we found it!" Rainbow said happily. Johnny's eyes opened wide with both excitement and relief.

"Oh thank god, I thought it was doomed to be lost forever!" He said with a large smile. "Where was it?"

"We found it by this house near where we found ya!" Applejack replied.

"I made sure to put your bike behind it." Pinkie added, "It shouldn't be harmed there I don't think. It didn't look like anypony seemed to be living there. Come to think about it, I don't think I have even seen that house before!"

"That's definitely strange." Twilight thought loudly.

Meanwhile Johnny sat listening to what his friends told him. They found his Ducati which made him feel slightly better, but then they added something about some house which was confusing to him.

"Well let's go there tomorrow and get it!" Johnny exclaimed. But then he looked at his leg that was in a cast and his enthusiasm vanished. "Oh right, my leg is in a cast!"

Applejack then gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Don't worry there sugarcube. Me and my older brother Big Mac can come up with somethin' to help ya get around."

Johnny looked at Applejack with a cocked eyebrow. "Are you sure you can do that?"

"Absolutely. Just give ma tonight and we can come up with somethin!"

Johnny felt better knowing that Applejack wanted to help him out. She definitely was a very honest pony and Johnny liked that about her. Then Celestia stood up straight and gave her wings a gentle flap.

"Well I hate to break this up my friends, but I am going to have to go back to Canterlot. There's so many things that I have to finish."

Twilight and the others then said their goodbyes. Johnny then bid her farewell and put his hand out to shake her hoof which she kindly accepted.

"It was nice to meet you and talk with you Johnny. You are definitely a nice young stallion." Johnny then chuckled.

"I'm not a stallion, but I'll take it as a compliment. And it was very nice to meet you as well Celestia."

Celestia then nodded and proceeded to make her way to the doorway. That is until she turned around and glared at him with a very serious and stern look. This made Johnny squirm.

"I have one last question for you Johnny. As soon as you heal from your injuries you are not going to become a threat to this country, and become harmful to these kind ponies are you?!"

The girls eye's then opened wide upon hearing her question and turned to face Johnny who had the most shocked look on his face. This was a question he did not expect to hear, and to be asked if he would harm his new friends made him almost feel like crying. He could never hurt these ponies. Not after what they had done for him.

Johnny then sat straight up, cleared his throat and gave her his answer.

"I have never been called a threat except in a boxing ring. I wouldn't harm these kind ponies Princess, and I am not going to become a threat to this country. I want to see more of this country once I can walk on my own."

Celestia stared at johnny for about ten more seconds with a serious look and then gave him a kind smile.

"Well that's good to know Johnny. But when your leg heals, be sure to come to Canterlot so we can talk some more."

Johnny then gave her a nod. "Yes Celestia, I will."

Then Celestia disappeared with a giant poof. Johnny was shocked to see her go away like that.

"That's my teacher!" Twilight said happily. The others all laughed but Johnny just smiled. Then Fluttershy became awake with a start.

"Um...Twilight? Johnny? Girls? When did you all get here? What did I miss?"

Johnny looked at the calm and confused Fluttershy who was trying desperately trying to remove the sleep from her tired eyes. She had slept almost all throughout the day. He then looked at the others and gave Fluttershy a calm and reassuring smile, all the while trying to hold back a giggle at the artwork on her face thanks to Rainbow Dash.

"Quite a lot actually. You are quite the sleeper! But I think you should go wash your face!"

Fluttershy was confused as to what he was saying, and she did so and headed for the washroom that was in the hospital room. Then Johnny and the girls could hear a scream coming from inside which made Rainbow laugh loudly and roll around on the floor.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, you are sure something else!" Johnny chuckled.

Johnny sat and talked with his new friends for the rest of the day until the nurses told them that it was time for them to go home. Johnny really didn't want to spend another night at the hospital again, but the doctor wanted to make sure that his leg was healing right and that there wasn't any infections that could hinder the healing process. He said goodbye to the girls and he especially told Fluttershy not to worry about him and to go home and get a good nights sleep. Applejack then promised to have him a way to get around by tomorrow and that was a promise. Johnny knew that she was going to do whatever it took to make sure she kept her promise. She is the element of honesty and when she says something it's the truth!

The next day:

The next day found Johnny staring at a pair of wooden homemade crutches that Applejack had constructed for him. They were exactly the right height for him and they looked incredibly sturdy.

"How in the world did you come up with these Applejack?" Applejack just chuckled and beamed proudly.

"Well I done told ya that I would build you somethin to help ya get around. I used the wood from a few old apple trees on our farm to build them. Give em a try and see how they work!"

Johnny struggled at first, but then managed to right himself onto his good leg and took the crutches that Applejack had made, and began put pressure down on to them. He was slightly nervous but then he found himself moving around the room without any trouble. Johnny smiled and chuckled loudly which made Applejack feel good about herself.

"How do they feel sugarcube?"

"They feel great Applejack. Very strong and supportive. Thank you very much!"

"Aww you're welcome hun. Anythin' for a friend."

Soon Twilight and the others entered into the hospital room. Johnny was happy to see them, but then he noticed a new face in the group. He noticed a unfamiliar unicorn pony. She was a lightly colored purple pony with a dark purple mane and tail and persian blue eyes and had a purple and white cutie mark with streams.

"Hey girls, it's nice to see you. Who's you're friend? I have never seen her before."

Twilight smiled and brought the unfamiliar pony towards him. She appeared to have a very nervous expression on her face, but Johnny could tell she was holding her ground.

"Johnny, this is our friend and my student Starlight Glimmer. Starlight this here is Johnny, the human that I told you about. He is quite tall I know, but he is very nice once you get to know him." Twilight explained while holding her hoof over towards him. Starlight then slowly walked towards Johnny who was trying to hold himself up on the crutches and move closer towards the ground as not to scare her. Starlight took a deep breath and stared into his eyes with a nervous smile.

"H-Hi Johnny, it's nice to meet you." She said nervously as while reaching her hoof towards his hand. Then to her surprise Johnny took her hoof in his hand very gently and shook it slowly.

"It's nice to meet you too Starlight. I assure you there is nothing to be nervous about."

Starlight was taken aback by Johnny's kind words and then slightly blushed. She had never meet a creature quite like him before, and she then began to feel a lot better being close to him and then started to warm up to him.

Johnny then talked with Starlight for several minutes before he then met their other friend Spike the dragon. Twilight told him that he was her assistant and friendship ambassador to the dragon lands. Johnny was excited to meet Spike, since he could remember he had always liked dragons. At one time he even had toy dragons that he used to play with as a kid, but to meet a real live dragon in the flesh was amazing. Even though he didn't show his excitement....

"Well now that we are all here, let's take Johnny to where we found his red contraption." Rainbow Dash said excitedly. The others all agreed and Johnny was relieved to finally get out of the hospital.

"Thought i'd never leave this place. Finally a chance to see more of Ponyville and get some fresh air!" He said happily while scuffing along with his new pair of crutches. "Let's go!"

Soon the group was making their way through the town of Ponyville, on their way to the location to where they found Johnny the few nights before. Applejack was kind enough to bring a cart from the farm and offer it to Johnny to get around in. As Johnny rode through town he got a look at how the town was laid out, the design of the buildings and even got a first glimpse of the citizens of Ponyville. He noticed a lot of them gave him awkward stares, some seemed to be a bit scared and go darting away in a flash, but some did give him a kind smile and a wave which he kindly responded by giving them one of his own. One particular pony mare was more than thrilled to see him, and was trying desperately to get to him and talk to him but Twilight had to get in her way.

"Lyra calm down. I'll make sure you can talk to him later, but right now we have important business to attain to! Plus he is injured so you have to be careful." Twilight stated.

"Aww no fair Twilight! You and the others get to be around him all day and I have to sit back and wait! I'm not going to hurt him, I just want to talk to him!"

"She said no Lyra!" Her friend with a curly blue and pink mane and tail scolded while grabbing her by the tail.

"Aww Bonnieeeee!"

"They said NO!"

Lyra then calmed down and backed away from the group.

"Thanks Bon Bon, we owe you one!" Chuckled Rainbow Dash. Bon Bon just smiled and waved her hoof.

"It's no biggie. Happy to help." She then got a glimpse at Johnny who was the whole time feeling slightly nervous and also confused by what in the world was going on.

"Sorry about my friend Lyra mister, she just tends to get overexcited when it comes to the subject of humans. She has a bit of thing for them if you know what I mean?" Johnny then blinked and gave Bon Bon a kind smile in return.

"Yeah I think I can see that." Johnny replied. 'Good thing Twilight and the others were here to stop her. God knows what that crazy unicorn would do to me if they weren't here!'

The group then got back underway as Applejack towed the cart with Johnny inside behind her. Spike even abandoned walking as he was having a tough time keeping up with the group and hitched a ride with him. The two talked along the way what felt like hours but in fact had only been a few minutes until the group stopped again.

"Why did we stop? Is there another crazy pony that wants to talk to me?" Johnny asked with confusion. Pinkie just laughed and then hopped over towards the cart.

"No silly, we are at the spot where we found you!"

"And the house with your 'Doocatnenn...somethin' is right over that small hill!" Applejack added. Johnny grunted loudly as he shifted himself off the cart.

"It's called Ducati!"

"Whatever. She was close enough!" Rainbow butt in with a smirk. Johnny then let out a small sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Not really but that doesn't matter. I want to see my bike and see what if its still intact."

Johnny then shuffled his way along with his crutches and made his way to the spot where he vaguely remembered crashing. The memories of that night came flooding back into his mind as he tried to move his way along, only to stop and right himself before he fell over completely. Fluttershy was quick to make sure that he didn't fall over and the others were also right there by his side.

"Are you okay Darling?" Rarity asked with a worrisome voice. Johnny just slightly chuckled and got back to his feet.

"I'm all good, just not used to walking with crutches."

He then starting moving slowly towards the small hill. Pinkie was now standing on top of it and was looking downwards.

"The house is right down there! That's where we put your red thingy!"

Johnny then made his way to the spot where Pinkie was, but when he got a glimpse of the house he stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't blink. He didn't speak. He didn't even breathe! He just stood completely still while looking down the hill. Pinkie saw his strange reaction and tried to get his attention by waving her hoof in front of his face.

"Johnny?" She asked.

"Are you alright?" Twilight asked with concern. She then looked down and saw the house down below. "That's strange, I've never seen that house before!"

"I know right?" exclaimed Pinkie. "It's like I told all of you yesterday, I have never seen this this house before, and I have not seen anypony living in it!"

"I haven't seen it either." Added Rainbow Dash, "And I fly around here a lot! Something doesn't add up here!"

"First Johnny and now a strange house?" Starlight put in. "This is definitely weird."

Then Johnny walked forward slightly before opening his mouth to speak in a low voice.

"It can't be?!"

"Can't be what sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

Johnny didn't say any other words as he then proceeded to make his way down the hill very carefully. His friends then followed close behind as he approached the large dark chocolate brown colored house.

"Johnny, have you seen this house before?" Twilight asked. The others all surrounded Johnny who was staring at the large front door of the massive house with bewilderment.

The architecture was not something of any house shown in Ponyville, it looked to them like a house seen in Canterlot or another larger city.

"Yeah. I have seen this house before!" He replied.

Johnny then shuffled over to the steps and began to climb them. With every step he made his way slowly up towards the top step, and then he used his free hand and proceeded to open the front door. It creaked slightly when he turned the door knob, and then it slowly opened inward to show the inside. Johnny took a deep breath and then turned around to look at his friends who all had confused and puzzled looks on their faces. He then leaned down and sat upon the top step and put his crutches over to the side. It was then he finally revealed to them everything.

"I don't know how to explain this, but you guys........This house, is my house!"

As Johnny walked throughout the familiar structure that was definitely his house that he grew up in, he had kindly asked his friends to wait outside as he investigated. He could see that everything was in the exact same place that he remembered being. Even his cell phone was in the same spot where he threw it that night when he was going to end everything! Johnny picked up it up and pushed the home button of the iPhone and saw that it still had battery life, but no network signal. As he stumbled along he finally made his way into the kitchen, he saw that the light from over top the oven was still on. How could that be? He then walked over to the fridge and opened it to get an immediate cool feeling coming from inside. He then flipped the lightswitch on the wall and the bright LED lights overhead came to life and brightened the kitchen completely.

He then made his way into the living room once again and this time he grabbed the remote for the TV and pressed the 'ON' button, and zap the television sprang to life and the screen showed nothing but the white blizzard of no signal and the loud static sound that was all too familiar to his ears. He then opened the door that went into the garage and from what he could see, everything from his fathers tools to his mothers old gardening equipment were still hanging in their holders on the wall. He then looked down and saw his helmet lying on the floor of the garage, it was then he remembered that Pinkie had told him about his bike being behind the house. Johnny then opened up the garage door which made a loud squeaking sound as it opened wide revealing this totally new world to the unfamiliar being, the town of Ponyville that could be seen in the distance.

As Johnny walked outside he noticed that his friends were now gathering in front of the garage, probably wondering what the noise was. Johnny didn't say a word as he made his way to the back of the house and then came across the one thing that he held dear to his heart. His bright red Ducati. He could tell just from looking at it that it was damaged and was in dire need of repairs. The bike's handlebars were slightly bent, the shocks were no longer springy and the exhaust manifold had completely come off and it was now dangling by one bolt. The engine had looked way nicer and cleaner in it's better days, it looked like it had been thrown in a mud puddle. Just seeing his prized possession in this state was almost enough to bring a tear to his eye.

Johnny then grabbed hold of the side of the bent handlebars and placed his crutches on top of seat as he attempted to move the broken bike into the garage. As he turned the corner he was met with the friendly gazes of his new friends who for the ones who hadn't seen this machine up close except Pinkie were absolutely amazed. Johnny parked the bike in the garage by the work bench and brought the kick stand down so it would stay perfectly upright.

"Well there she is my friends, my Ducati! Thanks for finding it and bringing it here." Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie smiled broadly.

"So this is your bike?" Twilight asked. Johnny nodded.

"It's unlike anything I have ever seen!" Rarity exclaimed.

"It looks wild!" Pinkie chirped happily.

"It looks fast!" Rainbow added. Johnny then smirked as he patted the seat with his hand.

"You are right there Rainbow. It is indeed fast!"

"How fast exactly?" Fluttershy peeped. Rainbow nodded her head.

"Yeah how fast?"

"Very Fast! This baby is capable of speeds up to two hundred and one kilometers per hour, or one hundred and twenty five miles an hour!" Fluttershy slightly shook when he mentioned the speed to her, Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up with excitement as she looked at the red slightly beat up machine.

"I can't wait to see it run. It looks like a lot of fun!"

Johnny chuckled to himself upon hearing her excitement. Twilight and the others rolled their eyes but even they too had smiles on their faces. He then positioned himself beside the bike and took a seat on top of the bike. He then turned the key that was still in the ignition and hoped that it would turn over and fire up. But sadly there was no noise to be heard from the bike which made Johnny's heart sink. He then proceeded to hop off the bike as carefully as he could.

"It seems that you're bike is gonna need some work!" Applejack said while tapping the front fender with her hoof.

"Yeah she is a little banged up, but she just needs a little TLC and she'll be good as new!" Johnny replied with a confident tone. "You ponies wouldn't happen to know someone who has a shop to repair bikes would ya?"

His friends all gave him a confused look and a shake of their heads.

"Sorry Johnny, but I'm afraid that no pony in town has a shop that can help you. And there is definitely not a shop anywhere in Equestria that exists because we don't have these kind of machines here!" Twilight said sadly.

Johnny then sighed as he got off his bike.

"Well this thing ain't going to be running anytime soon, plus I have taken this bike apart before several times. I can repair it myself, once my leg heals that is!"

His friends showed their sympathy for their injured friend, but smiled when he showed his signs of commitment for his future project. Afterwards he then closed the garage door and walked back into the house. It was still all to much for him to take in, seeing the home that he remembered growing up in as a kid in a world that he didn't think existed and had no way of knowing what exactly it was that brought him to this strange world in the first place.

'I can't believe that it's here! And I can't believe that everything still works in here! This is going to be a real interesting experience that's for sure'.

Johnny slowly made his way back to the front of the house through the front door and then closed it behind him. He sat back down on a step in the front of his house and laid back with his head looking up into the sky. As he relaxed he noticed that the others had gathered next to him and were resting on the steps with him.

"It's hard to believe that my house is here. I thought I might never see it again, but here it is! Right here in Ponyville, right here in Equestria! The home I grew up in and has all of my personal belongings still in the same place. I wish I knew what happened for all this to somehow end up here. I wish I had the answers!"

Twilight then patted Johnny on the shoulder.

"I don't now either Johnny, but I promise you that I will do everything that I can to figure out how you got here and how to send you back!" She assured him with a comforting tone.

Johnny then looked at Twilight and smiled.

"Not only Twilight, but we will do whatever we can to help as well!" Rainbow Dash said boldly.

"Darn tootin'" Applejack added.

"We'll be here for you every step of the way, and make sure you get adjusted into Ponyville properly darling." Rarity smiled.

"I am soooooooooooooo going to throw you the biggest 'Welcome to Ponyville' party ever!!!!!!" Pinkie said excitingly.

"And I'll be sure to help you with your recovery." Fluttershy said in low kind voice.

"And we'll be here to help as well. That's what friends are for!" Spike and Starlight added.

Johnny looked at his new friends with amazement. Here were these seven ponies and a dragon telling him that they were going to do whatever it took to help him get home and that they would help him with his recovery and get adjusted to his new life in Ponyville and in Equestria. He almost felt like tearing up and crying but he didn't want to appear to be soft in front of the others.

'No matter how long it takes or no matter how long I'm stuck here, I think I'm going to like staying here!'

A few months later.

The months passed as Johnny slowly became adjusted to his new life in Equestria. He began to become new friends with the ponies in Ponyville, and soon the word spread throughout the country telling other residents about the new strange creature living in Ponyville and that he was one of the friendliest creatures that they could ever know. As Johnny began to become famous and become more acquainted with his new friends, he felt a warming and peaceful feeling in his body. But even deeper inside, Johnny was far from being a happy guy!

Even after he found that his house was now in Ponyville, everypony who knew him wanted to see inside of it, but Johnny was very protective of his past and didn't want to get himself found out and have anypony trying to sneak away with his stuff! Even being in a new world Johnny still felt depressed about everything that had happened to him in his past, and how much he wanted to tell the others he just couldn't bring it upon himself to say anything.

'The lesser they know about me the better! It's my business and my business alone!'

The Present Day:

Johnny lay slumped against the wall in the hallway of his house, his fists were slightly cut up and had some blood trickling down from his knuckles and landing on the floor beneath him. He wiped away the tears from his face with his other hand and then made his way towards the cabinet where he kept his stash of different kinds of booze. Inside he could see bottles of all different shapes and sizes, some were from Equestria that he managed to get his hands on and the rest were from his world. He then grabbed himself a bottle of Applejack's homemade old fashioned cider and a bottle of Fireball cinnamon flavored whiskey. He then caught a glimpse of a large bottle with dark brown liquid inside and a label that read 'Johnny Walkers Blue Label'. Back from where he came from, this bottle of alcohol was worth almost four hundred dollars. It was purchased by his father when he was seventeen, and he remembered his dad telling him when he would turn twenty one that the two of them would drink it together. Johnny was now a lot older and had yet to crack it open and drink it, but deep down he just couldn't find the satisfaction of drinking it.

'One day, but not today!' He said to himself.

Johnny then twisted the top off of the bottle of cider until he heard the cracking sound of the seal being broken. He then took a large swig of the delicious beverage and then stumbled his way to the front door and put his shoes on.

He didn't know where he was going next, but one thing he knew was that he didn't want to be inside his house anymore tonight.

He was going out for a night on the town!

And it was going to be a rough night indeed!

End of Chapter Three.

Author's Note:

Annnndddddd finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I managed to complete the third chapter.

This was a tough chapter to finish.

I hope that I did well enough for it to be worth reading.

I'm hoping that the fourth chapter won't be as tough to write.

Feel free to leave a comment and point out any mistakes that I may have missed.