• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 3,360 Views, 26 Comments

They Call Me Johnny - Dashie1791

Johnny is a human who lives in Equestria and become friends with alot of the pony folks but has a secret that he hasn't told them.

  • ...


The Next Day

At the carousel boutique:

Rarity was busy tidying up around her store. There was all kinds of different cloth and fabrics everywhere that she had previously ordered the day before and was stacking it and organizing it to correct order using her magic. She also hummed herself a playful tune as she went about her business.

"Another five minutes until Johnny get's here!" She said out loud to herself. "I am so excited to finally get to try and make him a new pair of shoes. I know it will not be like making a dress for ponies but I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that it should go by without a hitch. Hopefully it all goes well."

~Two hours later~

There was no sign of Johnny. Rarity had completely finished all her tidying up around the boutique and had now finished her third cup of strong coffee.

"He's still not here. The poor darling, I hope nothing has seriously happened to him! Now that I think about it he has not been acting himself these last few months. I wonder what's wrong?" She thought to herself. Rarity then finished her coffee and then headed out of the boutique and made her way to Twilight's castle.

"Maybe he went to Twilight's, he is probably sitting through one of her books speeches."

At the park:

Rainbow Dash was flying around the park looking high and looking low. She was checking in behind some bushes and even up in some trees. She was looking for something.

"Where could he be? He said that he would be here!" She said to herself. She was looking for Johnny who said that he would come to the park and watch her practice some of her new moves for the Wonderbolts, but surprisingly he was no where to be seen. "It's not like him to ditch me cheering me on! He said that he was a fan of the bolts and liked my moves. I guess something came up." Rainbow then shrugged her shoulders and proceeded to practice. But the longer she flew by herself the less exciting it was for her.

"Maybe he decided to sleep in. I'll go by his house and check!"

Rainbow then flew as fast as she could to the large house on the outskirts of town. She knew that Johnny was very against ponies wanting to come into his house, and was very adamant to ponies particularly Rainbow Dash thumping on his window to try and wake him up. She remembered the last time she banged on his window early one morning to ask him to hang out and he answered her question by throwing his slipper at her. She chuckled at the memory and then before she knew it, she was at Johnny's house. She first knocked on the door three times and waited. No answer. Sighing, she then flew up to the window that she knew was the room where he slept. Tempting her fate she knocked on the window a couple more times.

"Hey Sleeping Beautymare, get out of bed and come outside already! You said you were coming to the park today!" Rainbow shouted as loud as she could. But just like the last time at the front door, there was still no answer.

"Well that's weird." She said to herself. She then flew around the house and banged on every window and door on the house, but no matter what she got no answer.

"Maybe he went to Twilight's to geek out over some books or something. Stuff that eggheads do...." She chuckled to herself as she flew towards the castle of friendship.

At Fluttershy's cottage:

Fluttershy and Discord were preparing for their daily tea party. Fluttershy was preparing a spot in the living room for Johnny who said that he was going to be there.

"Almost finished" She said cheerily as she did the finishing touches on setting up Johnny's seat. Discord was now sitting in his usual place on the couch and was attempting to sneak one of the sandwiches that Fluttershy had prepared but she knew what he was planning on doing and stopped him from doing so.


"Ouch, what was that for?" Discord exclaimed while grabbing his talon with his paw.

"Discord, you know it's wrong to start digging in to the sandwiches before our company arrives here!" Discord just rolled his eyes.

"Well of course I know that my dear Fluttershy, but I am simply famished and have not eaten since this morning. Just one little sandwich just to hold me over until our friend Johnny Boy gets here..."

"No Discord, you will have to wait a little longer. Plus he said that he would be here, he must be running a little behind schedule."

Discord grunted and then crossed his arms. "Fine, if you say so. But I'm telling you my dear friend, he stood you up the last time you invited him for a tea party. And the time before that and the one time before that one."

As much as Fluttershy knew that her draconequus friend was right, she thought deep down in her stomach that he might just show today.

"I know he will show up. He said he would try to. Oh I hope so!"

~Two Hours Later~

"What did I tell you Fluttershy, I told you that he would not show up!" Discord said annoyingly as he finished his cup of tea. He then finished his fourth sandwich after Fluttershy had finally given up listening to Discord's loud and gurgling stomach.

"Yes yes I get your point!" Fluttershy said sadly while letting out a sigh. "I really thought that he would show this time."

"Well there is no shame in thinking my friend, but look on the bright side. At least you get to spend all this time with little old me!" Discord said jokingly while wiggling his eyebrows. But Fluttershy paid him no attention and instead looked out the window. She began to think of all the times that she and Johnny had spent together, when it came to him helping her with her animals and going to the shelter and feeding them and even sitting down in the grassy field behind her cottage to talk about things. She remembered all the times she could see a look of sorrow in Johnny's eyes when she sat with him, and the small tears that fell down his cheeks whenever they talked about serious things. She was the only one that felt and knew that there was something not right with him, and she was the only one that he cried in front of.

She remembered him telling her not to tell anypony about him crying and acting all sad. She had promised to him that his secret was safe and that she wouldn't tell Twilight or the others. She still didn't know why Johnny was sad. She had tried time and time again to get through to him but he wouldn't give up his secret. It bugged her, right down to her very core.

She then swallowed and then made her way to the front door.

"Fluttershy, where are you going?" Discord called out to her.

"I'm going to Twilight's to talk to her about Johnny. Something is bothering him and if anypony can help me in this situation it's her!" Fluttershy then walked out the door and closed it behind her. Discord just watched as his friend trotted her way towards the Princess of Friendship's castle. He then sighed.

"If there's anypony that can help that poor fellow, it's you and your friends. My dear Fluttershy" He said to himself as he then snapped his fingers and disappeared back to his home.

Meanwhile Fluttershy was making her way to Twilight's when she heard a familiar voice call out to her from above.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash called as she then landed in front of her pegasus friend.

"Hey Rainbow, what's going on?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm on my way to Twilight's. I have to talk to her about something!" Rainbow replied.

"Is it about Johnny?" another voice called from beside them. It was Rarity.

"Yes it is actually." Fluttershy nodded.

"Have any of you girls seen him? He was supposed to come over to my shop and have me try and make some shoes for him." Rarity explained.

"He was supposed to come to the park and watch me practice!" Rainbow added.

"And he told me that he was going to come over for the tea party with me and Discord." Fluttershy included.

The friends all then looked at each other with confusion. They then began to get worried that something must've happened.

"Let's go to Twilight's and see if he is there or if she knows where he is!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Right!" Fluttershy and Rarity replied at once and then began to head for the castle.

~At Twilight's Castle~

Twilight and Spike were once again organizing her book collection after she discovered that she had made a mistake in putting them on the shelf alphabetically. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were also there giving them a helping hoof as much as they could.

"C'mon Twilight. My claws are aching from all this sorting. Can we just take a five minute break?" Spike asked.

"Go ahead Spike, take as much time as you need. I am almost finished with this one section and then I'll join you." Twilight replied as she continued to sort through her books using her magic.

"Here's another book you missed in the 'A' department!" Pinkie called out.

"And here's one ya missed in tha 'D' section." Applejack added with a chuckle.

Twilight groaned loudly as she then brought all the books she organized back down to the floor.

"Great! Now I have to organize these sections all over again!"

Pinkie and Applejack along with Spike chuckled at her little mixup when the sounds of the front doors being opened frantically echoed through the whole castle.

"TWILIGHT!" Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy called out loudly.

"Goodness what's got them all in a commotion?" Twilight wondered to herself. The three elements then burst into the library all panting and out of breath.

"Girls, girls! What in the name of Equestria is the matter?"

Rarity and Fluttershy were too out of breath to answer. Rainbow Dash flew up to the princess.

"Twilight. Have you seen Johnny?"

~A few minutes later~

Twilight along with her friends and Spike were now gathered around in Twilight's den to discuss about Johnny. He had been rather distant for the last few months and seemed like something was definitely wrong.

"So he didn't go to the boutique?" Twilight asked Rarity.

"Afraid not darling, he said that he was going to come over but he didn't show up. I put off several dress orders just so I could make him a new pair of shoes." Twilight frowned and then turned to look at her Wonderbolt friend.

"And he didn't show up to the park to watch you practice?" She asked. Rainbow just slouched and let out a sigh.

"Yeah he never showed up! Which is weird cause he is a fan of the bolts and likes my moves. He has always come to watch me, but today he was a no show!" The speedster explained to her friends. "I'm really worried about him you know!" Twilight couldn't agree more with what Rainbow Dash said. She then turned to Fluttershy who had a somber look on her face.

"Fluttershy, is something wrong? Are you also worried about what's going on with Johnny?" Fluttershy looked up at Twilight and then to her friends.

"I'm not worried about what is wrong with him. I know that there is something definitely wrong with him." She replied in a quiet tone of voice. Her friends and Spike looked at her for what seemed to be the longest time.

"What do mean Fluttershy?" Spike asked.

"Yeah Shy, what are ya sayin'?" Applejack added. But Fluttershy didn't say anything.

"Fluttershy! What is going on?" Twilight asked in a higher voice and more direct tone. "What do you mean that there is something definitely wrong with him?"

The poor shy pegasus pony knew that she had to tell her friends Johnny's secret when he would spend time with her. She knew that he would probably get upset with her for revealing to Twilight and the others what was going on. She took a deep breath and slowly but surely revealed what she wanted to say.

"I didn't want to say anything because Johnny trusted me with this secret and he didn't want all of you to know and worry." She admitted while then looking at the floor. Her friends then leaned forward to hear what the rest of this reveal could be.

"Johnny is very sad. He is by far one of the saddest creatures that I have ever seen and have ever known!"

Her friends looked at her with confusion.

"He's sad?" Pinkie asked with her head slightly cocked.

"What makes you think he's sad darling?" The fashionista pondered.

"What did he say Fluttershy? Please, tell us!" Twilight added. She was now starting to slightly panic with what was being said.

"It's not what he said actually. It's what he did! Or what he has done the few times we have talked." Fluttershy explained.

By now the girls were beginning to show sighs of panic. Did Johnny do something to Fluttershy that she didn't want anypony to know?

"What was it Fluttershy?" Applejack demanded, "What did Johnny do?"

"If it was something really bad I'm gonna throttle him when I see him!" Rainbow Dash huffed loudly. Fluttershy quickly came to her senses and started waving her hoofs in a defensive manner.

"No girls, Johnny didn't do anything bad or inappropriate!" She concluded. The others all then sighed a big huge sigh of relief.

"Well that's good to hear that he didn't hurt you," Twilight said happily as she wiped off her brow with her wing. Fluttershy then stood up one all fours and faced her friends with more determination. She then took a deep breath and then revealed Johnny's big secret.

"I know Johnny is sad because the few times we spent together.....He s-started.....C-crying."

The room went silent after the shy pegasus told them what Johnny had done. Twilight's and the others ear went flat and their faces showed such sadness for their human friend.

"How can Johnny be sad and then start crying? It's not like him to be that!" Spike exclaimed. Twilight then began to think of the day before when Johnny came to help her and Spike organize in the library. At first he seemed to be in high spirits and then for some reason he got all quiet and then left without barely saying goodbye.

"Now that you mention it, Johnny did seem to act oddly yesterday when he came to help organize." She mentioned to her friends.

"Like what exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked with a raised brow.

"Well, when I mentioned to him that it was coming up eight months that he has been here in Equestria, he then started to act strange and then he left."

"So that's why he left when there was those books laying on the ground." Spike spoke up. "I was wondering why he left without saying goodbye to me. He always does when he comes over."

The rest of the group then began to think about how Johnny acted yesterday.

"He seemed rather fine to me yesterday when he stopped by my apple stand." Applejack mentioned.

"He did seem a little down when I saw him by the boutique." Rarity explained.

"And when I saw him about going to the park to watch me practice he didn't even seem to be that excited." Rainbow Dash admitted. "I also called him by that nickname I gave him and he didn't even flinch to it."

"I asked him to try out my new cupcake recipe and he completely ignored me!" Pinkie Pie said with her mane deflating a little bit and her eyes watering up slightly. "It made me sad. Johnny totally loves my cupcakes!"

Pinkie then began to tear up and Rarity went by her friends side to comfort her. Twilight didn't like it when she saw her friends all upset, especially seeing Pinkie cry! And on top of that their human friend was somewhere in Ponyville no where to be found and had an issue that they needed to try and help fix. Twilight then grabbed her saddlebag, positioned it on her back and began to head out of the room.

"Girls. Spike. Let's go find Johnny and see what's going on!"

Her friends immediately agreed and proceeded to follow her out of the room. This was going to be a search that was going to take some time as they had no idea where he could of possibly gone, and needed to see if anypony else had even seen him.

~Five Hours Later~

It was now later in the day and Celestia's sun was now starting to disappear from sight, and the sounds of worried voices could be heard throughout the town of Ponyville. Twilight, Rarity and Applejack had teamed up for their own little search party searching the north part of town in hopes of finding the only human in Ponyville and in Equestria. Pinkie, Fluttershy along with Lyra and Bon Bon who came to help them later on were helping them search the south part of town. Rainbow Dash, with Spike riding on her back and Derpy tagging along behind them were searching the east and the west sides of town. Some of the other pony folk in town also chipped in to help as much as they could, but as the day went on there was still no sign of Johnny.

With the sun now almost behind the mountains, the search parties began to thin out. As the groups met in the center of town all except Spike, some of the ponies that had volunteered to help search had now gone home as it was getting late. Lyra and Bon Bon could barely contain their yawns as they proceeded to make their way home.

"Sorry girls, but it's getting awfully late. I'd love to stay and help you all find Johnny but I have a early morning music practice session with Vinyl and Octavia and I have to be there." Lyra explained while trying to keep her eyes open.

"And I have to get my shop opened up early tomorrow as well." Bon Bon stated. "I hope you all find him, let us know if you do."

"We will. Thanks for all your help." Twilight called to the two friends. Derpy then flapped her wings and let out a loud yawn herself.

"I sure hope Johnny is not hurt, please find him and tell him I am worried about him." She said kindly as she then took to the skies.

"Okay Derpy, I'll keep you informed of what happens." Rainbow called to the mailmare.

The group was now all looking around the lower parts of Ponyville and trying to see if they could pick out the odd shape of a human in any of the back streets of town. Twilight let out a sad sigh as she then turned to her five friends.

"I'm sorry all of you, but I don't know where he could be. I will send a letter to Princess Celestia in the morning and see if she can offer some help." She declared with a hint of sadness in her voice.

The others then nodded their heads until a loud screaming voice could be heard coming from one of Ponyville's back street.


"Sounds like Spike!" Fluttershy said as the group took of down the alley way. The elements then saw Spike rushing down the alley with a look of sheer panic on his face.

"Spike. Calm down!" Twilight called as the young purple dragon approached them.

"What the hay is wrong?" Rainbow asked. Spike had to calm down and take a couple breaths before he told them what happened.

"I found him! I found Johnny and we need to hurry! He's hurt!"

Fluttershy let out a large shriek as she then picked up Spike with her hooves and began to fly rapidly back down the alley. Twilight and the others were right behind them, the sounds of panic and rapid panting coming from their muzzles. Spike then pointed out to where he claimed he found Johnny. And sure enough when the group finally made their way they were stunned as what they saw.

It was indeed Johnny. But by the look of the humped over mass that was sitting in the alley against the wall could've fooled anypony that flying far up way above. The right side of his face was completely swollen and had small trails of blood streaming down his brow, down from his nose and out of his mouth. He also appeared to have been in quite the tussle. His clothes were also partly shredded and the left pant leg of his jeans from the knee on down was missing.

"JOHNNY!" The group shouted as they were soon at his side.

"Johnny. Johnny can you hear me?" Twilight called out to him. There was no response and that made the group freak out even more.

"No no no no no, please Johnny don't do this! Speak to us!" Rainbow Dash shrieked as tears began to form in her eyes. Pinkie Pie was now full on crying and had Rarity and Applejack wrapped in their hooves. Fluttershy was trying her best to not panic as she then attended to his battered body and began to inspect. After a couple seconds she then saw that his chest was moving. Then he let out a small grunt which told them that he was still conscious.

"Johnny are you okay?" Fluttershy asked worriedly. Johnny didn't say a word, he just nodded his head and then attempted to position himself up against the wall, which his friends helped.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Pinkie Pie asked, her tears slowly running down her face. Johnny again didn't say a word, but this time he shook his head as to say no.

"What happened Johnny? What in the name of Luna has happened to you?" Rarity asked.

This time Johnny moved his head up and opened his left eye which was bloodshot red and his right eye completely swollen over. He then let out a large cough and spoke very quietly in a slurred tone.

"I..mpf..Got my ass ki-kicked!" He spoke slowly. "And I d-don't want to g-go to the hospital again!"

"Then where do ya wanna go sugarcube?" Applejack asked as she held her hoof under his chin. Johnny then looked up at her and then the rest of his friends, and in another slurred voice stated.

"Home!" before his eye closed and his head leaned to the side, the sounds of snoring could be heard coming from him.

Now the girls didn't think this was the time to giggle on account of the situation, but by the way Johnny stated that he wanted to go home made them giggle a little. They were used to seeing Johnny intoxicated and even some of them even got drunk with him on some nights. But tonight was a state that they were not used to seeing their friend in. All banged up and bruised.

"C'mon girls, let's get Mr. Johnny here home!" Twilight said as she then grabbed a hold of one of his legs with her magic and began to hoist him up.

"Yeah let's get him home." Rainbow Dash replied. "The guy is six sheets to the wind!"

"It's three sheets to tha wind Dash!" Applejack snapped as she corrected her friend.

The group of friends sighed and then chuckled as they made their way to Johnny's house. All except Fluttershy who stayed pretty quiet.

'Oh Johnny, just what is going on with you?'

~At Johnny's House~

By the time Twilight and her friends managed to bring the battered, beaten and heavily intoxicated human Johnny to his house it was now completely dark outside and Luna's moon was seen high above in the night sky. The noises that the six ponies and the purple dragon made was enough to wake up Norman the rooster who then came outside and began to raise a commotion. Johnny was then dropped to the ground as Twilight and the others had to cover their ears from the loud noises that Norman was making. The fall to the ground would of probably hurt Johnny and startled him but he was way too passed out to even notice.

"WILL SOMEPONY PLEASE SHUT THAT STUPID ROOSTER UP?" Rainbow Dash shouted at the top of her lungs. Fluttershy could barely hear what she said but she then quickly made her way over to the obnoxious rooster and gave him 'The Stare". Something that she didn't like to do very often.

"Now Norman, I apologize for us waking you but you need to be quiet now and get some sleep!" Fluttershy said calmly to him. Norman nodding his head in understanding then proceeded to make his way back into his little home.

"Nice work Fluttershy." Twilight whispered.

"Yeah ya done good sugarcube." Applejack called. Fluttershy just gave a slight blush as she made her way back to the group.

"Seriously Shy, why did you even give Johnny that annoying bird?" Rainbow Dash asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"He told me that he wanted a pet so I gave him Norman to keep him company." She answered.

"Did you think that maybe he didn't want a rooster?" Dash questioned again. Flutteryshy didn't say anything. She just looked down at the ground and began to drag it along the ground.

"No. I guess not." She admitted.

"Girls let's continue this conversation another time. Now let's get our friend here into the house and clean up his wounds!" Twilight called again, proceeding to lift Johnny off the ground with her magic.

As the others then gave her a helping hoof, they then began to lift him up the stairway and towards the front door.

"Won't he get mad that we went into his house?" Rarity questioned.

"Yeah, I seem to remember him not being very happy whenever we tried to come inside." Pinkie added.

"Okay first of all." Rainbow Dash pointed out. "You were the only one of us that tried to come in here unexpectedly, and second it's all because of you that he won't let us in his house cause he now thinks we are going to freak out inside an unfamiliar house from an unknown world. You get what what I'm saying?"

Pinkie's ears then drooped and sighed sadly.

"You're right. It was all my fault that he won't let anypony in his house. I'm sorry you guys." She said.

"It's not us who ya need to apologize too Pinkie." Applejack pointed out. The pink party pony then jumped to the front door and proceeded to open it using her poofy mane to pick the lock. Twilight and the others just rolled their eyes.

"I can see why Johnny won't let us in now!" Spike scoffed. The others nodded in agreement.

"I know and again I'm sorry about that. I will apologize to him when he wakes up and hopefully he will let us all in more often." Pinkie Pie explained. She got some more nods this time, but no more words were said as they then started walking Johnny into his house.

The group then laid him flat on the couch in the living room. Pinkie then told her friends from what she could remember where certain things were. She directed Rainbow Dash to the kitchen to get some water and Rarity to the linen closet in the hallway to where the blankets were. Fluttershy then used some warm water and a small towel that Rainbow got from the kitchen to begin wiping off the dried blood off Johnny's face, and put a blanket behind his head that Rarity found.

"It took me forever to find a clean rag in that so called kitchen." Rainbow Dash admitted, "His kitchen is a disaster".

"Not now Rainbow!" Twilight snapped.

Pinkie then came back from up the stairs. She remembered where Johnny's room was, as to why he got so upset with her because he happened to wake up with her staring him in the eyes with her face against his. Scared the shit out of him.....

"His bed is all made for him when you're done Fluttershy." Pinkie called.

Fluttershy nodded as she finished wiping off Johnny's face. Twilight managed to find a first aid kit that was sitting by the couch on the ground by the reclining chair and began to spread some antiseptic ointment on the cuts and scrapes while Rarity using her magic placed the bandages on Johnny's forehead, on his cheek and his right arm. She then looked at his battered clothes and clicked her tongue.

"The poor darling. His clothes are tattered. I'll have to repair them for him."

"I'm sure he will like that Rarity." Twilight smiled to her friend.

Then with help from Rainbow Dash, Applejack then carried the snoozing Johnny on her back and began to walk him up the stairs to his room as Pinkie led the way. Then with a mighty heave she placed him on his bed and put his head on his pillow. She then decided to take a quick glance at the surrounding walls of his bedroom. She was astonished by the size of the room, and even by the size of his mattress.

'Well I reckon he needs an awfully big mattress to support that mighty tall frame of his!' Applejack said to herself.

Now Johnny was all cleaned and patched up from his rough adventure, and was soon changed into some clean clothes by the help of Twilight, who made sure to take everything off all except his boxers of course with her magic. Rarity then put Johnny's battered clothing into a bag, as she stated that she would repair all of them. The six ponies and young dragon looked down at their two legged bi-pedal friend and all they could do was smile. His attitude that he had been displaying for the last few months was definitely not uncommon for him.

But for the first time that they have known him, they knew that there was something deeply wrong and something had to be done. And Fast!

The group then made their way downstairs to the partly lit living room, and by now it was very late in the night.

"All right everypony, I think it is best if we stay here the night!" Twilight stated with a serious tone.

"Yeah okay. I'm cool with that." Rainbow Dash nodded.

"I'll stay here." Applejack joined in.

"Me too!" Pinkie said too loudly that she had to be shushed by the others.

"I'm staying to make sure Johnny stays out of danger." Fluttershy said quietly.

"I'm too **yawn* tired to go anywhere. I'm staying here." Spike mumbled covering his mouth with his claw and letting out a huge yawn.

"I'm all to stay too for my friend darlings, but won't Johnny be upset when he finds us in his house in the morning?" Rarity asked with a worried face. "He did state that he didn't want anypony in his house and that he likes his privacy!"

"This is important you guys! We all mentioned and seen that something is severely bothering him, and as his friends it is something that we must do to show him that we care!"

The rest all nodded in agreement, and began to settle down in the living room for the night. Tomorrow would be a day that Johnny would not be expecting, and a day where he finally opens up his true feelings and what is going on with him.

As the elements and Spike now each had a blanket and were laying down, it's when Rarity noticed something that didn't sit well with her.

"Oh my goodness. Johnny has got to learn how to take better care of this place, this house is a mess!"

The rest all chuckled and agreed immediately.

"Something we will run by him in the morning, don't you worry." Twilight giggled as she then began to rest her eyes for the night. Thinking of the events that would transpire in the coming morning.

~In the middle of the night~

The sounds of tip toeing could be heard throughout the house as a unfamiliar pony made her way up the stairs and headed towards Johnny's bedroom. Fluttershy caught a small glimpse of the figure heading up the stairs and she immediately reacted by quickly flapping her wings and heading towards where her friend was being intruded by an unknown visitor. She burst into the bedroom with the most frightening look on her face and a small growl escaping from her throat. The unknown pony was standing over top of Johnny and looked like she was going to do something to hurt him, until Fluttershy found the light switch and turned it on in a flash.

"Stop right there!" She growled loudly as she was ready to protect her friend, only to see the one pony that she did not expect to see. "Princess Luna?"

Indeed it was the princess of the night, and she was cringing with a hoof overtop of her eyes and letting out a small squeal.

"Yes it is I. Please do me a favor and shut the light off It's hurting my eyes!"

Fluttershy let out a small *eep* as she then quickly turned off the bedroom light. She then could see Luna who was now lighting up the bedroom using her horn.

"I'm so sorry Luna, I thought you were some unknown pony who was trying to hurt Johnny." The Princess let out a small smile and then starred at the sleeping human.

"It's quite alright my dear Fluttershy, I apologize for interfering where I shouldn't be. But I have to admit, he is a stubborn creature he is!" Luna replied in a quiet soothing voice.

"Whatever do you mean?" Fluttershy asked.

"What I mean is I have tried time and time again to come into his dream realm as he constantly has bad dreams almost every night!" Luna explained, "But he doesn't want me coming into his dream so he on purposely wakes himself up or he locks me out of his dream. I honestly don't know in the name of Equestria how he does it!"

Fluttershy was surprised by Luna's words. A human blocking her entry into his own dream realm? Was that even possible? Well.....By the sounds of it, Johnny was stopping her from seeing something. She then remembered why Johnny stated that he drank so much before bed or even during the day.

"Well he did mention that he had trouble sleeping." She quietly admitted, "But when me or any of my friends ask him he just says and I quote 'Non of our Business or Concern!' I personally am worried about him and so are the others, but I fear that we will not succeed in helping him at all." Fluttershy then began to slightly tear up, and stopped when Luna put her hoof under her chin.

"Fear not my kind friend. Just believe in yourself and your friends and the truth shall be revealed. Sit down with him, talk with him and let him know that everything is okay and that he should trust in you and the others." The princess of the night said in a kind and bold statement. Fluttershy was in awe of Luna's words, and knew very well that she was right.

"Yes. Myself and Twilight and the rest will do everything we can to help our friend and make him feel better!"

Luna nodded with a large smile on her face, and then turned around to face the doorway.

"I'm sure you will."

And then in a flash using her horn, Luna disappeared from view and was now gone. Fluttershy could only smile at the interaction she had experienced tonight, and then looked over at her friend who was still sleeping soundly and was slightly snoring. Fluttershy giggled at the sight, and then she let out a large yawn.

'Goodness, I'm more tired then I thought.' She said to herself.

Fluttershy was about to head out of the bedroom when she then overheard Johnny start to mumble something in his sleep.

"mmmmm..no......No. Don't leave! p-please don't l-leave m-me!" He mumbled with a slight tear rolling down his cheek.

Fluttershy's heart then started breaking upon the sight of her friend. She then decided that she was not going to leave him all alone in his bed tonight. She then gently flapped her wings and landed on the bed beside him. He was sleeping, but now had even more tears coming down his face, and his whimpering was getting louder and louder. Fluttershy then slowly leaned over him and gave him a small peck on the forehead and began to run her hoof gently through his hair.

"Shush shush, please don't cry. It's okay, everything is going to be alright Johnny." She said quietly to him. And then after that, Johnny then stopped crying and then a small smile appeared on his face, not opening his eyes and began to snore quietly once again. Fluttershy smiled deeply and then rested her head on the pillow and brought her wing over top of him, kinda like a blanket and continued to stroke his hair on his head with her hoof, and then she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile out in the hallway, Twilight and the others had watched everything and were saddened at the sight before them.

For them they all knew, that something had to be done.

For their friend.


End of Chapter Four.

Author's Note:

It finally took me forever to add in special designs like tilda's and underlining to make the chapter more presentable.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and hope you stick around for the next chapters to come. There will be lot's more. Trust me:twilightsmile:

I will be taking another quick break from this story to focus on another little story that I am working on, so keep posted.

And by all means, point stuff out to me that you think I messed up on. I want to make sure that I am doing something right!