• Published 21st Nov 2017
  • 342 Views, 62 Comments

Through the Darkness of Space - Lt Rainbow Slash

The journal of an explorer among the stars. Inspired by Elite: Dangerous

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Day 2: Equis Like

14 November, 3603
Day 2
637LY from Cel

I'm gonna have to get wayyyyyyyy out from the bubble before I start finding undiscovered stuff it seems. Literally every single star, asteroid belt, and planet has been discovered that I've come across so far. I'll still get paid for scanning them, so whatever. I've just been skipping the boring ones and getting the detailed surface scans I need on anything interesting. Anything that looks terraformable or metal rich really. Those are worth the most, for obvious reasons.

I found an Equis-like today as well. Already discovered again but it was beautiful. A gorgeous blue and green marble floating through the void. Too bad I forgot my Holoimager, I wanted to take some pics. I went ahead and landed on the planet's moon. That said I may have made a minor mistake.

I decided this morning to shut off any systems I don't need. SRV bay, shields, cargo scoop. Stuff I don't need to have running all the time so I can save a bit of fuel. Problem was, me being my idiot self, I forgot to reactivate my shields as I came in to land. Long story short, I had no shields and I landed as I normally do: hard. Instead of the shields just eating up the impact I whacked the hull. I managed to dent it a bit. So yeah. Lesson learned: Stop being an idiot and remember to reactivate shield for landings.

Honestly I can't think of anything more worth mentioning.

So until next time,