• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,701 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 13

Author's Note:

Sorry if this one is short, but it's a filler chapter since the next chapter will be longer with CheesePie fluff.

It was late at night at the palace as five princes quietly move through the dark hallways with only a candleholder that Flash was carrying lighting the way.

Spike was behind his brothers, shaking uncontrollably, he kept muttering out, "This is such a bad idea… A bad idea… We shouldn't be doing this…"

Soarin whispered to him, "I made a promise to Captain Celaeno and I'm going to keep it."

"I wish Cheese was here instead…"

Flash said, "You know he needs his rest for tomorrow and besides if we did get caught then he would be free to leave the castle without being in trouble like the rest of us."

Spike groaned, he couldn't argue with his brother's logic.

Discord smirked, "I think it's rather exciting, sneaking around like this. I never knew going behind your parents' backs could be so much fun!"

Spike harshly added, "It's not fun! It's dangerous and reckless!"

The eldest scoffed, "Please, the worst thing Father can do to us is give us more lessons, nothing new there."

Capper pointed, "He's right, it's not like he can throw us in the dungeon without backlash happening. We're his heirs, after all."

Soarin told them, "If anything, our father should be in the dungeon himself for having our kingdom falling into shambles in the first place."

Flash stated, "We're here." stopping at a door that lead into their Father's study. They knew their father kept his most important documents in this room. So what they were looking for had to be in here. Flash slowly turned the knob and they carefully walked in without making a noise.

They spread out in the room, looking in bookshelves, the desk drawers, Spike even looked behind picture frames and tapestries in the room. Finally, Soarin held up a piece of parchment and softly declared, "Got it!"

Spike said, "Great, now let's get out of here before it's too late." in his haste to get to the door, he tripped and grabbed for the fireplace mantle that was in the room but in doing so he accidently moved a stone bust of their father that triggered the hearth to move up much to the princes' shock.

Flash held the candleholder closer to the fireplace as it revealed a long dark tunnel inside.

"A secret passage?! We have a secret passage?!" Discord exclaimed.

Capper shushed him, "Not so loud…"

"Well I'm sorry but this is a huge discovery!"

Flash said, "Discord's right. How many times have we studied our castle's maps? There's no sign of a passage on them."

Capper mentioned, "Well it wouldn't be much of a secret passage if it wasn't kept secret."

Spike inquired, "I wonder if Father knows about it."

Soarin pointed, "Well since this bust of him is what triggered the passage to open, I say that it's a safe bet."

Flash asked, "Should we go down there and see what's there?"

Discord motioned, "I say we should!"

Capper questioned, "But will there be enough time? If we go down there, it might take us forever to get back."

Flash nodded, "You're right, and for all we know if we all go in there, the passageway will close on us and we'll get trapped with no way out."

Spike agreed, "I'm with you on that, Flash."

Soarin suggested, "We'll just have to do it another time without the risk of Father finding out what we're doing."

After mutually agreeing, the boys went out the same way they came in and as they were going down the hallway to get back to their rooms, they suddenly heard talking and went to investigate.

"Only five days until the royal wedding." came Lady Fleur's voice.

Fancy's voice replied, "A royal wedding it may be but the outcome of it will be a marriage of politics, not love."

"Yes… it is rather unfortunate that the princes couldn't fall in love like we did…"

Discord made a snort and his brothers held a finger to their mouths, gesturing him to keep quiet.

Fleur continued without being aware of the eavesdroppers, "Do you remember how we first met? You were playing the piano in the parlor when I heard you as I was walking by, and I was enthralled by the sound that I couldn't resist keeping away."

Fancy chuckled, "I was too lost in my playing to hear you coming but then there you were, standing right beside me."

"I asked if I could join you and you didn't so much as bat an eye when I did and merely moved over so I could…"

"When our hands touched the keys together, we played a marvelous duet… then just as we were about to end it… our hands touched… That's when I knew you were my true love and my equal forever…"

The princes gawked at that information as they recalled the day they touched their girls' hands. Soarin smirked and uttered, "I knew it…"

Then they heard Fleur sadly sighing, "I just wish I didn't fail you in producing a child for you…"

The boys' eyes widen with Spike whispering, "I had no idea that Lady Fleur was barren, I always thought that she and Fancy didn't want children."

Flash shook his head, "It just goes to show that as much as you know people, there's always something about them that you never know until it has been revealed…"

Capper motioned, "Or in this case, spying."

Spike felt guilty and suggested, "We should go, we've already listen too much as it is."

Soarin nodded, "I agree." and started to go with Spike and Capper following. Discord lingered for a moment but Flash dragged him away.

Fancy held his wife close and softly assured her, "You didn't fail me. If anything I was the one that failed you for making you wait so long, but at the time I was worried about the princes' upbringing and I had to make sure that they weren't going to follow their adoptive father's ideals. In a way, they became the sons I never had. So no, you have given me everything I could want but now it is my fear that my sons won't have the same thing I did."

"Even so, do you think I could consider the new princesses the daughters we never had?"

"I hope you can…" he made a grimace, "But if they're anything like their mother…" he shuddered.

She giggled.

It was the next morning and the brothers told Cheese what they discovered last night making him gawk.

"So… there's a secret passage in Father's study and Fancy and Fleur didn't choose to be childless?"

"That's right." said Capper.

Cheese shook his head in bewilderment.

Soarin took out the parchment, "Make sure you get this to Rainbow Dash."

Cheese took it, "I'll do that." he went toward the window, "Well, I'm off, to meet the love of my life, my one coquette, the answer to my love's duet."

Spike's face scrunched up in confusion, "When did you guys sing?"

Cheese exclaimed as he went out, "At the ball of course!"

Discord told Spike, "Don't think on it, it's usually for the best."

Cheese climbed down the vines and his brothers could see him making a whistle to signal his horse having the energetic prince jump onto the horse's back and galloped right out of the gate.