• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,701 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 24

When Fancy finished telling his wife what he heard Tirek telling the boys after the dinner, she covered her mouth in shock.

"He insists they will be given private lessons, I can only imagine what that'll be like." he grimly said.

Fleur shook her head, "It was bad enough they had a strict upbringing to begin with."

"And if that isn't enough, he also wants the princesses to call him Father from now on too."

She gapped, "What on earth for?!"

"No doubt it's his way of keeping them on his control… It's odd to admit, but I honestly think he's scared of them…"

"Scared? You really think so?"

"Yes. Because these girls managed to outwit him when the wedding was about to take place."

"But didn't they have help from Lady Chrysalis's daughters?"

"Only three of them were willing to help, because they didn't want to marry without love they had no choice but to lock their sisters up so they could free their maids from the dungeon. All the more reason why he took them in as ladies-in-waiting is so he can keep an extra eye on them. Thus all of the girls involved are threats to his rule."

"I find that so hard to believe that he would be scared of them. Today during my lessons with them only a few of the girls have shown to have the natural ability to be princesses. One in particular was my star pupil and I hate to admit it but she's become my favorite of the lot."

Fancy smiled at this, "Sounds to me she grew on you."

"Well maybe she has, because well… she reminds me of… me…" she slightly blushed.

His smile widened and inquired, "Does this mean you're willing to give the other princesses a chance?"

"Well… we'll see because a couple of them will need more training and with a royal banquet coming up I'm going to need to hurry them along."

"Why not have your star pupil help out? If you say she's as good as she is, then she can be your aid to help her fellow princesses."

"Why darling! That's brilliant!" she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his lips. "I must do that! Because you're right! As far as I'm concern she's already a proper princess and doesn't need more training!"

"That's wonderful to hear!"

She made a small frown, "Are you worried for the boys? I know you are but maybe now they have wives you don't have to worry so much anymore."

"I'll never stop worrying about them. Ever since they were chosen to be the heirs to this kingdom I knew they were in for a long and rough road ahead of them."

*Twenty Years Ago*

A baby cry filled the room as a ten-year-old Discord, an eight-year-old Soarin, a six-year-old Capper, a four-year-old Flash Sentry, and a two-year-old Cheese Sandwich was covering their ears from the wailing.

Fancy rushed in to calm the newborn Prince Spike, "There, there now, everything's going to be all right." he picked up the baby from his bassinet and patted his back. "I know. You must miss your parents terribly." he looked at the other boys to see the baby prince wasn't the only one missing their parents. Flash and Cheese especially were looking miserable.

Fancy figured as much that the younger boys would be more upset since they were too little to understand the importance of all of this. The older boys seemed numb but they knew this is what their parents wanted and were going to make them proud. It was quite sad actually now that Fancy thought about it more.

He introduced himself in a friendly manner, "I am Lord Fancy Pants, I am one of your new father's advisors and I will be your tutor as you live up to your new royal duties as princes to our fair kingdom. If there's anything you need please let me know."

The smaller boys smiled at him while Capper and Soarin were hesitant but also intrigued. Discord seemed suspicious of him.

Fancy inquired, "You doubt my words, Prince Discord?"

Discord bluntly stated, "Yes, I do. My parents told me before they left to never trust the other members of the court as they just want to use me to gain favor with the king."

Soarin and Capper frowned to those words while Cheese and Flash looked unsure toward Fancy now.

Fancy quickly said, "I can assure you, Prince Discord that won't be the case with me, I just want to help you all to become the best princes you can be." The boys still looked unsure, making him say, "It'll take time but you'll see that I am true to my word." he set Spike back down in his bassinet but the baby didn't want to let him go. "Now, now, Prince Spike I need to prepare for your father's arrival." he grumbled under his breath, "Though he is taking an awful long time to do so…" he addressed the other princes, "Perhaps one of you would like to entertain your new brother?"

Cheese and Flash slowly made their way to the bassinet and stared at the baby. The infant stared back and then started giggling.

The toddler demanded, "Hey! What's so funny?!"

Flash asked, "Is he laughing at us?"

Fancy chuckled, "I think he's just happy that you're his new brothers."

Cheese questioned, "Are you sure? Because it feels like he's laughing at us."

Spike continued giggling.

"See! See! He is!" making him glare at the baby.

Fancy had to stifle his laughter finding it adorable that the sibling rivalry has already started. He looked to see Capper and Soarin were watching in amusement while Discord kept his head turned away from the whole thing. It'll take time but he believed these boys will become the best of brothers and friends.

Suddenly a page entered the room, "His Royal Majesty, King Tirek!"

Fancy hastily motioned the boys to line in their birth order. The princes were anxious and nervous at the same time as they watched a tall and masculine man entered the room. Cheese admired the long white beard he sported and was tempted to touch it but kept still. Flash was intimidated by their new father's size and the scowl on his face made him even more wary of him to the point he felt frighten by him. Capper was intrigued but cautious as he knew this was a man he did not want to cross. Soarin was unsure of his adopted father and didn't feel safe with him. Discord was interested by his new brothers' reactions, as for his own reaction it was unclear, he felt there was a certain appeal to his new father but at the same time he felt he couldn't trust him.

To the boys, Tirek was a mysterious person and judging from the expression on his face, he was a very unhappy man. It made them wonder if he's ever smiled once in his life.

Fancy gestured, "Your Majesty, may I present to you your new sons and heirs. Prince Discord, Prince Soarin, Prince Capper, Prince Flash Sentry, Prince Cheese Sandwich, and lastly, Prince Spike." he lifted the baby up and had him face Tirek.

Tirek frowned deeply at the babe making Spike well up tears and he started to wail once again.

Fancy quickly rocked him to calm him down again but he couldn't blame the baby for being scared of the king especially since there were days he was scared of Tirek. And it looked like the other princes were in the same boat.

When Spike had finally stopped crying, Tirek addressed his new sons.

"As of this moment, you are no longer children of the court but my sons and rightful heirs to the kingdom's throne. Because of this, I expect nothing but perfection from you. I expect complete obedience and proper conduct as well. For punctuality is the politeness of princes and it will be expected of you at all times. Expectation is the key to living royal life. Nod your heads if you understand this."

The boys nodded fearfully.

"Good. I was hoping this would happen. You were chosen for this very reason and you will do well to remember that." he turned to his advisor, "Fancy, I leave them to you." with his hands folded behind his back he started to leave the room and said to the princes, "Good day." and left without another word.

When they were sure he was gone, they turned to Fancy, their eyes pleading for guidance.

The tutor took charge, "Come your highnesses, I will show you to your new rooms and then I will tell you all you need to know." with Spike still in his arms he led them out of the room.

It was in that moment that Fancy and the princes had a mutual understanding that would slowly turn into a great bond between them. The noble shall never forget how much the boys relied on him over the years so much so that he thought of the boys as his sons instead of Tirek's and it made him so happy to know the princes considered him their real father in return. That worry once again filled him of what their 'father' had planned for them. He wished that Lord Scorpan was here instead to rule like he was supposed to before running off. It frustrated Fancy to no end as to why Scorpan left, he remembered the noble when he was a boy in fact they were best friends growing up in the royal court. They were playmates and they helped each other with their lessons. All the more reason Fancy wanted Scorpan to be king but his old chum also wanted him to be king.

"I can't, Scorpan." Fancy told him when they were alone in Scorpan's chambers.

"Why ever not? You're kind, wise, smart, well-respected, you're more than qualified to be king."

"Alas, it would be improper."

"Improper? Whatever do you mean?"

Fancy sighed, "There's something you don't know about me… I didn't tell you before because I was forbidden to but given recent events I think it's time I told you…" he hung his head before he stated, "I am the king's son."

Scorpan gawked at this revelation, uttering, "What…? How…?"

Fancy explained solemnly, "My mother, Countess Baroque had an affair with his majesty and together the two of them hid my parentage by declaring my father was always away on business for the king when really he was always there… I just couldn't be near him…"

His friend covered his mouth before gently saying, "I'm sorry…"

Fancy gave a small smile, "It's not your doing."

"How did you find out?"

"One night, the king came to me unannounced and told me himself. He watched me grow after all these years and was pleased at how well I turned out like the son that he wanted me to be. His only wish was that I could be a true heir."

Scorpan's eyes lit up, "But you can be! Don't you see? This is your chance to be king the way your father wanted to. Why else would he have told you? It was so you could claim your birthright!"

Fancy shook his head, "But it was never my birthright, that's the problem. I grew up thinking that I was just a nobleman's son that it never once occurred to me I could be the son of a king instead. It's wrong for illegitimate heirs to exist and that's why I had to keep the truth from you and everyone else. If I did take up the crown I would feel like I would forever be stuck with my lie and hiding my true self. I'm more than fine on where I am now and I would like to stay there. So see? That's why I shouldn't be king and that's why I want you to be king instead, at least you won't have to pretend who you are."

Scorpan made a sad smile, "I think you're more of a king then you realize. The fact that you're making sure that the kingdom receives only the best speaks volumes. So how's this, I will be king as long as I have you as my trusted advisor. Making sure you will be king through me."

Fancy chuckled, "So long as the crown's atop your head, I accept the position."

The two shook on it.

That was the plan until suddenly Scorpan disappeared without a trace. Fancy was so confused and upset on the morning of the coronation after it was discovered that Scorpan left a note saying that his brother shall inherit the throne in his stead. Fancy watched on with great sorrow as the new king was coronated and began to make things miserable for everyone.

His thoughts were disrupted when his wife said, "It's getting late, we should go to sleep."

He consented, "Yes, you're right." he went straight for their bed and pulled the covers back.

Fleur fluffed their pillows before climbing into the bed. Fancy followed after and put the blankets on top of them. He kissed her temple while saying, "Good night, my love."

She smiled and softly replied, "Good night, dearest heart." and blew out the candle next to her.