• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,701 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 19

Rays of sunlight beamed through the barred window of the dungeon. But not even the sun could lift the spirits of six ex-maids as they sat in the cell in gloom.

Fluttershy broke the silence by timidly uttering out, "What do you think he'll do to us?"

Her friends looked at her before Twilight answered, "I don't know…"

Suddenly two glowing orbs appeared before the girls, and the orbs turned into their fairy godmothers only they were transparent.

Rainbow's eyes lit up from seeing them and exclaimed, "Alright! Now we can get out of here!"

Hope rose in the girls until they saw their godmothers' solemn expressions. Celestia and Luna sighed then Luna spoke.

"We cannot get you out…"

"What?! Why not?!" Dash demanded.

Pinkie pointed, "Yeah, you got the magic, you can just poof us out of here!"

Celestia said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple…"

Luna explained, "There's only so much we can do to intervene."

Celestia added, "You have always been free to make your own choices, and since it was your choice to go to the ball we were able to help. But now…"

Luna said, "You chose to give yourselves up to the king…"

Their eyes widened at this and Rarity stammered, "So… we're stuck here?"

Celestia nodded, "We are truly sorry…" and they faded away, leaving the girls to wallow in misery again.

The princes were outside the dungeons as they faced the guards that were guarding the entrance.

Flash commanded, "I order you to let us pass!"

One of them replied, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but we have orders from the king that you and your brothers are not allowed to see the prisoners."

Spike questioned, "Now what do we do?"

Capper gestured, "I don't think there is anything we can do at this point…"

Discord lowered his head, "He's right. Father is making sure we don't pull a fast one again."

Soarin cringed, "What's worse is Timber is not speaking to us and Fancy is keeping his distance."

Cheese motioned, "I'm sure it's because he's being careful around us and to ease Father's anger."

Flash said, "And on top of all that, Lady Chrysalis and her daughters are here getting ready for the wedding tomorrow."

They dejectedly sighed.

Tirek and Chrysalis were in the king's study going over the final preparations for the wedding and he stated, "Now all that's left is to decide what to do with those little whores that turned my sons' heads away from their duty."

Chrysalis sneered, "Do what you will with them, they mean nothing to me now, in fact I'm appalled this happen in the first place."

"I'm sure you are. And I am shocked at how my sons couldn't realize that they were fakes in the first place when your daughters are much more lady-like."

"Do not blame them. They were overcome by seduction from those tramps."

"Perhaps you're right. I will decide their fate after the wedding."

"Speaking of the wedding, maybe we should move it to tonight instead of tomorrow. After all that's happen we don't want any more surprises popping up suddenly."

"Yes, that is good thinking. I shall see to it that everything is ready tonight."

The daughters of Chrysalis were living in paradise of the many servants waiting on them hand and foot. All except for Sunset who was dreading the upcoming wedding, she was in her own private guest room looking at the wedding dress her mother chose for her. She held it up to her chest while looking in a mirror before scowling and threw it across the room.

"What is the point?! If my soon-to-be husband doesn't smile at me when I'm walking down the aisle to him then there's no hope for us having a happy marriage!" with a determined look she proclaimed, "I have to know…" and ran out of the room.

"TONIGHT?!" the boys shouted when Fancy told them in the library.

Their mentor nodded sadly, "Your father and Lady Chrysalis didn't want to take any chances." and left without another word.

Discord spouted out, "That's it then, we're doomed."

The boys voiced out their own concerns until Sunset walked in and told them, "I need to speak to my fiancé. Alone."

They exchanged looks before Flash nodded and they left leaving the two alone.

Sunset glowered and crossed her arms, "I have to know, were you and Twilight involved?"

Flash sighed and hung his head before solemnly replying, "Yes…"

She could feel her heart cracking but kept a straight face on to say, "So what you told me that day was a lie…"

He quickly replied, "Not all of it! Yes, I wasn't there to see you but I meant what I said about being able to teach you the lute and I was glad that we had common ground. Look… Twilight encouraged me to talk to you so we could know each other before the wedding."

Her eyes widened in shock at this, "She… she did?"

"Yes, it was all her doing that I wooed you and I'm sorry you got hurt because of that. I will say this: if I haven't met Twilight then there would have been a chance for us…"

She placed a hand to her heart, "Do you mean that?"


She mulled over his words. It surprised her greatly that her personal maid would be willing to give up love all so she and Flash would be happy with each other.

Flash continued, "I have to be honest, I love Twilight and it's going to stay that way for a long time, so when we get married I hope we can get better acquainted and be friends at least."

Sunset made a sad look and asked, "Would that make you happy?"

He admitted with a sad smile, "To an extent."

She nodded in understanding and said, "Thank you for being straightforward with me." and left without looking back.

Sunset looked at the two guards in front of the dungeons' entrance and told them with a stern face, "I wish to speak to the prisoners." The guards exchanged unsure looks. "As one of your future princesses, I demand you let me in." Redundantly, they let her by. "Thank you."

She passed the row of cells before stopping at the one that held six sullen maidens. They spotted her and frowned. Dash muttered under her breath, "Great, now we're going to get a gloating…"

Sunset countered, "I'm not here to gloat or scold either of you."

Their eyes widen in intrigue.

Twilight faced her through the bars, "Sunset…"

She held her hand up, "No, let me say this. I know you put Flash up to wooing me and I find that to be very foolish on your part."

Twilight gave a confused look.

Sunset continued, "You were willing to give up true love… All for my sake… Had the truth not come out, I would have been living a lie with the man I love… But let's face it, it would have never been true love given he would never love me in return… None of them will love us in return…"

Twilight could feel tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry… I just wanted to help him and you…"

Sunset turned away from her and went.

Sunset was walking back to her room when she spotted her sisters in the hallway gossiping excitedly. She questioned, "What's going on?"

Sonata answered her, "We're marrying the princes…tonight!"

Her eyes went big, "Tonight?!"

Adagio stated, "Yes, we just received the word from Mother and we need to start getting ready."

"But… That's insane!" Sunset blurted out.

Her sisters gave her bewildered looks from her outburst.

Aria inquired, "Uh, what's so insane about it? We've been preparing for this moment all of our lives."

"But they don't even love us! How can we force them to go through with this! I'll bet if we all refuse get married then they'll off to call off the wedding!"

They gasped at this.

Suri exclaimed, "That's crazy! We can't do that!"

Sunset declared, "But we could. Please, sisters, for once in our lives let's make a decision that isn't our mother's!"

There was a pause like they were considering this until Adagio scowled, "Well my decision is to stick what Mother has done to get us here, there's no way we'll have it better in other places."

Aria and Suri agreed with her, while Sonata and Trixie looked torn. Sunset knew she had to convince them otherwise.

"Think about it, Trixie, if you do marry Prince Spike he's not going to give you the attention you deserve if he's still too hung up on Applejack, not when you deserve someone else who will give you undying devotion."

Trixie gasped, "You're right! It won't matter if I'm a princess, Trixie deserves devotion!" and sided with Sunset.

Suri spat, "Traitor!"

Aria mentioned, "At least Sonata will stay with us, right?" she turned to her scatter-brained sister with a threatening glare.

Sonata had never felt so conflicted in her life! Her sisters were dividing among themselves and she was being forced to choose a side! She could see Adagio, Aria, and Suri glaring at her while Sunset was pleading with her eyes.

Sunset said to her, "I know you're a smart person, Sonata… Do you really like living in Mother's shadow? And do you really like being bossed around by Adagio, Aria, and Suri? I've seen how hurt you get whenever you're being put down…"

Adagio yelled, "Don't listen to her, she's trying to get on your good side! So you'll turn against us!"

Sonata gave Sunset a questionable look.

"I won't force you, Sonata… Because just like the princes, just like us, we have the right to live our own lives… Whatever you decide… I won't hold it against you…"

There was a dramatic pause as they awaited for Sonata's final decision. Then finally, Sonata sided with Sunset.

The trio was shocked before glowering.

Sunset uttered, "Thank you…"

Sonata stated, "I just want respect… and I don't think I'm going to get it with them."

"Understood." then she faced the older sisters, "Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, refuse to marry the princes or we'll be forced to make sure you don't."

Adagio scoffed, "I'd like to see you try."

Pounding came from the hall closet door and muffle shouts said, "Let us out! Let us out!"

Sonata wiped her brow, "Whew! I thought we would never get them in there!"

Sunset said, "We have to hurry, Trixie stay here to make sure they don't get out. Sonata and I will get the girls." she ran on.

Back in the dungeons, the girls could see the sun was lowering in the sky. They have heard from the guards that the princes were getting married tonight making the mood more solemn then before.

Rarity uttered softly, "Oh Capper… I feel so sorry for you…"

Fluttershy prayed, "Be strong, Discord… and it'll be over before you know it…"

Pinkie was drawing Cheese's likeness in the dirt floor and drew a heart around it before a tear dropped from her eye.

Rainbow was sitting while holding her legs, thinking, You can do it, Soarin… Just pretend it's me you're marrying…

Applejack sat close to a wall and put her hand to it, telling herself, "If I could, I would break down this wall and then I would break you out too, Spike…"

Twilight was close to the bars as she thought, Flash, I hope you can find some happiness with Sunset… And Sunset, please make him happy too…

Suddenly the dungeon door opened and Sunset rushed in holding a set of keys! She turned the key to the lock of their cell much to their surprise.

Twilight started, "Sunset, what-" she was cut-off by Sunset's shushing.

"We don't have much time; Sonata is distracting the guards while I get you out."

They gawked till the cell door opened and Sunset motioned for them to follow. They got out of the dungeons and snuck past the guards as they saw Sonata entertaining them with her singing.

Once they were in the clear, Applejack demanded, "Why in tarnation did you help us just now?"

Sunset smirked, "Isn't it obvious? I'm helping you get married to your true loves."

"WHAT?!" they screeched in disbelief.

"Look the way I see it, you have to switch places with us. It's the only way for the princes to be happy, for you to be happy, and frankly for me to be happy…"

"But your sisters…" Twilight pointed.

"Trixie and Sonata sided with me and in doing so we locked Adagio, Aria, and Suri in a broom closet."

They gapped at this info making Rainbow guffaw, "You locked them in a closet?!"

"Yes, but that's why we have to hurry and get you ready, I don't know how much longer they'll stay there."

Twilight suddenly embraced her making her tense for a little bit before relaxing then the other girls joined in having her feel all warm and fuzzy inside before she had to break apart from them and kept going.

The girls gathered together wearing the wedding dresses that were meant for their former mistresses.

Rarity exclaimed, "Can this be truly happening?!" taking hold of a white rose bouquet and looked in a mirror, admiring herself.

Applejack replied, "It is… Though it's hard to believe."

Twilight nodded, "It is very surreal."

Pinkie bounced and excitedly said, "I'm going to marry my prince! I'm going to marry my prince!"

Fluttershy was slightly shaking, "Oh… it's really happening… I'm getting…" she gulped, "married…"

Dash wrapped an arm around her, "It'll be okay, Flutters. Besides, you love Discord, don't you?"

That helped stop Fluttershy from shaking and a calm came over her as she proudly admitted, "Yes, yes, I do!"

Twilight smiled, "I think it's safe to assume we're all in love with our princes, or else why would we be willing to do this?"

Rarity declared, "You're absolutely right, Twilight!"

Sunset then rushed in and told them, "Someone's coming! You better put those veils on so they don't see you're imposters!"

Quickly they used the bridal veils to cover their faces while Sunset hid behind a curtain just as a tall elegant woman came into the room.

"Oh! Don't you all look lovely! As perfect as any brides should be!"

Rarity said, "Thank you, Lady…?"

The woman curtsied, "Lady Fleur-de-lis, at your service. After the wedding we're going to be spending a lot of time together, as you will be the new princesses, it'll be my duty to help you perform your royal duties." They made brief glances at each other before Fleur said, "Now we best be on our way, the wedding procession will be starting soon." she escorted them out.

Sunset watched them go with a smile.

The castle church was crowded with noble guests and visiting dignitaries. King Tirek and Lady Chrysalis sat in the front pew along with Fancy and a few other advisors. The princes were at the altar next to the priest that would be presiding over the ceremony. The boys tried their best to be happy but their depressing mood prevented them from doing so.

Just then the wedding march started, signaling the beginning of the ritual.

The guests looked back to see the doors opening revealing the six brides. Then they came in one at a time and when they reached the altar they stood next to their grooms. Even through the veils the girls could see how upset the boys were.

The march stopped and the priest addressed the congregation, "Dearly beloved, we gather today to join these princes and these ladies in holy matrimony." he told the couples, "Please join hands."

The boys were reluctant to do so but once the girls took their hands, a strange familiar touch overcame them. They were stunned at the touches thinking what they were feeling was impossible.

The priest continued, "On this most holy of nights, we honor a sacred union between these couples that will benefit our entire kingdom. Your Highnesses, when I say do you take these women as your wives, you say, 'we do'. And ladies, when I say do you take these men as your husbands, you say, 'we do'. With that being said… Do you take these women as your wives, to have and to hold, to honor and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

The boys didn't know why but they replied without hesitation, "We do."

"And do you take these men as your husbands? To have and to hold, to honor and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

The girls replied, "We do."

"I now pronounce you, husbands and wives. You may kiss the bride."

Slowly, the boys lifted the veils of each of their brides and gasped when they saw the loves of their lives. The girls smiled back at them. Joyful tears glossed over the boys' eyes and they leaned down for a heartfelt passionate kiss.

The priest declared, "I give you, your new princesses!"

The couples slowly turned toward the congregation as applause rang out but Tirek and Chrysalis were in unpleasant shock.

Author's Note:

I was going to wait to release this on Hearts and Hooves Day but I wasn't sure if I could hold out that long and what? You thought the wedding would be the end of it? Oh no, my dear readers, this is only just the beginning! :ajsmug: