• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,693 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 9

Pinkie could see out the window of the sun setting in the distance, and was getting concern of Rainbow not showing up yet and turned to Rarity who was sweeping the kitchen floor.

"Are you sure you haven't seen her come in the house?"

Rarity sighed wearily, "Yes, Pinkie dear, and you asked me that the last few times and the answer was always no."

"She said she would be back before dinner but since it's almost time for dinner… Then something must have happen to her!"

"Now really, Pinkie, Rainbow is a big girl and is very capable of taking care of herself, I'm sure she's just running late since she has to walk from the village to here and you know that's quite a distance."

"I guess you're right, besides it's not like anything side tracked her that's purposely making her late."

Rarity smiled, "Indeed."

Meanwhile, just behind the manor's garden wall, Rainbow was having a make-out session with her prince. When she took a breath she told him, "Soar, I gotta go, Pinkie will be wondering where I am."

He sighed, "I know…" and kissed her cheek, "But I just can't leave you."

"I know what you mean…" she lowered his head back to her mouth and passionately kissed him again.

He kissed back at the same pace, than he started kissing her on the neck. Lost in his passion he kept on kissing her until she let out a yell.


He stopped and looked on in concern, "Are you okay?"

She rubbed her neck and grunted, "I think you bit me."

"Let me see." he removed her hand to examine her neck, and sure enough a small bruise was forming. "Uh-oh, I'm so sorry, Dash, I didn't mean to do that to you."

"But isn't that usually the case with most lovers that a love bite expresses their love on a part of their body?"

"Uuh… I don't know, it's my first time being in love and marking you like this feels wrong to me."

"I can handle an itsy-bitsy mark on my neck."

"Still, I think you should give me one too."

Her eyes went wide at his suggestion, "Why?"

"Because if you can handle a love bite, so can I."

"Well… if you're sure…?"

"Very sure."

"Okay… here goes nothing." she began kissing him on the face before getting to his neck and started sucking, then she moved back and saw the mark forming.

"Is it there?" he asked.

"Yeah." she touched his mark and he touched hers.

She gazed into his eyes, "If I had to be marked by someone, I'm glad it was you."

He smiled, "Me too." he leaned for one last kiss and she returned it.

Then slowly she let go and moved toward the house. He told her, "Thank you, for everything…"

She nodded and said, "I'll never forget you…" then she ran toward the house.

Soarin watched her go with a heavy heart. She was everything he could ever want in a significant other and now he had to focus on marrying a woman his father chose for him, making him wonder if he could follow through especially after what happen with Rainbow.

He softly uttered as he got on his horse and stared longingly at the manor, "You changed me forever, I'll never forget that." he signaled Wonderbolt to go and the horse ran like the wind.

Pinkie was hugging Rainbow Dash in a tight embrace as she said, "I was so worried about you!"

Rainbow gasped from the lack of air, "I'm… okay… Pinkie…"

Rarity commented, "I will admit, Rainbow Dash, but I was getting worried as well, you don't usually cut it so close."

Rainbow managed to get out of Pinkie's grasp and told them, "I'm sorry about that but I had other things going on."

"Like what?" Pinkie asked.

"Uh… it's kind of personal."

Rarity stated, "Now really, Dashie, since when do we keep secrets from each other?"

Pinkie piped up, "Yeah! We even took that blood oath when we were younger and we vowed that we remain true to one another!"

Rarity mentioned, "Besides, we already know about your association with the pirate, Captain Celaeno, so what could be more personal that you have to hide from us?"

"It's personal because I was with Soarin."

Pinkie squealed loudly, "Ooh!"

Rarity excitedly said, "Do tell!"

"Uh, no." she firmly replied, "That's between Soarin and me."

The two groaned in disappointment before Rarity asked, "Did you at least have a good time?"

A smile slowly spread on her lips, "The best…" then she said in defense, "But that's all I'm saying!"

Pinkie questioned, "Hey, is that a hickie on your neck?" she pointed to the bruise on her neck.

Dash panicked and covered it with her hand while stammering, "No! It's uh… a bug bite! Yeah! A spider got on me and bit me on the neck."

"Oh you poor darling," said Rarity, "don't worry I'll help you cover that nasty mark."

Rainbow thought, It's not that nasty…

Rarity found a cloth and wrapped it around her friend's neck, "There, that should do it."

"Thanks Rare."

Pinkie then started getting the food from Rainbow's basket to wash them. She told them, "We better start getting the food ready, dinner will be in an hour."

They nodded their heads and went to work.

Rarity, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash brought in platters of food into the dining room under the watchful eye of Madam Cinch while the ladies of the household sat in their places.

Sonata took a long sniff and exclaimed, "Mmm! That smells so good! I can't wait to eat it!"

Aria muttered, "You and your stomach."

Chrysalis told Sonata, "Which reminds me, you'll have to control that appetite of yours when you live at the palace, because no one wants a pig for a future princess. And I thank you, Aria for bringing that up to me after the ball."

Aria smugly replied, "You're welcome, Mother."

Sonata looked like she could die from embarrassment.

Pinkie saw this and felt sorry for the girl. It wasn't the first time that Sonata was put down by her sisters especially Aria. Sonata may have not been the smartest person in the world but she had her moments and that was something Pinkie could relate to.

I just hope she'll treat Cheese right, because if he had to marry one of my mistresses, I'm glad it's Sonata, she may not be nice to me from time to time but she's funny nevertheless and I know that'll make my prince happy. Speaking of my prince, I wonder what he's doing now…

Cheese was having dinner with his brothers and father with them wearing their formal dinner wear with white collars around their necks. Soarin came back just in time as they were heading to the dining hall. They wanted to ask their brother how his day went with his girl but couldn't since they had to go eat. During the quiet meal, Cheese couldn't help but notice the strange looks Soarin was giving their father. Like a cross between anger and confusion. Suddenly, out of nowhere Soarin asked.

"Father, how was your day?"

The boys stopped eating while dropping their utensils in shock and looked to their father to see his reaction.

Tirek himself was taken aback by this and furrowed his brow, inquiring, "Why do you ask, Soarin?"

"I was just wondering how the kingdom is faring and I couldn't think of a better time to ask."

Tirek merely replied, "It's doing well as usual, nothing has changed."

Soarin slightly scowled at those words and it looked like he was going to press forward on the subject but decided against it, going back to his meal. Tirek was satisfied at this and continued with his meal too, making other princes do the same.

When dinner was over and Tirek dismissed them, they headed up the stairs where Discord demanded to Soarin, "What the hell was that?"

Soarin didn't reply, instead he motioned them to come into his room. Once they were in, he shut the door and told them, "Our father is a liar."

They gapped at his words with Flash uttering out, "What?"

The second eldest nodded his head, "Today, when I found Rainbow Dash walking toward the village, I offered to take her there but once we got there…" he shook his head sadly, "It's terrible. Just terrible."

Their mouths kept gapping and Capper asked, "How terrible is it?"

"Oh guys, it's so depressing and rundown that I'm amazed our people can live like that for so long. And speaking of our people, some of them are seriously sick and a lot of them are without homes."

Spike gasped out, "Are you serious?!"

Soarin could only nod.

Discord sputtered, "But that doesn't make sense! Father just said that the kingdom was going well as usual."

Soarin pointed, "But he also said 'nothing has changed' which means that the kingdom has been that way for a long time now and that he's been hiding this from us."

Cheese said, "Okay, aside from Father's deception, how did your time with your girl go?"

Soarin suddenly blushed and touched his neck, "It was… nice…"

Capper cocked his brow slyly, "Just nice?"

Soarin bit his lip as all his brothers gave him sly looks.

"Well okay, it was more than just nice…" turning his head away and sighed happily, "She's so awesome and wonderful… In fact, if she had been Chrysalis's daughter, I would have begged Father to move up the wedding date."

His brothers gawked at this with Spike asking, "Would you have really?"

Soarin gave a determined look, "In a heartbeat."

They exchanged bewildered looks until Discord proclaimed, "That does it, we're drawing straws again to see who gets to go next."

Capper took out the straw pieces that Timber gave him, "Remember, it has to be the shortest straw," he told Soarin, "and you're out of the running."

His brother sighed, "Yeah, I know, but I do wish I can go back."

Cheese patted his back in comfort.

The five princes drew a straw and looked at it carefully, but when they saw Flash having the shortest, the other four groaned.

Flash smiled bright and looked at the straw, thinking, Until tomorrow my Twilight…

Twilight was brushing Sunset's hair but she could see that her mistress was annoyed.

Sunset huffed, "Can't you go any faster?! I need my beauty rest!"

Twilight wanted to roll her eyes but just said, "Yes, my lady." She kept brushing and at a fast pace.

Sunset complained, "Now you're too fast! Do you want my hair to fall out?!"

Twilight sighed, "No, my lady." She slowed down.

"I swear you can be so pathetic."

"If I may ask, my lady, but why are you acting like this?"

"I'll act the way I want!"

"But you're usually calmer than this." And thought, and less demanding…

Suddenly Sunset got up, took the brush and threw across the room where it land on the floor with a clang, "Oh just forget it! It doesn't matter anyway! None of it does! I'll never be good enough for him!"

Twilight's eyes widen from the outburst, "Him?"

"Prince Flash. I saw him dancing with another girl at the masquerade ball and I could tell how much in love he was with her… And yet here I am engaged to him…" she lowered her head in misery.

Twilight's mouth gapped open from this revelation. She softly asked, "Do you wish for him to love you?"

"I was hoping he would… that when we met, he would like me and I would like him. Then we would get married just like our parents wanted then we would be happy together…" she lowered herself back in the chair and held her face.

Twilight was beside herself, she didn't know if she should comfort Sunset or leave the room to leave her to her despair.

Suddenly Sunset spoke to her, "You're lucky really. You'll get to marry for love."

Twilight was stunned by those words and wanted to retort that she couldn't marry for love because the one she wanted was going to marry the very person she was facing right now. But that would have made things worse as it is. It really was a mess she and her friends were in, the fact they ended up smitten by the men that their mistresses had to marry and agreed to see them on the side until the wedding was very risky but they were willing to take it. Then she looked at the melancholy Sunset again and felt sorry for her that Flash wouldn't be able to like her in time for the wedding. Then suddenly a crazy idea occurred to her, she realized it would cut her time with Flash but it had to be done especially if Flash and Sunset were going to have get married to each other.

Twilight suggested, "May you should go to bed now, my lady, you had a very stressful last couple of days."

Sunset looked up and frowned, "I suppose you're right, a good night's sleep should help. But I want you here in case I need something."

More like you don't want to be alone in your state.

"Of course, my lady."

Sunset went to her bed and pulled the covers over her body and started to relax, than she told Twilight, "Thank you…"

For the fourth time that night, Twilight was shocked by Sunset's behavior as this was the first time her mistress ever said 'thank you' to her. She replied with a small smile, "You're welcome."

Author's Note:

So after Flashlight, which of the remaining couples do you want me to do next? AppleSpike? Fluttercord? CheesePie? or Caprarity? I look forward to your votes.