• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,697 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

  • ...

Chapter 22

Author's Note:

Here's an Easter present for all of you!

The princes entered the library with concern looks on their faces. They saw the way Lady Fleur looked at their wives before they left.

Capper asked Fancy before the tutoring began, "Did Lady Fleur not get enough sleep or something?"

Discord mentioned, "Yes, she did look rather cranky when we saw her."

Fancy sighed, "I'm afraid she's not overly delighted about your marriages…"

Spike asked, "But why?"

Their mentor explained, "My wife has always been of high class ever since she was born and she tends look down upon those who are low in station. Your wives used to be maids therefore she's upset at how they suddenly became princesses."

The boys frowned at this information.

Fancy saw this and stated, "Just give her time, she'll come around." he held up an astronomy book, "Now please find a book similar to this and begin reading the first few chapters."

Capper raised his hand, "Not that stargazing is a fascinating subject but maybe it's time you taught us more useful things."

Fancy was surprised by that and inquired, "Oh? Like what?"

Capper continued, "Like how we can improve the lives of our people and make sure it stays that way."

His brothers voiced out agreements making Fancy pleasantly surprised by their new attitude toward the kingdom. Before, they didn't think they needed to know the proper procedures of governing given their father handled all of that but if Fancy had to guess it was because of their wives that they were given a new perspective on how things were and now they wanted to change that.

He asked, "Are you sure you boys want that?"

They simultaneously agreed.

"Very well, but I must warn you, it will not be an easy task, nothing can be changed overnight. It takes time and patience as well as being factual and figuring out the proper solutions to a problem. The first thing I'll have to teach you is how to write policies that configure a solid structure to the kingdom."

He saw confusion on their faces, "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it before you know it. Now, get out a quill and piece of parchment and we'll begin."

They did as he said and listen intently to the lesson.

Rarity gracefully walked around the room with her head held high all the while the book stayed on her head. A smile played on her lips as to how naturally she was getting it. Fleur watched on the other side of the room feeling annoyed and impressed at the same time. The girls marveled at how well Rarity was doing.

Rarity curtsied to Fleur without dropping the book making the lady even more impressed and begrudgingly said, "Well done, Your Highness, you are a true master of elegance." She addressed the others, "Now we shall see if the rest of you can do just as well." Taking the book from Rarity and placed it on Fluttershy's head.

Fluttershy was nervous and took it slow but once she walked around the room, she got the hang of it.

Fleur couldn't believe it, how can two simple maids be so graceful? Of course she couldn't deny the fact that they were quite lovely too, one would think because they were born in poverty they could not afford to take care of themselves and yet, their skin was flawless, their lips weren't chapped, and their hair was kept in good condition.

When Fluttershy was done with balancing the book, Fleur moved on to the next princess. Pinkie Pie did have a hard time going straight while walking but the book stayed on her head the whole way.

"Very good, Your Highness," commented Fleur before addressing Twilight, "You're next, princess."

Twilight received the book on her head and took a deep breath, telling herself, "You can do this…" and when she walked around the room she did fine at first until she reached the end where the book fell off.

"Hmm… We'll have to work on that." their tutor said and picked up the book to put on Applejack's head.

The former chamber maid gulped and sweat started to bead her forehead as she took a slow step forward and another, but then she lost her nerve and the book fell down.

Fleur tsked and mentioned, "You'll need lots of practice, Your Highness."

Applejack blushed in embarrassment and went back in line.

Fleur pointed to Rainbow, "And finally…" she put the book on Dash's head.

Rainbow was feeling more tense then she ever been in her life. Simple chores she could handle and she certainly wasn't afraid of getting her hands dirty if she had to but when it came to have perfect posture she was completely at a loss. She started to walk but her shoes were giving her trouble again and she fell forward with the book opening and landing right back on her head but in a more ridiculous position.

The girls started to go to her but Fleur held her hand up and she went to the fallen princess and took the book back as Rainbow got up, then she addressed the princesses, "Your Highnesses, I can safely say that some of you have mastered grace and poise, the rest of you however will need extra sessions."

Applejack and Rainbow exchanged a grimace, they were not looking forward to that.

When it was time for lunch the girls sat at a clothed table while the maids served their meals and set down the silverware. The princesses gawked at the many spoons, forks, and knives next to their plates.

Fleur noticed their looks and explained, "When one must dine with royalty, one must eat like royalty. As you can see there are different types of silverware you must use when eating."

Pinkie grabbed a fork and Fleur quickly said, "No, no, your highness! That is a dessert fork!"

Applejack interjected, "Well how can you tell the difference? A fork is a fork!"

Fleur went up to her and pointed to each of the forks, "This is a salad fork, this is a dinner fork, and this is a dessert fork." then points to the spoons, "This is a soup spoon, a dinner spoon, and a dessert spoon." points to the knives, "This is a butter knife, a dinner knife, and of course the dessert knife."

Pinkie questioned, "But if we're eating lunch why do we have dinner forks, spoons, and knives?"

Fleur sighed, "Because I am helping learn this before you have dinner with his majesty, the king tonight."

Rarity tittered nervously, "That is a very good reason, your ladyship. And I cannot express our gratitude enough for teaching us."

The lady replied, "One can only hope that'll it stick."

The girls weren't sure if they should take that to offense or not.

When lunch was done, Fleur moved on to the next lesson by having the maids holding up white fabrics.

"Next, you must learn color coordination, especially when planning receptions the wrong color choice could offend a guest, thus leading to disagreement and possibly war."

Rainbow whispered to Applejack, "Seriously?"

The once farmer nodded her head in disbelief.

Fleur asked, "Now can any of you name the fabrics?"

Rarity raised her hand and cleared her throat while pointing to each fabric, "That one is toasted oat, this one is eggshell, then it's warm frost, pale nimbus, cream, bone, and lastly vanilla."

Fleur was beside herself as were the girls. The lady got out of her shock and said, "Well, at least one of you is knows proper color coordination… Pray tell, your highness, but remind me again of what your name is?"

"I am Rarity, your ladyship." she curtsied.

"I dare say, Princess Rarity, you have shown much promise to me today. I can't help but think that you were already a lady born despite your humble background."

"Oh, thank you, your ladyship. That means a great deal coming from you."

Fleur slightly smiled, "It does, doesn't it?" then her expression turned stern again and faced the others, "As for the rest of you, I want you to pay extra close attention to Princess Rarity's mannerisms for they will help you immensely in the days to come."

Rainbow uttered under her breath, "Figures she would already be the teacher's pet."

The others nodded their heads.

Fancy was looking over the boys' attempt at policy making and he exclaimed while holding up a paper, "Excellent work, Capper."

The prince smiled while his brothers made annoyed looks.

Soarin muttered, "Figures he would be the one to get it right the first time."

Fancy pointed, "I admire how the rest of you wrote with clarity and precise instruction of how change can be done but they need to be convincing at the same time. Capper's policy swayed me over within the first few sentences! So I want you to try again and this time, follow Capper's example."

The princes glared at their brother as he made a cheesy grin and shrugged.

"And Capper you are excused so you may go about the rest of the day to your own pleasure."

The third prince smiled and thanked their mentor before leaving. He knew exactly what he had to do.

Capper made his way to the stables where Timber was tending to the horses. He cautiously approached the stable boy and cleared his throat.

Timber saw him then frowned.

Capper slowly said, "Hey, um, I know you're upset with us about not telling you about our plans to run away…"

Timber said nothing and kept tending to the horses as he brushed Wonderbolt's mane and fur.

Capper continued, "We only did it for your protection so Father didn't have to question our whereabouts and that way, he couldn't punish you for helping us."

Timber suddenly said while he gave Jewel water, "And what if I didn't care if I did get punished for helping you?"

Capper's eyes widen in surprise.

Timber faced him with solemn eyes, "I thought I was your trusted friend… You and the other princes have always shared secrets with me and I've never once squealed. I would have been fine with you running away with your girls because you deserve happiness more than anything after living with such a horrible father that never once cared about either of you. I would have made sure you would have escaped no matter what. I just wish you would have told me…" he went back to the horses and fed Boneless his oats.

Capper's eyes downcast from his friend's words and hung his head shamefully before turning away and went.

Timber glanced at him before going back to work.

A feminine voice suddenly spoke, "That was a bit harsh, don't you think?"

Timber turned to see Lady Sunset Shimmer standing in front of the stables, he scowled at her, "May I ask why you're here?"

Sunset replied with a spiteful undertone, "Oh, I was just taking a walk around the castle grounds when I happen to overhear your delightful conversation with the prince."

Timber frowned and stated, "You know, for someone who was born in a noble household I would think one would learn that eavesdropping is rude and should respect privacy."

Sunset muttered bitterly, "And I can see you're just as charming as you were last night…"

Sunset couldn't sleep and left her new bedroom, in just one day, she renounced her mother and lost the only home she ever known. She knew she did the right thing but still it was hard to adjust to a new life she never thought she would have.

She walked around the hallways and looked around her surroundings seeing royal portraits and tapestries hanging on the wall. While she was distracted by the sights she didn't see a young man walking toward her with his head down looking upset. They didn't see each other until it was too late and ended up bumping into each other. They fell to the floor and groaned from the pain.

Sunset sat up and glared at him, "Don't you know you need to watch where you're going?!"

Timber sat up too and glared back, "Well I could ask you the same thing! Why weren't you watching where you were going?!" He got up.

Sunset held her hand out, "You know, a gentleman always helps a lady up."

Timber rolled his eyes and helped her up.

She muttered out mockingly, "Thank you…"

He sarcastically replied, "You're welcome. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my room."

She crossed her arms, "Fine by me, I was just going back to my room too."

Without another word, they took separate ways.

Timber let out a sigh, "Look, I wasn't really myself last night. I was tired and upset and given the conversation you just heard, you know why."

Sunset suddenly felt guilty and sadly frowned, "Maybe you're right… Now that I think about it, I wasn't acting very good either… I couldn't sleep and I was trying to distract myself from everything that happened, when you bumped into me, I kind-of lashed out. I'm sorry."

Timber was surprised but he made a small smile and told her, "Apology accepted, and… I'm sorry too."

She smiled back, "You're forgiven."

"So… You're a new servant?"

"I'm a lady-in-waiting for the princesses." she smirked as she playfully inquired, "And your job is…?"

He smirked back, "Isn't it obvious?"

She giggled and curtsied, "Lady Sunset Shimmer."

He bowed in return, "Timber Spruce."

She said, "I must go now, but hopefully we'll see each other again very soon."

He looked at her with half-lidded eyes, "I look forward to it."

A small blush crept on her cheeks and she slowly walked away while glancing back at him before going inside.

Timber couldn't stop staring at her even when she was out of his sight.

No doubt about it, cupid had come and stuck the two of them together, one can only hope that it'll stay that way…