• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,854 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 1 New world, new body, new powers

‘I’m a ralts…’ I repeated that sentence in my head over and over but I still couldn’t grasp it. The concept of all that was so impossible and yet here I was. I looked around discarding the mirror and shaking my head, I neared the sleeping bag and uncovered the sleeping ralts.

Just like me, Thomas became a shiny ralts, I couldn’t deny it now. We were pokemon now.
‘Sorry Thomas but I need you to wake up.’ I thought and shook him. He didn’t even try to wake up. “Come on Thomas!” I said in a very high voice.

“Wha-? What happened?” He said in a childish voice. He looked around and finally noticed me. “The hell?! A ralts?”

“Thomas it’s me!” I shouted at him. “Calm down.”

“Anne? The fuck happened to you?” He asked.

“The same thing that happened to you.” I said.

“What?” He said and looked at his hands noticing that they were now white and very small. “I’m a ralts too? Oh, joy.” He said sarcastically while looking down. “Do you know where we are?”

I nodded and explained to him what Discord told me. After that, he just looked around without focus until his eyes fell on the strange devices on the ground. “What are those?”

I moved to pick them up but suddenly a strange aura enveloped one and brought it right in front of me. “Ah!” I shouted frightened immediately the aura vanished and the item dropped on the floor. “What happened?”

“I think you just used some sort of telekinesis, we are now Fairy and Psychic pokémons, that will be the norm from now on. I think.” He explained, then he stretched his arm out seemingly trying to grab the red object and an azure aura enveloped it before it went right in front of him then he snatched it from mid-air.

“How did you do that?” I asked intrigued.

“It’s not very difficult, imagine your hand and what you want to grab and then imagine the same hand bringing it to you. Try it.” He said and gestured to the object on the ground.

I pointed my arm at it and imagined my hand, gently picking it up. Immediately the same azure aura flashed into existence and brought the object to me. “Wow…” I breathed. “Incredible.”

“Yep, will come in handy for sure. We are what? 30 or 40 centimeters tall?” He asked.

‘Huh, that explains why the trees were so big.’ I mused. Something though was starting to nag at me. “Why are we so calm about this? I know I would freak out in an instant.” I asked him.

“I don’t know really.” He shrugged. “Well better this than being in shock.”

“True.” With the conversation finished, for now, I took the device and opened it. It was a rectangular red thing but it was too similar to a…

“A badge case? But it’s different… Look there are eighteen spaces here.” I said and showed it to him. The spaces were all different shaped and not even one resembled a known badge. He hummed thinking for a bit before replying.

“It could be that there are eighteen different gyms here..” He said.

I closed it and put it in the bag next to Thomas's sleeping bag. “We will think about it later, we should get moving, Discord said that ponies are in this world so we should find a town.” I said to him at which he only nodded and started to walk. A bit awkwardly but still walking.

“Don’t you dare to laugh.” He said.

“Who? Little innocent old me? Never.” I said seriously. “I will just giggle at you.” I said and giggled. He sighed frustrated and continued to walk. We didn’t even make a hundred meters inside the forest before we encountered a problem. Multiple problems.

I heard a sound from our right, I scanned the treeline and saw two bright green dots in the bushes above us. I shouted and pulled Thomas down with me just in time to see a strange wolf pass over our heads. The wolf landed and stopped looking at us, then I stood up and ran with Thomas right behind me, more and more wolves were trying to catch us from various hideouts in the forest. Luckily our size was an advantage and we managed to avoid them when they leaped at us we continued to ran until we arrived to the end of the depression where we were in and a wall of rocks blocked our escape.

“What do we do?” I asked scared.

“I don’t know! Ralts is the weakest psychic pokémon so we cannot fight them all!” He said, he was using a stoic face but I could feel his fear. The wolves catched up with us and surrounded us completely, then they jumped.

When the wolves were almost upon us I screamed and closed my eyes, suddenly I felt something shifts and when I opened my eyes we were in a different place than before. “Wha-?”

“We teleported…But how? Teleport is not learned by ralts until level 9. But maybe those rules don’t apply here?”Thomas pondered. “Anyway, it saved us. Good work Anne.” He praised.

“I-it was nothing.” I shook my head. “Whatever let’s keep going.” I said though I wanted to teleport again so I tried to remember the sensation of it pointing it to a tree in front of me.

I popped in front of the tree. ”I did it!” I shouted happily, then my head started to ache. “Ouch, ouch, ouch that hurt.” I whined grasping my head.

“Are you ok?!” he said. Concerned, Thomas rushed to my side.

I motioned to him to shut up and when my migraine went away I answered. “Yes, just a migraine. Teleporting is difficult.”

“I bet.” He said and put my arm around his shoulders. “Come on I’ll help you.”

“Thanks.” We stayed silent, trying to determine if any other wolves were after us. Fortunately, the journey was uneventful until we heard a voice. We decided to investigate and found a blue mare with a purple cape and hat filled with stars. She was using Psychic to repair her wagon wheel? It wasn’t having the desired effect though.

“Stupid thing.” She said frustrated kicking the wheel. “Why are you so stubborn?” She said defeated. I sensed from her a bit of frustration but mostly sadness, that wagon must have been important for her. Thus I decided to stop hiding and come out from the bush we were in.

“Wait-” Thomas said at me, probably worried but I knew she wouldn’t attack us.

“Hello?” I told her. She turned around and noticed me, her eyes grew and her mouth was agape. She remained like this for a bit before shaking her head.

“H-hello, I-I am the Great and Powerful Trixie. How can I help you little ehm thing?” She asked awkwardly.

“Hi, I’m the not so powerful Anne and I’m a ralts.” I said to her.

“A... Ralts? What is it?” She asked me now confused.

“A Ralts is a race of pokémon, we are the feeling pokémon and we possess psychic abilities as well.” I told her. “Oh before I forget my friend Thomas wants to meet you!” I then tried something, I tried to grab Thomas with my telekinesis and it worked! I grabbed him and put him next to me.

“Ehm, hello.” He said low.

“Thomas, Trixie. Trixie, Thomas.” I introduced them.

“I’m Thomas Jones. And she is Anne Bennett.” Thomas said bowing his head.

“Trixie Lulamoon, a pleasure.” She said bowing a little too. “But what are two little cute thing doing here in the Everfree forest? This place is really dangerous.” She said.
“We noticed, a group of strange wolves already attacked us.” I said to her.

“Weird wolves?” She said putting a hoof under her chin. “They must have been Timberwolves, how did you escape them?” She asked.

“I teleported.” I replied to her.

“You can teleport?” She said in awe. “Anyway I’m sorry but I need to repair this wheel but my magic can only do one thing, either I repair the wheel or I lift the wagon.” She sighed.

‘Again sadness and frustration.’ “Wait you said magic? Like one hundred percent real magic?” I asked. She nodded and I asked again. “How does it works? Are there limits? Of course there are you told me one right now. How powerful are you?” Thomas abruptly stopped me.

“Later, Anne. We can help you if you want.” He said, I pouted because he interrupted me but I nodded nonetheless.

“How would you two help?” She asked.

“Like this.” I said and nodded to Thomas to which he nodded back and together we lifted the wagon just enough for Trixie to repair the wheel. She stared at us strangely, she was probably wondering how two little creature like us could lift her wagon easily. And she would be right, without Thomas, I wouldn’t be able to lift the entire thing by myself and even with him, it was still a difficult task. She shook her head and started to work on the wheel, she enveloped her magic around the various pieces that formed the rays of the wheel and the broken piece that flew away. She put them all in the right order and pieced them all together. In less than a minute the wheel was good as new.

We relaxed and put the wagon down making the wheels squeak under the weight but they held. “Oh thank you so much.” She said hugging us both. “You don’t know how much this means to me.” She continued.

I sensed a lot of happiness from her. “yes I know.” I said without thinking. “So can we go with you?”

“Absolutely yes, Anne.” She replied happily. “Come on get in.” She gestured towards the door on the back of the wagon. We hopped in it and awed at the wagon interior, it was filled with blueprints that explained different magical tricks as well as a bed and multiple books all over the floor. We looked out of the little window that was present and noticed Trixie nearing the front of the wagon. Then we started to move.

“So what do you think?” I asked Thomas.

“She is a good person-pony. I can feel it.” He replied.

“Yeah me too.” I said. “Does that means that we are embarking on an adventure?”

“Yeah. I think so, we will find a way to return back someday.” He said. The silence after that sentence stretched out for a lot of time, until.

A scream from Trixie alarmed us. We exited the wagon in a hurry and saw what scared her. On the road there was a Timberwolf, Trixie was keeping it at bay with her magic thanks to an azurine dome, but the strain was visible and she wouldn’t last long.

I looked at the Timberwolf and tried to think of something that could harm him. ‘Confusion maybe? But how would I even use it?’ I thought. I focused, I thought about trying to harm it somehow, then in my head, something clicked. And I knew what to do.

The same azure aura encompassed it, the aura concentrated around the head. Immediately the wolf started to whine in pain clawing it’s head, a useless endeavour. I continued my assault until it ran away from me. I stopped using confusion and noticed Trixie looking at me. “What did you do?” She asked tired between breaths.

“Confusion, I caused it pain by putting a lot of strain on its mind, seems like I caused it a migraine.” I replied.

“We should go before it comes back with the entire pack. It’s strange that it was alone.” Thomas said.

“Yeah you’re right.” Trixie nodded and hastily returned to pull the wagon. We returned inside the wagon and started our journey again.

“How did you do that?” Thomas inquired.

“I don’t know exactly, I wanted to hurt it somehow and suddenly it clicked into my mind how. I just can, I think? You need to understand it on your own, sorry.” I replied.

He said nothing and just sat down putting a hand under his absent chin. I didn’t want to disturb him. I knew that when he does something like that it means he was deeply thinking, so I decided to go talk to Trixie, I teleported on her and fell on her back startling her. “Hey, Trixie.” I said.

“Oh it’s you, you nearly gave Trixie a heart attack.” She replied continuing to walk.

“Why the third person?”I asked her the sound of several birds accompanied us.

“The third person is because Trixie needs to spell out how important she is by using her name.” She said, but I felt a hint of sadness in her.

“You don’t have many friends do you?” I asked her.

“I-The great Trixie doesn’t need friends.” She said.

“Then what are we now?” I asked her.

“We are frie-acquaintances, yes.” She replied.

“You know… We can be friends if you want.” I proposed to her.

“I- Trixie will think about it.” She answered. “Would you like to help me with my show? I could really use your abilities.” She said changing the argument.

“I’m okay with that. Where are we going anyway?” I asked her.

“Dodge Junction.” She replied.

“Is it far?” I asked her again.

“Normally? Yes. But the powerful Trixie,” She said putting a hoof on her chest. “knows a shortcut. Brace yourself you are going to feel what long ranged teleportation feels like. Not too distant from here there is a gateway. ” She explained.

“A gateway?” I asked intrigued. “What is it?”

“The gateways are ancient artifact connected to each other, they are almost forgotten but Trixie found one in her travels and they are very useful for long journeys. We are going to pass the Stone Gateway which will bring us exactly two kilometers from Dodge Junction.” She said.

“Cool.” I said in awe. That world was becoming more and more interesting the more time I passed there. “And after Dodge Junction?”

“Appleoosa and finally Ponyville, then straight to Canterlot.”

Author's Note:

Here we go second chapter! I want to thank all the people that are thinking right now how stupid, unoriginal and horrible this fic is, thank you for your time:pinkiehappy:

For the others who likes the fic instead... Yay. New chapter and new powers and we already encoutered the best pony woohoo. If you liked the chapter let me know by putting thumb up and a comment in the comment section. If you didn't then tell me what you think is wrong and I will try to understand my errors. Either way stay tuned and sharp for next chapter:twilightsmile:

Edited by: Rolay7