• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,854 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 7 The prologue of a wonderful journey

After the battle with the Snorlax we all rested for a bit in the gorge, the most fascinating thing though was how a large group of pokémon were returning to the canyon filling the previously empty area, some rock type pokémon, mostly geodude and onix, were present and some steel type too.

“Hey look a Salamance, and a Druddigon!” Thomas said excited pointing to a distant area where the mentioned pokémon were chilling out.

“Yep.” I replied, I was excited too… But I was so tired from the fight. “Hey Twilight do you think you could teleport us back on the gorge?” I asked her.

“Well sure, but I really want to remain here to study the pokémon of the area. Such fascinating creatures.” She said with glee.

“Ok then but be wary, not many pokémon likes to have strangers in their territory, especially the dragon types. So watch out for the Salamance and the Druddigon.” I warned.

“Yeah, yeah I’ll be careful.” She said dismissing us while writing notes on a parchment.

“She will become Pokéfood, Trixie is sure of that.” Trixie said. “But that’s not our problem, let’s go assistants.” Trixie said in her usual tone trotting away.

“How do we exit the gorge without a teleportation spell or any wings?” Thomas pointed out.

“Anne can’t you teleport us?” Trixie said looking at me.

I looked down a bit embarrassed. “I-I cannot, not anymore.” I answered.

“What?” Thomas and Trixie shouted.

I winced at that shout. “Yes after the Snorlax hit me I discovered I couldn’t teleport anymore. I’m sorry.” I said looking down.

“Oh Anne you don’t have to be sorry, it’s not your fault.” Trixie said hugging me. “The great and powerful Trixie already has a solution!” She affirmed. I looked at her tilting my head, “Hey Twilight if you teleport us on the top of the canyon Anne will tell you another entry of the Pokédex!” She shouted, this caught the attention of Twilight who immediately scrambled to us in a hurry.

“Really?” She said looking at us with the eyes of a children.

“But of course, now if you will…” Trixie said.

“Of course.” Twilight said and her horn light up and we were immediately on the top of the cliff where we started.

“Ah, gullible little Twilight.” Trixie said laughing at her successful plan. I thought it was pretty funny too so I said nothing and just shook my head.

“You are the worst Trixie.” Thomas commented snickering.

“Trixie is a great and powerful one. It just turns out she is also the best at pranks.” She boasted and soon we were all on our way back.


“Wait… If I teleported them on there how will they-” Twilight’s brain came to a sudden halt when she realized that in her haste she just got pranked. By Trixie of all ponies!

“Oh! This means war. And War thee shall have Trixie!” She announced to the air.

The sound of rocks smashing together made her look at her right where a Geodude was watching her with a curious look. Then covered his mouth with a hand and laughed with the sound of landslide.

“Yeah, yeah laugh it up you.” Twilight said blushing red and returned to her notes.

Meanwhile Trixie and her group reached Ponyville, though Trixie excused herself and disappeared in the city while Anne and Thomas went to Fluttershy to heal out any injuries they received from the battle. They knocked on her door and she came out with little Summer on her head like she was a hat. She immediately noticed their scratches and bruises and immediately pushed them inside for an “Incredibly urgent emergency!”

The entire “emergency” lasted two minutes where Summer just used her Healing Wish to bring them back to full strength, after the deal was done they thanked them both and went out searching fo Trixie.

“Where do you think she went?” Anne asked.

“Beats me, Trixie can be unpredictable at times.” Thomas said shrugging. “Hey there she is.” He called out when they barely entered the town.

“Anne, Thomas.” She waved them, she then trotted to them. “The great and powerful Trixie has a spectacular gift for you two!” She announced striking a pose.

“Oh? What is it?” Anne asked enthusiastic. “Come on, tell me tell me!” She said bouncing around Trixie.

“Oh my God Anne, you can’t do that every time…” Thomas said covering his face with a hand.

“Shush you.” Anne said before resuming her bouncing and adding some pirouettes in there too.

“Tut, tut.” Trixie said stopping Anne with a hoof. “Everything will be revealed this evening at Trixie spectacular show!” She said. “There and only there.” She continued with a smirk.

“Awww.” Anne said defeated.

“I’m sure the next time you will get her.” Thomas said ironically. Anne huffed and walked away towards Trixie’s cart.

“Come on Trixie, we need to practice the new show right?” She asked grabbing Trixie’s mantle.

“Well yes.” She said holding a laugh.


After my completely mature and absolutely necessary request to Trixie, we returned to the cart where she explained to us what to do in her next performance. It was a fairly simple one, we had to go near her and cover her with a drape and then she will disappear from under it. Then do it again with multiple objects changing them into other objects.

We practiced for hours and with the sun setting we were ready.

“Welcome, mares and stallions to the magical show of Trixie! The great and powerful Trixie will now present her assistants, give a cheer for Thomas and Annie!” She said making the crowd go wild when we came out from behind a drape. “And now for the first magic of today we-”

“You again?” Shouted Rainbow Dash from the air.

“What are ya doing here Trixie?” Asked the irate voice of Applejack. Both of them were now on the stage in front of us.

“Trixie is trying to make a magical show, step down from the stage now! Or do you want a repeat of what happened the first time you challenged Trixie?” Trixie said obviously bothered by their action.

“Why you-We don’t want any freud like you here!” Rainbow said angrily in her face.

“Hey stop it!” I shouted putting myself in the middle of the argument. “Why are you so hostile?”

“Anne? Is that ya?” Applejack asked looking at me.

“Yes, I evolved just today. Like the Dustox at your orchard, remember?” I told her.

“Why are you with this pony?” Rainbow said accusingly to me.

“She is mine and Thomas partner. So what?” I asked calmly.

“She almost destroyed this town with her stupid show. Because of her a pair of colts brought an Ursa minor in town.” She said stomping with her hoof.

“Trixie cannot be held responsible of the idiotic ideas of two colts too stupid to realize how bad of an idea that was.” Trixie said defending herself.

“They wouldn’t have done that without your input, also let’s not forget that you made us look like fools in front of the entire city.” Rainbow continued, walking past me and against Trixie.

“Hey! I don’t know what happened here before but you can’t go around ruining our show just like that.” I shouted to her. “Applejack please help us.” I asked.

“Now see here-” She started but I stopped her pulling out my best begging face. “... Dangabit you are just like Applebloom.” She whispered and grabbed Rainbow by her tail. “Come on Rainbow let’s go, you can be angry at her another time.”

“But AJ she fooled you too!” Rainbow replied angrily.

“Ah know but now it’s not the time to make a ruckus.” She said finally and dragged her away from the stage.

“Trixie is sorry for the inconvenience.” Trixie said recovering from the interruption. “Now let’s start!” She proclaimed.

The show went well and no one came on the stage to interrupt again. The tricks worked like a charm and many foals were very happy about it, all of them were drawn like moths when Trixie started recalling our adventures in the forest and in the canyon while she created illusions of the scenes just like a hologram, and even if Trixie would never admit it she was very happy to know that. We were now at the end of the show and Trixie showed that, hidden right next to us there was a big drape which was covered with depictions of stars and magical wands.

“And now for Trixie’s final trick.” She announced. “Anne, Thomas please discover the big surprise!” She said. We were obviously confused, she didn’t inform us of any kind of final trick like that. So with curiosity we pulled the drapes to reveal a second cart hidden underneath it.

The cart was colored with the same colour scheme of Trixie’s but it was a tad bit smaller, also on the flank there were our names on it in a golden colour. The cart was designed to be attached to Trixie’s own and there was a little platform in between the two creating a passage that could be used to go from a cart to the other.

“Do you like it?” Trixie asked.

“I- but why?” I asked confused but nonetheless happy.

“Well, Trixie can’t make you go around inside Trixie’s cart all the time, you need your space too and so Trixie made a deal with Filthy Rich and requested this cart. It’s all yours to use as you like, but.” She said putting a hoof in front of us. “You must become Trixie’s official assistants to have it.” She said with a knowing smirk.

“I accept!” Thomas said immediately rushing towards the cart to check it out.

“Thank you Trixie… It’s beautiful.” I said with tears of joy hugging her.

“Then it’s settled you will be Trixie’s great and powerful assistants! What do you think?” She said to the crowd. The cheered for us especially the kids which asked if they could explore the new cart, we didn’t have anything against it so they had a blast checking it out. After a bit the ponies all returned home but not without first donating a lot of money for Trixie’s show.

“Trixie… How much did you paid this cart?” I asked.

“A worthy price, and one I happily spent for you two.” She said with a wink.

“But-” She stopped me with a hoof.

“No buts, Trixie already did it so you better go inside and be amazed by Trixie’s generosity.” She said with finality at which I just nodded.

“One question though.” I started, she nodded to me to continue. “How will you move it around? It must be heavy.”

“Oh Anne, you still doubt the amazing strength of Trixie?” She said seemingly hurt, then came down to my ear and whispered. “Also a little weight reducing enchantment always helps.” She said with a smirk.

I smiled at her and rushed to the entrance of the cart, Thomas was there waiting for me.
“Shall we?” I asked.

“Ladies first.” He said with a bow.

“Very well, my knight, then let’s go.” I said and entered the cart. The interior was completely made of wood with two beds in it, obviously one for each of us, the decor was also in Trixie’s style so a lot of stars, magical whiffs and more stars. There was even a wardrobe in it, I wasn’t sure of its function though cause neither I nor Thomas wore anything at all. Our body already provided us with what we need.

“I’ll take the right one.” Thomas said jumping in his bed.

“Why the right one?” I asked confused.

“Because it’s the right choice of course.” He said smugly before laughing.

I rolled my eyes and went on my own bed, it was very soft and comfortable, then I noticed a detail I surveyed, there was a window in the room. ‘A window? But there isn’t one on the outside…’ I thought confused. I looked out of it and saw exactly what I expected, the outside of the cart. It was night so I couldn’t see much…

“Hey Anne!” Thomas shouted. “Look at what I found!” He said excited. He was pointing to a little red button on the right wall of the cart, it was a red circular button with the symbol of a moon on it.

“What do you think it does?” I asked him watching the button.

“Dunno. Shall I?” He asked obviously implying that he wanted to press it.

“I don’t see any harm in it so…” I ran away and hid behind my bed. “Whenever you are ready!” I shouted from behind it. I heard the click and immediately came out to see what happened, and I saw nothing.



“Wait.” I said, a strange light was filling the room now. I looked up and saw that the roof was opening up letting the light of the moon shine through. There were so many stars, I never saw so many of them all together like that.

“It’s beautiful.” I said in awe.

“Yeah. It sure is.” Thomas replied and lay down looking up. “When did we stop to look at the sky?” He asked.

I laid down beside him. “Don’t remember, but not often enough. It’s completely different than the one on Earth. This world… It’s so much different.” I said slowly.

“Yeah, but not in a bad way.” He said, and then we fell into a long silence, we just watched the stars.

“I’m confused now.” I said suddenly.

“About what.” He asked.

“My goals. I’m confused, I want to go home but… Being here, with you and Trixie. It’s dangerous but… so good too, I never thought I would have enjoyed an adventure this much. If nothing ever happened we would still be on our boring place eating and living. But now… now I’m not just living, I’m Living it’s so exciting you know?”

“Yeah, I-I don’t know how to feel too. This is so strange and yet.” He said.

“Yes, it’s like we should have done this from the start right?” I asked.

“I feel like this is our destiny, it’s what we should do. What we were meant to do, going on an adventure. I would have thought we would have ended up in a van roaming the states but this is much nicer.” He said. “Also we are now what we always dreamt to have for ourselves, a Pokèmon, crazy.”

“Yes, crazy. But nice.” I finished.

“If we even find out how to go back… Would you?” I asked.

“I don’t know Anne… I don’t know.”

“Me too. Let’s cross this bridge when we will come to it. For now let’s just enjoy this moment.”


Author's Note:


I know I'm veeeery late but with all the festivities I put everything o a bit of a stop especially considering that my editor is very busy. Without his inputs I'm very unsure on how the chapters will come out but I'm hoping you will like them. If that's the case then leave a little like and a comment! Those are always appreciated!

Little note, not every error is an error. Just saying...

Anyway I hope you like this, I will see you again next time on pokemon of harmony stay tuned for next chapter see ya!:twilightsmile:

Merry ChristmasNewYear!:pinkiehappy: