• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,856 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 17 Steel is terror

The immense being lashed out with its tail knocking trees and boulders around like nothing, it then roared to the skies and a stream of lava and fire came forth before raining on us like meteors. “Find cover!” I shouted to Thomas and Trixie, I started to go around avoiding being hit, Thomas used his barriers and stopped the meteors from damaging both him and Trixie.

“What is that!” Trixie shouted in fear.

“I don’t know! It resembles a Mega Aggron but it’s all wrong, Mega Aggron is pure steel not this weird steel flame combination!” I replied via our telepathic link.

“You think it was modified by magic?” Thomas asked.

“Possible, but we have to bring it down before we can question where it comes from!” I replied hastily avoiding yet another meteor, I also had to duck to not get hit by its tail slashing around.

“How do we do that!?” He replied. “How can we even damage this colossus?”

“We need fight type moves… We have to find some Pokémon that could actually defeat it, maybe a Machamp?” I offered.

“We didn’t see one in Manehattan where do we find one then?” He replied straining to keep his barriers.

“I don’t know!”

“WATCH OUT!” He shouted, I looked around and saw the Aggron lifting a feet before making it crash down with titanic strength and so the world for me was filled with dirt and debris, I couldn’t see anywhere but suddenly I felt the ground giving up and I fell down in an infinite abyss.

I landed on the cold hard floor of a cave somewhere, I was hurt bad I couldn’t breath right and my right arm was useless, I stood up weakly, I walked to a near wall and collapsed against it tired beyond belief. ‘Is this how it ends?’


When the Aggron hit the ground we all fell down in a giant hole, me and Trixie were fortunate enough to land on some debris without falling for too long, I stood up with some bruises but nothing broken, Trixie was fine too. “Where are we?” She asked.

“I don’t know, some kind of cave underneath the plateau.” I replied looking around, unfortunately no light was filtering from above us so we were blind.

“Let me try something…” Trixie said and after some time a light came out of her horn shining its light around us. “Yes! The great and powerful Trixie did it again!” She boasted.

“Good job!” I told her and went around to explore, the cave was probably immense, the light of our “torch” couldn’t reach all of it, there were a lot of debris all around and some traces of metal and to our dismay blood. No corpses just blood.

“It’s horrible…” Trixie said fixating her gaze on the stain.

“Come on, we can’t let that stop us, if we don’t find a way to stop the Aggron many more will die.” I said trying to calm down myself, I couldn’t let her see how worried and scared I was. We went forward to find an exit, the tunnel we took was almost smooth in its texture, probably because the Aggron dug it.

We also didn’t encounter any pokemon whatsoever in it, no Diglett or anything else that may live underground, it was also freezing cold with the temperature dropping down the more we proceeded. “Have you heard from Anne?” I asked.

“She isn’t answering… I’m scared.” Trixie said looking around.

“I know…” I replied, Anne not answering was a big problem, we were separated and the cave was simply too big to find anyone there. The ground shook again making debris and dust come down from the ceiling, but aside from that nothing else happened. After a lot of walking we reached a light out section of the cave where Trixie could finally stop using magic. The entire cave was filled with giant green mushroom that gave natural light to the environment, we looked around hoping to find Anne but to our dismay she wasn’t there, we walked around exploring the cave when we found the remains of an egg, near the egg there was a rock, it was a deep black with red veins that shot around the surface. It was clearly damaged by something that bit down on it.

“What is this?” I asked touching the stone, it was warm and pulsed with energy. Aside from that nothing else, I was going to leave it alone when Trixie noted something. “What is that?” She asked pointing at a blue spot in the blackness of the rock, I went there and tore it away from it, I took the blue stone and I marveled before the world went white.

The stone I found, it was a Dawn stone, I evolved that day in my third form and I was reborn as a Gallade. I opened my eyes, I could still feel the wonders of evolution still on my skin and in my body. I looked around only to find Trixie looking at me with wide eyes and a smile. I was much taller than her now, so I kneeled down.

“Hey.” I said in a voice much more masculine than before.

“You did it!” She said hugging me. “You evolved! What are you now?”

“I’m a Gallade, and with this.” I said looking at the stone, I lifted an arm and hit the stone using Brick Break shattering it in a thousands pieces. “We can finally strike back.”

“Amazing…” Trixie said in wonders, she went and took one fragment of it from the thousands on the floor, but instead of grabbing it she smashed it on the ground. “AAH! What?” She shouted in fright. “I-I smashed it? I didn’t even try to!” She said looking at her forelegs worried. She tried again and this time she only broke it in two.

“Trixie, I didn’t know you were this strong.” I said much to my surprise.

“I’m not!” She shouted back, “I’m not this strong, I can just pull my cart and I’m probably more athletic than a common unicorn but I’m no earth pony!” She said stomping her foreleg cracking the ground lightly.

“Well I mean, does it hurt?” I asked, she shook her head. “Then let’s take this as a useful power up, I mean we will have to fight a giant steel pokémon so let’s take what we can right?”

“Sure…” She said and put the pieces in her saddlebag, “Come on, we still have to find Anne, and that monster.”

We continued our trekking through the cave, while we did so I tried to adjust to the new body, even if it was more similar to my old human body than all the others ever were, it was still weird to walk without feet, at least my stature came back but I had to forget about having five fingers per hand. In any case we continued forward, we found another exit from the mushroom cave and we continued. The cave in front of us was actually smaller than before now we could see the ceiling, that is until we exited the tunnel and came into an enormous room from where the sunlight shined through, it was there that we found yet more blood on the ground.

“Another…” I mumbled.

“Look!” Trixie said pointing to a trail of blood heading away from the center. “Somepony may be still alive!” She said galopping in that direction.

“Wait for me!” I called her running behind. We ran for some time before we found the end of the trail. It was Anne.

Her body was covered in blood, her right arm was snapped in three points with the bone sticking out of it, her chest was still rising but it was weak and had a giant hematoma all over her chest. She was unconscious. “Anne…”

I ran towards her and kneeled down to see if she was losing any more blood, fortunately the bones were keeping the blood in, but we had to bring her to an hospital. “We need to get out of here.” I said looking around.

“Anne…” Trixie weakly said lifting her head up, she was crying and some of the tears fell on her.

“Come on Trixie, tears are for the fallen, there is still hope.” I said my heart clenching in pain. I lifted her up with the utmost care, like she was made of crystal and one single bad move would have broken her. I took her and we continued walking, the ceiling was too far up to reach and so we had to find another way.


The ground shook again, my apartment didn’t make it, I had to shot out from a window and fly up to avoid being squished by the concrete falling down on the streets, there was a giant tempest outside, it couldn’t be possible I didn’t schedule one, the sun was clouded by enormous purple clouds, the sky was also purple and a giant cyclone was creating on the city.

The earth shook again and this time a colossus came out from it destroying a nearby building with its movement alone, the police was running around trying to take ponies to safety, mothers were scooping their foals and running away. Thousands were ammassing the streets and the skies, the tempest though sucked some of them in, the tyrannical wind was coming from the eye of the cyclone which was following the beast, easily it was as big as a skyscraper, when I saw it before it wasn’t.

The colossus was shining like metal and was giving out crackle of purple electricity the entire body was full of them, it was bipedal with giant horns on its head and many more on its body which glowed a deep and menacing red, the eyes were red also and were looking around with hunger, the beast had two claws each one as big as a two story house and each one was sparkling with energy.

“What’s happening?” I stuttered out in fear, I turned and flew away, away from the monster, away from certain death. My old flat was knocked down by an immense claw that easily teared through it, years were destroyed in one single act. The monster roared and an endless cascade of lava started to rain down on anypony, those who were hit directly disappeared without a trace. The earth shook and this time an impossible sandstorm kicked up hitting me in the eyes blinding me.

“Hey you! Come this way!” Somepony screamed at me, but I couldn’t see, the pony grabbed me and together we flew away. When I could see again I looked at my savior, a pale white pegasus with a two toned long mane, both white and pale blue, intertwined in each other.

“What is that!” I shouted.

“I don’t know…” She replied with sadness. I looked around many more skyscrapers were destroyed, thousands of homes were disintegrated, pulverized by the sheer mass of the beast that without care was devastating the world I always knew. The beast navigated through the city and arrived to the Crystaller, it bit the head down and gulped it before crashing the building down. Again it went around and took what made Manehattan.

The Mare statue, prized possession and pride of the city was that day killed by a monster that cared none for us. That day Manehattan took a blow she will never truly recover from.

My name is Cloudy Winter, I was the head manager of the weather team of Manehattan, I was a no one when she found me, I would become someone again after that.

Author's Note:

Here you go my friends and dear readers, I hope you'll like it if you do then let me know with a like.

I know I didn't exactly described our dear Aggron well enough before so I hope to atone for my sins. Anyway stay tuned for next chapter see ya!:twilightsmile: