• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,854 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 6 Battle: Normal

Our group walked towards the possible encounter with the Snorlax, no one said anything in that arc of time but that doesn’t mean me and Thomas were silent.

“If he is there what do we do?” I asked him.

“If he is there than we fight.” He replied.

“Yes, I got that but just defeating him will be enough? What if we need to… you know.” I said, that thought wasn’t a very kind one.

“I don’t think it will come to that, maybe he was just I dunno angry for a reason?” Thomas started.

“Doubtful you saw how happy he was before seeing us. He did a 180 in a second.” I said.

“We will cross that bridge when it will come the time, thinking about an if like that doesn’t change anything. We should focus more on how to put him down, you saw how big he was. I doubt you can force him down with telekinesis.” He said.

He was right, I’m strong per se. But I couldn’t even think of moving such a weight, the data in the Pokédex were probably wrong too regarding the weight of some species so probably he was even heavier. He was also much bigger than a normal one. “Then what do we do?”

“We must use the environment. Maybe we can cause a landslide or something. He is basically a giant boss, we must cause damage and we must dodge, we cannot get hit. A single blow from something of that size and it’s game over.” He said, I froze up.

Game over, you died. The thought of it still unsettled me, two times I was near it and I avoided it by a millimeter but it still scares me. Not only that but what if Thomas or Twilight or Trixie dies? I-I-I



“You froze up. What happened?” Trixie asked me.

“N-nothing, let’s continue.” I said quickly with a little smile. Trixie didn’t believe me at all but kept going regardless.

After that we finally arrived at the canyon, Ghastly Gorge.

“Here we are.” Trixie said. “And the magnificent Trixie already spotted our rogue Snorlax.” She said pointing north inside the canyon itself.

“Perfect let’s go.” I said. All nodded and we moved towards him. When we arrived to the vicinity of the Snorlax I teleported down leaving Trixie and Twilight on the cliff of the canyon.

“HEY!” I heard the faint shout of Trixie but I ignored it, I won’t let her come down here it was too dangerous. We faced the giant Snorlax who clearly saw us coming down, he roared and charged at us.

“Move!” Thomas shouted, we managed to avoid him and he slammed into the wall creating a giant web of cracks in it showing how strong he was. I took some stone from the ground and threw them at him hitting him in the head, he scoffed at that and jumped in the air trying to flatten me, fortunately I teleported away from it then Thomas used Psycho Shock on him making him do a step back.

The Snorlax was absolutely enraged with us and beat his hands on his belly making a drum sound, then he started to run towards Thomas at breakneck speed creating a purple aura around him.

“GIGA IMPACT!” I shouted and moved Thomas away from the danger with my telekinesis, unfortunately the Snorlax slammed at full force against the cliff on which Trixie and Twilight rested on making the entire wall crumble. Both of them screamed in terror when the ground gave out under them plummeting them down.

The Snorlax moved out of the way of the landslide and was more than ready to continue even after that blow, but I didn’t have time to worry about that. Trixie was in danger.

I hurried towards them and used my telekinesis to grab them, it was very difficult. You see normally grabbing an opponent with it it’s easy enough but when the target is moving wildly in a panic it gets harder, not counting the fact that I had to make them avoid the falling stones or push some of them out of the way and all of this while keeping the stones out of my way so I don’t get squashed. Useless to say, my whole focus was on that task alone so I completely missed the fact that the Snorlax was preparing a punch that would have killed me.

“ANNE!” Thomas shouted and I opened my eyes just in time to see him put himself in the way creating a prismatic barrier that blocked the punch. The Snorlax saw that and so charged up another punch this one with a very bright white energy on it and unleashed it on Thomas barrier which completely shattered with a terrible sound of breaking glass. Thomas though didn’t falter and created another barrier to block the other blows.

Meanwhile I was still holding Twilight and Trixie in my grasp and couldn’t do anything to help Thomas who was creating barriers over barriers to protect me from the Snorlax onslaught.
“I need to hurry!” I thought but that was easily said and hardly done. “I have to!”, my reward was an intense migraine but at least I finally put the two ponies on the ground, just in time because the last hit of Snorlax passed through the barrier and hit Thomas making him fly away against a rock at our right side leaving us open.

“THOMAS!” I shouted “HOW DARE YOU!” I used all of my power to project a wave of psychic energy towards him and hit him with enough strength to actually push him back, the action though completely drained me, I fell on my knees with a terrible migraine and without any more strength to keep going. What was excruciating though was seeing Thomas on the ground unmoving and the Snorlax wasn’t even winded just staggered.

Trixie and Twilight galopped to Thomas and checked on him. My vision was a blur and I could barely see.The Snorlax though, he was seeing perfectly and he saw that I wasn’t a danger anymore and focused on Trixie and Twilight. He readied another Giga Impact and ran towards them.

I felt my entire body shock with intense pain when I stood up, even more when I used my teleport to go directly in front of the Snorlax and put up a barrier of some kind. I didn’t have any idea of what it was desperation called it into existence. Though I knew that it wouldn’t be enough, the Snorlax was too powerful and I too weak.

“I’m sorry… I failed you all.” I thought. Sadness and depression got to me, the only thing I could do was to look back, I don’t know why I did so maybe to say goodbye? I’m not sure but what I saw behind me was a scared Trixie, she had a look on her face, I never saw that look before on her but I knew what that was. Fear of death. It wasn’t fair.

“no. It’s not fair… I refuse! I REFUSE!”

“I won’t let her die!”

“I won’t let anyone die not here not now!” I angrily thought, a bright light was coming from my chest and engulfed me. In those instants I felt... fine, good even I felt my strength come back and I felt a new power inside me.

“You will not be our end!”

I opened my eyes and saw the Snorlax slamming against my barrier where he stopped and stumbled back. I materialised a sphere made out of pure energy and slammed it on the Snorlax, the ball made a terrible sound of beating meat, the Snorlax also felt it and let out pain filled roar and was thrown away from us. I then created more and more of them beating him over and over without stopping. Until I felt something on my shoulder and then a warm hug.

“Anne.” A voice told me. “Stop, you won. We are safe, you protected us.” Hearing that snapped me out of it and I looked back to find Trixie hugging me from behind, I fell on my knees and cried. The tension finally broken.

After some time I calmed down and looked at the battered body of the Snorlax and I felt so guilty but strangely I couldn’t sense any emotions from him and he should have been in pain or angry or something, now that I think of it I didn’t feel anything in Ponyville too.

“Strange.” I said my voice changed and that threw me off. “What? What happened to me?” I looked down and saw that I was taller than before, I wore a tutu and my arms were longer.

“You were engulfed into a strange light and then… you changed.” Trixie said still hugging me but still surprised.

“I evolved… I evolved!” I realized happily. “Did you see it Thom- Oh shit! Thomas!” I said, I broke from Trixie’s hug and hurried to him, I knelt down and checked on him. “Please be okay, please be okay.” I said over and over frantically searching for injuries.

“He is ok.” Twilight said, tired. “I checked on him with my magic he is just unconscious.” She said. “Also thank you for saving us before.” She said bowing her head a little. She looked at me and her eyes widened “Watch out!” She shouted pointing behind us.

The Snorlax was recovering and was starting to return on his feet, wobbling around to catch his balance, that gave us some more time.

“Ok, listen here you need to get out of here, I can’t let you remain here with this Pokémon, take Thomas and go I will buy you time and then teleport out of here sounds good?” I proposed. They started to talk when a voice came out of Thomas.

“Ugh… My head.” Thomas said waking up. I immediately rushed over him. “What happened?” He opened his eyes looking into mine. “Woah did I die and ended up in paradise ms. angel?” He said with a smirk.

“Idiot.” I said with a blush on my face. “Go with Trixie and Twilight they will keep you safe and I will come back ok?”

“And leave you with all the fun? Absolutely not. We started this together and we will finish it together don’t you dare putting me in the sidelines.” Thomas said climbing up on his feet. “And also, I should be the one defending you not the other way around, right?” He asked.

“But I don’t want for you to die.” I said with tears in my eyes hugging him.

“I’m not that fragile Anne, trust me I will be fine and I will help you. Now come on we have a Snorlax to beat.” He said with a well known tone for me, the one he uses when there is nothing I can do or say to make him change his mind.

“Fine.” I said drying my tears. “ But don’t you dare die on me or I will kill you.” I said giving him a final hug.

“Fine by me.” He said with a smirk. “Then let’s go. Seeing that you are now the strongest of us you will be the heavy hitter I’ll distract him.” He said.

“Fine but avoid getting hit again ok?”

He said nothing, just nodded and charged at the Snorlax who finally finished recovering and started to wildly attack Thomas, fortunately the Snorlax was starting to slow down and Thomas used this to his advantage, dodging and ducking the blows. The Snorlax for all his rage couldn’t hit him directly and started to use more and more force, his blows now shattered the ground and created huge craters wherever they landed.

I caught myself staring at the scene and finally started doing something useful, I used my telekinesis to grab a sphere of air around me and compressed it to my maximum, then I threw it at the Snorlax, when the ball hit him it exploded letting the compressed air inside explode out dealing a good amount of damage, if his roar was anything to go by that is. I created three more of them, I tried a fourth but it decayed and vanished, and threw them at the Snorlax I hit him with all three of them but I could already feel a migraine coming and for all the damage I inflicted I knew he would still be up when I will collapse from exhaustion. I wouldn’t be lucky again to get another evolution to save my life. So I grabbed with my telekinesis rocks and debris and threw them at him.

While I was doing this Thomas continued to dodge and kept the focus of Snorlax on him until I hit him with a large rock, that changed his focus from Thomas to me and charged at me using Giga Impact once again. I tried to teleport but found myself unable to do it so I ran just in time out of the way and the Snorlax hit the already battered wall of the canyon.

“Do you think a rock large enough could finally bring him down?” Thomas asked.

“Like Hercules and the Hydra? Probably, let’s find out.” I said, I could think about why my teleport wasn’t working after this fight. I threw more rocks at Snorlax and baited him away from the wall. Thomas in the meantime started to create a large crack in the wall using Psycho Shock as a chisel to cut the rock away from the canyon. The entire thing was easily twenty meters high and five wide. In the meantime I continued to throw rocks at the Snorlax and tried with Confusion but it didn’t have any effect on him. When Thomas gave me the ok I ran to the wall once again and put my back to the wall the Snorlax seeing me flee from him made him angry enough to charge at me with a new Giga Impact. ‘I really hope this works or I’m a pancake. I focused on my telekinesis and tried to use it as a whip of some kind and thankfully it worked out. I threw my newly made whip at a near rock on my right and used it to throw myself away from the attack. He hit the wall with immense force, so much that the ground shook under our feet. That though wasn’t enough to get the rock fall on him.

“Oh come on!” I used my telekinesis and grabbed the chunk of rock and pull it to me, with a mighty stony sound the wall gave up and finally the immense rock fell on him with a thunderous sound and a mighty shockwave that broke the ground under it. With that the battle was over. More rocks followed the big one in its journey to the ground.

The Snorlax got buried under tons of stone and we were ready to finally let this whole battle behind us when suddenly from under the giant pile of rocks a light came through it and the rocks started to go down and down.

“What’s happening?” Twilight asked from afar.

“I dunno.” I said truthfully. Finally the light subsided and with a powerful explosion they were hurled away from the zone the only thing that remained was the giant rock on the ground and a strange metallic object on it.

“Do you think it’s safe?” Thomas asked.

“No, but let’s check it out anyway.” I said.

We neared the object and found out it was a kind of badge shaped like the Normal type symbol very much like the one that was on the Snorlax belly.

“Do you think?” I asked.

“Probably.” He replied. I opened the badge holder and fitted the badge in the first slot, the holder gave out a click and the badge fitted it perfectly but nothing more happened. Though at least we finally discovered what the badge holder was for.

“What now?” Thomas asked.

“Now we return to Ponyville, we rest and we start travelling once again. If there are more Pokémon like this one then we have to find them and beat them I believe our answers will come to us when we collect all these badges. So we need to go around the world, like in the games, you in for it?” I asked him after my explanation, pulling out my best smile.


Author's Note:

Heya... It's me! I'm sorry for the delay but my editor is pretty busy so the work is very slow. I'm once again sorry for this and I hope in your forgiveness.

Now on the chapter stuff, here you have it the battle against Snorlax as well as an evolution for Anne yay! As always all tips and error spotting are welcome. And now a little thing for myself write down in a comment where you are from around the world, I would really love to see where my readers are so thank you if you wish to leave that info for me and I completely understand if you don't.

Leave a thumb up if you like the story and stay tuned for more see ya!:twilightsmile: