• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,855 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 8 Farewell!

I woke up still on the hard floor of Trixie’s… Our cart. It seems me and Thomas both passed out while stargazing and now the impartial light of the sun woke me up. I was more than ready to go to my bed and return to sleep, I took the sheats and pulled them when Trixie entered our cart from seemingly the wall on the other side of the door.

“Hi Anne, already up?” She asked innocently.

“Yeah I was just, doing my bed.” I tiredly replied and put the blankets back where they belonged.

“Ah you are indeed a wonderful assistant.” She said and then looked at Thomas, “Why is he on the floor?” She asked.

“We might have passed out while stargazing last night.” I answered and then yawned.

“Good for you, I knew you would love Trixie’s extraordinary gift.” She said proudly. “Now come you have to say goodbye to your… friends. Even if I don’t understand why we can’t just go..” She said her cheerful mood completely evaporated at the mention of our friends.

“Trixie… I know you don’t like them but can’t you…” I started but she interrupted abruptly.

“Later.” She said pulling her hat down on her face. “Later I will explain.” I didn’t want to offend her so I let it go and went outside. Then I remembered that I needed Thomas too so I pulled out a 180 and return back in. I then grabbed Thomas by his shoulders and shook him to awakeness.

“Yeah yeah I’m awake…” He sleepily said. “Anne? What time is it?” He asked when he opened his eyes.

“Too early for this…” I whispered. “But our friend are outside to say goodbye to us, how they managed to know that we were going to go away it’s a mystery.” I said.

We walked out and searched for the girls. The first one we found was Pinkie Pie who wasn’t so cheerful…

“So… You are going away?” She asked on the verge of tears.

“Yeah but… How do you know that?” I asked wearly.

“My pinkie sense told me… But why? Don’t you like it here?” She asked looking at us with her eyes almost filled with tears.

“It’s not that Pinkie, this place is beautiful but… There is a whole world to explore and visit and a lot of ponies to help. We can’t stand here and do nothing, you understand right?” I told her.

She immediately perked up and nodded vigorously. “Yepperoni I do! I thought you didn’t like it here but then I asked you if that was the case and you said it wasn’t so I was like yay she is not angry or anything and…”

I left her at her rambling and confronted the other girls. “So that’s the why we are going. Any question?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy said. “When will you come back?”

“We will try to visit from time to time, ok?” I replied, she nodded contendently, then she excused herself saying that her animals needed her. We shared a brief hug and parted ways.

“Nothing much here to ask away, just be careful ok?” Applejack said simply. I nodded and smiled at her.

“Thanks.” I said.

“I still can’t believe you hang out with that cheap magician.” Rainbow said growling.

“Hey listen Rainbow I don’t know why you are so against her but you won’t convince me nor Thomas to remain here and let her go alone.” I said firmly.

“Exactly, another thing now that we can. It’s extremely rude to interrupt a performance just know that.” Thomas said.

“Fine. Bye.” Rainbow said angrily and shot out in the sky.

“Ah will talk to her… see ya.” Applejack said and immediately trotted off chasing Rainbow.

“Nothing much from me too I’m afraid, but if you ever need anything cloth related just let me know darling.” Rarity said.

“Thank you I will.” I replied.

“Now…” Twilight started. “You owe me an entry on your Pokédex, right?” She said narrowing her eyes.

“Fine.” I said and recited another pokemon data. “It is said that a Kirlia that is exposed to the positive emotions of its Trainer grows beautiful. This Pokémon controls psychokinetic powers with its highly developed brain. Kirlia uses the horns on its head to amplify its psychokinetic power. When the Pokémon uses its power, the air around it becomes distorted, creating mirages of nonexistent scenery. A Kirlia has the psychic power to create a rip in the dimensions and see into the future. It is said to dance with pleasure on sunny mornings. “ I finished with a slack jawed Twilight looking at me though she still managed to write everything down even in her shocked state.

“Incredible… I need to study more pokémon! There is too much to know and too little time!” She said looking around frantically.

“Hey, hey calm down, I’m sure you will be able to complete your studies but there is no need to get hasty about it.” I said trying to calm her down.

“Ok, ok…” She inhaled and then exhaled slowly. “I’m fine.”

“You sure?” I asked.

“Yeah, yeah. You can see the future no big deal right?” She said with a nervous look and a twitchy eye.

“Sure…” Thomas said slowly. “Just so you know, many of the pokedex entries are not completely accurate, there are exaggerations here and there. I don’t know actually if Kirlia can see the future… I guess we will have to find out. Same goes with the mirages.” Thomas continued shrugging.

Twilight shook her head and fixed her mane. “Ok now, I have a spell that you may want.” She said and showed us a scroll. “It’s called Familiar Shakling, it’s an ancient spell used by unicorns to create familiars to help with their daily lives, this spell will allow you to communicate from great distance and if the bond is strong enough, to even see through the eyes of one another. The only downside is that if it is broken by any means then it’s impossible to re-apply.” She said.

“Interesting, but do you think Trixie will be able to cast it?” Thomas asked.

Twilight flinched and bit her lower lip, “I… Don’t think so. N-not that she is not a good unicorn it’s only that this spell is very complicate and mana expensive, so maybe she… can’t.” She said low enough to pass up as Fluttershy.

“We will talk about this, ok?” I said. Twilight nodded and walked away with a bye alongside Rarity.

“So what do you think?” Thomas asked me.

“I don’t know. On one hand it would be nice to be able to communicate through great distances, on the other though I just have my doubts. What if something goes wrong? Also we need Trixie’s approval before doing anything.” I said, Thomas nodded alongside me and so we decided to find her to ask her.

We found Trixie at the cart, she was checking all of our supplies and was doing so with a serious expression on her face. “Hey Trixie… What’s up? Something’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Trixie is just… busy.” She said.

“Trixie… What’s wrong?” I asked one more time.

“Those colts and their parents… They came here and argued with me about my previous visit in Ponyville, it seems they did not forget what happened.” She said sadly. She sighed, “But it’s not important, what do you need?”

“Twilight offered us to use a spell, she called Familiar Shackling.” I said, promising myself to make her spill out what happened when she firstly arrived here.

“Trixie never heard of such a spell. What does it do?” She asked while also stopping with her checking.

“Basically she will bind us to you as your familiars, with that we can communicate through long distances and if the bond is strong enough we can even look through each other eyes.” I explained.

“It seems a good spell to Trixie.” She said then deadpanned. “Where’s the catch?”

“Ehm… Twilight needs to do that because she said that you may not have enough mana to cast it…” I said lowering my voice with every word.

“What.” She said coldly. “That pompous purple bi-” She almost swore before catching herself. “Alright so, she believes that Trixie is not good enough for that spell? Trixie will show her!” She said determined before galopping off towards Twilight’s home.

Thomas facepalmed.

“Ok that could have gone better.” I said flatly.

“No s-” He inhaled, and then exhaled slowly. “Ok fine we need to reach her and prevent a disaster. Let’s go.” He said and with that we hurried after Trixie.
We ran towards the library, Thomas used his small figure to easily pass under ponies who didn’t mind it too much, I on the other hand was too big for that so I instead jumped and pirouetted among the crowd to reach Trixie. I never noticed how good it felt to do those dance moves… especially in such a good day. Trixie was already inside the library when we found her, we could hear her arguing with Twilight from a long distance. They were inside, Trixie was ranting about how she is not inferior to Twilight and the poor pony remained there not knowing what to do.

“Trixie.” I said interrupting her. I then jumped on her back balancing myself, “Please let Twilight explain.” I asked her.

“Fine.” She said with a humpf.

“Alright, thanks Anne by the way. Trixie you must understand, you have the potential to use this spell you just lack the necessary mana to use it. I don’t want you to get hurt while using it.” She said sympathetically, Trixie looked conflicted.

“Why do you care? You were the one to humiliate Trixie in Ponyville.” She said.

“I never intended it to go that way Trixie, I just wanted to save the city from the Ursa… I’m sorry if that caused you downfall in your career.” Twilight said apologetically.

“Trixie, you may have not told us what happened but i think I have a good idea either way.” Thomas piped up. “It wasn’t your fault but neither was Twilight’s.”

Trixie stood there, thinking that out. She remained like that for a good minute before sighing and holding out a hoof. “Trixie’s forgive you.” She said through her teeth, Twilight watched the hoof and promptly shook it.

“Thank you.” She said.

“You can now enact your spell.” Trixie said. “If Trixie’s assistants are ok with that of course.” She continued looking at us.

I lazily pirouetted around and confirmed with a nod when she asked the question, I was a little unsure but I trusted Twilight. Thomas too nodded alongside me.

“Then it’s decided, be ready everypony.” Twilight said and ignited her horn. A pair of ethereal chains came forth from Twilight’s horn, the chains twisted around Trixie’s horn, when they finished that they came towards us and actually entered our bodies. When we were all connected the chains illuminated brightly before disappearing into a white mist. “Done.” Twilight said panting.

“Uh, I don’t feel any different-” I started and immediately I saw myself, I actually saw myself through Trixie’s eyes. It was so confusing, I could see my body move but I saw it in a third person perspective. I closed my eyes and opened them again to find myself back into my own head. “Woah. That was weird.” I said.

“What happened?” Twilight asked concerned, “Something went wrong?”

“No, no… It’s just.”

“I saw myself with Trixie’s eyes.” Me and Thomas said at the same time.

“Wait you too?” We said in unison once again.

“Incredible, your bond is truly a strong one if you can already look through each other’s eyes.” Twilight stated with glee.

“Yeah…” I said still dazed by the experience. “Trixie you ok?” I asked, Trixie was still looking into nothingness and only when I called her she finally returned to her senses.

“I- Trixie is okay, just a little bit… Dazed…” She said slowly sitting.

“I know the feeling, it was pretty cool to see myself through your eyes though.” Thomas said.

We rested for a bit in Twilight’s library, she offered us tea, quite good I might add, and then we took off. We silently walked towards our little camp and resumed with the preparations. Trixie had quite a lot of stuff to pack away most of it from her various tricks, when we finished we finally set off and made our way out of the village. We were almost out when we saw Twilight hurrying towards us.

“Hey Trixie! Twilight is here stop for a bit.” I said, Trixie slowed down and stopped that way Twilight reached us.

“I-I forgot something.” She wheezed out obviously tired by her quick run. “Here…” She said holding a little envelope to us, the little thing was a simple letter with her cutie mark on it.

“What is it?” I asked confused.

“This-This is a special letter, just write into it and I will receive a copy of it into my own envelope, the thing is enchanted to never run out of paper so be sure to keep me informed during your travels ok?” She said regaining her breath.

“I will be sure to write as often as possible, thank you twilight.” I said.

“Bye, have a good journey!” She said waving her hoof.

We were a good way out of Ponyville when I sensed that something was going to happen, in those next seconds I indeed heard something quite powerful…


Author's Note:

Hello my dear readers it's a me Firefoxino, I'm proud to present you this chapter also I had a question, would'you like longer chapters or should I keep them like this? Let me know down here, anyway if you like the chapter leave a like and a comment to let me know so, if you have any suggestion or something just say so I'm always happy to hear your thoughts.

Anyway, stay tuned for next chapter see ya!:twilightsmile: