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An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

Comments ( 36 )

Imma keep a watch on this. For Science of course.

As the pioneer of wingboner stories, I can't help but wonder if they're coming back into fashion for some reason.

Comment posted by Makuta16 deleted Jun 18th, 2018

Well, this was quite good, and it will be interesting if you either continue this, or go on to do a different wingboner story.

That was fantastic! Cant wait to see if this continues!


Rainbow felt really weirdly out of character here with the whole "this doesn't feel good, it can't feel good," on repeat the whole time, and her blowing up at the end of it just made that seem even further out of left field.

At first I thought perhaps you were going for a sort of Tsundere feel to Dash, which I'll admit is not a personality trait I enjoy in any character, but the extent of everything near the end even seemed to go so far beyond that line.

There was nothing to make the reader feel that Rainbow would have an aversion to physical contact or to sexual interactions so when it was happening it just felt completely incongruous to her as a character, especially since she seemed to have sexual thoughts about Twilight without triggering any real personal backlash.

Thanks for writing this, An Intricate Disguise. As someone who isn't fond of being touched, especially in THAT way, this is what I needed to read tonight. Thank you! :rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:

B_25 #10 · Jun 19th, 2018 · · 3 ·

yeah, i bet twilight likes fucking dudes, bro.

Mixed signals made it unclear whether Rainbow was upset about having sex with a friend (despite seeming to have no issue ogling one) and it wasn't until the end where she outright says it that there's any hint it's physical contact that is the issue, at least that I noticed.

Normally not too interested in clop... but I'm curious where this goes, and there's more to it than just the sex, so sure. I'll keep an eye on it.

"N-nothing, it's just..." Twilight's eyes seemed to hit the floor for a second, but she quickly found her conviction. "Your wings, Rainbow. They're all, uhm, flared , and stuff."


“Rainbow, seriously, you’ve got it bad right now.” One look at Twilight’s face was enough to show that she was completely serious. “If we don’t take care of this, stiffness is going to be the least of your worries. You could get a blood clot if we don’t deal with this, or muscle and artery damage from the blood pouring to your wings right now!”

I'm no Darwin but it seems to me that a species that has a serious risk of dying from a common sign of arousal is a bit odd. I'll admit I have a big bias against the 'wingboner' though, it's just seems so stupid to me.

Well, to be completely fair here, survival instinct trumps arousal ten for ten in all areas when it comes to involuntary responses. I wouldn't be surprised if Pegasi who do get wingboners are physically incapable of being aroused while flying with their wings.

I'm upvoting this ironically.

What would happen if somepony were to touch a pegasi's wingboner?

>more twidash from disguise

The entire concept of them has never been confirmed nor established, mainly due to FiM being a kid's show beyond all else.
Secondly, had you ever noticed how a high percentage of them have a seemingly infinite energy source, and almost always are hovering in midair? They never seem to tire nor exhaust, most especially RD.

I think if pegasi were vulnerable to such a thing based on arousal, they would have died off completely. Only ponies like Fluttershy, Scootaloo, Ditsy, and Bulk Bicep would remain if that were the case.

I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. Great job. Rainbow was pretty relatable with her worries and confusion. Twilight was very her about the whole thing, lol. Would not mind at all to see this continued

I was more talking about this part honestly rather than pretty big deal of them not being able to fly when aroused.

You could get a blood clot if we don’t deal with this, or muscle and artery damage from the blood pouring to your wings right now!”


The title was a bit in-the-face, but the writing is really good at putting a reader in Rainbow's head. :rainbowderp:

I think you did a good job with tying the kink to character backstory and pending development. There was meat here that a lot of mature stories can miss.

I'll admit, while I am with you on the whole arousal being a possible threat to ones health is kinda dumb, I'll tell you this just on the off-chance you're in the same boat as I was a couple of years ago about not knowing this. Let's just say after looking it up, there is a legitimate reason why any kinda of...aid for that kind of thing (including getting bitten by the Brazilian Wandering Spider, if rumors are anything to go by), have that warning about if it doesn't go away in 4 hours.

In this case, it might just be Twilight. I mean, she has shown instances of worrying about the worse possible outcome before in the show.

Perhaps I did not explain myself thoroughly. Pegasi in general, and RD specifically, spend way more time than not hovering in midair. Given they don't levitate, and their wings must remain in motion, a "Wingboner", were that a real thing, would likely send them crashing into the ground.

I don't know much about aviation, nor that of fictitious creatures, but until Pegasi are seen in the show hovering without any motion from their wings, this headcanon won't have validation.

As for you downvoters, they don't bother me, so long as you explain what you did not like to warrant the downvote.

I wasn't saying that point was wrong though, if a pegasis wings were similar to penises in that they......uh engorge? Don't know the right term for that honestly. If they became erect the same way then yeah, there would be the same risks as having an erection that forcibly lasts too long.

I was just saying that wings that act like penises are dumb and it's a trope that I honestly dislike. Good story all the same.

Imma just leave this here.

From basically every story I've read involvong wingboners, the wings flaring up is a muscle-based reflex (akin to a human staring at a hot guy/gal without thinking about it) instead of a blood-based reflex (like an actual boner). Wingboner is a figurative term in the wider fandom, and nearly all stories that involve it have the pegasi able to control it if they're not too distracted by whatever they're aroused by at.

I've never seen an implementation of the wingboner that makes it blood-based other than this story.

A really weird story considering it seems to focus more on rainbow being uncomfortable and dubiously consenting to the way things went than actual clop. Also, I can't help but feel like twilight is being really manipulative here and pushing rainbow into territory that she doesn't feel safe or comfortable with.

The last thing I would think someone trying to help rainbow would suggest is literally bondage and sex. Something like that could really hurt her, even if she does trust twilight (and more than she should if twi's actions are anything to go by).

Panic attacks, psychological scarring, and physical injury are huge risks and it's only through safeties and communication between partners that this kind of thing can be explored safely. The way twilight acts is either incredibly niave and ignorant of others or very manipulative and a bit sociopathic, neither makes for a good Dom.

In the end, I'm not sure what you intended with this story but it's got some pretty dark undertones.

Interesting story.

She let the feeling rush over her, tingle through her skin and crawl over her body. It was comfort, serendipity.

I think you mean "serenity" here. "Serendipity" doesn't quite work.

Went into this expecting a sexy massage story. And while it was there were a few things that turned me off. Two of the biggest is how Twilight seemed way to manipulative in this. Like I get a little love manipulation to try and break some boundaries here in order to help move forward, but this seemed to take it a step too far. Also Rainbow seemed way too against this. Like not a sundare kind of way either, this was uncomfortable at times.

And that ending, my gosh, Rainbow should not be going from just learn that its ok to let others touch her to suddenly getting into bondage. That kind of sexual intercourse can only happen between partners who understand each others boundaries and are more than willing to consent to one another. Rainbow just learned its ok to be intimate. This is step one. You are trying to take step twenty.

This was Rainbow Dash getting guilt tripped into sex and worst, it wasn't in a fun light either. I've seen guilt tripped sex done right but it takes a certain writer to make it right and you are not there yet.

Listen, I was the same way as Rainbow Dash at one point. Did not like others touching me at all. That changed when a friend of mine became a masseuse. He needed someone to work on to get better. But it took a lot of time and me working through some mental barriers before I was ready to go beyond a shoulder rub. He needed me to do a full body massage and it took me a good two weeks before I was ready for that. To strip down and being touched all over was a weird experience. It wasn't till the second time I did it that I started to relax and became more willing to go along with it.

In the end, I did learn to enjoy intimacy but it took time and if I had been forced into in on day one, I am pretty sure I would have shut myself off worst then I had before. What I am getting at through all this is that I am a bit disappointed because I understood Rainbows mindset and was quickly able to empathize with her somewhat. So to see it end this way, really rubbed me the wrong way.

You touch my tralala?

Note that Dash was ok with massage canonically. What was she afraid of is to be seen in such situation. Or to be seen "girly" in general. You may acted same but it not necessary same reason, though her last outburst of consent supposedly stems from link with Element (remember, all six are influnced by their respective artifacts).

And Twilight acts like nerd who tries to be sexy :P Not out of character for her apparently, she gets manipulative sometimes.

Has this story been discontinued?

Are you finishing it or not?

I don't know how else to say this other than "I'm sorry this rubbed you the wrong way", you know? So I guess that's what I'll say. Still, this is "just smut", yeah? It's not intended to depict real events, or to be realistic at it beyond the necessary. I'm not trying to belittle your experiences, far from it, but in the end - this is just smut, just a story. And while I do agree with you that consent in this case was dubious at best, I've seen worse here. Personally, I assume it's "all good" as long as we're all adults who can appreciate it when a story steps outside of what you could consider "okay", in the sense that nobody should actually get confused enough to try anything depicted in these without explicit approval of all involved parties.

I guess what I'm trying to say is - I don't expect anyone here to be juvenile enough to even consider acting these out without proper consent. So while it ruffled your feathers the wrong way, at least you can rest easy knowing that nobody real will actually be hurt by anyone who got their idea from here.

I'm glad you had good people around you to eventually get better, and I wish you all the best.

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