• Published 4th Jul 2018
  • 365 Views, 4 Comments

Martha and Skits 2: The Cloned Emperor - Zenitram Nadroj

The two worlds of Equestria and Wagstaff City have intertwined and now they're all in a wasteland and seperated from others. Will they be able to get home?

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Goon Confrontation

Twilight, Helen, their families, the students and Chrysalis all head out to search for the others.

“Have you found them yet?”, Helen asks.

“We’re still looking.”, Twilight says.

The alicorn, unicorns and changeling queen then sense something nearby.

“There are some creatures nearby.”, Chrysalis says. “Quick hide.”

They all hide and listen hear voices.

“How much longer are we doing this?”, a voice asks.

“They’ve gotta be here somewhere.”, another voice says.

“Who are they?”, Gallus whispers.

“I’m not sure. I’ve never heard those voices before.”, Chrysalis says.

“Hello! Can anyone hear us?!”, a familiar voice says.

“Wait. That voice.”, Helen says. “It sounds like Martha.”

“Helen. Carolina. Alice.”

“That is Martha.”, her mom says.

“Wait a minute. Your dog can talk?”, Sandbar asks.

“It’s a long story.”, Helen says. “Let’s get out there.”

They all emerge and go towards the voice. They then see animals altogether.

“Martha! Skits!”, Helen shouts.

They then hear the voice and turn to it. It was their owner.

“Helen!”, Martha shouts.

They both run to their owner. They reach her and lick all over her face.

“Oh, Martha, Skits, I was so worried about you two. What are you all doing here?”

“We’ve been traveling everywhere looking for you and everyone else.”

“If we searched any longer, we would’ve given up all hope of looking for our owners.”, Skits says.

“Well I’m so glad you found us.”, Helen says.

She then realizes something.

“Hang on. Skits, did you just talk?”

“Uh, yes.”

“Oh, my gosh. Skits can talk.”, Helen’s dad says.

“How is this possible?”, Helen’s uncle asks.

“We were all looking for you when we came across that monster that imprisoned us and took over our town.”, Matt says as he and the rest of Martha’s family approach them.

“You saw the monster?”

“Yes. He couldn’t understand us, so he cast a spell that made everyone talk.”, Caruso says.

“After that, he tried to attack us.”, Cal says.

“Attack you. Then how did you all survive?”, Helen’s mom asks.

“We were actually saved twice.”, Skipper says. “First by some sort of shadows, then by two winged unicorns.”

“Winged unicorns?”, a voice says.

They turn to the voice and see more creatures approaching the group.

“Did those winged unicorns happened to wearing crowns, breastplates and gilded shoes?”, the female unicorn asks.

“Yes.”, Martha’s mom says.

“It’s Celestia and Luna. They’re alive, too.”, Chrysalis say.

“Do you have any idea where they are now?”, a unicorn asks.

“No idea.”, Polly says. “We never saw them again after they saved us.”

“Chrysalis, do you think you can track their aura?”, a dragon asks.

“I think so. Give me a second.”, Chrysalis says.

Her horn glows and finds it.

“I’ve found them.”

“Alright. Let’s go.”

“Wait a minute. What about our friends and family?”, Martha asks.

They look ahead and see the animals.

“Alright. I may have something, but it’s going to be hard to use it.”

“What is it?”, Helen asks.

“I’m going to use a teleporting spell to transport all of us to Celestia and Luna.”

“Can you really do that?”, Ocellus asks.

“I won’t know until I try.”, Chrysalis says. “Alright. Hold still, everyone.”

She powers up her horn and a few seconds later a burst of magic emits, and everyone vanishes.

In the cave, the captors are trying to open the cages. Flurry uses her magic, and nothing happens.

“Still nothing.”, Flurry says.

“It’s hopeless. There’s really no way out of these cages.”, Ember says.

“We all must help others.”, Rutherford says.

“How are we gonna help them if we can’t break, burn, bend or blast these cages open?”, Rainbow asks.

“There’s gotta be something we can do.”, Shining says.

They start thinking and then Truman sees something ahead.

“Hey, what’s that?”, he asks.

“What’s what?”, Thorax asks.

“That. The thing on top of that machine.”

They all look in the direction of his finger and see a hard cover book on top of one of the machines.

“It’s a book.”, Alice says.

“You think it’s a spell book?”, Fluttershy asks.

“I’ll get it down.”, Cadance says.

She powers her horn and the book gets levitated. The book comes, and they take a closer look at it.

“Well?”, Rarity asks.

“It is a spell book.”

“You think it’s Neighsay’s?”, Ronald asks.

“Could be.”, Shining says. “Maybe it has the spell for these cages and how to break it.”

Cadance opens the book and sees its contents.

“Oh, no.”

“What’s wrong?”, Milo asks.

“The pages are blank.”

“What?!”, they all shout.

She shows the pages to show that they’re all blank.

“They must’ve been written with invisible ink.”, Applejack says.

“How are we gonna find that spell if all the pages are blank?”, Rarity asks.

“Maybe I can use a spell that will allow us to see the invisible ink. But it will only last for ten seconds.”, Shining says.

“I’m willing to do anything if it’ll get us out of these cages.”, Carolina says.

“Alright. Here goes.”

He powers his horns and the ink is now visible. It shows a contents table and page numbers for spells.

“I found it.”, Cadance says.

The spell then wears off.

“Shining, we’re gonna need you to use that spell over and over again.”, Gruff says.

“Alright. But we better make this quick. My magic isn’t endless.”

He powers his horn the ink appears again. Cadance then searches the pages for the spell.

Elsewhere, the emperor and some imps are surveilling the creatures. He then feels something.

“What’s this?”, he says.

He focuses his magic and feels some creatures in cages inside a cave.

“Some of the creatures have been locked in cages. But where did these cages come from?”

An imp growls to the emperor.

“You’re right. There must have been some creatures who were smart enough to build cages in this land. I only know a few of those who would be smart enough. But it couldn’t possibly be them.”

The other imps growl.

“No matter. You two, find the cave these creatures are in and find out who trapped them.”

They salute and fly off.

“Every hour, there seems to be less and less hope that these creatures will be unharmed. We have to find the one who resembles me as soon as possible.”

Elsewhere, the crooks and Neighsay are wandering around the land. Then Neighsay senses something.

“What is it, Neighsay?”, Weaselegraft asks.

“I sense non-pony creatures near this area.”, he says.

“You think it’s the same ones who escaped?”, Kablooey asks.

“No, their aura is different.”

He traces the aura and the others follow him. They soon find a massive group of ponies, humans and a few non-ponies traveling with them. And in front of them are the princesses.

“It’s the princesses again.”

“Are you serious?”, Gimmie asks.

“We got them now.”, Pablum says.

They all charge.

“How much longer? My feet are killing me.”, Mrs. Demson says.

“They seem to be closer.”, Celestia says.

“Stop right there.”, another voice says.

They turn to it. They see Neighsay and the crooks stopping to them.

“It’s those guys again.”, Tiffany says.

“How did they find us?”, L.C. asks.

Before they can answer a burst of magic comes and the humans, ponies and changeling queen appear with more creatures with them.

“Twilight!”, the princesses exclaim.

“And they found Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Yona, Ocellus and Silver Stream.”, Pharynx says.

Gabby and Gilda approach Sandbar and Gallus.

“How have you two been?”, Gabby asks.

“Did some lame-os try to hurt you?”, Gilda asks.

Pharynx, Terramar, Sky Beack and Ocean Flow approach Smolder, Yona Ocellus and Silver Stream.

“Thank goodness you’re all safe.”, Terramar says.

“Did you teach some baddies what for?”, Pharynx asks.

Then all the owners are reunited with their pets.

“Oh, how touching.”, Neighsay says sarcastically. “Now that the reunion is over, I can finally incarcerate all of you non-ponies.”

“Not on your life.”, Twilight says as he gets in front of him.

“Sparkle. Get out of my way.”

“I will not. You are not laying a single hoof on my students or their friends and families.”

“Tough luck, Sparkle. Because I’m not alone.”

The goons and dog come from behind him.

“Careful, those guys mean business.”, C.K. warns.

“Wow. There’s another winged unicorn?”, Kablooey says.

“Add the other winged unicorns we’ve caged with them and we’ve hit the magical jackpot.”, Wesealegraft says.

“Other winged unicorns you’ve caged?”, Twilight asks.

She then realizes who they’re referring to.

“You’ve imprisoned my sister-in-law and my niece?!”

“Not only that. They’ve also captured your friends, your brother, the consorts of your students and the children of our friends.”, Igneous says.

“You monsters.”

“Sparkle, it’s bad enough that you’ve created a school with non pony students enrolling in it and you’ve also had all kinds of non pony creatures visiting the kingdom. But inviting non pony creatures to a public all pony wedding is barbaric. The only thing worse than that is if a pony was marrying a non pony creature and had a hybrid offspring after that. That wedding of your former pupil will not happen. And every single non-pony creature will be deported permanently!”

“Neighsay, you’ve officially lost your mind.”, Luna says.

“I’m not losing my mind. I’m trying to restore order to the kingdom!”

His horn starts to glow, and he makes a ground shaking earthquake.