• Published 4th Jul 2018
  • 365 Views, 4 Comments

Martha and Skits 2: The Cloned Emperor - Zenitram Nadroj

The two worlds of Equestria and Wagstaff City have intertwined and now they're all in a wasteland and seperated from others. Will they be able to get home?

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An Equine Announcement

In Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are at the Friendship Castle looking over the Friendship Map.

“Looks like we managed to solve more and more friendship problems all over the kingdom.”, Twilight Sparkle says. “I'm still wondering what will happen now that we've all solved friendship problems.”

“Don't feel exhausted, Twilight.”, Spike says. “You haven't been feeling the same ever since your friendship students graduated.”

Twilight sighs.

“I know.”

She then remembers something.

“Wait a minute. What day is today?”, she asks.

Pinkie pulls out a calendar and looks at a circled day. The sign reads, 'Sunburst Visits'.

“It's today!”, she says as she hops on her throne.

“What's today?”, asks Rainbow.

“Sunburst is visiting today.”

The group all gasp in surprise.

“Oh, my goodness gracious.”, Rarity says. “I can't believe we forgot.”

“Well in that case, we better make this place for their visit.”, Applejack says.

“Oh, yes.”, Fluttershy says. “We don't want to disappoint him.”

The group gets to work on making the castle spotless and decorative for the arrival of their unicorn friends. Twilight reorganized her bookshelves, Spike was preparing torches, Rarity made their welcoming garments, Rainbow opens the sun windows, Fluttershy brings in flower bouquets and Pinkie uses her party cannon to put up streamers and confetti. Soon the castle is ready as there is a knocking at the door. Twi flies to the door and opens the peephole. On the other side, Starlight and Sunburst are waiting by the door.

“Hey, Twilight.”, Starlight says. “Long time, no see.”

“Starlight, it's been so long.”, Twilight says. “And good to see you too, Sunburst.”

“It's an honor to see you again, Your Highness.”, Sunburst says.

“Please. No need for formalities. Come in.”

Twilight opens the door and lets the unicorns in. They enter the room and are greeted by their other friends.

“How have you been since you two started dating?”, Twilight asks.

“Well, we've been closer since we started.”, she says. “And guess what?”

“What is it?”

“Should I say it, or should you?”, Sunburst asks.

“I'll say it. They are my friends.”

The group are watching them waiting for her answer.

“We're engaged!”, the unicorn says with glee.

Their friends are surprised by the announcement and smile for them.

In Wagstaff City Helen, Carolina and their families gather in the town park for a massive family reunion. Whilst at the reunion, Helen, Carolina and the dogs approach their abuela and abuelo.

“Helen, Carolina, como estas? How are you?”, their abuela asks.

“Abuela Camila, Abuelo Santiago, it's been years since we've seen you.”, Helen says. “We've been doing great.”

“Si. Me and Helen have gotten perfect attendance awards at school.”, Carolina says.

“Hey, donde esta tu perras? Where are your dogs?”, their abuelo asks.

A scream is heard, and they turn to it. They see Martha and Skits chasing after a family member carrying a plate of hot dogs.

“Martha, Skits!”, Helen shouts.

They stop and run towards their owner.

“Martha, you remember Abuela Camila and Abuelo Santiago, right?”

Martha nuzzles against them.

"Martha, we haven't seen you since you were a puppy."

"And this here is Skits. He's our newest member to our family."

Skits then barks and nuzzles them as well.

“Alright, Skits, easy with the nuzzling.”, Martha says. "Only I can nuzzle them like that."

Their grandparents are surprised.

“Oh, my gosh. Did Martha just talk?”, her abuelo asks.

“Oops. I guess I forgot to tell you that my dog can speak.”, Helen says.

“How is it possible?”, her abuela asks.

“Oh, just some alphabet soup.”, the dog says.

“Then why doesn't Skits talk?”

“Oh, we tried having him eat alphabet soup, but nothing happened.”

“Ah, I see.”, her abuela says. "Well we both still love you no matter what."

Skits barks.

“Gather around, everyone!”, Helen's dad shouts. “It's time for my sisters to perform a song.”

Everyone gathers around, and the sisters perform a song to the family. The song then ends, and the audience applauds.

“That was amazing.”, Helen's mom says. “Your sisters really outdone themselves.”

“Thanks, honey.”, he says.

“Those three belong with American All-Star.”, Carolina says. "I have to say, our friends don't know what they're missing."

Elsewhere, the crooks still plan on how to capture the monster.

"Come on, think. Maybe, we can invent a teleporter to take us to that world.", Kablooey suggests.

"Even if we did do that, we don't know where this world is or how to get there.", Fildgemarker says.

Pablum reveals his plan.

“Hang on. Maybe we don't have to capture that monster.”, he says.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”, Kablooey asks.

“Maybe instead of capturing that monster, we clone him.”

“Clone? You mean make another monster?”, Fildgemarker asks.

“Of course.”, Weaselegraft says. “I mean, think about it. If we had our own monster, we can make it obey us and use it to make us become the most successful crooks ever.”

“That does sound ingenious. But there's just one problem.”, Fildgemarker says.

“And what's that?”

“It needs a bit of DNA.”

"DNA?", Bumblecrum asks.

"DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. A self replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes."

"So where do you find this DNA?", Kablooey asks.

"You can find it in any part of an organism's body. Hair, nails, saliva, mucus, skin, tears or dandruff.", Fildgemarker says.

"Well we don't have any of that.", Stubble says.

“Oh, no. That's right.”, Gimmie says.

“Hold on, I just remembered.”, Pablum shouts.

“What is it?”, Bumblecrum asks.

“I do have a bit of his DNA.”

He then reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a bag with a patch of fur.

“I've been carrying this patch of fur with me. I caught a sample during the intense battle that happened in the city.”

He then notices all of their eyes wide and jaws hanging open.


“Pablum, are you meaning to tell us that you've been carrying that patch of fur for over a year and you never remembered you had it until now?”, Weaselegraft asks.


“Why didn't you tell this sooner?!!”, he shouts.

“It doesn't matter. We have our sample now.”, Fildgemarker says.

001 then takes the bag and gives it to his master.

“A sample?”, Kablooey asks. “I thought it was a patch of fur.”

“Yes. A 'sample' is a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like. This patch of fur is a sample.”

Weaselegraft takes the bag and puts it into a machine. It activates and starts its process. Inside the fur starts getting bigger and grows limbs.

"Wagstaff City, prepare to become corrupted.", Weaselegraft says.

In the new kingdom, Keretomatus sits on his throne watching his kingdom and feeling sad. Two shadows enter and are in concern. One of them growls in query.

“I just don't know.”, the emperor says. “Ever since I've set my sons free, I've been feeling empty.”

The other one growls in reassurance. The emperor sighs and looks at the viewing pools. One shows the citizens in Equestria and the other shows the citizens in Wagstaff City.

“I wouldn't have known the importance of acceptance if these creatures never showed how much they cared about others no matter their appearance.”

The first monster growls again.

“I agree.”, the emperor says. “Now if you'll excuse me, I must check on how the rest of my kingdom is doing.”

The shadows bow and leave the room. The emperor then flies out and gives surveillance around his kingdom. He sees that all of the monsters and minions are enjoying their new lives and being accepting of each other. He then thinks about his sons.

“Are you sure, father?”, Martarmus asks.

“I'm sure.”, Keretomatus says. “After seeing those dogs cry tears of love for that monster, I've decided to see the error of my ways and release them from captivity.”

“But, why do you want us to leave?”, Horlagamous asks.

“I'm not telling you to leave. I'm setting all of you free.”

“Setting us free?”, Scorjosemal asks.

“I've realized that you won't gain any experience from being under my wing. So all of you need to live your own lives and form your own kingdoms. You'll all realize how much you all mean to me.”

The princes all bow to their father.

“We we'll never forget you, father.”, they all say in unison.

The princes set off and leave the kingdom. The emperor returns to his throne room and sits back on his throne.

"Something has to be changed. I just wish I knew what it was."