• Published 4th Jul 2018
  • 365 Views, 4 Comments

Martha and Skits 2: The Cloned Emperor - Zenitram Nadroj

The two worlds of Equestria and Wagstaff City have intertwined and now they're all in a wasteland and seperated from others. Will they be able to get home?

  • ...

The Ruined Kingdom

Twilight is sitting in her study when she hears a knocking on her door. She gets up and teleports herself to the door. She opens the door and sees Starlight and Sunburst standing before her.

“Starlight, Sunburst, what are you two doing here?”, she asks them.

“Hey, Twilight.”, Starlight says. “Me and Sunburst came here because we wanted to ask you something really important.”

“Really? What is it?”

“What we wanted to ask you is...”, Sunburst says before the back door opens.

Spike bursts into the room holding a letter.

“Twilight! Twilight!”, Spike says as he approaches the alicorn.

“Spike, what is it?”

“We gotta get out of here now!”

“Get out of here? Why?”, Sunburst asks.

“I just got this letter from Celestia! The Crystal Empire was just devoured by a portal, followed by the Everfree Forest, Griffonstone, the Changeling Kingdom, Yakyakistan, Dragon County, Mt. Aries and now Canterlot. And Ponyville is next.”, Spike says.

The castle starts to levitate, and they get out. They stand and watch the castle get devoured by a portal.

“Run!”, Twilight shouts.

The mares, stallion and dragon run away as they see the rest of Ponyville get devoured by the portal. They keep running away, but suddenly Spike begins to levitate.

“Twilight!”, he shouts.

She sees the dragon and uses her magic to pull him back down.

“Starlight!”, Sunburst says as he starts to levitate.

Starlight uses her magic to fly and catches her fiance. Suddenly she gets hit by piece of land and loses her concentration. She and Sunburst get devoured by the portal.

“Starlight! Sunburst!”, Twilight and Spike shout in unison.

She then flies up to save them.

“Twilight, what the heck are you doing?!”, Spike asks.

“I'm saving those unicorns.”, Twilight says.

They get closer and the unicorns get devoured by the portal. She then stops dead in her tracks.

“What was I thinking?!”, she says as she tries to fly away.

Soon, she and Spike get devoured by the portal. Neighsay suddenly appears but finds nothing.

"What?! I missed them again!", he shouts.

He then hears moaning and looks back. The creatures her controlled are starting to compose themselves.

"Oh, drat! The spell's worn off."

"What happened?", Thorax asks. "How did we get here?"

They then see the unicorn in front of them.

"Neighsay!", Ember says.

"Unicorn must've controlled us.", Rutherford says.

Just before they can confront the chancellor, they suddenly get lifted. The chancellor looks around and sees the place being devoured.

“What the...What's going on?! What's happening?!”

He gets lifted himself and goes into the portal. He gets devoured and all of Ponyville is gone.

“Wha....What happened?”, a voice says.

“What? Who said that?”, another voice says

The sources of the voices open their eyes and face each other one sees a strange two legged creature with red hair, a flannel sweater, a striped skirt and striped socks and red shoes and the other sees a lavender horse with a horn, wings and stars on her flanks. They both scream and fall back.

“Get back you strange creature. I've got a magical horn and I'm not afraid to use it.”, the strange horse says.

“Wait a minute. Did you just talk?”, the creature asks.

“Hang on. You can understand me?”, the horse asks.

“Whoa. I've never seen a talking horse before.”

“Hey! I'm not a horse, I'm a pony.”, the pony says. “Well what are you supposed to be?”

“I'm a human.”, the human says.

“Wow. I haven't seen a 'human' since I was at the Canterlot High world.”

“The what?”

“Long story. Anyway, who are you?”

“I'm Helen. Helen Lorraine.”, she says. “And you are?”

“I'm Twilight Sparkle.”, the pony says. “I'm an alicorn to be exact.”

“What is this place?”, Helen asks.

“I don't know. I can't make heads or tails of it.”

“Well, we can't stay here that's for sure. I better find my friends and my dogs.”, Helen says.

“Yeah. I better find my friends, too. Hey, you don't mind if I tag along, do you?”

“Not at all. Let's look for our friends.”

Twilight and Helen then search around the ruined location together and look for their friends.

Elsewhere, Martha and Skits wake up and compose themselves.

“Skits, are you OK?”, Martha asks.

Skits barks in response. He looks around and barks to her again.

“I don't know where we are.”

She then notices something.

“Wait a minute. Where's Helen? Where are the cubs? Where is everyone?”

She then begins to panic.

“Oh, no! What are we gonna do?! We're lost, and we have no idea where everyone is! This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!”

Skits barks urgently.

“What do you think I'm doing? I'm panicking.”

Skits barks.

“'Panicking' is when you lose control of yourself when something bad is happening or will happen.”, Martha explains.

He then calms the other dog.

“Sorry. I just don't know what we're going to do.”

Skits barks a plan.

“Are you sure?”, she asks.

He nods.

“Well, I'm not sure myself. But, because I have no idea where to go from here, I'm willing to try anything.”

They then hear small growling and search for the source. They come across a pile of rocks and start digging it. They uncover the lion cubs.

“Leonard, Phillip, Molly, you're alive!”

The cubs all growl in query.

“We don't know what happened. All we know is we were held captive by those goons and a hideous monster. And then the monster snapped his claws and all of Wagstaff City was swallowed by a strange hole.”

The cubs are nervous.

“Hey, me and Skits were just about to start looking for Helen and the others. Wanna join us?”

The cubs look at each other and take the invitations. They go with the dogs and search for the missing friends.

In another part of the ruined location, the goons compose themselves and wake up.

“What just happened?”, asked Weaselegraft.

Pablum grabs a device and reads the results.

“I don't know. My location tracker can't make heads or tails of it.”, he says.

“Mine doesn't know either.”, Fildgemarker says.

“Are you saying you have absolutely no idea where we are?”, Kablooey asks.

“That's exactly what I'm saying.”, Pablum says.

“Hey, where's our slave?”, Bumblecrum asks.

001 then starts barking.

“What is it, 001?”, Fildgemarker asks.

He then points up. The others look up and see the monster flying over them.

“Your Majesty, what are you doing up there?”, Gimmie asks.

“The being who shares my aura is here.”, the monster says.

“What are you doing? We've gotta go back and take o...I mean, save Wagstaff City.”, Stubble says.

“No. I'm not going back as long as that being exists.”, he says before he flies off.

They all groan in frustration. 001 then starts barking.

“What is it, 001?”, Fildgemarker asks.

The rottweiler then runs off.

“Looks like he found something.”, Bumblecrum says. “We better follow him.”

“But what about our creation?”, Pablum asks.

“We'll worry about him later. Besides, that dog and spy can't be away from each other for more than five seconds.”

He raises an eyebrow.

“Don't ask.”

They then all follow the dog to the source of the scent.

In another part of the location, Emperor Keretomatus and some of his minions, monsters and shadows wake up. The subjects help up their leader.

“Thank you all. I don't know what just happened.”, Keretomatus says.

He looks around and sees his kingdom is ruined.

“What happened to my kingdom?”

He then senses something. He closes his eyes and detects the source.

“It's the being that possesses the same aura. It's here.”, he says.

The minions, monsters and shadows growl.

“My friends, we need to find the rest of our army and stop the source before it wreaks havoc.”, the emperor says.

The four groups journey throughout the ruined land to their destinations. Twilight and Helen look for their friends and family, Martha, Skits and the cubs search for their friends, the goons follow the dog and Keretomatus and his minions search for the rest of his army.