• Published 4th Jul 2018
  • 365 Views, 4 Comments

Martha and Skits 2: The Cloned Emperor - Zenitram Nadroj

The two worlds of Equestria and Wagstaff City have intertwined and now they're all in a wasteland and seperated from others. Will they be able to get home?

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Learning the Truth

In another part of the castle, Keretomatus is bewildered by the Pillars in front of him.

“Star Swirl, is it really you?”, the emperor asks.

“Yes it is. We’re all here right before your eyes.”, Star Swirl says.

“How did you all get here?”

“It’s simple.”, Rockhoof says. “Star Swirl sensed a portal devouring the kingdom and called us together.”

“But before we save the citizens, we ended up getting devoured as well.”, Flash says.

“We then ended up in this wasteland, completely lost. But Star Swirl sensed that some of the citizens were in this place too. So we’ve been scouring everywhere to look for them.”, Mistmane says.

“We’ve managed to track them down to this destroyed castle, and Star Swirl, recognized the aura that was surrounding it.”, Meadowbrook says.

“We’ve entered this place tracking the main source of this aura and we then found you. And you haven’t changed a bit.”, Somnambula says.

“I can’t believe you’re still alive.”

He then sulks.

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? For what?”, Rockhoof says.

“I let those creatures get incarcerated. You were right, Star Swirl. If I hadn’t used my newfound magic for personal use, none of this would be happening now. And now I’ll be used as a weapon to take over Equestria and the other world. I let you down.”

“Keretomatus, you didn’t let us down.”, Star Swirl says. “There’s still hope for you.”

“How is there still hope? I let my sons free and now I have no real family left. I’m completely powerless now.”

“No, Keretomatus. You just need to believe in yourself, you need to find your inner monster and release it. And don’t worry, we’ll be there to help you.”

The monster regains confidence and powers his magic.

In the armory, the creatures have just finished their training.

“Alright. We’re ready to take on those goons.”, Martha says.

“Now to see what kind of armor fits us.”, Skits says.

They all put on their armor and pick their weapons. Once they’ve all gotten their armor and weapons, they all prepare until Discord hears something in the distance.

“Wait a second.”, he says.

“What is it, Discord?”, Helen’s abuelo asks.

“I hear something nearby. But it sounds like clanking metal.”

“Clanking metal?”, Helen says. “Wait a minute. Whenever there’s clanking metal, that must mean…”

The kids peek through the door. They then see the robot animals outside.

“Robots.”, the kids all say.

“Robots?”, the mares and dragon asks.

“How advanced are those guys?”, Twilight asks.

“Well now that we’re all in shape, let’s get to pummeling.”, Rainbow says.

“Rainbow, wait.”, Applejack says.

“What’s up?”

“When was the last time we’ve gone against robots?”

“Oh, well, never.”

“We’ll just have to use brains over brawns for this.”, T.D. says.

“T.D.’s right. We just have to think.”, Truman says.

“Oh. I have a plan.”, Discord says.

“You have a plan?”, Pinkie asks. “Well don’t keep us in suspense. Tell us.”

“It was originally gonna be prank for Celestia and Luna on Nightmare Night”

“A prank?”, the sisters say.

“We’ll talk about that later.”, Celestia says.

“Shining, how good is your singing?”

“About moderately. Why?”, Shining says.

“Alright. Here’s what we’re gonna do.”

In another part of the castle, the goons enter the emperor’s throne room with the mind control machine.

“Your Majesty, we’ve come to give you your…”, Pablum says before they see ahead.

The cage is destroyed with the monster no longer inside it.

“What happened?”, Neighsay exclaims. “I made sure that cage was completely magic proof.”

“Did you wonder if I would reach my full potential?”, a voice asks.

They look up and see the emperor is fully powered and emitting magic from his claws.

“Well it looks like your potential won’t be there for long.”, Weaslegraft says. “Keretomatus, attack.”

“Yes, saviors.”, the other monster says before bolting out.

The monsters battle each other, while Neighsay uses a shielding spell on themselves and the machine. They blast magic, swipe their claws and throw punches.

“How can you call those hooligans your saviors?”, the real monster asks.

“Because they saved my life after I got lost.”, the fake one answers.

“And how exactly were you lost?”

The fake monster then realizes that they never explained how he got lost.

“Oh, my goodness. You’re right. And I don’t sense any sincerity in their aura.”

“Sincerity?”, 001 asks.

“’Sincerity’ is the quality of being free from pretense, deceit or hypocrisy. In other words, honesty.”, Fildgemarker says.

“You all better tell me the truth, right now.”

“Very well. We didn’t save you from being lost.”, Kablooey says.

“In fact, you aren’t even real.”, Bumblecrum says.

“What?”, the monsters say.

“You are just a clone that we created from that monster’s DNA.”, Pablum says. “We cloned you so we could use you to take over Wagstaff City. But with both you and the real emperor, we’ll be able to rule both worlds.”

“I’m just a clone?”

“Yes. So now, that you know the truth, bring that monster to us.”

“I can’t believe I was just a creation of creatures that aren’t from the same world.”

“Hey, are you deaf or something?”, Fildgemarker says. “Get to fighting.”

“I will not. I have been used a nothing but a weapon and now you plan to use him as a weapon as well. I won’t allow it.”

“Very well then. It looks like this gives us an opportunity to use the new machine.”, Neighsay says. “Weaselegraft, if you would.”

He stops the shielding spell and the man activates the machine. The machine fires a beam to the clone and it convulses. Its face goes blank and expressionless.

“Now, Keretomatus, bring the emperor to us.”, Weaselegraft says.

“As you command.”

The monsters continue fighting and Neighsay puts the shielding spell again.

Outside the armory, the robots are getting closer to the door, when they suddenly hear music. They open the door and sees a pile of skeletons on the floor. They look at each other and are about to leave when they hear moaning. They look behind them and are horrified at what they see. They see the skeletons stand up and approach them. Suddenly, a draconequus appears as a zombie disco dancer. It starts singing and dancing to the robots. They are horrified and try to run away but are suddenly stopped by more skeletons. The robots start to panic and suddenly, the draconequus pulls a lever, opening a trap door. And the robots fall in. The groups then have their disguises removed.

“Wow. Discord, I can’t believe your plan actually worked.”, Rainbow says.

“I must say, I would’ve been petrified if you did use it on me and Luna.”, Celestia says.

“I try.”, Discord says. “Now let’s get moving.”

The creatures all follow the minions to their leader.