• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 5,897 Views, 161 Comments

An UnCozy Reformation - AnUnCozyGlow

Cozy Glow has been stuck in Tartarus for A year. One very admit School Counselor feels that this is wrong and will do Everything In her power to correct that. As she knows in her heart no one is A lost cause!

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Chapter 1: No One's A Lost Cause

The rain fell down on the land below causing the songbirds to seek shelter under nearby trees, the campuses pegausi and dragons also quickly flying towards the nearest entrances to get out of the rain, unicorns, earth ponies, yaks and all assortments of creatures following behind. Starlight Glimmer looked out her window and gave a soft chuckle followed by a heavy sigh.

"Just 30 more minutes" She told herself as she looked at the clock above. "Then I get to try again, for the 365th time, maybe, maybe this time will be different" Starlight Glimmer sighed again as she began to pack her notepad and quill into her bag, along with a small gift wrapped-up nicely in silver paper in a red bow. "This time for sure"

It was dark, then again in this realm it was always dark. Dark, steamy, hot, and boring, oh so boring, all the inhabitants of this realm could do was sit in their cages and moan and complain about how boring it was, unless they were one of the lucky few to get their accommodations upgraded from a pathetic cage to the top of one of the magical mountain spires where you were still very bored but at least you weren't in a cage, just held down by chains and put inside a giant white glowing magical circle that would activate and do Celestia knows what if you tried to escape. And this is where one small Pegasus filly had now found herself, for better or worse, not that either prison was ideal.

All of a sudden the pegasus filly was brought out of her own thoughts and complaints by the sound of hoof steps coming-up the mountain. Once again her annoying visitor was coming to "Help Her".

"Hello Cozy. How are you today?' a voice asked in a calm tone that the young filly could tell had a bit of exhausted weight behind it.

"Oh well if it isn't School Counselor Glimmer!" Cozy exclaimed with her fake saccharine tone that Starlight had become all too familar with. "Why it is just so nice of you to take the time out of your busy day like this to visit little ol me!" Cozy mocked with her best and widest fake smile.

Starlight just rolled her eyes and pulled up the stool she had left there from her previous session to sit down on as she used her magic to levitate her notebook, ink and quill from her bag. "It's nice to see you too Cozy'' Starlight replied with a simple calm and caring tone. "You know I figured you'd tone the attitude down a bit by now given it was your favorite School Counselor that convinced Twilight to convince Celestia to get you out of that awful cage and into....a luxury suite" Starlight teased giving the young curly haired Pegasus filly a snarky look.

"Oh yes, thank you Ms. Glimmer for getting me moved away from my idol Tirek and put in chains atop a weird glowing mountain in a magical maximum security prison which is basically a living Hell!!" Cozy Glow shrieked as she grated her teeth.

"I don't like you being in here any more then you do" Starlight sighed, the weight of her words evident in her breath "You know that's why i'm here cozy, i'm trying....i'm trying to help you whether you want me to or not!" Starlight exclaimed a determined look on her face.

"Oh, how nice!" Cozy hissed staring daggers at the older mare.

"Please Cozy, it's been a year now, i'm just trying to understand!" Starlight pleaded her eyes wide and full of sorrow as she spoke. "I've come here every day for a year, and every day you have told me a different story trying to justify the reason for why you did what you did, I know all of them or at least most of them are lies, but I keep coming back, and do you know why?"

"Because you're a bucking idiot" Cozy growled.

"No, because I don't believe in a lost cause. I've seen first hoof how helping somepony in pain can help them turn over a new leaf. I don't believe anyone is truly evil, or at the very least I don't believe any creature is just born that way." Somethig happened to you Cozy, and I would like to know what. But even if you never tell me the truth, i'll still come here, and i'll still keep trying to help you" Starlight explained trying to hold back the sorrow in her voice.

"How noble of you" Cozy cackled, giving off an evil grin.

"I agree, it is" Strarlight smiled, not letting Cozy's taunt get under her skin.

"Now, let's review some of the past stories you've told me, I think i'm starting to get a better picture" Starlight softly spoke as she used her magic to flip through the notebook. "On day 43 you told me a story about how your father used to beat you. It was the only story you ever told me that involved a father figure." Starlight stated. "Perhaps this story is one of the few that's not a lie then?" Starlight asked, Cozy just twisted her nose and grimaced but said nothing.

"On Day 213 you told me how your mother got hurt during Tirek's failed attempt to conquer Equestria. How when she lost her flight magic she was in denial and tried to fly anyway, how she fell into a bramble bush and got all scratched up, how you blamed yourself for not being able to stop her" Starlight read, looking back-up to see the small pegasus filly still grimacing and saying nothing.

"On day 344 you told me how everyone in Kindergarten picked on you, how two young fillies beat you up in the restroom , and you never told your mother about it because you didn't want her to worry" Starlight finished as she set down her notes. "Out of all those stories you've told me the past year those three stick out the most. I wonder why?" Starlight grinned as she looked knowingly at the chained-up child in front of her.

"Oh, maybe because you're an idiot!" Cozy taunted in a sweet voice. "I mean golly i've been making-up stories to tell you for a year, just because some are so mundane to be believable doesn't mean they're true, I mean maybe I just want my origin story to be multiple choice." Cozy giggled with her fake innocent laugh.

"I suppose that's true." Starlight softly chuckled. "You know maybe instead of trying to take over Equestria you should write a book, I bet it'd be a best seller." Starlight teased with a soft smile.

"Oh know doubt!" Cozy chuckled, actually begging to enjoy the banter. "Maybe i'll have you bring me a type writer next time."

"I don't know if Twilight would approve of that" Starlight answered "But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask "

"Wait....really?" Cozy asked a confused look forming upon her face.

"Of course" Starlight smiled. "I know it can get pretty boring down here and what better outlet for a filly that's already proved to be so good at being a story teller!" Starlight softly sang as she gave Cozy a surprisingly sincere smile.

"Why would you do that? What's in it for you?" Cozy inquired.

"Nothing, sometimes friends just want to give each other gifts!" Starlight exclaimed. "Speaking of which, I brought you this!" Starlight gleefully exclaimed as she levitated the small present from her saddle bag. "Wanna open it?" Starlight asked as she used her magic to set it smack dab in front of Cozy. The young Pegasus filly looking at her ever more confused.

"What's the weird look for? It won't bite, I promise, just open it." Starlight teased.

Cozy looked down at the present again and then back at Starlight, she let out a small reluctant groan as she let out a mumbled "fine" and began to open the gift, her chains rattling as she did so. Cozy began to undo the wrapping and slowly but surely got to the box inside and opened it up. Inside a small plush pegasus doll that looked just like her. Once again Cozy looked up at Starlight confused by this gesture.

"I made it for you, well my friend Trixie and I did, she's surprisingly good at sewing, must be because she wears out so many of those capes she wears" Starlight chuckled. "Oh and it talks if you squeeze it! Give it a try!"

Cozy just nodded still confused as she squeezed the doll, a voice similar to Starlight's but higher pitched comes out. "Hi Cozy, I Wuv You!" The doll said in a cheesy saccharine tone. Cozy looked up at Starlight both dumbfounded and slightly insulted.

"OK, the voice thing might have been a bit overboard" Starlight admitted. "I just thought it'd be cute, and hey now you have somepony to tell your stories to when I'm not around." Starlight softly smiled looking down at the young pegasus.

"I still don't understand....why would you make this for me?" Cozy asked.

"Because you're my friend Cozy." Starlight softly stated with a smile. "And friends give each other gifts."

Cozy looked up af Starlight and then back at the doll, she squeezed it again and again, hearing the same cheesy voice over and over. And for the first time in ages Cozy felt something inside, something she hadn't allowed herself to feel in a very long time as she began to sob.

"I-i've been telling lies all year but yours is the meanest Ms. Glimmer!" Cozy sobbed. "Why would you ever pretend to care about a monster like me!!??" Cozy sobbed as she looked up at Starlight, tears, real tears for the first time in ages feeling up her eyes.

"Because I do" Starlight gently answered as she wrapped her arm around the filly. "Because I know what it's like to be caught up in your own agenda and delusions you end up using as a justification to drive you, to try to block out the pain. Because I know what its like to be an angry little filly determined to find a way to control the world around you so you never get hurt again. Because I know there's a hurt in you just like there was in me, Luna, Sunset and Tempest before you" Starlight explained as Cozy continued to sob.

Starlight just continued to embrace the filly tightly as she let out a somewhat nervous sigh. "Now keep your eyes closed, I have one more gift to give you" starlight stated as she began to power-up her magic as bright light blue glow engulfed the area.

Cozy blinked as the light dissipated and she looked around, the glow of the mountain was gone, the bright magical circle gone as well, her chains undone

"What?...How?.....Why!?" Cozy asked in surprise

"I'm not the most powerful magic user in Equestria just for show you know" Starlight smiled. "Now let's get you out of here and somewhere you can get some real help!" Starlight smiled as she levitated a still dumbfounded Cozy Glow and her doll onto her back.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading. Cozy Glow got a bum deal in the S8 finale imo so let's enjoy a fic about her getting a shot at redemption. Cause even mentally unstable kids deserve love.