• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 5,898 Views, 161 Comments

An UnCozy Reformation - AnUnCozyGlow

Cozy Glow has been stuck in Tartarus for A year. One very admit School Counselor feels that this is wrong and will do Everything In her power to correct that. As she knows in her heart no one is A lost cause!

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Chapter 6: Hurts of The Past.

Dr. Dula set with Cozy as she stared at the young pegaus filly. "Are you sure you're ready for this Cozy? We don't have to if you don't want to." The Doctor softly spoke looking down at the child.

"Well I don't really want to, but I think I have to, if I wanna, you know, get better or whatever" Cozy anxiously expressed as she rubbed her hoof against her arm.

"Well I think this is very brave of you to come ask me for a private session. " The Doctor smiled as she began the recorder. "So tell me won't you, who is Cozy Glow? What is her story, her real story?"

Cozy just gulped and took a deep breath..."OK"

9 years earlier....

The rain fell over Tottingham as the wind blew and an old building of wood and brick creaked and shook....

"Matron, Matron!" A voice echoed through the halls as a purple furred pink maned unicorn mare ran down the halls levitating a small basket looking for her superior.

"What is it Night Song?" A disgruntled voice huffed. "It is almost ten at night, are you trying to to wake the children?" The gray furred black maned earth mare scolded.

"No High Matron Strict, not at all, my apologies!" Night Song stuttered. "B-but that's why I'm here, you see I heard a bang on the door. Like someone threw a rock I opened the door and well, I found this." Night Song explained as she levitated the basket towards the elder mare who looked inside and saw the newborn foal.

"Odd, this thing can't be more than a month old at best, who would abandon such a tiny thing so soon?" The Matron asked aloud as she unwrapped the swaddling and looked the newborn over to make sure it was ok. She quickly noted it was a pegasus, female and...all of a sudden the matron gasped. "Abomination" Mrs. Strict hissed as she stepped back.

"What in Heavens name are you on about?" Night Song chuckled looking at the matron as if she were mad, approaching the basket looking at the newborn foal quickly noting what the matron had seen, on the newborn's flank a red rook cutie mark. "My my that is interesting, born with a mark, how about that. Not something you see every day is it?" Night song chuckled.

"Do not laugh!" The matron hissed. "Can you not see, that is the sign of evil. That child is a demon!" Mrs. Strict shrieked.

"Oh Pish Tosh!" Night song giggled. "She's just a foal, don't be such a superstitious fool" Night Song scolded as she levitated the child towards her and set in a chair near the fire hoping to warm-up the shivering newborn .

"Fine keep it here if you wish, but I will have nothing to do with it!" The Matron hissed. "Its a bad omen." She stated as she left the room, slamming the door behind her. This of course caused the newborn to stir and open its eyes. But instead of crying it just smiled, looked up at Night Song and giggled as it made a small spit bubble.

"Well aren't you a cutie" Night Song Sang as the child yawned. "Look at you all nice and Cozy next to the fire's glow...hmm, you know I think we just found you a name. How does that sound little one? Little Cozy Glow." Night Song asked as the foal sputtered and yawned, falling back asleep in the unicorn mare's arms.

4 years later.....

"Now I expect you all to be on your best behavior" Mrs. Strict stated as she walked along the line of children. "Ecspecially you Ms. Glow" she hissed looking down at the child pure disgust in her eyes. "Is that clear?"

"Yes Mrs. Strict" Cozy replied looking up at the elder mare with nervous expression as the other fillies and colts chuckled at the sight.

"Good, the Mayor will be here this afternoon to deliver his annual donation, I want all of you little ankle biters to make sure not to mess this up." The Matron finished as she stomped out of the room.

"Man, what a nag!" A young colt exclaimed.

"I think you mean hag" a young earth filly chuckled.

"Now now children, the matron isn't that bad" Night Song chuckled as she entered the room looking around to see Cozy on her bed pouting. Smiling softly as she walked over to consul the girl.

"Matron Strict hates me" Cozy whined looking up at Night Song.

"Oh, she doesn't hate you, she just...needs time. You know how silly older ponies can be." Night Song chuckled.

"But aren't you old too?' Cozy asked with a chuckle.

"I'll have you know I am only 28 young foal! Compared to the matron I'm practically a baby like you!" She finished causing Cozy to giggle.

"I am not a baby!" Cozy retorted with a snort. "I am four years old, practically an adult."

"Oh, is that so." Night Song teased back. "Well I guess you are far more advanced then most other fillies your age. Speaking of which..." Night Song smiled as she levitated a book out of her saddle bag. "I got this for you." She sang as she lowered the book down to Cozy. The young foal looking down at the thick hardbound paper portal to worlds yet unseen with glee.

"Daring Do & The Marked Thief of Marapore!" Cozy read the title aloud. "Oh Good Golly, how'd you find a copy!? I thought they were sold out everywhere!!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Well what can I say, I'm a miracle worker." Night Song winked at the pegasus filly as Cozy Jumped up and gave her a tight hug thanking her over and over. "I'm glad you enjoy it, now cheer up and don't let the matron get you down, you're a smart little filly cozy, and you're going to do great things, I know it!" She reassured the young pegasus as she rubbed her Curley hair. The Matron spying from the cracked door scrunching her nose and giving a disapproving sneer.

1 Year Later....

The grey sky hung heavily as the light was faded with heavy sense of sorrow. Inside the orphanage children wept and a very familiar pegasus filly wept in the corner as she hugged her book tightly. All of a sudden the matron entered the room, her garb all black as she looked back at Cozy and sternly stated. "Ms. Glow, please come with me"

Cozy looked up and wiped the tears from her eyes as she nodded and followed Matron Strict through the hall and down the stairs to her office. When they arrived the matron set behind her desk and motioned for Cozy to take a seat as well.

"So, are you happy now?" The matron sternly hissed.

"What?" Cozy asked in surprise.

"I know Night Song's death was no accident, I Know you are the one too blame! I warned her to not befriend you!" The matron hissed.

"What are you, I-I don't understand!" Cozy exclaimed with a shock.

Mrs. Strict just growled. "You are a cursed child. I knew it from the moment I saw you. No pony is born with a mark! You are not a foal, you are a demon!" The elder earth mare angrily glared.

"I-I-I...." Cozy sputtered as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Oh spare me the tears, even if you are unaware of what you are, I am not, you are an abomination who will bring bad luck wherever you go, you are responsible for Night Song's accident. And I will make sure you never hurt anyone else again." The elder mare hissed as she grabbed Cozy by her hair and pulled her back up the stairs, past the second floor and up to the attic. "You will stay here from now on, I will honor Mrs. Song's memory by allowing you to live, but I will not let you have the luxury of living well!" The unhinged old earth pony hissed as she closed the door and locked it from inside. Cozy just curled up into a ball and cried herself to sleep.

2 years later.

"And don't you dare forget to clean every inch of the house while I'm out!" Mrs. Strict huffed as she looked down at Cozy.

"Yes Mrs. Strict" Cozy fearfully stuttered in reply as she continued to sweep the floor accidentally bumping into the trashcan causing it and her to tumble. Cozy did her best to quickly get back-up onto her hooves and looked down to see papers strewn about, and one very nice leather bound book between it all.

"You're throwing away a book!?" Cozy gasped in surprise.

"Pfft, Why would I want to keep some ridiculous hippy trash about love and friendship? Even if it is written by a princesss!" Mrs. Strict huffed. "Now get all this cleaned up by the time I return from my errands!" She scolded as she trotted towards the door. Cozy waited until she was gone and gave the book a closer look.

"The Journal of Friendship by Princess Twiliight Sparkle and The Elements of Harmony" she read aloud as the mysterious tome seemed to be begging her to read it. Her eyes wide with excitement.

"And Then I just took the book and read it behind Mrs. Strict's back. I learned about the power and magic of friendship, It became my obsession. I joined the prisoner letter exchange program and as fate would have it Tirek was one of the creatures accepting letters. Then a year later Princess Twilight opened up her school of friendship and I enrolled, forming my plan along the way. I guess, I guess I just figured Mrs. Strict had been right, I was a monster, so I might as well be one who could have enough power to make everyone her friend. I mean, it's not hard, you just to approach every problem, every creature from the right angle you know, give em what they want. be the pony they want you to be. Put on the right mask for the right situation, I think I read that in a book once." Cozy rasped with a chuckle.

Dr. Dula said nothing as she turned off the recorder and slowly trotted towards the girl. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, to be the victim of an old mare's cruelty and to loose your only friend at such a young age." The Doctor
Softly spoke. "You are not a monster or an abomination, you are a bright young filly who was just given a rotten hoof in life." But trust me when I say this Cozy. You will prove that old hag wrong, of that I can promise." She reassured the filly as she embraced the young mare. Cozy crying into her fur.

Author's Note:

Poor Cozy. :(

Thanks for reading. And come back next time when Starlight returns and Cozy takes the first step towards her new life.