• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 5,899 Views, 161 Comments

An UnCozy Reformation - AnUnCozyGlow

Cozy Glow has been stuck in Tartarus for A year. One very admit School Counselor feels that this is wrong and will do Everything In her power to correct that. As she knows in her heart no one is A lost cause!

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Chapter 3: Two Hooves Foward, Three Hooves Back.

Cozy Glow tossed and turned in her bed, her pulse raced, she didn't know why but she felt unsafe. She quickly opened her eyes and set-up, the feeling of tension and unease still consuming her. She looked around to see where she was, still in her room, at least that hadn't been a dream. It had been a week since Starlight had dropped her off at this place, yet some part of herself still couldn't believe it, she had been freed from Tartarus, for reasons that still made no sense to her Starlight Glimmer had risked everything to get her out of that awful place, and to here, not that she felt she understood where here was. A Hospital it said, or a kind of one anyway. A place of healing for broken foals. But Cozy wasn't broken, sure she had been defeated and yes she had followed Counselor Glimmer here out of a mixture of what a desire to get out of that awful place and maybe to discover what the nagging feeling was inside of her when Starlight Glimmer had given her that doll, but like she really wanted or needed help...

"Pfft, as if!" Cozy scoffed. "I'm not broken, its everyone else that's crazy!" Cozy Glow huffed as she fluttered out of her bed and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Oh is that so?" A voice came from behind. Cozy looking back to see Dr. Dula smiling at her. "Good Morning Cozy" the doctor greeted with a smile. The mare turning on the rooms lights with her magic. "How are you?"

"Oh Golly, well I'm just peachy!" Cozy lied in her sweetest voice possible.

"So what you really mean is you had another nightmare you can't remember and are going to avoid talking about it in group like you always do, if you show up at all" Doctor Dula explained giving a cocky knowing smile at the filly.

"Like that group junk even actually works!" Cozy huffed. That. Earth Colt still talks to himself and eats paint. That Dumb Doe is still afraid of everything all the time and that crazy buffalo still thinks she can talk to the spirits of the dead!" Cozy mocked. "And don't even get me started on that creepy unicorn chic!" Cozy groaned in disgust.

Dr. Dula just looked at the filly and shook her head. "Cozy, Cozy you shouldn't make fun of the others like that." The Doctor scolded. "They're here to receive treatment, help for their problems just like you are." Dr. Dula exlplained.

"Help, I don't need help!!" Cozy huffed as she crossed her hooves.

"Well these papers say otherwise" The Doctor smiled.

"Oh and what do the all mighty all knowing papers say!?" Cozy sarcastically asked the mare.

"Well first off it's quite apparent you have a narccasitic personality disorder" The Doctor began. "Not to mention theirs the dissociative psychopathic cognition and tendencies, the chronic lying.... need I go on?" The Doctor asked smiling mischeviously at Cozy.

"No thank you, that will do." Cozy huffed as she slowly hovered down to the ground.

"Good" The Doctor replied, satisfaction on her face. "Come to group today and participate. Oh and please don't hiss at or threaten to destroy the nurse when she tries to get you to take your medication this time." She added before leaving the room.

"Pfft, whatever" Cozy huffed with a growl as she went back to her bed to pout.

"I told you she wouldn't come" a foal's voice stated.

"I'm ok with that. She's scary anyway!" A young doe added.

"I for one have faith she will be here, albeit a tad late" A unicorn filly chuckled. And if like magic as soon as the foal finished her sentence the door slammed open.

"Let's get this stupid thing over already!" Cozy huffed as she went to sit in her seat straight across from the doctor.

"Very well" Doctor Dula chuckled "who would like to begin?"

"I-I would Mrs. Dula" the young doe sitting to the right of Cozy stammered. "I-I had the dream about the Timberwolf again!" She gulped as she began to shake.

"Very well then Clover Breeze, why don't you tell us what you think is causing these?" The Doctor asked as Cozy rolled her eyes and huffed. This was going to be a long hour.

It had been a torturous fourty five minutes for cozy glow as she had been forced to sit down and listen to the other children complaining about nightmares or how their urge to eat paint just wouldn't subside. And then their was that stupid unicorn chick who was convinced she could peak into other worlds and see the future. But worst of all now that every one else was done it was time for her to speak.

"So, Cozy. Will you share with us today?" The Doctor asked.

Cozy just let out a devious chuckle and smiled. "Sure, why not.'

"Very, good." I'm glad your finally sharing" Mrs. Dula softly praised the young pegausi.

"Yea, yea, whatever" Cozy scoffed. "Anyway My Name is Cozy Glow, and I'm here because I'm a psychopath" The girl proudly stated as she flew up into the middle of the group.

"What's that?" The young doe asked both curiosity and fear in her voice.

"Well Golly" Cozy giggled. "Where do I even start!? You see first I enrolled in Princess Twilight's School of Friendship and then I worked to gain everyone's trust only so I could trick them into serving me as I used an ancient magic ritual to suck all the magic out of the land and cast it into oblivion so I could be the empress of friendship!" Cozy happily squeed as the rest of the children just stared at her with their jaws drooping in disbelief.

"So those days everyone's magic was on the fritz...that was you!?" The young Earth Colt asked in surprise.

"Guilty as charged!" Cozy giggled as she smiled at the young foal.

"You don't sound very broken up about it" the young doe noted.

"Well hey, what can I say, I guess I'm not. I mean it stinks my plan failed and spending a year in Tartarus wasn't as fun as I thought I'd be. But hey, live and learn I suppose. I'll do better next time!" Cozy exclaimed.

"You take magic and hurt others but feel no remorse?" The young and usually silent buffalo in the room spoke up. Her eyes staring intensely at Cozy.

"Yea, so what!" Cozy growled getting an unsettling vibe from the older and larger creature.

"Me think that means your soul is rotten" The buffalo calmly stated as she continued to stare at Cozy intensely.

"Hehe, I dare you to say that to my face again cowpie!" Cozy growled staring right back at the young buffalo maiden.

"OK children, that will be enough of that. There will be no fighting on my watch. Got it!" Mrs. Dula promptly stated as firmly stomped her hoof on the ground.

"Yes Mrs. Dula the young ones replied in unison, save for cozy who just huffed as pouted at she crossed her arms.

"Now come children let's call it a day, it's almost lunch time."

The lunch room was packed with fillies, colts and young creatures of all kinds talking, laughing, a few screaming or crying. All save for Cozy who set by herself on one of the smaller tables at the edge of the room hoofing her spork around in her spaghetti and hayballs.

"Hello Cozy" A familiar voice sang and cozy looked up and saw the unicorn filly from her therapy group smiling at her.

"What do you want?" Cozy asked, the disdain evident in her voice.

"Well I wanna sit and eat lunch with you silly filly!" The young teal furred and black maned unicorn chuckled as she set her tray down across from Cozy.

"And why would you do that? I'm evil, remember." Cozy taunted the filly, trying to frighten her

"Oh. No you're not" the other filly giggled. "You may think you are, you may even wanna be, but I know deep down you're not." The girl smiled. "Wanna know how I know!?" The filly asked with a smile.

"Let me guess, because you can see the future" Cozy sarcastically remarked.

"Yep" the filly smiled. "I may have lost my sight in an accident, but I gained an even greater kind!" The filly stated as she pointed to her glazed over eyes. "I Willow Wisp can see the future without potion or spell!" She boldly exclaimed as she dramatically waved her hooves. "And I see you doing great things for Equestria in the future Cozy, you're practically a hero!" She smiled as she put her hooves up on the table.

"Hehe, sure I am...so what's my first step on this oh so bright future of heroism then!" Cozy sarcastically asked mocking the girl.

"Dunno" Willow smiled. "But I bet taking your medication might help."

"What?" Cozy asked before noticing the nurse has arrived at the girls table and had laid a small paper cup near each of them.

"Sweet Flanks lady warn a filly before you sneak-up on em like that!" Cozy shrieked causing the nurse to run off in a panic and willow to laugh her head off. Cozy just sighed and looked down at the cup and the small red and blue pulls inside. "Yea, sure...why not." She sighed as she floated back down to the seat and picked up the cup.

Four days. It had been four days since Cozy's first real conversation with the unicorn filly known as Willow and she had to admit that she found spending time with the foal to be.....tolerable. She even found her so called predictions to be entertaining. Ecspecially the darker ones, like how in just a few months time the weather machine in Cloudsdale would malfunction and send a horrible storm across Equestria or how someone at the hospital would soon have a broken heart. Yes those ones were delicious. But then there were all the good ones like how Cozy would turn over a new leaf and how she would be loved and taken care of, how she would have a good life soon enough. "As if, monsters like me don't get those" Cozy internally growled.

"Look out" Willow stated snapping Cozy back to her senses noting a Male nurse was carrying a lot of boxes on his back and about to run into cozy, the filly quickly correcting course and hovering above him.

"Geeze, that was a close one. How do you do that?" Cozy asked looking at the unicorn foal.

"I see all with my third eye!" She exclaimed. Cozy just rolling her's. "And I could feel the vibrations coming from ahead of us with my hooves" Willow chuckled. Cozy just giving a unamused groan as she looked back at the stallion carrying all those heavy boxes.

"Ya think that....you think we should help him, that stuff looks heavy?" Cozy blurted out.

"Well I imagine if it does look as heavy as you say I'm sure he'd appreciate our assistance." Will agreed.

"Good, then its settled." Cozy giggled. "We'll help him and then he'll owe us one!" Cozy giggled as she flew to catch-up with the overworked orderly.

"Sure. Sure" Willow chuckled as she followed along behind.

"Gee, thanks for helping me organize all these boxes of mail kids, it usually takes me twice as long to get all this done!" The earth stallion exclaimed with a smile. "If there's anyway I can repay you just name it!"

"Hmm, well you could become our loyal man-servent" Cozy innocently sang.

"Yea, gonna have to pass on that one kid" the orderly nervously chuckled. "But hey I could check and see if either of you got anything good in the mail today, give it to you early!" He winked with a smile. "Let's see....Cozy Glow and Willow right? Let's see.." The Stallion mumbled as he quickly looked through the now thankfully organized mail deliveries.

"Like he'll find anything, I don't have anyone to get letters from anyway." Cozy mumbled under her breath to Willow.

"Ah, here we go, one letter for Ms. Cozy Glow." The stallion exclaimed with a smile.

"Wait, what? Really!?" Cozy asked in surprise.

"Yep, here yea go kid" The orderly smiled as he handed cozy the letter. Cozy still dumbfounded as she stared at it in disbelief before opening it.

"Oh I'm so glad for you Cozy, someone wrote to you! What does it say!?" The unicorn filly excitedly inquired. But there was no answer.

"Cozy? Is, is something wrong?" Willow asked before she heard Cozy give off a blood curtling scream and a wind engulfed the room causing the work they had just done to me ruined and cozy flew aground wrecking the mail room before flying off into the hall.

"Sweet Celestia, what's wrong with that nutcase!?" The orderly asked as papers fell to the ground.

"Sir, sir the letter what does it say!?" Willow asked, a panicked sense of urgency in her voice.

"How in Equestria should I know, just a minute...let me find it, ugh this is such a mess!" He huffed as he stomped around looking for the letter finding it waded up in the corner, he picked it up and unrolled it as he began to read aloud.

From The Desk of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Cozy Glow.

I am writing to inform you that Celestia and the royal council have finished deliberating their decision in regards to Starlight Glimmer and her recent actions in regards to her helping you escape from Tartarus. It has been decided that she will serve out one whole year of community service performing various works of labor without aid of her magic throughout Equestria. During this time she will not be allowed to contact you in any form until her service is over. Know however I trust Starlight's judgement and if she believes you can reform then so do I. Best of luck and see you soon.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading.

Next Time. Cozy relapses hard, but there may just be something that can save her yet!