• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 5,899 Views, 161 Comments

An UnCozy Reformation - AnUnCozyGlow

Cozy Glow has been stuck in Tartarus for A year. One very admit School Counselor feels that this is wrong and will do Everything In her power to correct that. As she knows in her heart no one is A lost cause!

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Chapter 10: The Sunflower & The Weed

Cozy Glow did her best to sneak into the house as best she could without making a peep. She wasn't sure if Starlight & Trixie were home or not as she knew it wasn't uncommon for school staff to stay later than the students but she didn't want to risk it. Her first day back to the school of friendship hadn't exactly gone off without a hitch and she knew Starlight would pry. She looked around and let out a sigh of relief the others hadn't returned yet. "Good, this means I can just lock myself away in my room and pretend I'm studying. That'll give me time to come up with a story to keep Starlight from worrying!" She exclaimed to herself as she began to slowly trot up the stairs.

"Worry about what?" A concerned voice inquired as Cozy froze in sheer panic and slowly turned around seeing Starlight & Trixie entering the homestead.

"Oh, h-hey guys" Cozy Glow nervously chuckled with a gulp as a bead of sweat began to trickle down her forehead.

"And That is How A Weed is Plucked as The Flower Dies" HexSpeak sang with a slight cackle in her voice as she trimmed the small shrubbery she kept in her dorm room. "Ahh. There. Now its perfect" she deviously smiled as she looked at her work. Yet another work of art, a small shrub transformed into a sculpture of herself. "Yes quite lovely!" She cooed. Her focus was drawn away from her art project however as soon as she heard the door slam behind her. "I told you morons to knock before you...." she began to scold only to stop when she realized her lackeys were not the ones who had intruded but instead stood a rather stern looking chanchallor NeighSay.

"Oh, Uncle, I didn't realize you were in town." She nervously chuckled. "Could I get you some tea, or maybe a coffee" she asked in the best fake polite tone she could muster at such short notice as she awkwardly trotted towards the small kitchen area of her little suite.

"Spare me the pleasantries niece, they will do you little good." Neighsay sternly replied as he walked closer to the young unicorn mare, his gaze piercing her very being. "I know what you did." He scowled.

"I-I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about dear uncle, I have been on my best behaviour and..." the girl finding her voice suddenly cut off as Neighsay used a spell to literally zip-up her mouth.

"Don't attempt to sweet-talk your way our of this my dear niece. I am well aware of your little show in the lunch-room today." He growled. His eyes burning with a subtle yet intent rage. Causing HexSpeak's ears to lower as she huddled down in the corner.

"I have worked long and hard to make-up for my past transgressions against this school and the creatures allied with our nation that help sustain it and I will not have that put in jeapordy!" He sternly exclaimed. "And to attempt to bully that filly of all ponies. Are you insane!? Did you forget how dangerous she is? Were I still not in a probationary position within the chancellor's council I would have contested her return, alas I still have limited persuasion at the moment he sighed as he released the girl from the spell. "Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes dear uncle, quite clear!" HexSpeak growled as she rubbed her cheek.

"Good, remember child, even in my weakened political state I still have eyes and ears in plenty of places" He smirked as he trotted out the door, slamming it behind him.

"How dare you threaten me you old fool!" Hexspeak angrily shook as she grabbed the hedgetrimmers with her magic and cut off the shrubbery's head. "You've spent your life being a pompous coward!" She huffed. "Afraid of the Princesses, afraid of all the other creatures out in the lands beyond equestria and afraid of your precious comefy life being taken away." She hissed as she continued to mutilate the shrubbery. "But not me. When I'm done you and every other creature in Equestria & beyond will bow to me!!" She cackled as she looked at the new barren shrubbery.

"They did what!?" Starlight gasped.

"Its no big deal, really. You know what they say, kids will be kids" Cozy nervously replied.

"A pony like Hexspeak should know better" Starlight huffed. "I have half a mind to march back to the school and teleport her rump straight to my office for a stern talking to." Starlight exclaimed stomping her hoof on the ground.

"Oh, sure that'll help" Trixie sarcastically quipped as she rolled her eyes.

"Do you have something to say?" Starlight huffed as she angrily glared at Trixie.

"Well, yes infact I do" Trixie smirked. "First off you're a total hottie when you're mad" Trixie teased causing Starlight to blush. "And second I'm pretty sure you know as well as I do when adults try to deal with these kinds of things they can end-up getting worse. Believe me, I know" Trixie sighed most likely thinking back to a painful memory from her past.

Starlight just sighed. "You're right. I hate to admit it, but you're right. But, but then what do we do!?" Starlight asked Trixie the sorrow evident in her eyes.

"I don't think there's really anything we can do. We just have to let Cozy and the other students work this out themselves. Or ar least let them try before we get involved " Trixie explained. Starlight just let out a sad whinny as she reluctantly agreed with her friend.

"Oh great!" Cozy thought to herself "I have to just wait for the magic of friendship to get my bully to learn her lesson, yeah like that will happen!" She internally bemoaned as she angrily flew up the stairs to her room. The two older mares just looking on with concerned faces.

The evening air in Ponyville was crisp and refreshing giving the entire town a sense of calm & relaxation. As far as the citizens of Ponyville were concerned all was right in the world. Well everything accept the odd cloaked bipedal figure sitting on a nearby bench. "Uh..
C-can I help you sonny?" An older earth-stallion asked.

"Yea, I'm looking for the school o friendship. Ya heard of it?" The creature asked as the attention caused its rather fluffy tail to move back and force like a snake. The older stallion just blinked realizing he was most likely talking to some creature from Klugetown.

"Oh, er yea, it's about six or so miles that a way....but ah...if ya don't mind me askin...what's a big ol boy like you need with a place like that?" The old stallion asked rather curious at this point.

"Well ya see, I got a delivery to make. Top priority!" The creature smirked as it held up a small red box covered in a
Tangle of black weeds. "Yes, very important!"

Author's Note:

Yay finally got a new chapter out! More or less. Sorry for all the delays, but I'm finally back! Anywho next time Cozy & The Student Six work on their party planning and Hex Speak gets a visit from the mysterious cloaked figure. All that and more on the way. And most Importantly Ocellus & Yona being adorable!