• Published 14th Oct 2018
  • 5,897 Views, 161 Comments

An UnCozy Reformation - AnUnCozyGlow

Cozy Glow has been stuck in Tartarus for A year. One very admit School Counselor feels that this is wrong and will do Everything In her power to correct that. As she knows in her heart no one is A lost cause!

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Chapter 11: Its Terror Time

It was a dark night, darker then usual in Equestria, most ponies would've stayed snuggled in their beds, but one mare had business to attend to, and not even the shadows would dissuade her, in fact she reveled in them. All of a sudden she heard a noise from behind her. She turned around a huffed. "What took you so long?" The mare muttered. I could've been caught! You're just lucky the security here is so lax." She scolded.

"Calm down Hexspeak. I found the place didn't I?" The cloaked figure chuckled as he lowered his cover revealing the grey abnyssian underneath. "Chummer always comes through for a client after all!" He smiled as he presented her the black box.

"And that's really it?" Hexspeak asked in excitement.

"Yes indeed! One Sphinx Heart wrapped in Enchanted Black Thorns. The Rarity of Rarities. I assume you can pay the price promised?" Chummer slyly smiled. "otherwise...."

"I can pay your fee and more!" Hexspeak huffed as she threw a giant bag of bits his way with her magic. "And here's a little something extra to keep your mouth shut!" She snarled.

"Hehe, pleasure doing business with you lil filly, but remember, no refunds, and I ain't responsible for what happens if your little plan backfires" The cat chuckled as he slinked away with his bounty of bits.

"Fail...as if I would ever fail!" Hexspeak maniacally laughed as she placed the black box in her saddlebag. Very soon it would be time for her to make her move!

Cozy glow trotted down the halls of the school of friendship l. It still felt weird to be back at the school after all she had done, after all she probably would have done given the chance. But it seemed, albeit slowly the students of the school were either forgiving or at least tolerating her. Heck, most of the newer students didn't seem to treat her any different then anyone else, and while part of her still hated to admit it, it felt nice.

"I told you, creatures can be a lot kinder then you give them credit for, if you give them the chance" Starlight's words echoed in Cozy's mind.

"Hehe, I guess she was right" Cozy Chuckled with a smile on her face. A smile that was quickly cancled out when Cozy bumped into a taller Pony's hooves.

"Oh Golly I'm sorr.." Cozy Paused when she looked up and saw Hexspeak. She just paused in fear and gulped.

"Oh....its you" Hexspeak mumbled as she levitated a black leather bound book back into her saddle bag. Cozy noticed the mare looked tired, she had black bags under her bloodshot eyes. Her mane was ruffled and her breath smelled like old coffee.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you and..." Cozy Started to stutter.

"Ugh...whatever, I don't have time for you today anyway brat!" Hexspeak scowled. "So just get of my way ...I have a....class project to finish" she stated with a slight maniacal chuckle as she trotted off towards her dorm.

Cozy just watched the mare trot off slightly confused by what had just happened, but then she heard a familiar voice.

" Hey Cozy!" Sandbar waved as the small filly turned around and fluttered toward him.

"Oh, hi sandbar, what's up?" Cozy asked, her mood instantly bettered by the presence of her friend.

"Smoulder told me to gather every creature up so we could meet in the gym and finish setting things up for the Nightmare Night Festival! It's almost time to par-tay and we wanna make sure everything is perfect for our classmates, the tricks and the treats! You in!?"

"Sure, why not!" Cozy chuckled as she followed Sandbar to the gymnasium.

Meanwhile in her dorm Hexspeak set in a near complete darkness. The book of black magic levitated around her as she cast the incantations inside while putting the nessecary ingredients into the cauldron. "Two Dead Snails, A Changling's Wart, Poison Joke and Tears of Horse!" She recited. "Flyder Venom, Toenail of Griffon, Musk of Yak, and Unicorn Blood, A Camel's Toe, Seapony Scale and Old Swamp Mud!" She continued. "A Peguses Feather and Earth Pony Tooth. Your Brew is Ready For The Beast To Sooth!" She finished as she made a wicked smile and opened the box levitating the Sphinx Heart above the Repugnant brew. Laughing as she dropped it in and the vat began to bubble and glow. The room instantly heated up about 20 degrees causing Hexspeak to sweat. After the bubbling died down a black thorny crown with a glowing red gemstone floated up.

"Hehehe!" She cackled. "It worked, it worked! And now nopony will ever defy me again!!"

Some time later....

"Man this part is really jammin!" Sandbar excitedly neighed as he began to dance.

"Ugh, you are such a nerd!" Gallus teased as he smirked at his pony pal.

"Yona think Sandbar dancing cute!" The Yak exclaimed as she began to dance er stomp along side him.

"I'm just glad every creature seems to be having a good time. Things really seemed to come together in the end" she smiled looking over at Smoulder who just blushed and looked away.

"Yeah and we never would've gotten things done on time if it weren't for you and Cozy's organizational skills!" SilverStream stated as she grabbed Ocellus and Cozy and gave them both a hug.

"Aww, I, I didn't really do anything" Cozy blushed.

"Oh, don't be silly, with your help we got done a whole day early! That's impressive!" Occelus praised.

"Hehe, thanks." Cozy blushed. She bit her lip a bit to try to keep herself from tearing up. But sweet Celestia it really felt great to have friends.

Meanwhile on the other side of the gymnasium the school staff watched their students dance, prance & play in the gymnasium.

You know, I wasn't sure those seven would be able to pull it off at first, but this is a pretty fun party all things considered " Trixie stated. Starlight just looked at her and rolled her eyes. But before she could reply with a snarky quip she noticed Neighsay trot up to her.

"Excuse me Ms. Glimmer, but you havent seen my niece anywhere have you, I wanted to speak with her, but I can't seem to locate her!" Neighsay stated, anxious concern in his voice.

"I haven't" Starlight replied. "But on that subject I'd actually like to talk to you about her and...." but before Starlight could finish the room went dark.

"Hey, who turned out that lights!?" Pinkie Pie Squealed.

"Don't let any creature steal the Cider!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed

"Eek. What's going on!?" a group if nervous students shrieked.

All of a sudden a single light came on in the center of the room and there stood Hexspeak in a black silk dress a black thorn crowd on her head.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Neighsay angrily inquired as he began to trot toward his niece.

"Oh Uncle. This is exactly what it looks like. This is my coronation night. And you're all about to become my adoring subjects!" Hexspeak chuckled as the red gem on her crown began to glow.

"Pardon?" Applejack asked befuddled.

"I think she drank a bit too much cider" Gallus remarked. Causing Sandbar and Smoulder to chuckle.

"Laugh all you want. But soon you'll be begging to kiss my hoof!" Hexspeak chuckled as her crown began to Glow, the mares size steadily increasing, demonic wings sprouting from her back.

"What in Equestria!?" Rarity Shrieked in shock.

All of the creatures in the room were shocked by the site. All except Cozy who for some reason had began to writhe in pain, her Cutie Mark glowing bright red. Silver Stream being the only one noticing her friend didn't seem to be doing so hot. "Uhh, Cozy, what's wrong." Silver Stream asked, concerned.

"I, I dunno!" Cozy sobbed. "Bu-but we, we needa hide, like...now!" Cozy shrieked.

SilverStream looked around and decided to quickly dart under the nearest table. Meanwhile Twilight confronted Hexspeak.

"That's enough!" Twilight sternly stated. "Whatever this is, it stops here and now. You do Not want to go down this path Petunia!" Twilight scolded.

"Hex. You may address me as Empress Hex!" Hexspeak hissed.

"Like, is she serious?" Trixie sneered looking over at Starlight.

"ENOUGH!!" Hex shouted. You will All OBEY ME WITHOUT QUESTION!! Hex commanded as an aura of red energy engulfed the room and everything went silent. A minute passed and Cozy & SilverStream looked out from their hiding place and to their horror they saw every creature just standing there, brain dead expressions on their face, their eyes glowing red. Hex laughing manically.

"W-what do we do now!?" SilverStream asked.

"I-I Dunno!" Cozy stuttered with a Gulp. Afterall, what could a pegasus filly and a Hippogryph do against something like that!?

Author's Note:

Welp sorry for the long hiatus but I'm back! Next Time, Hex vs Cozy with the future of Equestria at stake!!

After that....some cathartic slice of life fluff!

Be there! Same Pony time. Same pony channel. Maybe!