• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 436 Views, 7 Comments

Hopeful - SC14

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The move

But mom!” You pleaded “I don’t want to move” you don’t know why you are arguing with her as you are well aware it is no use. “We are moving and that is final” her words, though expected still disappointed you

“anyways I’m sure life will be better for you in ponyville” You know that she is just trying to make you feel better, but you want to believe her but you know it's just her being a mom.

“Ugh whatever,” you say as you start to trot to your room you can hear her say something, but you tune it out not caring what she is saying even if she is your mother you still get tired of her sometimes, as you make it to the stairs you let out a long, exasperated sigh, as you slowly start to trot up the stairs, when you finally reach your room and push the door open you walk in and close it behind you and jump up on to you're soft comfy bed, as you stare at the ceiling you can't help but think Will my life be better off in ponyville?

You wake up in the morning to your mom yelling at you to get out of bed you roll out of bed and realize that you have 20 minutes to get ready and go catch the train, you groggily take a shower and brush your teeth almost subconsciously then you get ready to take the long trot down the stairs, but not before saying goodbye to the room you had grown to know and love, but unfortunately, you had to leave it even if you hated to part with the room that held such fond memories that you hold near and dear to your heart, you finally decide to turn and take the long trot down the stairs. Down the stairs to your mom yelling at you all the while one thought runs through your mind 'Will I be able to make friends in ponyville' sure you had plenty of friends here, but your social skills were still not ideal, your mom's voice pulls you out of your thoughts and you realize that you had made it to the base of the stairs “come on we are gonna miss the train!!” your mom shouts at you.

“Ugh I know I'm here mom,” you say in a slightly annoyed tone.

“Don't you use that tone with me, mister, you are the one that overslept” she counters

“Whatever let's just get going,” you say slightly impressed with yourself for keeping your cool after all your previous drama throughout the week from finding out you were moving all the arguments about it to having to tell your friends about moving your whole week just plain sucked.

The walk to the train station only took about 5 minutes although it felt like an eternity mainly because you lagged to let your mom cool off after your last altercation it seemed best, you loved her she was your mom, but she was just such an airhead sometimes, you are jerked from your thoughts for what felt like the hundredth time that day, it was your mom again your brain did not have time to register what she was saying or what was going on before you walked straight into a wall, 'well this day is going great so far' you thought to your self as you try to pretend that you didn't just embarrass yourself in the middle of a busy train station,

“Are you alright?” your mom asks in a Mock caring tone,

“yeah fine, thanks,” you say, You fast walk to the ticket booth still trying to pretend that you didn't just walk into a wall,

“are you sure you are ok” man why is she so persistent I mean I know she is a mom and it is just her job but come on!

“I said I was ok,” you said in an annoyed one,

“just want to make sure my baby is okay,” she says in a mocking tone, which earns a groan from you and you can see her smiling in satisfaction.

You spent the next 5 minutes thinking over the events that just transpired mixed with more thought on what ponyville will be like and if you will make friends there before you know it here the train comes rolling down the tracks, it comes to a screeching down the tracks and eventually comes to a stop just a few feet in front of you and you slowly get up from your seat and walk over to the line gradually forming by the trains entrance as the all the pony's come flooding off the train and scattered throughout the station some finding friends and relatives and talking and walking away, as you are watching this you can't help but hope that will be you one day returning to your friends that you sadly had to leave behind here in Las Pegasus.

You and your mom board the train as the last pony's flee from the train which had just come in “where would you like to sit” your mom asks you.

“huh?” you say as she jerk's you from your thoughts Again “oh I don't care” you answer slightly embarrassed that you randomly zoned out like that

“OK what about here” she ask's

“Yeah right here is fine,” you say still kinda embarrassed but you quickly shake your embarrassment away as you take your seat, realization sets in as you think about the fact that you have to sit on a train for an entire hour. You were thinking about how to break the awkward silence that hung over you but your mom and then you realized you didn't even know why you were moving in the first place!

“soon uhh mom why are we moving?” you ask she looked surprised at you and your question, but she smiles at you.

“um for work honey” she offers “Oh ok” you felt kinda stupid for not thinking of that in the first place, but you shake it off and focus your attention on the rest of the train ride to ponyville. You are still thinking of a conversation to start with your mom when the sound of the train stopping jerk's you from your thoughts and you look around in confusion, did you just zone out for an entire hour? eh, whatever you got up from your seat and slowly started filing out of the train behind all the other pony's, you finally step off the train and wait for your mom to get off to, you finally spot her filing off the train with the other pony's and walk over to her and start walking alongside her, you make it to the exit and look out over ponyville that is when you were finally ready to start this new chapter of your life.

Author's Note:

Yo this is my first fic and it will be terrible and I probably used the incorrect form of your 9 billion times but that is what you guys are for so either give me constructive criticism or just straight-up roast me I don't really care which *2020 note* This description is pretty odd but I will leave it original, I just added this to say that I have made some changes to this whole story. Nothing major just fixing grammatical errors and stuff. Anyways. Thanks for reading!