• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 436 Views, 7 Comments

Hopeful - SC14

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Facing Mom

You slowly push open the door fully ready to take the heat from you're Mom even if it is a scary thought you are fully ready for it.

"Hey, son how was it?' she says, you're pretty surprised she didn't just come out and ask if you ran into 'Girlfriend' or something like that but hey you weren't.

"Pretty good," you say, trying to stay as cool as you can, which worked out in your favor because you managed to sound as cool as ice.

"What did you do while you were out," she says, well what do you say now? Oh yeah, I just hung out at a bakery without money.

You decide to play it safe and just say "I just took a walk through the town" immediately you could see the suspicion on her face, which made you a little nervous, you just hoped she would let it go and you could just go to you're room and... Wait you just realized you're room is empty except for a bed! well now you have a dilemma, on one hand, you can go to you're room and.... like sleep.. or something, or you could stay downstairs and talk to you're a mom with the severe risk of having to tell you're Mom about your "altercation" with the Crusaders.

"Uh is everything okay?" you're mom asks, Well you zoned out again 'Why do I keep zoning out' you wonder.

"Oh uh yeah, fine just thinking" you mentally scolded yourself right after you said that because while most parents would just let it go and be like 'ok' but that wasn't you're mom she wanted to know everything about everything for some reason.

"Oh, what about you're... Girlfriend!" Well, you called it, now what do you do? Keep up the lie or just embrace the loss.

You decide to just keep up the lie, anyway it was probably easier to lie now and apologize later "No just about how nice this town looks" Dang that was pretty smooth if you do say so yourself, but as you said before it would take more than clever wordplay to get away from you're Mom as demonstrated by her suspicious face.

"That was a little to smooth for you" well you just couldn't win with her, could you! but now you have a bigger problem, how do you respond to that accusation, do you fess up to her accusations or do you stand you're ground?.

Well, you decided to stand you're ground with "What do you mean I'm always smooth" thinking back that wasn't the best response you could have come up with but that is just retrospection.

"I think you are lying," she says, Why does she have to be so persistent! Well, now you decide to act like a lawyer I court.

"And what proof do you have to back up that claim?" you ask in a questioning tone, This whole situation was turning out a lot better than you had expected it to.

"Well seeing how you are so quick to deny it, seems like proof enough for me" Man it is impossible to win with her, on the one hand, if you are too quick to deny it you lying, on the other hand, if you were to slow to deny it you had to think about it too much, How do you win!

"Because it is the truth and I don't have to take any think about it" you decided to take a little longer to reply just to see if it was good enough for her.

"Huh you win this time but next time I won't make so easy on you" What a relief, you make the decision to just go to you're room and figure out something to do from there.

You start the trot to the stairs all the while attempting to come up with ideas to do in you're room, so far you had...... Nothing which was just great, you finally reach the stairs and begin ascending them slowly, Maybe you could go see if you're Mom had put anything in her room... it was you're the best option at this point, You reach the top of the stairs and turn to the right and start walking to the only other room in the upstairs, you try you're hardest to open the door without your mom hearing which was a success but much to you're dismay there was nothing cool in they're just clothes and suitcases, you wanted to open them and see what is inside but that is weird and that is also a privacy invasion.

Bored you slowly turning around and leave the room and start the walk to you're room, you decide to take a peek in the weird bathroom to do something to stop being bored, it was just a bathroom as you expected you leave and turn down the hallway that seemed oddly long but that was probably just because you were bored, you finally reach your room and push open the door and are disappointed as there is nothing there it is just how you left it.

You trot through the door and over to you're bed and jump onto it, it was a pretty nice bed just like the one back home, as you lay there you start thinking over you're week, the week started poorly with the news of you moving to hit you especially hard then probably the worst part having to tell you're friends that you are moving which was one of the saddest days of you're life, having to tell them you have to leave them behind, the came you and you're Mom arguing about it which hurt you because she was your mom and she took care of you and provided for you but you just couldn't help yourself it was just such a hard thing to take in, and then came the move which was actually easier than you had expected but then gloominess still lurked over you, and then finally making new friends which were extremely awkward because they were a little bit too friendly for just meeting you, that was your last thought before falling asleep.

Author's Note:

Well that was the 4th chapter hope you guys liked it
if you didn't tell me and I will try my best to fix it