• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 437 Views, 7 Comments

Hopeful - SC14

  • ...

First day part 1

You awoke to birds chirping and light pouring through Your window, You set up in your bed and look at the clock 8:13 in the morning not too early but you didn't care you yawned and rolled out of bed and walked out of your room and down the all and into the bathroom, you took a shower and the groggily walked down the stairs to get breakfast and since your mom started work today you had to get food for yourself, you ate breakfast and put your dishes away and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch and start to wonder, what you are going to do today, you decide it is best to go for a morning walk through town.

So you got up from the couch and walked over to the door and pushed it open and walked out, you didn't know where you were going to go, but you figured you would go wherever the wind took you so you set out through the town, as you started to walk along the sidewalk away from your house you had a thought ' didn't that bakery worker say there was a party last night' you decided to walk over to the shop to ask and her about it, you just had to hope that she was working this early.

You had gotten a good way down the road before you see a certain white unicorn walk out of a...... Boutique? or something, she seemed to notice you immediately and smiled and waved at you as she was walking over.

"Good morning," she says, you figured that you would abandon going to that bakery because she was probably going to want you to go hang out with her friends.

You nod and turn and start walking alongside her, as you are walking another thought hits you 'i should ask her what was wrong yesterday' but you abandon that thought as you figured that it would be better to ask her once you knew her better.

You rifled trough your head for something to break the silence, but came up with nothing, you hoped she would break it for you and luckily she did.

"So how do you like it here so far?" she asks, You didn't know how to respond to her question just because you had only been here for like a half a day, but other than being kinda boring it has been pretty good.

"Pretty good," you say, and you were telling the truth because on the one hand it just overall looked like a great town, and on the other hand it was kinda awkward with yesterday's whole ordeal so overall yeah it was just pretty good.

"Great," She says her voice cracking a bit when she spoke, You had to admit that it was kinda cute when her voice cracked like that, but you would never tell her that because that would just sound creepy, so you just kept your mouth shut, you just continued walking in silence for a while before you found a good way to break it.

"So where are we going?" you said before, it dawned on you, she never asked you to follow her you just kinda did.

She jumped a little before turning around and saying "Oh you are still there" you just drooped your head little in embarrassment,

"Oh did you not want me to follow you?" you said still embarrassed, it seemed like she didn't care but that didn't make it any less awkward.

"No it's fine" She states rather flatly, Well maybe she did care. Man, she was an odd character so far, she gave off a cheery vibe like she is always happy and nice but then it's like she has a problem with you or something.

"Um ok," you say, you looked at her, hoping she would elaborate or just start walking again.

"Well, in that case, we are going to the clubhouse," she says as she starts to walk again, as you followed close behind two thoughts were going through your head, one was the way she kind of emphasized the way she talked to you like when she would say stuff in a flat tone or something she said it like she hated you or something like she didn't want you to be there, and the other thing on your mind was, what clubhouse?

"The Clubhouse?" You ask in a questioning tone, you assumed that it was just like a place they met and hung out, but you honestly just wanted to break the silence somehow.

"It is where we meet and come up with ideas to get our cutie marks," She says, Her response was expected, but the weird part was that she sounded all happy and stuff again was she just Moody or something?

"Oh cool," you say, you two fell silent again, you just sat there thinking of something else to say to break the awkward silence that had once again filled the air... you couldn't think of anything to say you thought of outright asking if she didn't want you there, but you figured that would make things more awkward or weirder.

"So why do you think you moved," She asked, the question kinda caught you off guard, but then you remembered that you mentioned the fact that it seemed like you had moved for different reasons other than work.

"I'm not sure just got a sneaking suspicion you know," You say, it was an honest statement you really weren't sure why but you just felt you moved for more than just work.

"Oh ok," she says, then you had a thought, you didn't know where she was taking you, it looked like she was bringing you to the outskirts of town or to the local apple orchard called Sweet Apple Acres, you wanted to ask but you figured she knew what she was going.

You decided to break the silence that had once again fallen upon you two with "So where if this clubhouse at?" you figured it was a valid question to ask.

"Oh it is in Sweet Apple Acres," She said, It was a very vague answer, but you figured that they wanted to be a 'Secret' or something.

"Oh OK," You said, as you and Sweetie Belle continue down the path leading to Sweet Apple Acres, as you two walked through the entrance and were immediately greeted with a few branching paths, she turned down one with you following close behind.

As you and Sweetie Belle continue down the path you had a sudden urge to break the silence so you just decided to break it in the most basic way possible.

"So what do you guys do?" you said, you immediately felt extremely stupid because they told you what they did yesterday.

"Uh come up with ways to get our Cutie marks," she said as if she was pointing out the obvious.

"Oh cool," you said, by this point, you had come upon the Clubhouse which to be fair was a pretty good size, You were now fully ready to start this new adventure with your friends.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
I will be trying to update this story more
I am also working on a new story now to so be ready for that!
Thank you for reading!