• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 438 Views, 7 Comments

Hopeful - SC14

  • ...

Passing time

Author's Note:

Now I know this story is absolutely riveting right now but it will get better I promise!

You are suddenly awoken by you're mom shouting at you that dinner is ready, you look over at the clock and see that only 30 minutes had passed, But you are pretty hungry, so you forced yourself to get out of bed and start to slowly trot to your room door, You push it open and start through the door and down the hall and to the stairs, you were groggy but you were pretty hungry so you decide to will yourself down the stairs through the living room and to the kitchen where your mom was waiting with an impatient look on her face... Well, you were about to get it.

She immediately opened with "What took you so long mister?" she sounded a little mad which was strange because she sounded fine earlier, but you didn't dare ask her what was wrong because that would probably be a world-class freakout that was just the kind of person your mom was she was just kinda Moody you didn't know why but you had a pretty solid idea of why.

"I'm sorry mom, I just fell asleep" you decided to play it safe and be nice about it because if you decided to be a smart a boy would you have a storm coming.

Her answer came almost immediately "Oh ok" she said in a moderately apologetic tone, you could tell she was sort of sorry, but whatever, you took your seat at the table and started to eat your food which was good surprisingly Your mom is not the best cook but at least she tried.

"So did you sleep well," she says in a smug tone which immediately told you what was coming next so all you did was just give a weak nod "did you dream about anyone in particular" and there it was just as you expected, you wanted her to stop bothering you about it but there was nothing you could do about it because telling her or asking her to stop would just make her even harder on you about it.

You had a brilliant idea, why not guilt-trip her so you said: "Just my great mother" you could see the look on her face immediately change to one of.....uh pride maybe?

but all of a sudden she looks changed back to a smug one "Are you sure?" she said sweetly she had caught on to what you were trying to do, so now you needed to formulate a good response.

You decide that you were going to stand your ground "Of course I'm sure" you said in the best hurt tone you could muster, but your resistance was futile because your mom was just smarter than that.

"I was your age once to you know," she says with a sly grin on her face, then another bright idea hit you... what if you said you dreamed about all of them or just any of them besides Scootaloo, you wondered if that would work.

To be honest, you didn't want to take your chances, because it would just make it worse, and to make things worse, you didn't know how to respond to her question so you just took a big bite of food so you could avoid talking to your mom.

So for a few minutes you just sat there in silence staring at each other and eating your dinner, it was extremely awkward but you weren't sure how to break the silence.

So to beat the silence you said the first thing that popped into your head "So umm how is life?" well that was a great question.

You could tell she was taken off guard by the sudden random question "uh great" she says "how about you".

"Great," you say, trying your best to sound interested in what was going on at all, well after that odd question you decided to ask the most obvious one you could think of "so when is our stuff going to get here?".

"I don't know, hopefully, tomorrow," she says....... well great now what were you going to do, you had already slept and weren't tired, and you and nothing to do.

so you and your mom finish eating you thank her and excuse yourself a try to go find something to do which as turned out was not very easy consedering that your stuff wasn't here and all you had brought with you on the train was nessecities, so you begin to wander again which leads you to what seems like a basement, you don't know if you should ask permission first to go down there but you figured why not and opened the door, the door was really heavy for some reason but you didn't really care, you started to venture down the stairs into the pitch black basement, when you got to the bottom you couldn't see anything so you started reaching for a light switch and didn't find anything but you then heard a noise, it scared you but you were relived that it was just the rock you put down to stop the door being pushed out of the way, wait a second you thought but before you could even blink the heavy basement door shut, great now you were stuck in this pitch black basement with no way of knowing were the exit is 'well this was just a great idea wasnt it lavender you mentally scold yourself, so you decide to just try to go the way you think the door is which end with you running into a wall, so now you tried going another random direction which probably just got you further away from the door, but then your savior comes... Your mom she opens the door and tells you to get out of the basement you walk over to the door give your mom a sheepish grin and the decision to go up to your room and try to sleep again.

But before you could go to your room you had to go to the bathroom and was all the dust that got on you from being in the basement, so you slowly make your way up the stairs and over to the bathroom and wash your hands off, then you turn off the light and make your way over to your room where you lay your bed before eventually drifting off into sleep.