• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 438 Views, 7 Comments

Hopeful - SC14

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Awkward Conversations

You sit there accepting you're fate as they all three come through the door, you just sit there with a dumb expression on you're face 'maybe I can slip by them without them noticing' you start planning your next move carefully you aren't exactly a master at strategy but you can probably map this one out.

Before you could take one step further you hear someone say "hey it's that guy we saw earlier" in a Southwestern accent, Great all that thinking for nothing.

"Hey, you!" someone says, you spin around to see those three girls from earlier looking at you.

"Oh uh hi," you say In a little bit of a shaky tone, Now you had to plan out you're next move carefully, on the one hand, you wanted to be Bold and suave but on the other hand, you felt like you couldn't pull that off.

You are jerked from your thoughts for what felt like the 10 millionth time that day by the unicorn saying "Well my name is Sweetie Belle and these are my friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo" right so the Orange one is Scootaloo The yellow one is Apple Bloom and the white one is Sweetie Belle.

"my name is Lavender Solider," you say as you reach your hand out for a hoof shake to the Sweetie Belle, You follow up the gesture with the other two filly's and then you just sit there staring at each other with that same dumb look on your face from before.

"well we see that you don't have, you're cutie Mark either" Apple Bloom states in her SouthWestern accent.

"Oh uh yeah I don't" You couldn't tell if she meant that as an insult or not probably not considering they didn't either.

"Well, then we were wondering if you would like to join our club?" She asks in a mildly hopeful tone.

"We are?" Sweetie Belle asks. Apple Bloom knocks Sweetie Belle across the face without turning around or breaking eye contact with you. You were thoroughly confused, but you decide to push your confusion aside.

"Uh what kind of group, are we talking about here," you ask suspiciously, you didn't want to join a group you knew nothing about

"We come up with ideas to get out cutie marks" you were still a little skeptical they didn't know anything about you and you probably knew even less than they did... but alas, you still wanted to be friends with them so you didn't want to ruin your chances with them.

"Uhh, I guess"you state blankly you could see the suspicion on her face and felt the need, to tell the truth"I mean we just met and barely know anything about each other, so it seems a little early to be inviting me to you're secret club".

"Well you seem nice enough and considering you and Scootaloo's Little incident earlier..." she looked back and forth between you and Scootaloo with a smug grin on her face... Gosh she is just as bad as you're a mom

"Whatever," you say as you roll your eyes "what is our little club called?" You were proud of yourself for think of a way to change the subject on the fly like that.

"We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" She states very excitedly, she then looks back at her friends who are both looking down with differing expressions, In the case of You're 'Girlfriend' she just looked flat out embarrassed, but Sweetie Belle had an expression greatly resembling her expression from your altercation from earlier.

"Sorry about the," The yellow filly says as she pulls her friends to the side and says some inaudible stuff to them, What she said to them was up to you're imagination, you realized that it was getting a little late and figured it was appropriate to go home and get out of this awkward situation.

"Well I think I should be heading home it's getting kinda late," You say just hoping they wouldn't give a fight.

Much does, you're dismay the yellow filly does just that "Oh come on, it's only 6:30" You mentally scolded yourself for using such a stupid excuse, but you figure that you can use your mom as an excuse.

"I know I know, but my mom wants me back by 7:00," you say, hoping to Celestia that she would just let you go now.

"Come on! you still have 30 minutes" Well at least you tried and it almost worked, but she did have a point you're house was only about 5 minutes away.

"I guess you guys can like show me around the town or something" Now that you think about it a tour guide would be nice even though this town was relevantly small.

"Not today I'm starving" Scootaloo finally says something, Guess Apple Bloom Brought her to her senses or something, but you still hadn't heard a word out of Sweetie Belle Since she introduced herself, which still seemed weird to you, you would have to ask her about that sometime, but In the meantime, you had to deal with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

"Yeah me too," Apple Bloom says, Which brought up you're next problem... you had no money.

"Okay I'm down," you say without putting any thought into it, then an idea just popped into you're head, which made you feel stupid for not thinking about it before, Just don't order anything!

"Ok then let's go order," Scootaloo says as she starts to walk past you to the counter, Her friends soon follow.

"I will just go get a table," you say, Since you weren't ordering anything you figured you would be polite and go save a table for them

"You aren't ordering anything?" Apple Bloom asks.

"No I'm not really hungry" you lie you were hungry, but you had no money and you couldn't just walk away that would be rude.

"Ok Suit yourself, "Scootaloo says "this place makes the best pastries" Apple Bloom adds.

"Eh I'm fine, I will try them later," you say blankly, then a scary thought came to you're mind what will you say to you're going to say to your mom, she will want to know what took so long and just a little clever wordplay would not rid you of her.

Before you know it, here come the crusaders walking over to the table you are at, as they all take seats around the table Scootaloo asks "Soo uh where did you move from and why?" you were taken off guard by her question, but quickly recovered

"Las Pegasus and my mom said she moved for work, but I have a feeling that is a lie," you say and it was the truth you felt like you moved for some ulterior reason but whatever.

"Huh cool," She says, she had a kind odd personality from what you could tell she didn't talk much... at least around you, but when she did talk, she seemed cool and kinda bold and brave or something.. weird.

Before you knew it here came their food along with that uncomfortable energetic pink pony "here is your food girls" she says as fast as ever "oh I see you made friends with the new arrival in town!" you felt like telling her your name but you had a feeling that it would go right over her head.

"Yeah, we did," Scootaloo says with a hint of annoyance which you couldn't tell if it was directed to you or at the pink pony.

You see, your chance to escape as the clock reads 6:48 "well I would love to stay, but I have to get going"

"Are you sure you can't stay?" Apple Bloom Asks hopefully, You felt bad for lying to them but you just wanted to go home and rest.

"Yeah I'm sure... sorry" You get up and say you're goodbyes and walk through the door, Freedom at last, As you walk past the shops you realize that you are about to be in an even more awkward situation with your mom.

You approach the front steps of your house fully ready to face your a mom

Author's Note:

Well, I gave "you" a name please tell me if you like that if you guys don't I can take it out.
Also, I know this chapter isn't much but I aiming for chapter 4 to be pretty good
2020 Note I made a pretty big change near the beginning of this chapter.