• Published 4th Jan 2019
  • 590 Views, 0 Comments

Thread of Destiny - Shenzy

This story is about Discord and his impact on everypony... until one day chaos strikes upon himself and he is left behind on his own

  • ...



It has been just a few months, but he felt like it has been always this way.

He glanced down to his side where he found the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria.

She had a pink mane and yellow fur and eyes so blue he could lose him self into.

Every time their eyes met, he lost track of time and everything around them didn't matter.

There they were, a pegasus pony and a draconequus. They were as different as you can get. Pegasus pony's made out around one third of Equestria´s population so it was not uncommon to see them- but him on the other hand – there was nothing alike. Most would call him monster. And they did. The only thing that could came close to his looks would be a "Chimäre". His right arm was the one of a lion, the left claw of a an eagle, the right leg of a lizard and the left leg of a goat. Not to mention his non alike horns and goat-beard... there was plenty strange about him. Last but not least: he was not just a strange creature, he also was the self claimed "Spirit of Chaos!" with almost unlimited magic ability´s. Which he used on his well being- which of course, most of the time ended in chaos.

"Its getting late, maybe we should go home" she softly said. Oh her voice. It was like a melody in his ears. He just looked at her and didn't respond, except for a warm smile. "Umm... Discord, you listening"? She mumbled. The draconequus nodded "of course i do!" he acknowledged "but... may could we stay a tinzy bit longer"? He asked with a bashful smile "i ummm... want to enjoy the view of all those green things and flowers and such" waving off with his hand.

She turned her head in the direction he had gestured and he sure was right.

For their honeymoon he had let nothing to chance and made sure to pick the most beautiful place in all Equestria he could think of.

Right in front of them there was a big blue lake, the water was clear as an crystal and the sunset reflected on it and giving everything a touch of red. The lake itself was surrounded by a leaf forest, which was full of adorable animals she loved so much. The only thing which didn't belong was a small house on the other side of the lake.

It just didn't look like any ordinary lake house, not even like any house at all.

It had a pink roof and green walls and no window was formed like the other. It shape also seemed off, it was almost square but twisted around it self the higher it got.

The second floor also had a balcony with a handrail made out of candy canes.

"It sure is pretty" she calmly said "but i´m getting tired".

There is nothing more pretty than you – he thought to him self. "Alright" he said – he could not refuse a wish of her when she looked at him like this. He raised his eagle claw and snapped his fingers. A bright light flashed around them and only the pick nick blanket was left behind where they had been on for the last hour, just enjoying another company.

In the very same moment they did reappear in the nearby lake house. The pony was on a wide red couch – while the draconequus appeared behind the kitchen counter, dressed up like a gourmet cook.

The pony looked at him while he prepared carefully a meal with a little help of his magic.

Ingredients flew trough the air and cut them self into little pieces, just to plunk into a soup.

Discord him self was making pancakes. He glared over to his wife "i hope you are hungry".

She gave him a small nod "it sure smells good".

Discord couldn't help to praise him self about this compliment he just received "well i'm a brilliant cook! Take a look at this!" he grabbed the pan and gave it a jolt up – the pancake left the pan – spun around a few times in the air and landed again in the pan. The pegasus gave him a smile.

"... and now without hands" – the pan just repeated the trick he done – without him touching the handle. The pancake got flipped up – circled – and landed right in place again.

This time the pegasus giggled a little. He loved when she did that. "You sure got the best chef in all the world my dear! There ain't anypony else as skillful as me!" with those words said he tried to lean on the table nearby but instead put his paw right on the stove. "OUCH!" he shouted when he pulled his claw from the hot plate and started to jump up and down – shaking his smoking claw.

"Oh my!" the pegasus called "are you okay discord?" and walked up to him.

He was busy blowing at his burned fingers when her hooves reached out of it, which made him freeze in place. He was about three times her high and bend down to see her. She was so tiny and fragile, but she made him feel weak. "Its nothing" he assured her, casting a healing spell on himself. The wound did vanish like it never has been there.

"Oh" she said in relieve and was about to letting his claw let go.

"but, ouhh, it kinda still hurts you know" he said to her in a suffering tone.

She raised a eyebrow at him for a moment and gave a soft kiss on the back of his claw.

"There you go, all better now" she smiled. The draconequus met her smile with one of his own and pointed on his lips with his lion paw "i´m hurt here too!"

The pony blushed and looked embarrassed to the side "oh Discord..." before she could say any more the paw of his carefully lead her chin back in his direction and she received a kiss of him, which she willingly let pass.

Those was the moments when he knew- he was not any different from anypony else. Well okay he was different! No one could deny. Except for her. She made him feel like he belong. She didn't see a monster... she looked behind his appearance and loved him for what he is. Despite his many flaws.

He confident lifted his claw and snapped- and they found them self on the dinner table.

The food flying out of the kitchen and set it self up on the table.

On her side landed the soup he did prepare – it was pure vegetarian of course.

On his side the pancakes landed and formed a small stack. A syrup can appeared for a moment- he took it and spilled a bit over the stack and it was gone a moment later.

He took a look but something was not right yet. "Silly me" he said with a grim on his face and snapped yet again – which resolved in lighted candles to appear while the rest of the room was dimmed down in light.

"I... i didn't know you are so romantic" she mumbled shyly.

"I´m not" Discord replied due.

The pegasus seemed confuse about this. "But what about all this?" she asked.

"Fluttershy, you are the only one making me do this. I cant help my self." He raised his arms like he wanted to touch the sky above – "I always want to bring chaos! ... right now i want to turn all the world to pudding and make pigs fly! ... well- the pig thing i already did to be fair" he grinned. "but then again... how could i?" his arms lowered and reached out to her hooves across the table. He would always be the spirit of chaos, but for her, he would behave himself... most of the time.

After the romantic dinner they settled them self to sleep in a queen sized bed. Discord clapped his hands together and the lights faded leaving the room only illuminated by the moonlight through the large windows of the balcony.

The pegasus right on his side – his arm wrapped around her hip, not willing to let go ever again.

"Night my dear" he whispered into her ear.

She didn't respond, cause she already had fallen asleep and so he also made him self some more comfortable and dozed off.

It was the sunlight shinning into the room which made her wake up. She opened her eyes and noticed a bird sitting on the balcony railing, which made her smile. She does love animals. Most of all birds and tiny critters. After a quick look to the left – finding her husband still asleep, she decided not to wake him up yet. She slid out under his arm and made her way on the balcony.

The bird still was there and looked at her with some curiosity. This sure was a remote place, pony's dint come here often. Still Fluttershy´s appearance didn't seem to scare the bird off, so she greeted him with her soft voice "good morning little bird, you want to share the sunset with me"?

The bird started cheeping back and she knew what he meant to say. This was one of her special talents she discovered back then when she was a filly.

"Oh, i see. I think i can help you" she smiled and wandered off back in the room, just to return a minute later with a small bucket in her mouth, putting it down on the floor.

She took it up with her hooves and shook the seeds out of it into a small bowl she had put here a few days ago.

The bird again chirped in glee and jumped down from the railing and started picking up the seed.

Just moments later a second one came in ... than a third and a fourth. The birds seem to get a little upset about the seeds. "There, there... don't worry i got plenty more". She took again her bucket and put some more seeds into the bowl "you have to share, no reason to get upset".
She always knew how to calm down an animal. She often done that in the past. Not even wild beasts could resist her calming personality – neither wild dogs, Cerberus, lions and eve a huge dragon at one point.

Helping out an creature in need was one of the most important things to her, besides her loved husband and her friends.

Her friends – this thought grabbed her tight. She didn't see them for a about a week now and she started to miss them really bad. No doubt she didn't enjoy the time here spending with Discord and the animals. Doing travels all over Equestria and enjoying nature in all her glory. But she was used to see her friends on a dialy basis. As much as he could not reject a request of hers – she also found her self often having a hard time to take away the fun from him. Which would mean to end the honeymoon.

He did behave so well, which made her so proud on him. Except a few minor missteps of him.

At one point Discord found a stallion glancing on Fluttershy, so he immediately made himself appear right in front of his line of sight, using his magic to turn the stallion upside down and tied up. "What are YOU looking at!?" he demanded to know. The stallion was about to take a breath in order to speak, but before he could so so – he found him self to have a gag up in his mouth. "I don't want to hear!" He waved off "... so better save your breath, you sure will need it!" devilish starring up to the sky.

A light flashed and Discord was suited like a golfer, raising his club, about to strike the ball – when his ear caught a familiar voice behind him. "DISCORD! What you are doing!?"

The draconequus shivered and froze in motion. He turned to find his bride to frown at him.

"Playing golf"? He said innocently.

"But not with another pony! What is up your mind?"

"Well he did ..." he started but stopped in mid sentence seeing her to still starring at him like this. He sighted in defeat and snapped – which released the pony and set it right side up on the ground, free to ran off as fast his hooves could carry him.

"I´m so sorry!" Fluttershy shouted after him.

Discord could not help to look vengeful after this stallion.

"You are in some trouble" she stated.

His sight fell back onto her, raising his paw onto his own chest "me?"

"Of course you!" she replied "when ever i turn my back on you, you cause trouble..."

"I´m the spirit of chaos!" he said like it would justify any of his actions, than pointing in the vague direction where the stallion ran off "and he sure deserved some".

"This poor guy didn't do anything, did he?" she said, already knowing the answer.

Discord thought about what to say – there was a bunch of answers ready to burst out, but none of them seem quite right. He knew he could not play her for a fool and something inside him didn't even want to try at all.

"No" was all he mumbled.

"You cant just treat everypony like this. You have to keep your self under control".

This word bothered him like a punch in the stomach ... control... it made him grind his teeth.

"Than they get their dirty hooves anywhere near you!" he said as calm as he could.

"That´s what this is all about?" She get to calm down a little, now she knew what this was all about.

He just shrugged with his shoulders, avoiding to look in her face.

She knew he didn't mean to be bad. He had changed. Let alone for her.

The pegasus took a deep breath and tried to be understanding. He wasn't used to be around somepony and had no idea how to act different, since he wasn't "reformed" for to long... so it was up to her to teach him good – she wasn't the element of kindness for no reason. Still, it didn't felt for her like a chore, she did it because she want to do it – not just because she had to.

The draconequus suddenly felt a soft nudge on his chest, when he looked down he found the yellow pony leaning her had onto him.

She didn't need to say anything. His anger vanished in a matter of seconds and a warm feeling flooded through his body.

"I... will try to behave..." he said with a pout.

"Thanks" she said with her kind voice "that's all i ask for".

She leaned her head to the side and thought for a moment.

"Maybe we could go somewhere less crowded, till you get a little more control of your temper?" she asked briefly.

Discord didn't waste any time "Splendid idea!" he shouted.

befor she could ask what he had in mind, he snapped his fingers like he does every time before he performs his magic.

At one point he mentioned he didn't had to snap to do so – but he like doing so just for fun.

When she opened her eyes she was where she was right now. Standing on the balcony – the draconequus standing by her side, his paw laying on her mane.

In front of her a stunning sight on the beauty of nature. He struggled to find her voice again "where are we?" she asked with wide open eyes, still trying to comprehend the new environment.

"don't you like it?" he said in concern, quickly raising his claw to snap again.

She took her hooves and prevented him from doing so. "No, no, no... its perfect, ... just as it is".

Discord face lighted up in relieve. "Well then..." he lowered his paw. "I mean it sure could use a little more... chaos... but i guess it will do if you say so" he smiled.

"So where are we" she repeated the question.

This made Discord rub his goat-beard... "Somewhere between Canterlot and Crystal Empire, i used to take a break here once in a while after i was done with... " he stopped.

She took a asking look at him.

"... spreading some chaos." he said a little guilty.

The pony nodded understanding. "This was a long time ago, its okay, i don´t mind".

"Thanks" he replied. Somehow missing the times. He still knew what it looked like here.

The lake was filled with chocolate milk, the trees all used to be sugar canes and the sky not blue, it was a deep green and fish was flying towards the horizon.

Yes those were the good old times. The thought of this made him sight a little.

But, rethinking his position right now, it wasn't all that bad he assumed.

They watched together the sun rise in the distance and hold on to each other, enjoying the company.

It was this very moment she got interrupted by Discord appearing on her side, just like the day they arrived. As soon as the birds got to see him, they flew off, scared of his sight – which made him smile a little. He didn't like to get called a monster, but once in a while he liked to scare of something.

His smile faded as soon as he noticed Fluttershy starring down onto the lake, lost in her thoughts.

"Something wrong dear?" he asked.

Her head shrugged up "i miss my friends..." she said almost in a whispering voice, her eyes avoiding his.

"Don´t we have great fun here!?" he wondered "all those... uew – cute little animals and..."

"That´s not it. I just want to see them" she cut him off "... sorry." she added a moment later.

He couldn't be mad. "Well... than what you say we make breakfast and... we go home after?"

She now looked at him – her eyes growing wide and he was lost in this blue diamonds of hers once again. "Really!?" she asked cheerful. "What ever you want, i make it happen!" he confirmed – gesturing his snapping motion.

The pegasus made one flap with her wings and almost tackled him to the ground in order to hug him. It wasn't to easy to do so – since she was really small compared to him.

He caught her right away and hugged her back- usual he wasn't used to get hugged, but when she did it, it was kinda alright.

When she let go, she blushed and silence took place.

Her husband was the one to break it (he loved breaking stuff) "so, what you want for breakfast?"

She tough about it a moment. "What ever you make is fine with me" shyly scratching her hoof on the ground. He could not help to role his eyes at this and teleported them down to the dinner table.

A moment later food appeared on the table. For her there was a mixed plate of cut down fruit and juice. For him there was a bowl of paper and a glass of chocolate milk.

Fluttershy took joyful bites of all the things he had made. Some of which she didn't even knew.

He always made sure there was something different about each meal, so it was special every time – a small example how he did use his chaos in a good kind of way, without hurting anypony.

He on the other side was quite straight forward about his taste. He did eat sweets most of the time, he once told her he was used to since he was still with his parents. They always made him chocolate milk and cotton candy. His all time favorites.

Only once in a while he would enjoy a good book... to eat.

She knew where this strange taste came from, but well he was like this at times and she didn't mind.

After they done with their meal, they got up to their room and started packing things.

They had collected quite a bunch of things over time of their trip and made a lot of pictures.

One bag was only there for souvenirs. They had visited almost all mayor cities since Discord wanted to show her everything. He kinda rushed it a little when he teleported them at one point straight to the North Pole. Fluttershy of course cried out, because of the freezing temperature. As soon as he noticed he rose a brow and just said "Too cold?" - still freezing she just nodded quickly. He snapped his fingers and the North Pole turned into a dessert.

The pegasus could not believe her eyes and had to blink several times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. "Discord!" she called. "You cannot do that!"

"Cannot? I just did!" he replied proud and a little confused.

"No, what i meant was, you cannot change this place around like this"

"I thought it was to cold for you?" now his confusing took over.

Fluttershy sighted at this response. Sometimes she wasn't quite sure if he meant it or just was joking.

"Please turn it back and lets go somewhere else" she pleaded.

He thought a moment about this... and within a blink of an eye they was in the next city. The air was warm and everything seem okay. He also assured her the Northpole is as he put it "boring again". Which made her smile a little - to her relieve he didn't see it.

Still he had one more idea up his sleeve. Literally. Like a magician dressed he pulled out a little snow ball, shook it and gave it to her. She took it and took a closer look and after the snow inside the glass settled down she was amused to find tiny versions of them both inside of it, in the very same pose she had been in. He, appeared to be cheering, she appeared to be freezing. The small sign on the glass simply said "Northpole trip".

She could not help to find this very funny and once she started laughing, he joined in to the confusion of the pony´s around them. Which already gave both strange looks and avoided the same sidewalk like they have been on.

Ready set up Discord worked his magic and they where back at home.

"Oh i missed being home" Fluttershy said in relieve. "I cant wait to see all my friends!"

Her sight wandered trough the room for a bit and her smile faded a little. "But there is so much more to pack-out and ..." before she could finish the line the suitcases has been disappeared. Her husband had took care of all of it. The most part of their souvenirs appeared on the other side of the room in a strange looking showcase, to the left and right some of their photos they had took.

"What you think?" the draconequus asked.

She nodded "Its perfect".

This made him frown onto her.

"Uh. Sorry... i mean it looks good the way it is."

His face became a little more forgiving. She knew he wasn't really mad on him, so she wandered off calling out of her most favorite pet "Annngell, mommy is home!"

Discords frown came back again. He could not stand this rabbit. When ever it was around, Fluttershy had only eyes for him. He tried to get rid of it a few times but as soon she got suspicious he had to bring him back (unharmed)... which made their relationship even worse. This little arrogant rabbit. If he just could he would take it and ...

"oh there you are my little sweetheart" he heard her from the other room.

In his mind he flipped pages where to send him. For each sweetheart the distance became a little further... right now he was thinking about the moon. Luna sure would not mind. She was not banned onto it since years so there is plenty place. This though gave him a devilish smile.

Fluttershy returned with bunny on her back into the room.

"My little bunny missed me so much" she stated "maybe we can take him with us on the next trip?"

"No way this bunny gets with us on a travel" Discord said straight out.

The bunny threw him self in a sad pose and got tears in his eyes.

"Oh you made Angel cry!" she turned her back on him and took Angel into her arms. "There, there, don't be sad, i'm sure Discord didn't mean to".

While she done that, Angled grinned over her shoulder and showed his tongue to Discord.

The spirit of chaos literally gone of in flames for a moment "On second thought" he said – "ur right, we should take him with us next time" he said, letting appear a grill with a open flame under it- which made the bunny shiver in fear.

Fluttershy didn't see any of this going on between them and turned around to Discord, who was just standing there with a bright warm smile.

"You really mean it?" she smiled "oh i knew you two get along one day!"

Discord and Bunny could not else to both role their eyes at this.

"Take care of another" Fluttershy said when he left the house to meet friends.

Angel and Discord sat alone in the entry hall – glaring on one another.

The rabbit once again showed is tongue to Discord.

Discord on the other hand raised his brow "so you want it like that!? Fine!" He shouted – and summoned the grill from before once again.

The critter realized just yet there was nopony around to defend him and ran of in panic.

Author's Note:

Hello everypony,
bevor you continue reading i want to get a few things off my chest:

1. This is my first attempt on a MLP:FiMFanfic... and i gave it my best shot to get the characters and locations right, since i love them to death, so don't be mad if you got another idea how they should act/talk... how you type some of "dose darn accent´s" anyway? arg... :p
2. I´m german (aka Germaney)... but i wanted to share it with everypony, so i did it this time (first time ever) in 100% English... well 99% English, so if i screw up, keep in mind i did it for "everypony"... gave it my best shot to fix up all holes and words with dictionary and everything i could get my hooves on! This mere mortal tried hard >.<
3. This story is inspired by "Bride of Discord" (like mentioned in description) - once again; i recommend to read all of them first... it plays some where between "BoD" and "Daughter of Discord" ...to be precise, it takes on a thing which just got mentioned in a single line or two... if you are done with everything you might understand it a little better^^
Of course this story also works fine on its own, so i don´t force anypony to read those first... still its a honest recommendation, which helps you to understand the howl angle i will going for.
Just keep in mind: its NOT an official pre-sequel or anything. Its just fan stuff (of fan stuff).
So a big shout out for DisneyFanatic2364 here. Love you! :)
Your story gave me back so much... (had similar life, just without that happy end... ) *cough. PMed her this^^*
4. The story sticks about 95% close to the series, characters and locations and so on...
Only a few "O.C." got thrown in, since using other "main characters" for those roles may would had been... odd :|
5. Uhm... i guess... that's it. Have fun :)

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony (otherwise i helped Spike grow as a character^^)


So, end of the first chapter :)
Not much to say... can´t stand Angel... darn long-ear...
Feel free to give me a (small) constructive hint and i will see what i can do about it.
Still i hope you will enjoy it enough, you won't mind my tiny flawZ :)
ps. this site too 'crashed' some of my paragraph lining i think you call it? Tried to fix it (good thing there is a tool to cover most of it)!

Let's just hope i put everything in it's right place! *crossing hooves* ^^

[Note: sadly i can't have these "author notes" on start and end as i used too on 'that other site' so i will put both at the bottom in order to keep spoilers aside^^]