• Published 4th Jan 2019
  • 591 Views, 0 Comments

Thread of Destiny - Shenzy

This story is about Discord and his impact on everypony... until one day chaos strikes upon himself and he is left behind on his own

  • ...

Feeling Blue?

Feeling blue?

Discord wandered aimless around in his castle, going into the kitchen to snatch him a big potion of cotton candy and milk, to find the fridge staying wide open and empty, but he didn't bother, so he closed and opened it and it was full once again. Like most items in his castle the fridge was touched by some of his magic, giving a endless supply of treats, as well a small selection of different vegetables every time you would open and close it.

He grabbed him self a bowl of carrot and cucumber slices. They tasted like they should, which was not to good towards him, but it gave him a nostalgic feeling. Fluttershy's lips often tasted like those and back than he loved this taste more than anything else, so he stuck a few more in his mouth, but it wasn't quite the same without the soft touch of her lips, putting the rest back into the fridge.

After this he walked into the living room and noticed a few pillows had been scattered around the place as well a window stood open. He must had forgot to lock it up he assumed - probably some of the critters had come in and scavenged the place for food...

He wasn't quite in the mood to clean up this mess. Its not like he was about to received guests or anypony for that matter. This castle was his and only his.

Fluttershy would make him clean up this place, using nothing than a kind but reproachful smile.

It was like he felt her request in the back of his head and snapped once. The room was cleaned up just fine. The pillows back on the couch, the floor clean and not a trace of dust to be found.

Only the windows he didn't touch... he doesn't do windows. It was always up to her to do those, but she didn't mind since he was already a big help around the house, which - for a spirit of chaos was calumny, if somepony would find out, so she had to promise to never tell anypony else.

But right now there was only one upside he could think of: this darn rabbit wasn't around either.

He zapped him self into his bed and laid down. Discord felt a bit tired, he had spend building a howl freaking castle, for some dumb reason he could not even understand.

This room was all he had left now. It still had some of her smell and other belongings.

A picture of the strange couple on pick nicks, in restaurants, traveling the world ...their marriage and honeymoon... even some of their things they got from vacation, all good memory's which might or might not had happened, as he used his magic to levitate them by his face one after another, like browsing through a catalog.

All this memory's. He could not just find somepony else to replace her.

Nopony else was so kind and perfect, making him sigh at the though of it.

Discord picked the photo of their marriage out of the air and holding it up to his chest as he partial dozed off.

A few rooms further to his, somepony just woke up with a yawn, stretching her hooves up to the sky.

This place was so amazing! All you can eat, comfortable beds and it was all hers.

She jumped out of her bed and walked down the floor, past Discords sleeping room and got into the bathroom for a really extended bath in this freaking huge whirlpool she had discovered earlier.

almost an hour later, she was done and got out of the tub, drying her self of with some kind of enchanted towle. She even had pulled it a few times into the tub, but it dried in a matter of seconds and was still clean and fresh.

Who ever had build this castle had thought of everything. At some point she had wondered if this was Celestia's summer seat, but the big portrait in the main hall made her scrap this thought. The potrait had shown a really beautiful young mare and some awkward monster on her side. It must been some kind of modern art she figured, which made sense to her, since only a rich snobby pony could afford a place like this. Celestia of course wasn't snobby, she knew that for sure – so she was of the list. This also probably been the reason why it was left to begin with: who ever owned this place, must have dozens of castles everywhere and visit them quite rarely for this matter!

She opened the fridge to find some salad and french dressing, but wasn't in the mood for that, so she opened and closed it a few times till there was a nice apple pie on a plate, which she took to the amazing oven she had found, to slide in the pie "Mmmh... how long?" she shrugged and typed in five minutes, as the pie inside the oven started to spin around it self, until the time was up, stopping with a short -ping-

She grabbed the warm pie and tried to take a bite, but it was steaming hot on the inside, burning her tongue "ouchh!" making her lose grip and the pie dropped to the ground with a metal noise.

"My pieeeee...." she sobbed.

All the castle rooms had been made quite big and open, so it was easy for a small shy pony to talk upstairs without having to shout to much, since the echo helped her out on this. The disadvantage on this was that noise was also carried over the castle as well, waking up Discord out of his doze.

"More critters?" he snarled. If one of them turned out to be a bunny, he would release some stress on it. The spirit of chaos appeared in the living room to take a look around. The windows still had been closed and everything was alright, when there was glass shattering in the kitchen. "Stupid plates".

What pony in his right mind would dare to walk into a empty castle, let alone in Everfree Forest - having his face hanging from the walls? It sure had to be really brave, or really stupid.

He would find out and tell it a lesson about privacy - turning it into a... lets say... well something. Maybe he just would kick it out... or at least ask why it was here.

It was awkward to feel so lonely all of a sudden, he had been alone almost all the time of his everlasting life and a big portion at this being turned to stone. Such thoughts rushed by, when ever he let his guard down for just a moment and it became quite irritating.

Scuffling across the room to the kitchen entrance letting his head hang around the corner, to find a pink mare with dark pink mane and blue eyes, trying to clean up the mess she had made.

"Pinkie?" the mare frightened and spun around to make out who had caught her "i'm sorry i...."

Like Discord would predict her reaction, he levitated her from the ground before she could start running. This happened all the time, it was almost like Equestria was a land populated by chicken.

"Eeeeeeeeeek" was her first reaction, which was already shut by his paw on her mouth.

"Its alright, i don't eat you, i don't poison you and ...what was the last one again... right... i'm not interested in your soul or anything" spinning this down like a broken record.

He sat the pony to the side and started to use his magic, in order to clean up the mess she had made.

The pie levitated onto the table and put itself together, same happened to the dishes she had manage to throw down. Apparently she had tried to put the remains onto a plate or so.

After the initial shock was over, there was only confusion left as she watched him finish the cleaning and even started to fetch some other things to put onto the table. Two plates, forks and some whipping cream, as well two glasses of milk, one of them being chocolate and a flower in a vase. The last one was a habit, which he had not thought about.

He sat down and made a inviting gesture towards the chair on the opposite side of the table, to add a irritated "Please?"

She sat down, he served two slices - one each and started to eat, as she joined in slowly, making it quite awkward, but casual breakfast.

"So... what brings you here?" he asked between bites.

That guy wasn't mad at her at all. Usual the house owners would had thrown her out at this point already. "Uhm... i kinda... the gate was open and i needed a place to stay...".

He knew the gate would only open for one of the mane six, so far it was true, but she had left out the part when she had broken in, since the rest of the castle only would open to Fluttershy or himself.

"You are traveling?"

She didn't seemed quite sure what words to pick, so she just gone along with what he said "Yes, i... started a few weeks ago..."

He frowned a little at this "I assume you leave soon?"
"Actually, i'm not in a hurry, didn't quite pick my destination yet" she said sheepishly.

Discord swallowed his last bite and began rubbing his neck, trying to make it sound less awkward as he could, which wasn't easy - giving his appearance "My castle has plenty space... you could stay, if you like..."


He shrugged "Sure..." trying to crack a small smile "just stay away from the forest, its dangerous" pointing in the vague direction with his lion thumb.

"It is? But, the castle stands in the middle of the forest, is it even save then?"

Like to prove him right all of a sudden there was a shriek outside, followed by a painful howling.

"Nah, nothing gets past these walls" he assured.

"Okay?" she replied, as a long awkward pause set in and both nibbled on their second piece of cake.

Pinkie was the one to speak up again "..and what do you do around the place?"

"Uff..." he didn't wanted to answer that question really - or he would had to explain him self for the next few hours and it wasn't quite his favorite topic right now, so he just said nothing and shrugged with his shoulders once again.

"Wanna... play something?" she suggested.

He shook his head and got up, heading for his room.

Maybe he was to old for games, he sure was about fifty, at least that was what he looked like. Maybe he was even older than that, like really really reallllly old... and about sixty, so she figured that's why he wasn't in the mood.

Pinkie was kind enough to clean up the dishes and got outside on her self, enjoying the sun and fresh air.

The garden was quite beautiful, flowers everywhere, the greenest trees you could image and some critters as well a small lake with colorful fishes inside.

She walked over to the lake and took a closer look inside to find the fish looking up towards her, like they waited on something to happen. As pinkie took a look around, she found nearby a bucket with -fish food- written on it, so she threw a few hooves full into the water, as a dozen of hungry fish came up to pick the food from the surface. "You guys are sure hungry" she said, simply turning the bucket upside down to empty it completely, but it just didn't empty.

She shook it hard as she could but there still came food out of it, so she turned it around and took a look inside, it wasn't empty at all, but the lake now had about three buckets worth of food swimming in it "ops..." rubbing the back of her head.

Well, the fish now had food for weeks or so, so she tried to get a look on the rest of the garden, walking around looking to find a wooden swing in a big tree.

She sat down and tried to push her self from the ground, but it she barely could reach it, so she started to use her legs, to get some momentum, swinging them back and forth and leaning in the rhythm forward and backwards until the swing rose higher and higher.

"Yeeeehehhhhh" she cheered as the swing reached the highest point and swung down again, past the ground and up to the sky, to repeat this process with glee.

Every time she swung down and rose on the other side, face first to the sky, she could get a good look above the garden and his borders. It was really huge, like a forest hidden within a forest, when she noticed apple trees in a further distanced corner.

Meanwhile Discord sat on his bed and watched outside one of the windows, following the Pink earth pony with moderate interest.

The lake part had made him smile for a moment and now he watched her running towards the apples trees. Pinkie tried to pluck one of the apples, by jumping up and waving her hooves in the air, but wasn't even close to get one.

Now she walked a few circles around the tree, like to observe his weakspots and got ready to buck it like one a farm worker would. On her first attempt she was to far away, doing the buck motion and landing flat on her stomach, since her hooves didn't even reached the tree.

Her second try wasn't much better, she bucked, but was that close to the tree- her hooves landed to far up on the stem and she roled head first over to land on her back.

The third try looked okay, but was to weak to shake even a single apple down the tree. Maybe a fourth of fith attempt had done it, but it looked for a moment like shad given up on it.

Discords eyebrows came together when the earth pony suddenly stopped and turned on the spot like a soldier, wondering what happens next.

The pink pony run head first towards the tree and slammed against it, rolling on the side and rubbing her head. Still, not a single apple was on the ground.

"She had to give up at some point... right?" he thought to him self.

The earth pony got up again and walked slowly out of sight, as he found him self to press his face against the window, in order to see around the corner a little better, when suddenly the pony charged even faster towards the tree.

Discord snapped his fingers just in time, before she could hit it – the tree jumped up on his roots, making Pinkie ran straight beneath it to the other side, just to break down her hooves to leave a break rail behind.

This time Discord had to giggle at her. This face of hers was just to hilarious!

The pony walked up to the tree, which was now teasing her with an apple, but pulled it away every time she reached out for it.

It looked like she got really angry after the fith time and actually bit the tree in one of his roots!

The appletree suddenly run away - the pony chasing after it "Gimmme your apppleeees!" she screamed, as Discord could not hold back anymore and burst out in laughter.

He decided to get closer and got down into the garden, as the tree passed by him right in front of his nose, the earth pony close on his feet.

"Stop that treeee!" she screamed as she chased it around the lake, which was full of really fat fed fish, swimming barely under the surface.

It was even funnier up close!

The tree came around a second time and he decided to end this, holding out a leg, making the tree stumble over it - the mare jumped immediate on it, grabbed his stem and shook it fierce, like she would try to choke it. Of course chocking a tree was kinda pointless, since it had no throat.

The draconequus got over to the squabblers and lifted Pinkie from the tree. Now the tree was able to get up and brushed some of the grass from it.

On his right Discord hold back the earth pony who wanted to jump on the tree again, while he hold out his other hand to the tree, which plugged one of his apples and handed it over. He passed the apple to Pinkie Pie, calming her down a little, so he let go.

The mare looked a moment on the apple, walked over to the tree and gave it a kick to one of his roots, as the tree hold his root and jumped up an down and Discord had to get in between once more so the two didn't burst into some really awkward fight.

"You, back!" he pointed, and the appletree, which left his crown hanging, moving slowly back to his place, as Pinkie showed her tongue towards it, when the apple floated out of her hooves and got stuck into her mouth, but instead of complaining, she chewed joyfull "Mhhh, what an juicy apple!" licking the juice from her lips.

The apple tree turned a last time and stretched his stem forward, like being proud on this compliment, before burring his roots again in the ground and being normal like the others.

This pony sure was something.

"Maybe... you want try my rolercoaster?" he suggested innocently.

"Wholerwoaster?" she asked with her mouth full of apple.

"Ye, its right over..." he snapped behind his back "there" and pointed his fingers into a direction she didn't had looked right now. As she turned her head there sure was a giant rolercoaster with a few carts, a triple looping and two screws, all connected with sharp curves and running between five and about fifty meters in size on its highest point.

"Yeeehh!" the pony cheered and run right for it, while Discord just slowly hovered after her.

The pink energy ball jumped into the cart and secured her seat, when he hovered over to the console. "Ready?"

"Come on, drive with me!"

"I should not ..."

"Are you chicken!? Buak buak buak!" waving her arms like she had wings.

With a flash he sat next to her and the machinery started to work on his own, as the car got pulled up the first speed bump in about fifty meters high, than it rushed down like a speeding bullet, pulling up a few meters and getting into the first screw, making three or four quick turns around it own axis, just to get into a long curve, once again building up some energy, as it accelerated once again to dive down into the triple looping, the pony on his side screamed the howl time "Faaasssterrrrr !! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!"

Discord on his part hold tight to the safety bar around his chest and bit his teeth together.

The ride now got into something like wave motion to suddenly go into a left right combination, shaking the two passengers, to spin seconds later in the second screw, which was at least twice as long as the first one, becoming tighter as it came to the end.

The carts pulled into a last high left turn, making them almost lay on their side – as it came down and slowly came to a hold on the start.

This ride was about two or three minutes long.

When the safety bar rose it self, he got out of the cart and to notice how soft his knees felt right now, giving him a shaking stand.

Pinkie didn't seemed affected at all and run for the picture machine, pulling out the photos of the ride.

"Hahaha. Look! Told ya - you are chicken" holding up the picture of him with a grimace, her cheering on his side.

"I'm not!" he claimed, having trouble to keep his stomach in place.

"One more time!" she screamed, running for the cart as he stopped her "sorry, its ... closed" making a sign appear on it which said -out of order-

"Funbreak" she frowned.

"Me? No... i just wanted to... get with you on my .... waterslide" he grinned.

"I didn't see any slide" she said confused.

"Well you didn't see the rolercoaster either!" being a smartypants.

But the Pink pony didn't get it, and turned her head all around in order to make out the slide, but there wasn't any.

"I cant see any waterslide, you sure you got one?"

When she looked at him, the lake suddenly expanded and a huge slide appeared, with several slide possibility's. Some with big rubber rings, one with small foam surf boards and a classic slide, which spun around it self and even had a small looping in the middle, to end in a ramp so everypony could perform a water bomb on the end of the slide.

"What you mean!? Its right there!"

She turned her head and didn't question, how she possible could had not seen this. "Amazing!!" she screamed out and ran for it, like she had for the coaster earlier.

Discord once again had to swallow, as he peaked over his shoulder, making the roller coaster vanish. Never ever again.

The two enjoyed the rides on the water-slide a lot more equal this time.

Discord had got into some black bathing pants and had given her a blue bathing suite for mares as well some dive googles and a snorkel.

After performing about her twelfth slide of the day, Pinkie was swimming on her back a little, when a shark fin appeared next to her "Eeek! Shark!" she screamed, trying to puddle to the shore in panic, when the draconequus came up from under water and started laughing at her "Uuhhhaaa.. who's chicken now!?" as he got splashed into the face from her, escalating quickly into a splash fight.

Discord was now sitting on a blowup throne, which had a shadow spending rubber palm on his side, while Pinkie just laid on her stomach on a blow up crocodile, hanging her hooves in the water.

"I think i call you... Gummy!" the mare said to her new float, now talking towards her new friend.

"That was the most fun i ever had" she grinned exhausted.

"Same here" he said partial to her and himself.

The mare now got quite severe "You mean it!?"

"Of course i do and i know a bit about having fun" making a lazy attempt to splash her with water, using his hoof.

Pinkie´s smile was now broad as it could get, taking two thirds of her face, making him rise an eyebrow at her, but she just giggled at him.

"It was nice spending some time with you" he said and the mare took a hoof to turn her float a little as she sat up again "... you really don't mind spend time with me?"

Discord slid down his sunglasses a bit "Come again?"

As one of her hooves stroke coy over her blank flank "most pony's avoid me cause of that..."

He had noticed this back in the kitchen already, but didn't ask about. It just didn't seemed important to him - she was Pinkie Pie after all and given all he had been trough, he didn't want to look this gift horse into the mouth, or flank for this matter.

"No." shaking his head "Look at me" spreading his arms, to show his awkward appearance.

He didn't had said anything special, but her grin was now even wider than before and she giggled, while she squeezed the crocodile, making its eyes pop out. Now both giggled and laughed together, for no reason at all.

The pony and the draconequus spend the coming days like this and Pinkie Pie had caught on to the might of his magic ability's.

He created fireworks, a Ferris wheel, auto-scooter, tennis and soccer-field's and many more things for her, so they could play all day long, having much fun as possible.

They just had finished a game of mini-golf, when Pinkie sat down on the swing in order to rest a little, letting her legs hanging down. Discord pushed her a little playful, making her swing back and forth slowly, like he had so often with his wife.

Then he noticed something in the corner of his eye, which sure had to come, he just wished it wasn't so soon. The last days had been ointment to his soul and only at night, when he slept alone, he still felt awful. Dreaming of his wife and how much he missed her, making him tear up every morning when he got out of bed. Forcing him to fight down this feelings on a daily basis.

Pinkie once had noticed and made pancakes with funny faces on it, which cheered him up right away.

A few nights ago he even had slept in her bed, when she had fallen asleep after a really expended pillow fight. Of course he had hold back to put his paw on her side, but it was still really soothing to have somepony on his side, as he watched her silhouette for hours before he fall asleep, just to continue doing so a little longer in the morning.

About a hundred meters away a big elegant pony landed on his ground, followed by another one.

Of course no regular pegasus pony could possible get past his force field that easy, but those two wasn't any come along regular pony's – both been alicorn princesses.

The first one was Princess Celestia. She had recovered completely it seemed, once again wearing her incredible annoying armor, which still had the battle-marks he had done to it.

The second one was Princess Cadence. The pink, candy maned alicorn wore something similar, but a lot lighter and simpler in appearance. It sure was enchanted as well, but probably could withstand only a few of his blasts... not to forget there are only six Elements of Harmony in all of the world, so it lacked this feature as well.

Still, this meant serious business. One alicorn was hard to defeat and Candace possible could tip the scale in their favor.

Discord stopped the swing "I'm sorry, playtime is over".

Pinkie rose her head, looking upwards at Discord, following the direction of his sight to find the princesses standing nearby. Most pony's now had thrown their self into the dirt, praising their royal rulers, but Pinkie just waved towards them "Hellooo!".

"Gimme a moment, okay?" he asked polite.

"Uhm. Okay..."

He rose his hands like a robber would, showing he was unarmed. Of course in his case he could not ever be unarmed, since unlimited powers flow through every fiber of his body, most certainly including his hands.

The two alicorn's tightened their stand, spreading their hooves apart and lowering their heads in order to point their horns at his chest.

"Lady's ... lady's... please, i got a guest." making a short motion towards the earth pony, which was swinging below the tree.

"Release her now Discord" Celestia demanded.

"Release? She ain't a prisoner! She is my g-u-e-s-t..." speaking the last word really slowly, like she could misunderstood him the first time.

Cadance gave Celestia a short glance "Guest?"

He gave her a short unfriendly nod and put his focus back to the more threatening alicorn.

"I wont make a scene, i just want to say goodbye..."

This time Celestia was the to give a glance towards the other alicorn, like to check on her opinion, receiving an almost unnoticeable nod.

"No tricks Discord" the white alicorn warned him.

"Me?" acting like she had pulled a joke, but cut the act when he noticed neither of them found it to be funny. "Just gimme a minute."

He turned around and got back to Pinkie, which stopped swinging on his arrival, he grabbed the pink pony and put it down on the ground, under the watchful eyes of his visitors.

"Pinkie, you know who those two mares are?"

Pinkie put on her thinking face "Is that, your sister?" pointing on the white mare.

He laughed at that "No... its... haha... its not my sister..." spilling some tears of laughter and giggling some more after, before his face got serious again.

"This- is princess Celestia" pointing on the white mare with a well mannered gesture "and this is Cadance" waving in her vague direction, leaving out her title as well.

This was when Pinkie's yaw dropped and her eyes grew big as pancakes.


He did his best to calm her down again, sticking a strawberry cream lollipop into her mouth.

"Mmhhhhhh". It was her favorite taste. As he tried to get her attention again.

"Listen carefully, ...i got some important business with them, so i be gone for ...a while." he paused a moment, as he put on a honest smile "It was fun playing with you."

Giving her an unexpected, but short hug.

"So, you cant play with me anymore?" she asked sadly, putting down the lollipop.

He shook his head slowly. "Sorry".

The pink earth pony shrunk a little in size, her only playmate was about to go.

"Hey, why the long face?" putting his finger below her chin "i come back some day... and then we play twister, okay?"

This cheered the pony up a little. She had asked him a bunch of times, but for some reason he had refused to play it back then.

"And i tell you what, as long i'm gone, you can have my place, okay?" as he snapped once "It will only and only open for you now... and the path to town will be save for you to use, so don't worry about that either."

She gave him a hug "i will miss you."

"You done something, nopony else could have done Pinkie - you cheered me up ... and that's why are B.F.F." he said, patting her mane, while had her hooves wrapped around him.

She glanced at him with wet eyes "B.F.F. ? Best... friends... forever?"

"Maybe even a little longer" he grinned, as he put the pony back on the swing.

The draconequus turned around and walked back to the two alicorn's, which had loosen up their battle stance a little.

"What!?" Discord snarled "just lets go" as he gave a last glance over his shoulder and the three vanished in a bright light by the snap of his fingers.

Pinkie was sad he was gone, but also really happy about what he had said.

Nopony else could had cheered him up and this made her feel proud and special deep within, as suddenly a short flash of light on her flank and her cutiemark finally had appeared.

Author's Note:

Original my goal for this story was something like uhhh... 120 pages, (not 176) ... which sounded good in my head at the time.
The chapter number raised and lowered in between ... at times three full pages got just thrown into the garbage, alongside with chapters and other ideas... while other ones took their place... (funfact: bevor the last huge spell-check... i had 600 signs less... make what ever you want out of that...
ps. remember i had to delete several hundred "double L" ... ye. i'm confused)
So much more i would like to add, but couldn't ... "just a few more lines" ... that line itself should be illegal by Moon banishment!
... still, for example: "The pyjama party".
Original it was in my "road-map", but not just was it not to exciting to write about... also leaving it up to (your) imagination was so much more fun... and if you smile right now, you are so going to hell xD
(may i write it one day - when pigs learn to fly! :D ... oh, wait... :/)
Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony


Oh. This one was... quiet bittersweet, if i think about it.
i mean it was great fun to write... but i could not help to feel really sad about it.
Both of them had their issues, but just tried to give each other a good time and ended up, with something even more valuable for them self ... :_)
...and to be honest... until i wrote this, Pinkie wasn't quiet my "favorite mane six" pony.
In fact, she was on bottom of the list next to Applejack... :/ ... but as things are, i don´t think i need this "list" anymore :]