• Published 4th Jan 2019
  • 591 Views, 0 Comments

Thread of Destiny - Shenzy

This story is about Discord and his impact on everypony... until one day chaos strikes upon himself and he is left behind on his own

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Bonus Chapter! Muffin Time!

Muffin time!

Discord didn't quite appear in Manehatten. In fact, not even close to it. Somepony might even would dare to say: he barely had moved at all, if you took into account what he had aimed for.

As he looked around he noticed right away, this was not Manehatten...

Standing right in the middle of nature, wondering what his bloody reflection had done.

Than the gear in his mind kicked in... of cause he knew this place! Spinning around to find Fluttershy's old treehouse where she used to life before their marriage.

Everything looked like before. The garden was well tamed... the way was clear of leafs... and some birds and critters were nearby, like it used to be.

This one was a no-brainer, being already here, so why not give it a try?

A snap of his fingers made him appear in the living room, which looked different to what he did remember.

"Hello?" was his first attempt, trying to lure out which ever pony was around.

A kind voice came from the first floor as a pegasus pony stepped down stairs "honey, is that you?"

The mare stopped half way down as her eyes starred in wonder at him.

The pegasus had gray fur and a blond mane – her eyes was yellow and bubbles graced her flank

...but something was strange about her eyes, they looked twisted, giving her an confused expression all the time.

At first Discord assumed her facial expression was part of his surprising appearance, but even as the pony started to panic the confusion remained on her face.

The mare ran downstairs straight for the door in order get away, but was lifted up her tail.

"Eeek, help!" the pony shrieked, struggling in the air, swinging from side to side.

As the intruder got a little closer and gave her an close look, kneeing in front of her.

"You ain't Fluttershy" he said sharp-minded like a spoon ...as if there could had been any confusion in the first place!

The pegasus still was flapping his wings, trying to escape his almighty grip – shrieking once again for her husband, which didn't seemed to be around.

"Oh please" he said, snapping his fingers and stuffing her mouth with a muffin.

The muffin made her calm down, in fact she enjoyed it so much, forgetting all about him or her miserable pose she was in.

Discord now had a similar expression on his face like she had before, but well he wasn't picky right now so he let appear another muffin in his hand, this time extra tasty with sprinkles on top to show to the mare, which almost was done with the first one.

"Look" he hold up the muffin "this is the worlds finest muffin you ever will have in your puny life, if you can answer me one question: Where is Fl-...." but all of a sudden there was some strange noise coming from outside, making his head turn to the door.

This sound was so awkward... at first it was like somepony used some kind of magic beams, which got reflected by thin metal... but than became more like somepony had forgot to unlock breaks on a carriage, while some kind of echo started to beat along with it, getting louder and louder, just to suddenly stop.

Discord hadn't been in this house for longer than two minutes flat and was about to encounter the third mind boggling thing coming towards him as the door swung open and found a brown stallion was standing in it.

The earth pony had light brown fur with a deep brown mane, his eyes had a babyblue tone and his flank showed a hourglass, also he wore a collar and with a bow-tie on it, holding some weird thing in his mouth.

"Let go of my wife demon!" pointing his hoof dramatic at the monster which was threatening his wife. The pegasus had finished her muffin and cheered in glee as she saw him.

"What ever evil dimension you come from, i'm not afraid of you... no sir! I assure you!"

Discord rolled his eyes annoyed, but also rethinking his own entry's "did he also looked like that kinda oddball?..mhhh..... nah!"

Strange enough he felt the irresistible need to introduce himself "My name Discord! Spirit of chaos!" raising him self from the ground to his full intimidating size, spreading his non-alike wings.

Now the stallion introduced himself "My name is..." he made a dramatic pause here "Dr. Whooves, the upcoming storm!"

"Never heard off" the spirit shook his head unimpressed.

"Well, you know,... defender of Equestria,... arch enemy of the Dale-"

"Yaya" he cut him of "Get lost, i'm busy here" pointing on the pegasus, which was swinging back and forth - trying to reach the muffin, which Discord was still holding in his paw.

The two of them observed this behavior for a minute.

"I guess ...i may rather talk to you" the draconequus said.

"Ha! I will sto.... ,... wait, talking? Like in not fighting, standing here and moving lips?"

"What you thought?"

The stallion shrugged "so.. you don't plan to conquer Equestria ...or kidnap anypony?"

"Maybe... once or ...twice" making the stallion jump again into battle pose "but..." he hold up his finger warning "but, not today... don't plan anything..."

"So what was that spirit of chaos thing all about then, sir!?"

Giving him a sarcastic reply "Whats that stupid bow-tie all about!?"

"I let you know, Bow-Ties... are cool"

"So is chaos! ...but,i´m ... kinda retired, ... a little....... " he mumbled, rubbing his neck ashamed as he thought about what his wife had told him.

The stallion waited for a moment and put away his awkward screwdriver behind his ear with a smooth gesture "well, if you may let down my wife, we talk then!" he smiled reliefed.

Discord snapped his fingers and the pegasus was free to fly to her husband, giving him a hug.

"Okay, fair enough, what you want here then, retired-spirit of chaos?"

Discord frowned "the name is Discord and i search somepony..." as Dr.Whooves took over the conversation "Pleased to meet you Mr.Discord, but this pony here is taken" reaching his hoof out to the mare which blushed at his comment.

He rubbed his forehead "I search a pony called Fluttershy, she used to live here!"

The stallion made a few steps up and down the room "do i know her? ...... do i ?... do i do i do i...... Flutter... Flu Flutt....... hmmm........... no. Negative, sorry – just me and Derpy here" he pointed at his wife "uhm, honey?" but the mare shrugged her shoulders..."no she doesn't know either, sorry once more, again".

Once more a dead end he thought going towards the door "well, i leave you lovebirds then" grabbing the doorknob about to get outside, as the husband spoke up.

"Uhm could i ask you a favor... before you leave... peacefully?" making Discord give him a glance.

The stallion nodded to his wife, which was still starring at his muffin which he had forgot, still holding in his paw "would you..... could she.....you know, have it?" asking kind as he could with some strange accent not even he had heard ...and he sure had come around a lot.

Discord shrugged and threw the muffin over to her, which she fetched like a dog with her mouth, chewing right away joyfull – smiling in glee.

"Thanks pal, appreciate that" Dr. Whooves said with a grin, as their visitor got a last question for him "...are you immor-" but was cut off with a panic facial expression of the Doctor- holding one hoof up his mouth, waving the other one, his eyes begging "please, don't – say - it".

So he just let go... and left.

Discord wasn't paying attention to what was right in front of him- slamming against another door "Ouch!" as he rubbed his nose, walking around the strange blue box "Where did that come from!?" reading what was writen on it "Police Box?" waving it of in anger, to rub his nose a little more.

"I must get out of here, this place is nuts!" and coming from him, you could call this quite a compliment!

Discord snapped his fingers and vanished in a bright flash.

The stallion had seen the howl thing from the window "What a strange way to travel...".

Author's Note:

What to say? I love muffins... :)


My favorite doctors are Mr. "Bow-Tie and "Tie"... if you seen the series you know which ones...
the really last one (the old one)... oh gosh i hate him so much.
In fact its the only one i cant stand and want to see EXTERMINATED (by my remote Dalek i happen to own).
Hurray for Dinky :]
Spoiler ahead ! Don't read any further if you want to read "Bride of Discord", "Daughter of Discord", etc...
I really loved to read about "Dinky" in those storys... i could had eaten up the pages if it would not had cost me my smartphone doing so (ye i used that to read in my bed) ... and... strange enough... on the end... the major story wasn't to touchy (personal thing, nothing to do with the writing) ... but... the one part i could not hold back was when Dr. Whooves visited Derpy Hoove / Dinky... just thinking about it *sob... sob* ... sorry i think i let the flame on in my microwave *runs*