• Published 4th Jan 2019
  • 590 Views, 0 Comments

Thread of Destiny - Shenzy

This story is about Discord and his impact on everypony... until one day chaos strikes upon himself and he is left behind on his own

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Walking down Memory Lane

Walking down memory lane

Celestia didn't took them right away to Discord, instead she let everypony take a break to get them self fresh and replenished, sending them into some kind of spa rooms.

Inside the room they got treated like they been princess them self, receiving all kind of luxurious they could image. Massages, food and – for Rarity some new make up.

Of course Fluttershy was the main topic, but Rainbow hold the others back like a dog fighting for his young ones, since she could not possible now what was going on, to which the others agreed and let go in order to give her a break and she sure needed it.

After a few hours, they got called to the princess once again, to meet her outside in the garden, right in front the hench-maze. When everypony was gathered around, the princess walked first towards the maze, but despite the mixed opinions what would happen next – "Uh a maze, this will be fun!" "I hope we wont walk for hours, wont we?" "Why don't we just fly into the middle!?" all them were wrong.

Celestia barely had stepped in, as the walls started to bend them self apart to form a straight path towards the middle, making the howl thing really easy and a little boring, but Celestia explained to them, this maze was magic and without her showing the way, they would get lost and never get out again, also it was impossible to fly above it, which the blue pegasus found out to be true, since she could flap her wings as much she wanted, but nothing happened- asking Fluttershy to do alike, with the same result.

Despite the straight path, the maze had turned out to be quite long still, probably leading outside the castle walls or some kind of other magic which made it appear smaller at first, to fool possible intruders.

The princess even had considered bringing along her armor, but not just was it in repair, which meant it would take days in order to cool off from the furnace heat, but she also was confident – with this group of friends on her side, he would behave. Everypony earned a second chance.

Finally they reached him.

He just sat there on a podium, like he had deep thoughts - his head resting on his fist.

Celestia got in front of him and the other lined up a few meters behind her.

"Be aware, if he gets out of control - i will have to fight him" she warend the others.

Then the alicorn's horn started to glow in a bright light. Celestia might needed the Elements of Harmony in order to turn him to stone... but the releasing spell was a lot easier, so she didn't need them right now.

The statue began to glow and cracks formed all around it, as parts began to fall down like he lost a second skin, revealing partial his former self below, when the last rest burst of in all diretions, raining down on the nearby pony's.

Maud picked one of the pieces and stuck into her pocket, receiving an asking glance from Twilight "Its rare." Maud said dry.

The draconequus still sat in his pose, twitching his eyes like he had been fall asleep doing so, as he began to stretch him self in all directions.

"Has it been a millennium already?" trying to get focus, but a group of color's danced in front of his eyes and the pink one suddenly got bigger and knocked him over "Diiiiiiiiscooord!"

Literally nose on nose, even a blind had recognized Pinkie Pie.

"Are you stone too!?" suddenly touching him self, than grabbing her face and pulling on her cheeks to get pieces together "OH you silly!" she grinned, jumping of his chest, pointing on the others "we are all here for you!"

He got up and took a look around, seeing most of the pony's he had encountered, to find Celestia standing right next to them and she didn't even wore her fancy armor, making him rub his head "Oh, this spell must got to my head!"

"Discord... those brave pony's told me about your actions" the princess waved gracefully towards the small group "so, i have decided to give you a second chance.

"Ohh ... i understand... so if you don't mind" he got back in his pose "just zap me and get out" he frowned.

Sweetie Belle has seen this guy the first time and could not understand what her sister was talking about, he seemed so..... grumpy.

"But we all got a bunch of questions for ya" Applejack started.

Discord turned his back towards her.

"Hey! Cut the act, we just came for you!" Rainbow said.

"We wanted to thank you, sweetheart"

Luckily Rarity could not see him twisting his eyes on that line.

Pinkie put her hooves on his shoulder and shook him "Whats the matter Discord? ain't we friends anymore?"

"We are Pinkie..." he mumbled.

"We all are your friends" Twilight said "We might don't know to much about you, but what you done for everypony is even more than words could describe".

This made his ears shrug, like a cat listen in on a mice nearby, as the others all confirmed what she just said, to turn his head when Fluttershy agreed.

Rarity knew to read para-language better than anypony else, handling picky customers all her life "Discord, i think there is something you have to tell us" pausing to correct her mane "What´s this about you and her. You do know her, don't you?"

"Oh, b- but i don't" the yellow pegasus said right after.

So not even being turned to stone could save him from pony's chewing up his ears?

Maybe they should trade roles... he wouldn't bother to nag on poor boring statues.

"I did know her" he mumbled "but that was in another life".

"You are an immortal Discord, so am i. We both know the threads of destiny are meant to last forever... and your´s is bound to this very special group of pony's right here and not even your magic could change this."

He could not stand if she talked metaphorical like this... despite her being absolute right. Being immortal gave plenty time to notice things normal creatures never could, since their life´s being just an blink in the eyes of eternity.

Making him also think about his six sense, all those countless lights in the back of his head. The once just getting started and the others - slowly fading away... some of them unnoticed.

Should he blink and let this moment pass by like this?

"Could somepony have changed it?" Twilight asked towards Celestia.

This made Discord laugh. At times even this bookworm found a good line "Hahaha..."

"Whats so funny?" Twilight asked.

"Ye, whats so funny!?" Pinkie also wanted to know.

"Twilight, tempering with fate itself is really dangerous, not even Star Swirl the bearded considered to do so. Neither did i... or Discord."

Rainbow pulled a face "You sure about him?"

This made him turn around "Do i look nuts!?" he shouted angry "You birdbrain got any idea, what could happen if you just changed the tincy tiny thing in the past!?"

The blue pegasus just shrugged a little afraid of his reaction.

Discord snapped his fingers and made two hand sized blue shimmering pony's appear, one on his left paw, one on his right paw. One being a mare, one being a stallion.

They almost looked like citizens of the crystal empire Twilight thought to her self.

"Pretty!" Sweetie Belle said.

"I will explain it to you, that even this filly will understand... as well her" giving Rainbow a glance.

"Hey! Cut it off!"

Then he started his little puppet theater.

"Lets say those pony's" holding up the miniatures "are your parents...".

The small blue schemes began walking through the air, starting a few meters left and right from him, trotting towards one another - to pass by in the middle, giving one another a short glance, to continue their path towards the other side.

He took a look if everypony was paying attention and made appear a tiny blue rock between his finger tips, just to place in the middle of the path the pony's had taken. "One more time!" he cheered and the two once again trotted towards the middle.

Once again the mare and the stallion passed by one another, giving one another a short glance, but this time the stallion stumbled about the tiny rock and fell flat on his stomach, making the mare walk back and help him up, as she took the wounded stallion with her.

"I... don't get it" Rainbow said "this was just an accident!"

Suddenly Pinkie felt offended "HEY! This is how my parents met!" giving a frown "...i´m not an accident!" sobbing about that insensitive comment.

The princess put a hoof carefully on Pinkies back "Of course you are not... what Discord tried to say was - that it was meant to be the two met, it was their destiny."

This cheered Pinkie up again, smiling in glee.

He pointed towards the alicorn "You see!? if you change the smallest detail, you could wreck anything! I could end up destroying my pretty self - not to speak of..." giving the yellow mare a smile "my howl world".

"You still didn't told us, what it all had to do with her, or us, darling" Raritys brought back the main topic.

"Rarity is right, something must have been changed."

"So, she is not your wife?" Pinkie asked confused.

"She is married, to a stallion and has a chillldd!" Rainbow explained irritated, since it was about the fifth time "ain't that right" giving her a nudge, which made the mare blush "h-he s a good man and i love our little filly" saying it in a proud tone and a undeniable happy smile.

"If something has changed, it only did not affect him, ...so if we could find out, could you fix it?"

Once again Discord burst in laughter "finding out! Haha!" slapping his paw on his leg "did you sleep on my little show? How possible could i figure out whats wrong, could be a single sand-corn on the wrong place... on any point of history!" but when he was finished, he didn't found it funny anymore.

"Id has to do with us, right?" Applejack said.

"You are right AJ, its like princess Celestia said,... if our destiny had changed, we are the key".

The draconequus waved a around with his paws "technical spoken, that's right, still – how should i know whats wrong?" as a light flashed and he wore mare clothing for just a moment "I´m not ur mother!" pulling a face on her.

Celestia stepped in between the two "Then what is different?"

"Except everything!?" it nagged, but she didn't fall for his attitude and waited patiently.

The draconequus got back into his thinking pose, trying to narrow it down, making faces while browsing his mind for about ten minutes...

He pointed on Rarity "she seemed to be a lot more wind up in work, even for her standards"

Now Applejack "she lived in Ponyville, not Manehatten" just to add "sorry about that by the way"

Smiling on Pinkie "you always knew to cheer up anypony"

"And she" pointing on Rainbow "quite a flying showoff..."

"Uhm... Twilight was an alicorn princess, as well Celestia's student or so" dropping this bomb like it wasn't to important and - last but not least coming to the yellow mare.

"And you... you was everything i could had wished for." giving her a beloved glance.

"Not to forget- this mane six" as he picked counted them quickly with his finger "been the representatives of those pesky Elements of Harmony"

This was a howl lot to swallow for one blow, he sure had not exaggerated about -everything-

Twilight was one of the more shocked pony's "Alicorn!?"

"Twilight, you always been very talented, if i had found you out sooner, who knows what you might had become" Celestia said with a hint of guilt in her voice.

"Maybe that's whats wrong, maybe i should be ... an alicorn!?" she asked towards the two immortals, but she could not answer it and he just shrugged.

"You tell me whats gone wrong first!" pointing claw on the babbling pony's, which had problems of their own.

Rarity got curious "If i may ask, when did she became an alicorn then?"

"Uhm, when? Mh... it was before my marriage with.. uh.. well, she wasn't a filly anymore." he cut off, when he noticed the uncomfortable glance of Fluttershy.

It took a lot more of those kinda questions in order to narrow it down.

They tried to find the first thing which had gone wrong to his knowledge - until everypony got to the point, when most of them had received her cutiemark's. Everything before this sounded alright, despite his really scattered knowledge.

His wife Fluttershy often had told him story's about her friends, making him listening for hours, just to hear her sweet voice some more - back than he didn't found it to important what she told about her friends ...her company and luck was all he was interested in.

Who had thought this would change one day, giving him the chance to restore order.

Order - this word. It still was on his list of words which made him sick, but had slipped a few places lower.

So now the pony's took turns in order to tell something about their faithful day, when they received their cutie marks.

Twilight was the one to go first "It was after i failed to pass exam for Celestia's Shool for gifted Unicorns... i still tried to get into it, since everypony told me i had a hoof for magic, but i tried to change my approach, since performing regular magic didn't work out to well and i had read every book around. It was when my parents wanted to cheer me up and bought me a chem set... and i really had a lot fun with it – in fact i became really good at it and forgot about performing magic for a while..." she tried to think of what happened next "it must been when my big brother got quite sick after one of his travels ...i wanted to make a potion to help him get better, but they didn't work and..... yeah... than i had an idea – i combined my magic and my potions with one another and they became a lot stronger! He was back on his hooves in less than a day. This was when i discovered my magic had a value to other pony's and this turned up" showing her flank with the magic sparks on it.

"Wait, did you invent the magic painkillers!?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, in fact i did. Why you ask?"

It was a little embarrassing to admit, but she did it anyway "Well, had to take them for years, because of my busted wing, good stuff!"

"Glad i could help" Twilight smiled.

Rarity was the next in line "Uhm... well, its quite long ago, i hope i don't foget something. It think it was ... there was some fashion show or... no wait... it was a school play.. and i made the costumes. Right... my first big attempts on fashion! I still got them on my attic, you must see them, they are so lovely!" she had to harrumph after noticing the strange faces around her "but well - they wasn't quite perfect at first and i didn't know what to add, as my horn started glowing and pulled me out of town towars some nearby mountain. I knew what ever it was, it would change my life. It would be the one thing that made my fashion special! But when i my horn stopped glowing, there was just a big stupid rock in front of me. Of course i didn't know what to do. I´m not into stupid rocks..."

Maud gave her sister a glance, wish assured her "she didn't mean it."

"So i tried to get home again, but my horn didn't let me and i ended up in front of the same boulder! Can you believe? Of course i was calm and well mannered about the situation..." as she remembered how she yelled and kicked the stone over and over again, until it slipped down the hillside behind it, to shatter into thousand bits - giving her a triumphant feeling.

"...and... i managed to open it" she said proudly "inside the rock had been diamonds! I knew this was the one missing parts for my dress, it was my destiny!" representing her flank in a well trained pose. "I guess, this also was when i started to think... that i had to work really hard for success...".

Her sister pulled her right out of this thought, leaning on her side, receiving a kiss on her forehead. “... but not anymore.”

Applejack watched the sister and felt like she had to be next "Well, when i was a filly, i didn't want to spend ma howl life on the farm, so i packed my stuff and left ma family... going to Manehatten to life with ma Aunt and Uncle Orange, to try ma luck. I knew i would find out who i be there,

but the high society life turned out to be a lot harder... i didn't felt like i could fit in with all those snobby pony's around me – making me got really home sick, missing BigMac and the others.

It was one day i wont ever forget... i sat in ma room and was watching outside the window towards Ponyville, wondering what ma family could been up to right now... and just a little later i noticed a blue filly below ma window. She was barely older than me and it looked like it had a bad day, so i got down downstairs and talked to her – turns out she was homeless, run away from an orphanage, so i brought her in and begged my Aunt and Uncle if she could stay, which agreed, but just after we both promised to study hard in order become somepony" making AJ raise up her forehooves, like a rodeo horse "I felt so happy for her... it was like ma Granny always had told me, -family is to care for everypony-! And with ma new step-sister on my side, i knew we could do even more than that!" pointing on her cutiemark "and that was when i got my cutie mark".

"I think Discord found her also to be quite... smashing" giggling at her own comment.

He had to think a second that..."that pesky secretary?"

Applejack's grin got even wider as she proudly nodded "that's her!"

Pinkie found a hard time to talk about her youth, but gave it a shot anyway, since she might could help out her new BFF doing so. "When i was little i worked on my parents rock farm, with my sister Maud. We had a fun time doing so... but when i got older, i also had to go to school. My parents said i should become smart and study and i tried and at first it was fun too... but soon all colts and filly's became their cutiemark in class – all, except me. I tried to be nice, but nopony didn't want to speak with me or get even close. They started to make fun of me because of that and i didn't want to go there anymore. pony's told me i might be sick... and i was send to many doctors.." at this she frowned "...finally i was pulled from school, they said it might be better this way... i would distract the others... and my parents would teach me.
I tried what ever i could, but i never could figure out what made me special to anypony, until i met my new friend" showing her mark and the sun rose on her face, shinning warm and bright at Discord "now i know: even if some pony's seem mean or scary to you, they might just need a friend that cheers them up!"

Discord could not help to wave it away shyly.

"Last but not least!" Rainbow said "but me and Fluttershy got the same story"

"We spend a lot of time together" Fluttershy mumbled.

"Well i guess it all started on the day she got bullied... some brick heads picked on her once again"

"Oh, it really was nothing..."

"It was! Nopony makes fun of my friends!"


"No buts... except this butt-heads... which i challenged to a race!"

At this Fluttershy even more silent as usual.

"So we stepped on the start line and flew off - i was fast as a speeding bullet! Zooming trough the sky's in zik-zak, showing those big mouth amateurs how it is done! It was the greatest day of my life, i never was fast and about to win the race, putting then into their place once and for all. There was just one more ring to pass and then straight for the finish line! So i dived down fast as i could, when something flashed in front of my eyes and i lost control..."

"It was awful" Fluttershy said sadly and Rainbow didn't sound to excited her self anymore "Ye... i crash landed in a nearby tree and broke my stupid wing... luckily she was nearby and brought me back to Cloudstale" trying to give the yellow mare a smile.

"But i had busted my wing and busted it good"

"They said, she was to young and her wings wasn't fully grown, so it would not heal as good"

Rainbow sure was angry "Ye, eggheads... they couldn't help me! Other pony's also had broken wings, but theirs healed... so unfair! Can you image how it is to be a flightless pegasus!? It blows!"

"There there" Fluttershy said, putting her hoof around her shoulders.

Now Rainbow was able fetch her cool again and go on "...but i had an idea, since she wasn't a good flier and i could not fly my self anymore, i thought i could coach her! So instead of two flightless pony's, we become one awesome!"

"Training was really hard" Fluttershy said assuring.

"But it payed off and she even had the great idea to get animals in our act! Where you even had the idea for that?"

"Oh, that.. uhm... i didn't tell you? When the race started, you blew me from my cloud... and i found all those lovely critters nearby, right before i heard you crash down... even the critters got afraid... you might don't remember, but some birds helped me to get you back to Cloudstale" pointing on her cutiemark "this was when i noticed the animals really did understand me!"

"Oh... right! Now i remember! I guess my wing had made me forget that, i´m sorry..."

Fluttershy shook her head "its alright, i understand..."

"Thanks. Uhm... where was i ... oh right, the show. Just image, Fluttershy had been the weakest flier and we trained secretly and after the Equestria games got dropped, it was crushing for the Cloudstale moral – so we had to make it special and we sure did! It even was in all newspapers! Everypony was amazed and even forgot about the games...! This was when i knew, we could make the impossible happen!" pointing on her flank with a big grin.

Discord could not help to raise his paw "Come again!? You never performed your puny Sonic Rainboom your self!?"

"Duh, no! How could i, i had a broken wing!" Rainbow nagged.

Discord waved with his arms "I mean at the race!"

"You mean ... i...." the blue pegasus wasn't quite the fastest thinker, but even her gears got into motion by now.

So if she had just been a little faster, if she just could had hold her speed a moment longer, she might never had broke her wing after all? She would had become the world greatest flier right away!?

Discord made a jump into the air "That's it! Your Rainboom! You never done it!" cheering like he had invented the fire. Rainbow could not help to feel as enthusiastic about it.

"This was the one thing connecting all of you, of course!" as he grabbed Pinkie Pie and threw her up in the air, like parents their kids.

He let of Pinkie and used his magic to pull all of them close, even Celestia – to give them a group hug, stretching his arms further than it even should be possible.

"I'm a genius! I figured it out!" he shouted, to receive an awkward stare by around a dozen pony's "...with a little help from my friends, of course" giving an apologizing shrug.

Author's Note:

You can't image how often i wrote the same word wrong (in the same kind of way)! Playing decades online and nobody bothered to correct me doing so.
It kinda became my "online accent" you might could say... :|
In fact accent... ye... living in germaney (hrhr love that pun) ... i speak what ppl. call "Hochdeutsch",
which means i use really clear pronunciation, without any of the regular/local accent to be heard.
Many ppl. even call me a liar when i explain where i come from (darn i even had to show my license at times!) ... my father had an strong accent but my mother kinda washed it out of him and so i ended up like this .
And to be fair... if i could pick one accent... i would take some thick British one like totalbiscuit (rip)... or jingles... darn i would kill for that... :[

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony (otherwise i removed Spikes episodes for a legit rework)^^


For this part i had to re-watch the CMC episode about cutiemarks^^
Of course the tricky part was the question "okay... there was no Sonic Rainboom... sooooooo...what happened then!?"
Not quiet simple...
Oh and... basically Cheese Sandwich got his cutie mark from Pinkie Pie... (i'm aware of that and you might just noticed it yet after me mentioning...) so the question remains: where & how else did receive his cutiemark then?
I will explain, it went something like this: =404 plot not found=
Hm. Ok then i just stick with "destiny may can be bent, but never cut..." :)
Not good enough? *grabs in empty pockets* :|