• Published 4th Jan 2019
  • 590 Views, 0 Comments

Thread of Destiny - Shenzy

This story is about Discord and his impact on everypony... until one day chaos strikes upon himself and he is left behind on his own

  • ...

Making Sense?

Making sense?

Apple Bloom got close to the apple Sweet Apple Acres, where she used to live with her family.

It was not just her home, it also was one of the biggest apple acres in all of Equestria – delivering sweet juicy apples all over the land to make a living.

The path was now going slightly downhill, so she could see a big part of the farm.
Most pony's would be impressed by this amazing sigh. The apple trees gone as far as you could see, disappearing behind the horizon and every tree carried dozen of apples- red, big and tasty, almost ready for the harvest.

This great acre of course didn't came from nothing by night, it took generations of work to make it happen – that's why the farm was old as the townhall itself.

The filly should had been used to it, been living here since she was born, but once in a while she still felt amazed, wondering how many apples hanging in those trees – she even tried counting them at one point, but pretty quickly gave up after the a few tree lines.

She was heading to the center of the farm, coming by some fields of corn and straight towards a big building, which could be mistaken for a yarn at first, but was in fact the family home, the sun was right above it like to guide her way back home.

The building had red walls and white painted timber beams, on top of all that was a bright purple roof and the closer you got the more was clear it was not just a simple yarn, it was a mansion, build to last generations, right next to hit was an actual barn, a granary and some huts for the chicken.

Apple Bloom was e when a old brittle voice came to her ear "hello little filly".

She turned her head to find granny smith, about to pump some water in a bucket.

"Hey granny" she replied, not quite paying attention to granny, slowly walking up to the door. When she was about to enter she took a look on her granny.

The old green mare lifted had filled bucket up and tried to bring it indoors, but after just a few steps she stopped in her tracks to make a break, picking it up once more and repeating the process doing so.

"Let me help ya" Apple Bloom said, picking up the bucket for her to bring it in.

"Could had done it" the old mare said "but thanks anyway" smiling at her young niece.

Both got inside, going straight into the kitchen. "Put it down right there" the mare said, pointing next to a pot, already boiling on the fireplace.

The younger one looked around, dinner was almost ready it. There was a apple-cake, some salad and of course the soup.

Granny put some more water into the pot, took a spoon and tried the soup with a slurp.

"Lacks carrots" she announced, walking to the table and picking up a knife, starting to slice a carrot really slowly.

Apple Bloom knew by the time she would be done, the soup would had been boiled up, so she took her self some carrots and cut them down in a few quick moves of her hooves.

She didn't mind to help granny out- she learned a lot by watching her, she also had become a good cook after a while, but sadly not good enough to earn her cutiemark.

The family was on the table, only BigMac didn't had shown up yet.

"I wonder where he s" the cowgirl said "he never been late to dinner".

"I'm sure he will be here any minute" her sister said "he sure doesn't know when to quit"

Applejack though about that a moment "i guess you are right, he sure does overtimes once in a while".

"Get eating, or it gets cold" granny said, sipping at her soup.

The two could failed to disagree and started as well.

A few minutes later the front door opened and Big Macintosh standing in it.

"Hello BigMac" the younger one said "you sure let ya time" the older one added.

BigMac walked over to the table and sat down, picking him self a plate full of food.

"Did ya work late again?" Applejack asked him.

The stallion shook slowly his head "nope" and continued eating.

The two sister gave each other a confused glance.

"So, where you have been then?" she asked again.

The stallion paused a moment eating, to look up to her "just a little walk" he said in his calm deep voice.

Now Apple Bloom got a little curious "everything alright, brother?".

He looked at her, shook his head again and simply said "nope".

"Let your brother eat, he had worked hard all day" their granny stated.

The two mares nodded and continued dinner.

"Well, i will go out later, Pinkie Pie is having a party for Fluttershy, she is back in town ya know?" Applejack said, trying to get a conversation on track.

"Ye, i just seen..." she stopped a moment "... her today" biting her self on the lip, she almost had let slip it was in fact Discord she had met.

"It sure will be fun, why don't you come with me?" Applejack suggested.

"I don't know" the filly said, pushing her salad from one side to the other "i'm not quite in the mood".

This made AJ raise a eyebrow "Not in the mood? Whats wrong with everypony today?"

"Nothing much, was a long day i think" giving a glance to her brother, hoping he would help her out, which he did "Eyup" he agreed.

"Fine, than i guess i go there by my self" she said.

Apple Bloom left the table early "i'm not that hungry today" putting her plate in the kitchen and heading upstairs for her room.

Applejack pointed above her shoulder "any idea whats wrong with her?"

Her granny seemed to not have heard it, so just her brother replied "not a clue".

After dinner was done, BigMac was heading for a bath, while Granny and Applejack did do the dishes, so Apple Bloom was alone in her room, laying flat on the bad, her legs stretched out.

"A wish, a wish......" she was saying to no one, except her self and some plushie`s sitting in the corner.

"Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sure had some good ideas" she recalled "but i guess they will be busy now..." turning around on her back and starring at the ceiling now, letting time pass.

"Granny might has an idea, but... it will take hours to explain it to her" she grunted.

With her friends off the list, not able to tell her sister about it and granny also not an option, there ain't many pony's left, which gave her an idea "it doesn't have to be a pony!" that was the idea- first in the morning she would go and visit Zecora! She always knew advice and would not tell any pony.

When Applejack came into the room checking on her sister, she was already asleep with a big smile on her face. "Well, she seems alright now" she whispered to her self, walking to the bed and pulling the blanket over her "night sis" she said, kissing her sister on her cheek.

Applejack left the room, to find her brother walking by heading for his "you also going to bed early?" she asked.

"Yup, long day" he tired replied, leaving his head hanging when walking off

She shrugged at his answer and didn't bother to ask any further. May they was just tired, a good rest sure would do wonders on them.

"Well, see ya later" she passed, heading downstairs to find granny, napping on her rocking chair.

"She ain't the youngest anymore" she tough to her self, before she left the house.

In sugarcube corner was the party just about to get going.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake provided the catering, serving drinks and sweets. The mane six almost was complete as well two of the cutiemark crusaders where present.

"So, where is Fluttershy!?" the blue pegasus asked, hoovering a few feet above the ground to get a overview. Flying right next to her was Scootaloo "yeah, where is she!?".

Twilight Sparkle trot past them "she sure will be there any second, why don't you fatch your self some punch or cake?" giving both a deprecating stare.

"Ghme" the Rainbow Dash grunted "fine" she gave a sign to her new flying buddy and both swiped across the room.

Twilight stopped in front of Rarity "glad you could make it too, didn't see you in days" she smiled.

"Well, i guess i found some time" the unicorn replied a little dazed.

"Busy with orders i guess?" The alicorn glanced at her with a smile.

"Y.. yes" the unicorn nodded "but, Twilight, something really strange happened today".

"So? What happened? She wondered, seeing her friend this disturbed "Is everything alright?"

"All my dresses are done and they all look amazing!" Rarity said, waving her hooves.

She hadn't quite expected this, so she asked her "Sooooo...? Whats wrong with that?"

"Well, i ...." she run her hoof trough her mane. "I didn't make them."

"You didn't make them?" Twilight repeated curiously.

"Not a single one!" Rarity almost shouted, trying to fatch her voice again. "I don't know what happened. I just was gone to get some more fabrics and as i came back, they where all done!"

"Any idea how that could had happened? Could somepony else have finished them?" Twilight suggested to her, trying to check all possibility's one by one.

Rarity thought a moment "the only one at home was Sweetie Belle" pointing her hoof to her little sister, which was on the candy table, talking with Scootaloo.

The alicorn glanced over to the filly and back to the nervous wreck "didn't you say she got a howl lot better, helping you out?"

The unicorn considered this for a moment "Well yes, i did... but she ain anywhere as skilled as that! I mean you should see them, they are stunning! I could not had done it better my self! I just don't understand..."

Twilight tried to think about it "hmm... well Rarity, i don't see many options right now, but i will try to investigate this, maybe i find some clue in one of my books..." she leaned her head on the side and tried to go trough her library in her mind "could have been goblins, or kobolds... well not kobolds, they would ask for money" the alicorn turned again to Rarity "you miss any money?" she asked sharply, pointing a hoof at her.

"Money? Um.. no, i don't think so." which made Twilight go up and down some more "Well that rules at least kobolds out".

The door opened and the yellow cowgirl stepped in, getting greeted with a thunder of streamers and confetti "WELCOME APPLEJACK!" a pink ball of joy shouted, right before she jumped on her in a attempt to give her a hug.

"Wow!" was all she was able to replie, before she almost lost her balance and got spun around by Pinkie Pie "i'm so glad you are here! The others are here too! This party will be so much fun!" she rapidly spit out, still spinning her friend in circles again and again, just to suddenly stop and let go "how rude of me" she said – leaving Applejack dizzy behind, just to return a moment later "want some cake?" holding up a plate with a slize of cake on it.

If the cowgirl didn't had so much practice through rodeos, she probably had gaged right now,

so she took a slow deep breath "not yet Pinkie, thanks" trying to stop the floor from spinning.

"Okay!" the partypony cheered and just swallowed the howl piece in one rush "ywu downt knou whad ywu missing" she munched "itws delicouws!"

Applejack slowly got back up on her feet and stumbled over to her other friends- Pinkie Pie hopping right next to her.

"Hi there fellows" she said to the two.

"Hello Applejack, glad to see you" Rarity said with a calm voice and a slight nod.

"Hi AJ" Twilight simply said. She may was a princess now but still, she didn't had changed at all

"So how are things going?"

Applejack could not help her self and bowed down "The business is running fine your highness" This made Twilight and the others giggle and Twilight played along "Glad to hear, i will await your next report by the end of the week" waving her hoof like a royal would on his butler.

The four of them now laughed in unity. Pinkie Pie even rolled over the floor, it was just to funny.

"What i missed" Rainbow Dash joined the group.

"Oh nothing much" Twilight said, still a little giggling "We just had a little fun".

The blue pegasus crossed her arm's "well i had fun today too, Scootaloo become quite a flier and i showed her some of my trade mark moves" performing a small loop to indicate what she was talking about.

Twilight gave Rarity a glance, which seemed to think just think the same, since she countered with the same curious expression on her face.

"Wasn't Scootaloo to small to fly?" she asked careful.

"She sure isn't anymore! almost flying like a pro!" Rainbow said proudly.

The white unicorn stepped forward "Well, when she became so good? Could it been just, today?"

Rainbow slowly lowered her self to the ground and sit down. Thinking and flying proved to be tricky for her at times.

"Uhm..." she started, tapping her hoof on her chin "i guess so, why you ask?".

This was more than just strange, so Twilight turned to the others "anypony else noticed any odd behavior lately?"

This made Applejack step forward "to be honest, my brotha and my sis acted a little strange today".

Twilight now looked at Pinkie Pie, which just starred at her, trying to keep track "how about you Pinkie, noticed anything..." trying to put it simple "unusual?"

"Nope" shaking her head "Oh wait, there was one thing!" she started "I was trying to make another cake and then, suddenly" she let pass by a dramatic moment "the sugar was empty!"

The others just sighed at this.

"This was not was i meant Pinkie" starting to break down the facts "Filly´s suddenly can fly, Raritys dresses got finished by them self and some pony's act strange."

"Ohhhhhh........" the earth pony nodded "Nope. Nothing like that"

Twilight coult not put it together "this doesn't make sense" she grumbled. She could not stand it if things didn't get along. "There is no rhyme or reason to it" she said out loud.

Right then a flash of light filled the room, revealing Fluttershy and the spirit of chaos himself – Discord, trumpets floating aside, playing by them self.

Rainbow Dash pointed at Discord "Speaking of making no sense".

"To much?" Discord asked polite, when he noticed the stares he received, snapping the trumpets away.

Just a moment later a pink flash rushed at her "Fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutherssshhhhhhhhy! Pinkie hugged her strong as she could "i missed you so much!"

"But... we just met today" she whispered shyly to her.

"Yes we did! But we didn't had your welcome back party then!" she smiled.

Applejack now walked over too "Pinkie, turn ya hugging a little down, Fluttershy needs some air" which made Pinkie let go and made the cowgirl now hug Fluttershy herself, but a lot more careful.

"Missed ya sugarcube" she smiled.

"Oh, thanks" Fluttershy blushed "i missed you as well"

Now the rest of the group found his way, as well the filly's, group hugging her – "i missed you all so much" the pegasus in the middle said softly.

Discord stood a few meters away, obviously felt left out "puh, i'm back too, you know?" he grumbled.

Twilight was the first one to step to him "welcome back, Discord"

"Well gee, finally somepony noticed" he bend over "my dear Twilight! So loyal to her true friends!" giving a glance and Rainbow Dash "Unlike others".

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted upset, when Discord was suddenly next to her and giving her a hug with one arm, while ruffle her mane "oh Rainbow, i was just kidding" just to get pushed away from her "cut it out" she said, trying to fix her mane.

"He sure didn't learn new manners on the trip" Rarity pointed out, but could not stop her self smiling a little about the sigh of Rainbows attempt to fix her mane.

Discord rubbed his hands and took a look around "so, where is my (second) favorite pony?" cheering up to find Pinkie Pie right in front of him – pushing Applejack aside in order to get to her.

"Hey Discord" she cheered "How was your trip?"

"Delightful, i even found you a little present" he said, grabbing her hoof and giving her an small electric charge, just to reveal a buzzer-ring on his hand.

Pinkie shook her head "Huff, that was fun!"

For the most part he just kinda tolerated the other pony's and could him self not get him to be close friends, but Pinkie Pie was different, she wasn't disturbed by his pranks as long he didn't go to far.

He pulled the ring of his paw and handed it over to Pinkie which looked at it like he just had gave her a gold treasure of sorts.

"Want play some twister?" she asked him with a bright smile.

He waved off "oh please, i'm the master of twister!"

"ain't you the spirit of chaos already?" she asked doubtful, twitching her eyes together.

The draconequus summoned a business card, sitting him self next to her in order to give her a closer look "there, spirit of chaos" flipping the card around on the other side "master of twister".

"Wow you really are!" she said amazed "but i will still beat you" grinning confident.

The partypony ran of in the corner, where a party of twister was already set up on the ground.

Discord walked over to it and started to stretch him self "there is no one more flexible than me in all Equestria!" and like to prove a point he took of one of his arms, in order to scratch his back between his shoulder plates "ahhw, just the right spot" she shuttered - putting him self back together after that little demonstration of his.

Applejack leaned over to Twilight "So, what ya think?"

"He sure has the ability's" she confirmed "but why would he do that kinda things?"

"Twilight is right" Rarity stepped in "He isn't quite known for his generosity"

Finally done with her mane, Rainbow also had to get something of her chest "He s a jerk, he never would do something nice like this"

"Girls, this isn't nice of you" Fluttershy defended Discord.

"Sorry, Fluttershy" Rainbow said "but you have to admit he gets out of hand a lot"

The kind pegasus disagreed "He was really lovely when we traveled".

Rarity rose an eyebrow "Lovely!?" pointing a hoof on this strange creature, playing twister "him?".

Fluttershy blushed "Yes, he really was..."

Sweetie Belle poked her sister "don't you like your spare time with me?" she sulked, have to listen to all of this. Rarity had forgot all about her for a moment "Oh, no no, that's not it darling" giving her a hug "i really do love the time we spend together" she cheered her up "but, i'm not sure if Discord would be so nice for no reason". Her little sister didn't reply anything, she didn't want her to find out, also she enjoyed the hug of her big sis to much to let go.

Scootaloo now also stepped in "does it really matter? Everything is great" she said with glee, flying a few meters back and forth, giving Rainbow Dash a "hoof up" in the process.

"She got a point" the pegasus pony admitted.

The group was suddenly disturbed, when Discord was yelling "I lost!? HOW!?"

Pinkie Pie was jumping up and down "I WON I WON I WON!" she shouted victorious.

The draconequus tried to get it together "i cannot lose! I will get my revenge!" as stormclouds with thunder and lightning appeared next to him "you cannot stop me!"

Twilight was about to get in battle stance – casting a spell to force him to stop, when Pinkie Pie faced Discord, without a hint of fear "okay then" she took another brave step forward "best of three?" Discord gave her a sharp glance and a devilish smile "...deal!" - as the storm clouds suddenly vanished into thin air and the two of them got to play one more round of Twister.

Applejack stepped next to Twilight which was about to calm down "I cant figure out dat guy"

Twilight looked to the cowgirl "Me neither".

The group just agreed to role with it for the moment, enjoying the party and company of each other.

As hours passed everyone had a fun time and even Discord did behave quite okay for his standards.

Pinkie Pie roamed around, celebrating with one after another, Twilight somehow got her hooves on some "Ponytales" book and read it to the filly's. Applejack and Rainbow Dash competed in a muffin eating contest, while Rarity asked out Fluttershy all about their hooneymoon, which she told her only in small pieces, giving Rarity a hard time to be patient.

Once in a while, Fluttershy would give her husband a glance in order to keep him under control, when, as he just lost once more to Pinkie Pie, playing twister.

"Two out of five" Pinkie announced "you are not bad!" she said, smiling from one ear to another.

Discord just gave her a frown "Its a boring game anyway".

"Why don't we play stick the tale on the pony then?" she grinned, pointing on the poster on the other side, turning her back on Discord.

"I got a better idea" he said, swiftly grabbing the pink pony's tale - detaching it from her body by using her magic, holding it up like a trophy.

She immediately looked behind her and noticed what had just happened "hey! That's my!" she shouted at him, jumping up in order to grab it out of his hands, but failed to do so since the draconequus just hold it a little bit higher, giggling at the fruitless attempts of her "well that's a game i can get behind" he smiled.

"Excuse me Rarity, Discord seems a little cranky again" she said to Rarity kind and walked over to her husband.

"Discord, don't be rude..." she said with her melodic voice.

The draconequus tried his best to hide the tail behind his back "Pardon me?"

She blinked with her big eyes at him "I know you got Pinkies tale, please give it back".

He struggled with him self, but didn't put up to much of a fight doing so, letting the tail fall right into her waiting hooves "there" he nodded to Pinkie, which tried to attach it unsuccessfully a few times.

A frown got on her face "its my favorite tale" she said, hugging it like a lost friend.

Fluttershy watched all of this and gave her husband now a way less innocent glance "You will fix this now Discord" raising her voice to a level which most pony's just would call about normal, which counts as shouting for her standards.

Once more he obeyed, bending down to the sad pile of pony, which used to be the most joyful friend of her, tapping on her head three times, like a magician would on his cylinder.

She looked up to him doing so and when she looked down againt her tail was gone, which made her jump up and look around about his remain – just to find it right behind her, where it belonged.

"Its back!" she cheered "phew, i thought i lost it for good!" jumping on her tail like a pogo stick.

Fluttershy was reassured, still it was a hard job to look after him.

"I think we leave now" the pegasus said, her voice sounded tired.

"You leaving already?" the partypony could not fail to hear what she just said "Cant you not stay some more?" she bagged.

Applejack joined in "i think i will also go home".

Now Rarity was the one to speak "to bad, Fluttershy was just about to tell me all about Yanhoover..."

"You girls already tired!?" Rainbow teased them "i'm not tired at all!"

"I would love to stay a little longer, but i... i think its time to go home" the yellow pegasus said shyly.

Her alicorn friend walked up to her "well, than i got an idea, why don't we try out my new book sleep over partys – advanced edition?"

"I really think uhm..." she stuttered.

Rainbow Dash was all in for it "That's a great idea Twi!"

"Splendid idea" Rarity had to agree "then you could finish the story of yours" she smiled gracefully "... if that's okay with you Sweetie Belle" looking at her filly sister, shaking her lower lip and making big eyes on her.

The filly waved it off "alright, i don't mind a night, but..." she said in warning voice "don't stay up to long and you will be back to breakfast" like a parent would to his children – which made her receive a huge hug from her big sister "not in front of everyone".

It was quite embarrassing to watch, but made everyone grin.

"Why don't i stay over at you Sweetie Belle?" she suggested

"Can she, plleeease" Sweetie Belle asked her sister, receiving a aproving nod.

"This will be so cool, to bad Apple Bloom is not around"

"Well, Apple Bloom got soon to bed... please don't wake her up" Applejack said to the filly.

Now thinking about it- her family probably would not even notice she was not at home, they all are ready are asleep "well, than count me in as well" she smiled.

"Sleepover! Sleepover! Sleepover!" Pinkie cheered, dancing around the crowed.

Twilight was quite happy everyone joined in, only Fluttershy left "so what you think?" she smiled at her, as her friends did as well.

"Uhm okay" Fluttershy gave in.

"Okay?" Discord asked harsh "But you said we go home!"

She turned to her husband "I want spend some more time with them, i hope you don't mind"

Discord started to grumble "Of course i mind, didn't we spend enough time already?"

"We just spend so many time the last weeks, ..." she said, holding her hoof up to him, which he took "please".

He sure didn't look happy, asking "why don't come i just with you then?"

Twilight was the one who tried to break it down for him "Discord, slumber partys are for girls"

The draconequus didn't took it well "oh i see, you just want leave me out then, isn't it like that?"

"Pardon us, but that's how it works" Rarity said "we will have some chatt, maybe a make over ... girls stuff" she tried to explain, without giving to much away.

"And that for i spend my time being nice?" his voice came grumpy out of his mouth, since he felt left out again.

"I think you need a time-out" Fluttershy urged him "you got your self all upset again"

Now she also picked on him, he was her husband, should she not do as he said?

"Well" he raised his chin "if you want me to leave, i got the idea".

"Thanks Discord, don't worry, you will get her back right on the next morning" Twilight assured him, but the spirit of chaos just grunted at that.

Despite his obviously bad mood he was in right now, he took his time to bend over, laying his paw carefully on Fluttershy's face, raising her head slighlty in order to give her a soft kiss on her lips, which she welcomed with closed eyes.

The guests were quite stunned, what they just had seen. Rarity could not help to make a grimace.

Sweetie Belle did awe, finding it to be a really cute moment, when her sister tried to cover up here eyes in order to protect her young mind.

Scootaloo on the other side made a gag motion, along with Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pies mouth was simply wide open, her eyes big as plates.

When the couple released the kiss, Fluttershy blushed, giving her cheeks a soft red touch.

Discord also looked quite pleased in this very moment, but as soon he glanced to the crowd watching him- his smile suddenly turned into a frown "what you looking at!?" he snarled - snapping his fingers and disappearing in a bright flash.

Author's Note:

Man, it never gets old. Hearing the MLP Albums (& PMV´s) each day when getting up and coming back from work...
same at home... i ... might should visit a doctor (Whooves) ... :3

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony (which won't stop me from gathering Plush's and Figurines^^)


>Discord is quiet a sweetheart... just... don´t ask him about it :}
Also don´t ask me about my typos ...found already more bukz than in "Swarm of the Century".
But i guess that´s how it goes on big story´s ... adding, changing and deleting howl chapters to keep plot tholes to a minimum and the story entertaining...
sooo... in this regard i´m really close to the series *harhar* :)
ps. Its up to everypony´s imagination whats written in the: "Sleep over party´s – advanced edition"