• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 2,192 Views, 60 Comments

A bard's tale - Brotato

Deekin the kobald bard ends up in Equestria.

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Ch.11: An impromptu defender

Chapter 11

An impromptu defender

"This is all a joke, right? If it is, you sure got me. Haha."

Twilight, Deekin and Hidden sat around a table in front of a nearby diner. After Deekin so "bravely" took it upon himself to rescue Capella's sister, Twilight ushered the group out; saying she was feeling hungry and needed some fresh air to think it over.

Deekin furrowed his brow and waved a finger at Twilight. "Deekin can be many things, but he never lies about promises."

"I didn't say you lied," Twilight responded as she poked away his finger with a hoof. "I'm saying you shouldn't make promises which could get you killed."

"That will likely not happen, Twilight," Hidden pointed out matter-of-factly. "I will make sure it won't."

While Deekin was pleased with Hidden's statement, Twilight let out a long groan and bonked her head against the diner table. "You both are hopeless," she said, the table muffling her voice. As she lifted her head back up, she spotted the waiter coming over to take their order.

They had decided to dine at somewhere not too fancy, which was harder to come by than usual when in Canterlot. The diner itself didn't seem popular because of that very reason, but fancy didn't mean the food was any better.

"Greetings," the waiter in a simple black and white suit said happily, though he gave an odd look at Deekin. "What can I get the three of you this fine day?" He placed a small lamented piece of paper in front of each customer as he finished.

Twilight looked over the salad selection "Hm, how about the beansprout salad with... Balsamic vinaigrette?" The waiter nodded and took her menu.

Deekin scratched his scaly head as he read the pasta section. "Uh, I guess I'll have the", squinting at the odd word as he said it, "Cheese rav-eye-oh-lee?"

The waiter nodded once more and took Deekin's menu, then raised a brow at Hidden, who was busy looking off at something across the street. "I'm sorry, sir. Are you not hungry?"

"Yes." Hidden stated in his usual flat and cold manner. It worked just like he wanted because the waiter nodded frantically and grabbed the last menu; trotting away in a panic. Ignoring the distressed waiter, he looked back to Twilight, who glared at him for scaring him. "Sorry for that, but we're being watched."

Twilight's glare turned into a worried frown. "What? We are?" She looked around, but didn't see anypony suspicious.

"Stop. Just act normally," Hidden whispered with his hooves together; resting in front of his mouth. "I'm going to excuse myself when the food arrives. In the mean time enjoy your meal." Twilight obliged and sat silently while waiting for their food. Twilight and Deekin dared not lift their heads to look anywhere except towards the diner or the table they were sitting at.

Hidden heard the waiter and the strong smell of food coming before he even arrived. Taking that as his cue, he pardoned himself and left the two companions to enter the diner.

Twilight's eyes shifted as she watched Hidden leave with an anxious look in her eyes. "What the hay is he doing?" The waiter noticed her stare as he was placing her salad and asked if she was alright. "I'm fine. Just stomach cramps from not eating," she lied, which the waiter bought as he smiled.

"I hope you enjoy your meal then, miss." He bowed and left the two alone.

Deekin fumbled with his fork and stabbed at one of his ravioli. After devouring the helpless filled pasta, his eyes widened and immediately began shoveling the rest in with gusto. Twilight ignored his rude manners in public and poked at her salad, still curious as to what Hidden had seen.

The bandits wouldn't dare attack us in the middle of broad daylight, right? The thought calmed her mind at bit, until she noticed something unusual. Why is the street empty? Where is everypony?

She couldn't take it anymore and her curiosity got the best of her. Looking out into the street, the entire place was a ghost town. It looked like everypony had gone up and left. However, ponies could be seen far away on other streets and buildings. As if the entire street was suddenly closed off.

"Deekin... I think we should leave," her voice tinged with fear as something clearly moved in a nearby alleyway. However, the small kobold was too busy chomping on the delicious ravioli; his face had specks of cheese and sauce from eating so rudely. "Ew... gross."

"Quite." A voice spoke behind Twilight. With as gasp, she turned around to come face-to-face with a dark-teal stallion; looking down upon her with his brow furrowed enough to look like he had a unobrow.

"W-What do you want? Who are you?" Twilight asked while keeping her face as far away as she could from him, bumping into the table; almost tipping over her salad and spilling it.

The strange stallion chuckled. "Who I am isn't important. However, I know who you are... Celestia's star pupil. You chose the wrong pony to hang around with."

Twilight's eyes lit up in realization and growing fear. "Y-You're with the Canterlot Bandits, aren't you?" He didn't bother to answer. Instead, seven other ponies joined behind him. A pair of pegasai and unicorns, while the others were earth ponies. The stallion near Twilight nodded his head towards her and one of the unicorns floated a horn-sized ring forward. The others walked towards the diner entrance.

"Sorry darling, but you're coming with us. My friends will take care of your troublesome friend; don't worry," he smiled. "The guards wont find the body when they're done with him." Twilight could only watch helplessly as the magic inhibitor horn ring floated closer. She could've fought back, but she knew they would've won no matter what she did; not to mention gain an unneeded amount of pain if they decided to punish her.

When the ring was barely an inch away from her horn, sounds of a tussle came from the diner. They all looked just as one of the earth pony bandits flew out from the diner and tumbled across the street; out cold. The teal stallion, who seemed to be the boss of the group, ordered the others to retreated from the entrance and gather around Twilight's table.

"Come out, coward! We know you're in there!" The leader shouted. He had the pegasai take to the air while the unicorn's prepared spells for when Hidden appeared.

The waiter for Twilight's table appeared at the entrance carrying a tray with a piece of paper on it. One of the unicorns, being trigger-happy with his spells, fire it off before realizing it wasn't Hidden. Luckily, the unicorn's aim wasn't good and only hit a nearby potted plant; setting it on fire. "P-Please don't hurt me! I'm just here to give Miss Twilight her bill for the food!" The waiter cowered while using the metal tray as a shield to hide himself.

The leader of the bandits stabbed the unicorn who mis-fired in the ribs with a hoof. "Moron." He nodded his head to the waiter, who got up from the ground.

"T-Thank you," he muttered meekly. Trotting past the bandits he set the tray down and placed the bill in front of Twilight. "Your bill, madam."

"Thanks?" Twilight looked at the waiter and noticed the large scar across the right side of his face. "Why do you-" She didn't finish her sentance because the pony grabbed the metal tray with both hooves, whirled around, and smacked one of the unicorns in the back of the head. A loud clang rang out and caused a large dent to form in the middle of the tray, which the waiter than discarded.

With one bandit down and before the others could react, he continued his attack by tackling down a pegasus. The pegasus immediately slumped to the ground as his body turned pale. He advanced towards the leader of the group, until a spell from the other unicorn hit him; setting him on fire.

"Idiot, did you really think you could take on all eight of us?" The leader asked then began laughing. He quickly stopped when he noticed the waiter still standing; looking directly at him. His eyes boring into his like he was staring into the pit of Tartarus. His clothes quickly burned to a crisp and fell off, but his body was completely untouched.


Needless to say, the "waiter" dispatched the rest of the ponies without a problem. After the leader had been knocked unconscious, the others surrendered. Mostly out of fear after seeing him being burned alive yet still standing.

After placing the bandit bodies in a nice pile, the waiter sat down in the same spot Hidden did. He looked at the table in shame. "Apologies, Twilight. I didn't mean to cause distress with leaving you alone like that."

Twilight was still gawking at the pile of unconscious ponies next to her table, unsure of what to say. "H-Hidden? Is that you?"

The waiter lifted his head and smiled. "Yes." Twilight asked how and mentioned something about a changelings, along with how they can change forms as well.. "I'm allowed to take the form of anypony I wish. It's one of my special talents as all Kolyarut are programmed to have this ability." To emphasize his point, his form shifted like water before settling back to Hidden Aim's body. "See?"

"You're just full of surprises, huh?" Twilight said with a shake of her head. "Next you're going to tell me you can read minds and see the future."

Hidden chuckled. "Not quite, but I do plan to use these bandits to good use. Information is more powerful than others can imagine, and I believe I've made quite the catch." He leaned over to inspect the teal stallion who was the leader. "This one was responsible for the previous attack this morning."

"He did seem to be the one giving orders," Twilight said while rubbing a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. "If he's a higher rank with the bandits, any information he has would greatly help with finding the rest of them!" She shouted in realization, but then noticed she was enjoying the thought of rooting out the bandit's as well. She squinted her eyes at Hidden. "Alright, you got me, but I still don't like the idea of both of you putting yourself in danger. However, after seeing you handle eight other ponies, you clearly proved your point." She studied the pile of ponies again as if to reaffirm her statement.

"Glad to hear it. Though we will have to be more cautious. If they're so bold as to attack us in the middle of the street, we obviously have their attention."

Twilight nodded her head in agreement until a loud thump hit the table on Deekin's side. He had finally finished his meal and had placed the bowl down. His face looked like he used the ravioli for his scaly complexion rather than eat them. With a loud groan from the full belly and sated effect it gave, he opened his eyes to look at his two friends. His eyes drifted to the pile of bodies resting to his left and furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Was there something Deekin missed?"