• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 2,192 Views, 60 Comments

A bard's tale - Brotato

Deekin the kobald bard ends up in Equestria.

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Ch. 8: Confrontation

Chapter 8


"Interesting. So while you have carnivorous sets of teeth, you can safely eat a herbivorous diet?"

Deekin shifted in his seat uncomfortably with obvious redness on his face, making him look like a very scaly cherry tomato. Celestia had been asking questions pertaining to every aspect of his life; some of them the reason he was blushing furiously. The fact she had asked each question bluntly and to the point also didn't help his situation either.

"Y-yes," Deekin replied softly while slowly ringing his hands under the table. Beside him which was piled with bite-sized edibles for his tea, was reduces to only a handful of pastries Ever since the question pertaining to relationships and, to put it bluntly as Celestia did, 'how he reproduced', he had devoured them like his life depended on it.

Timid as he was, he resorted to descriptive words such as 'thingy', 'hole', and 'eggs' to get his point across. Thankfully he didn't have to go into more detail as the Princess understood.

"I am content with your answers, Deekin. I apologize for flustering you, but I had to know if you proved to be a threat to Equestria. There are certain aspects of life I'd rather keep... hidden from my subjects." With their chat over, Celestia stood up from her seat to say goodbyes when a knock came from the door behind and to the left of Deekin's seat. "It's open," she invited. Loud enough to anypony on the other side to hear clearly.

A royal guard opened the door and bowed as he spoke. "Your Highness, I have news to report about the Canterlot Bandits." Seeing the Princess look at him expectantly, he continued. "Two of them were found unconscious in a alley near the front gate after a mare who was captured by them and the rescuer reported to the nearest guard post."

It was hardly noticeable as the tension in her body relaxed after finding out it was good news.

"That is wonderful news. Be sure that the two bandits are put up for questioning soon as they awake." The guard simply nodded and added it to his mental checklist. "I assume the one who saved the day is preparing to claim the bounty the royal guard posted?"

"Yes, your Highness. He's actually at the throne room right now waiting for you as we speak."

Pleased with the guard's work, she smiled. "Thank you for the message. If there is nothing else, you may go now. You as well, Deekin," Celestia turned back to the Kobold. "If you wish, Twilight is visiting her big brother and his wife, Cadance, in the eastern wing. Since you will be staying in Equestria for a while, It wouldn't hurt to get to know everypony."

After leaving her hint that he should see Twilight, she departed. Leaving Deekin alone in the room.

Deekin watched her go while still sitting the chair. After she and the guard had left, he turned his attention to the barely touched platter on Celestia's side. The only thing she had touched were the cake desserts, leaving the fruits and veggies to be left alone.

Be a shame for that food to go to waste...

A small belch echoed through the hallway as Deekin waddled toward what he believe was the eastern wing. He didn't mean to eat every crumb on the trey, but it had been a long time since he's ever had a belly this full. The food was certainly better than salted jerky that had been sitting in his pack for who knows how long.

He had asked a guard while wandering aimlessly the eastern wing for Twilight, only to discover he had somehow ended up in the northern wing. Thankfully, the guard was nice enough to escort him toward the connecting hallway that lead to his destination.

When he finally reached the eastern wing, he soon found himself lost as he discovered this wing was where visiting royalty and the like stayed. Rows upon rows of decorated wooden doors stood before him without the smallest hint as to where Twilight was.

But Deekin didn't worry as he was certain another nice guard would help him out.

"Excuse me, uhm... sir?" Deekin wasn't sure how to tell if a pony was male or female. The armor covered up several details that made it difficult and he had the feeling that 'taking a peek' wasn't exactly smiled upon. "Do you know where I can find Twilight Sparkle? She has a purple coat and uh, a horn. Can't forget that. Oh! and she can be really boring on about stuff you have absolutely no-"


Deekin almost jumped out of his scales as he heard Twilight's voice behind him. Turning slowly around, he faced her while feeling a frog in his throat. She wasn't alone as he noticed two other ponies beside her.

Twilight trotted forward to introduce him. "Shining, Cadance, this is Deekin who I was telling you about."

The mare who, to Deekin's surprise, had a horn and wings, stepped forward with curiosity in her eyes.

"Twilight, you never told me he was so... adorable!" she squealed. Before Deekin could even know what was happening, Cadance pulled him into a hug. Deekin struggled at first, but the mix of a full belly and how soft the Princess was, it didn't take long before he started to feel sleepy.

Unfortunately, now wasn't time to nap and Cadance set him back down. He stumbled in grogginess as if he had just woken up from bed, causing Cadance to giggle.

Next was Shining Armor who decided to keep it only to a short hoofshake and a nod, which Deekin happily obliged.

"I'm taking it Celestia finished talking with you?" Deekin nodded. "Wonderful. Would you mind accompanying with us then? A pony saved somepony else from danger and is waiting in the throne room. My brother had the bright idea of recruiting him since the guard has been short of greenhorns lately. After all, It's not everyday you find a pony who puts their life on the line for another." She playfully nudged her brothers side, earning a grunt from him.

"Deekin has nothing else to do so he will gladly join you to the throne room."

With Twilight and Deekin taking the lead, all four of them made their way towards the throne room. Not knowing the disaster that was about to happen.

Hidden eyed the throne room for the fifth time since the unicorn guard had summoned him here. White pillars lined either side of the red carpet he was currently sitting upon. Guards seemed to be everywhere. Two were posted on either side of each door. Four were near the throne itself, and some could be seen flying by the strained glass windows with only their silhouette showing.

Beside him sat Bright Summer. Her eyes held more wonder in them than Hiddens. Right now she sat calmly, but several moment ago she was jumping around the room examining everything from the guards themselves to the tinted windows.

"This place is so beautiful!" she squealed.

If Hidden was embarrassed with Summer's attitude, he didn't show it.

Double doors opened to his front-right. Shortly afterwards, a majestic white pony entered the room and calmly made her way to the throne. When she was properly seated did she finally get a good look at the both of them.

"Good afternoon Hidden and Summer."

"G-good morning, your Highness," Summer stuttered nervously. She received a small smile from her, which only made her giddiness worse.

"It's an honor to meet with you, your grace." Hidden did a deep bow, doing his best to get on the Princess's good side. When he looked back up, he saw her face impassive, which was odd considering Summer received a smile from her.

"It's an honor to meet you as well, Hidden." Her voice not as motherly as before. "I want to thank you personally for saving Summer's life and stopping those bandits. It takes great courage to face against such danger, and there are few ponies who have such a traits." She nodded to one of the guards near the throne and he stepped toward the both of them. "Inside you will find your payment for your deeds. I'm sure you'll find reasonable."

The guard tossed the small pouch to Hidden, who didn't bother to grab it. Letting it fall to the ground with a clatter. Instead, he took several steps forward toward Celestia.

"I must apologize if I come across as rude, but I'm not here for the bounty."

Celestia raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? That pouch has enough bits to feed a small family for a week. However, if you refuse maybe we can agree upon a different reward?"

Hidden nodded. Thing were going perfectly. If he chose his words right, maybe he could speak to the target he was hunting for. He hoped that all of this work wasn't in vain.

"Information. I'm looking for something that isn't from here. An outsider, if you wish to call him that. I fear he might be a danger to any ponies who come across it." Do you know anything of the sort?"

"I'm sorry, but your request is refused. Please take the bits and leave."

"Your highness," Hidden did his best to keep his composure. "My entire purpose here is to find this creature before it causes any harm to your kingdom. If you know anything about-"

The double doors where Celestia had come from opened once more. He looked toward the noise and saw three ponies in a group, but that wasn't what interested him. In the small group was a sight that sent triggers in his mind to alert.

A kobold barely taller than the ponies with him looked around the room with awe in his eyes. Hidden was positive this was his target. When the kobold look at him, he was pleased to find his cover wasn't blown as it returned to admiring the room.

Perfect. All I have to do is isolate this kobold and-

"Deekin," Celestia spoke. "Run."

Before Hidden knew what or who this Deekin was, he felt an invisible force impact his chest, sending him flying across the throne room. After bouncing several times against the marble floor, he stood up as if he had simply fallen over. As he stood back up, he heard the metallic clack of metal hitting the polished stone. The blast he was hit with had wiped away his illusion, allowing all the ponies to see what he really was.

Twilight and the others gasped upon seeing him. "P-Princess, what is that!"

"Take Deekin and leave Canterlot, now!" After seeing the small group gallop safely away, she returned her attention back to the outsider. "I don't know what gave you the idea I couldn't see through your illusion, inevitable. Nor do I know who or what you plan to do with Deekin" Celestia stated angrily. "But you are no longer welcome here. Begone from my kingdom."

Her horn started to glow once more to prepare another blast.

"Or face my wrath."