• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 2,193 Views, 60 Comments

A bard's tale - Brotato

Deekin the kobald bard ends up in Equestria.

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Ch.2: Interrogation

Chapter 2


"Mmm... yes I would like that very... much..." Deekin mumbled in his sleep. In his rest he stirred upon the comfortable ground as a faint giggling was heard. Opening one eye to see what the noise was coming from, his other popped open and they both stared in a boggled fashion. Ahead of him was a short yellow pony with a pink mane, looking down at him with a small smile on its face. He found it slightly creepy that this creature was watching him sleep, even if its look showed no form of wishing ill upon him.

Deekin sat up from his usual sleeping position, which was to curl into a small circle and rest his head on his hands. He found himself inside a small cage made out of chicken wire. It was large enough for him to easily walk in a small circle inside it. Happy to know he was still alive, although his pride stung a bit for being inside the cage, he looked around to see where the giggling came from.

"Hello?" He cautiously asked while looking away from the pony for a moment.


Deekin's head snapped back forward, but all he saw was that same pony, still looking at him. It was giving him the same look he would make whenever he found something shiny on the ground. Not understanding where the voice was coming from, he held his head with both hands. "Who was that dark figure that saved me in the forest? It looks like the pony in front of me, but... " Deekin thought to himself and shook his head. "It couldn't have been this creature. Ponies don't talk. Even Deekin isn't stupid enough to know that." He decided that his exhaustion and lack of sight was the reason he couldn't see whoever was talking. "Deekin is so confused," he muttered to himself.

"Oh! your name is-" Before whoever was speaking could finish, Deekin once again whipped his head toward the voice. To his horror he found the pony talking. In his mind, there was only one response meant for this kind of situation.

"AAHHHH!" Deekin screamed.

"AAHHHH!" The yellow pony wailed back in response, startled from all the loud shout Deekin made. It then bolted around the house which was located right beside his cage, acting as one of the walls. He stared at the corner of the house to see if it would come back, but it didn't. Leaving him stuck inside the cage. He tried to force open the flimsy chicken-wire and wooden door, but all he ended up with was sore hands and further stinging to his pride.

"Door must be enchanted to be stronger than it looks," Deekin mumbled. "At least this give me time to write strange adventure. Surely this tale would be the best ever written." Deekin rummaged through his cloth rucksack to pull out his quill and book. Brushing away the hay around him so he had even ground, he sat with his legs crossed with book in lap. Placing his ink well beside him, he was prepared to write. "How do I begin?" Deekin tapped the feathery part of the quill against his chin. Inspiration came to him quickly and his quill furiously scratched the parchment.

Deekin the bard once more angered his master

In his anger he planned to turn him into plaster

Instead, with fire in his eye, he threw him in a sack

Portable hole in one claw, Deekin in other, another adventure he would take

Floating in vast whiteness, not sure where to go

Find island made of dirt, burdened with strange statue

Powers of gargoyle it had, come to life upon mine visage

Its name was discord, god of chaos.

Generous was he for a quest he is given, and a way to return home

Be paid in full upon task completed, turn Celestia to his will

Fall to darkness by magic, taken to unknown

In forest of gloom, full of dangers and darkness

No sooner did he arrive, danger find him

Through brush and branch, Deekin flee for his life

Trip on traitorous root, and find place to hide

Not long before monster find, prepare to eat poor Deekin

Hero burst from darkness, stop one from its feast

Deekin thankful, but weary. The dream awaits

Darkness welcomes him once more.

Deekin rubbed his brow while reading over his story a second time. It was a rough draft, but he would gladly refine it once it was complete. "Yes, Deekin sure this tale would be the greatest," he assured himself. Closing his book, he made sure the quill was empty of ink before placing it inside to act as a bookmark.

"Hiya!" Deekin's world was suddenly filled with pink. The sudden burst of color shocked him as it began to talk so fast he couldn't understand what it was saying. He tried to yell in terror, but the thing had stuffed his mouth full of something soft, sweet, and delicious. Unfortunately in Deekin's flailing to be released, the ink well flew through the air and spilled on both of them. As he desperately tried to wipe away the ink from his eyes, another voice yelled out.

"Pinkie! get away from it. It's obviously carnivorous." Deekin felt the pink form lift off of him. Soon after, all of the ink was wiped clean and placed back inside the bottle by a purple sparkling aura.

"T-thank you." He looked up to see two more pony looking at him. The one floating in the air doing back flips was pink all over. Obviously one that didn't know what personal space was. The other new pony was a purple unicorn, and it wasn't too happy to be here. "I think?"

The purple unicorn walked closer until she was in front of the small cage. Her gaze shifted toward his backpack and with a glow of her horn, it disappeared. It then reappear next to her. "You're stuck in there until I can determine if you're friendly or not. While Fluttershy here help you out of the kindness of her heart, I'm only doing this out of precaution." She poured out the contents and shifted them around with her horn.

The contents were an array of small trinkets Deekin had kept. Along with them was his journal, several pieces of over-salted jerky wrapped in a thin linen cloth, extra quills, and a single gold coin. The unicorn floated the book to her and opened the first page. "You're some sort of writer... Deekin, is it?" The kobold nodded his head and she continued to flip through the pages, her interest in his writing growing. Every page a story by itself. However, when she reached the most recent entry, her face blanched. "You met Discord?"

"Yes?" Deekin said hesitantly, even if the proof was right there in the book. "He would send me home if I completed his task for him."

"I noticed." She said with her face deep in the book. In this line it states, 'Be paid in full upon task completed, turn Celestia to his will'. What does that mean?" Deekin took out his broken lute and showed it to her.

"The one called Discord put enchantment on lute. He said it would charm the one named Celestia and force her to free him from his prison. After that, he would return me home." He regretted explaining himself as the unicorn's horn glowed and was pointed at him.

"I knew it. You're working for Discord!"

Deekin quickly got on his knees and started to beg. "Please! Deekin didn't know he was enemy of colorful horses. He promised Deekin the only way home and took it. Wouldn't you too?" He relaxed his body when the unicorn rose her head, her horn's glow dissipating.

"I suppose you have a point," she said with a sigh. "And we're ponies, not horses." The cage door opened and Deekin slowly walked out, warily eyeing the purple unicorn's horn.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Deekin repeated. "May I at least know the name of the pony who so generously spared Deekin from being caged forever?"

The unicorn's brow shot up in surprise. "Oh! I'm sorry. My name is Twilight Sparkle." She motioned with a hoof toward the other two ponies. "This is Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie."

"Hi!" Pinkie said enthusiastically, while the yellow pony mumbled something Deekin could barely hear. He picked up his belongings and put them back in the backpack, then slung it over his shoulder.

"So what happens now?" Deekin inquired. "Will you help me at least with my quest?" He frowned when Twilight shook her head.

"I'm afraid not. Discord can't be trusted no matter what he says. The best we can do right now is keep you from being seen from anypony else. The last thing we need is everypony panicking over a newcomer. In the mean time, stay with Fluttershy." She nodded to the shy pony, who nodded back in response. "I need to send a letter to Celestia. She will want to know about this."

Pinkie Pie gave an adorable lip pout toward Twilight. "Aw, so no super duper surprise dungeon party? I even brought my lucky D20."

"You can have the party, but it will have to be at Fluttershy's place. You can bring the others if you want, but nopony else. Got it?" Pinkie Pie jumped in the air happily and zipped away in a blur of speed.

"H-how did she do that?" Deekin said with awe.

Twilight only shrugged. "Try not to think about it too hard. She's Pinkie Pie. That's all you need to know."

"Oh... okay?" Deekin watched Twilight trot away, leaving him with Fluttershy. He rubbed the back of his neck in uncertainty of what to do now. "Want to show me around your house?"

Fluttershy nodded her head. "I hope you love animals." Deekin scratched his chin as he followed the pony to her front door.

"Deekin not meet many animals that were friendly. Most wanted to eat Deekin like wolves and bears."

"Well I don't have any of those so I'm sure you'll be just fine." Fluttershy opened the door and walked in. He followed behind shortly and shut the door behind him. Taking in the array of bird houses and nests, he smiled as it felt like he was still outside. Several birds perched on one of the branches overhead looked at him dangerously as if they were going to swoop down upon him.

"I-I don't know if this is a good-AHHH!" He was cut short as a white rabbit pounced on his head and began to smack him around with tiny paws.