• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 2,194 Views, 60 Comments

A bard's tale - Brotato

Deekin the kobald bard ends up in Equestria.

  • ...

Ch. 7: Not so heartless

Chapter 7

Not so heartless

After the enjoyable supper, Celestia requested for Twilight to depart as she wished to have a more private conversation with the guest of honor. Even with such a title, the food in Deekins stomach felt like he had eaten rocks. Private conversations usually lead to uncomfortable situations, and uncomfortable situations wasn't his cup of tea.

Unfortunately he didn't have a say in the matter. Unless being on the bad side of the ruler whos nation your currently resided in was something he was comfortable with, which he wasn't.

The room Celestia had picked to have their chat was a simple space no bigger than a room you'd find at your local inn. Though this inn was clearly for the higher-class from all the white china tea cups and arrays of treats awaiting for Deekin to gobble up. Celestia set down her cup of tea, which had took one sip for her to empty.

"I'll get straight to the point, Deekin."

Oh, Deekin already knew he was going to enjoy this conversation. Under the table, his shaking knees helped prove that.

"Discord isn't somepony who should be bargained with. He may hold up to his promises, but he always find a way to twist them in a way you would never expect." She glanced momentarily at the servant who refilled her tea and nodded a thank you. "For example: He promised to take you home when you did his deed, but did he say when? Do you see what I mean?"

Deekin rubbed the back of his neck thoughtfully. "Deekin think so. So if Deekin shouldn't trust Discord, how will he get home? Deekin like it here, but he feels..." He scrunched his muzzle for a moment as he tried to think of the word. "Disoriented?"

"I'm not surprised. You are currently the only kobold in Equestria," she said with a tinge of sympathy. "As for how you will return home, I will gladly have Canterlot's smartest ponies research the subject."

"B-But aren't you powerful enough to simply whisk Deekin away back home?" He asked, his eyes glowing with hope.

An amused smile broke on Celestia's lips. "I'm flattered, but no dear Deekin. Not even I am powerful enough to send you back to your home across the abyss. Wherever it may be." She tilted her head in curiosity. "Whatever gave you the idea that I could?"

Deekin pulled his pack so it would rest on his lap and rummaged through it. He grabbed the small book he had borrowed from Fluttershy's cottage and presented it to Celestia. She pulled it from his hands with a glow of her horn and looked at it for a moment.

She flipped through several of the pages. "Oh dear, they still publish these things?" After perusing several more pages, she magicked the book back into his hands. "Please, I already told Twilight this and I'll tell you as well. Dont believe everything books tells you. The author was... a bit over dramatic with his descriptions. However, we're going off track."

She shifted in her seat to get comfortable before continuing. "Since you will be staying in Equestria while we find a safe way for you to return home, I'd like to discuss more about you."

The sudden change of subject confused and frightened Deekin. He held his knees with his hands to stop them from knocking against each other. "W-what do you mean?"

"I want to know about your race. I'm sorry if this upsets you, but please understand that I only wish for the safety of my ponies. For this reason, I need to know."

"K-know what?"

Celestia eyes seemed to pierce his very soul as she uttered a single word.



Ponies everywhere.

The front entrance to Canterlot lead directly toward what appeared to be where the 'lower-class' lived. The housing resembled the same as the country-side with their thatched roofs and colorful decorated wood walls. Ponies wore their clothing out of utility and ruggedness rather than looks and impression.

Further ahead, above the colorful sea of pony manes, the housing clearly had a more defined and regal look. Even further ahead was the castle itself. A beacon of architecture that out-rivaled the entire rest of the city altogether.

Hidden quickly felt right at home. Being surrounded by the race he was disguised as made his job that much easier. No one would be able to point him out in such a dense crowd, and if he was, he could easily retreat and take the form of another. It was the perfect hiding place to blend in with the crowd. To be the shark hidden in a school of fish. The fox hiding in the snow. The-

"I said let me go!"

Even over the din of noise that was the crowd around him, the keen sensors in his ears heard the distress of a female voice. While it was not his business to intrude on others problems, nor was it his job to solve them, he was obligated to at least investigate. Every disturbance he passed up could've been a lead to his target, and that would be a shame to ignore.

Taking notice that it was coming from a nearby alley, he took a quick left and began exiting the large crowd around him. Unfortunately, his change of direction happened to go straight through the left side of the street, which held the area where ponies were leaving the city.

Ponies uttered several curses as he weaved and pushed through the river. The current was strong, but his footing was true. Plus, bumping into him resembled hitting a brick wall, which several ponies had the honor of finding out first-hoof.

Breaking free of the waters that was the main street of Canterlot. Hidden looked down the alleyway. Even at the apex of day, sunlight seemed to decline this place its warmth. While this may have unnerved any normal pony, Hidden walked forward with his usual stern expression.

His eyes flicked towards the slightest movement or sound before scanning ahead of him after discovering it only being the cause of a rodent. Windows facing the alley that he passed by had their curtains drawn. Sometimes the silhouette of a pony would go by or he could make out furniture of some sort casting its shadow.

"Somepony! Anypony! please help-"

Even when the distress became more urgent, Hidden took his time. It didn't take long as he found himself at a four-way junction. He was now behind the rows of buildings that lined the street, and could clearly see what the mare was fussing over.

A dark-teal stallion was busy wrestling with a mare, who was the one screaming for help. It was obvious it was a robbery as golden coins littered the small alley, but apparently the stallion decided to steal something else besides her purse.

This was his chance to save her. The Stallion wouldn't stand a chance as no doubt his hooves would hit him like a train going full speed. He would be rewarded and be called a hero for the rescue and possibly earn a kiss from the mare. It was what any pony dreamed they could do.

Hidden simply walked away from the sight.

It wasn't his place to interfere. He wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. While it was sad to see such a sight, he only cared for his mission. The only way it would be his problem would be...

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Another pony appeared out of the darkness behind a cart parked against the wall. He had a dull-yellow coat with his red mane cut close to bald.

... if somepony got in his way. Hidden didn't take the hint that he was in trouble, but the pony in front of him believed he was.

"I'm sorry, but you appear to be in my way."

"And Celestia and Luna control the sun and the moon. Bravo, you can point out the obvious." He walked closer, causing Hidden to step back towards the cross-street.

Obviously this stallion wasn't going to let him pass. Instead of trying to deal with him, he turned around to go down the opposite street. Only to meet another pony, this one a mare.

"Why hello there, handsome," the purple mare spoke in a seductive tone. She walked along-side him in a coy manner and eyed him up and down.

"Jasmine, stop flirting with the quarry." The stallion behind him spoke up.

Jasmine glared at the stallion. "And what are you going to do about it, Gallop?" Her eyes softened when they returned to Hidden, who stood completely still. "After all, It's been too long since I seen such a pretty face..." Her hoof gently touched his cheek and trailed down his face.

Eventually their antics caught the attention of the stallion who was struggling with the mare to his right. He dragged her over and threw her to the ground before eyeing the group before him. The mares eyes wildly looked at her surroundings before staring at Hidden with hope in her eyes as if saying: Help me.

"What the hay is going on? Do you want us to get caught?" He seethed. The way the others reacted clearly showed he was the 'boss' of this group.

"N-no, boss," Gallop and Jasmine said timidly with their heads bowed.

"Good." 'Boss' then looked at Hidden. "You picked a bad time to be a hero. Since we cant let that mouth of yours go warning the guard about us, I'm afraid you're coming with us." He nodded towards his lackeys for them to take him.

"That wouldn't be very wise... sir." Hidden stated plainly. "I have no interest to report you to the authorities nor felt the urge to stop your..." he looked at the group for a moment. "Impolite recreations. I also do not have any money to my name or valuables for you to take. So, If you will all please step away, I will gladly leave you to continue."

'Boss' laughed and shortly after, minus the mare pinned to the ground, the others began to chuckle with him. "Oh, that's too rich. You almost had me there for a moment." He wiped a tear from his eye from laughing so hard before continuing. "Weather that's the truth or not, you might be of use to us. It's rare to see somepony so... refined as you. I'm sure we'll find a purpose for you sooner or later." He took several steps back and nodded once again to the others. "Knock him out and tie him."

As the two ponies advances upon him, he let out a sigh. This was what he was hoping to avoid: confrontation. Not only did it delay him, but by interacting with these ponies, he was also changing history itself. If he had just walked by the alley and ignored the mare's cries for help, the 'boss' would've left with his prize. The others would continue watching the alleys, and everypony else would be none-the-wiser.

Yet here he was. Stuck in a situation that every inevitable wished not to face.

"As you wish."

"G-get away from me!"

Hidden hadn't moved at all, and only stared at 'boss' as he frantically scrabbled away on the ground in terror. When he was a fair distance away, he shot to his hooves and bolted away like the devil himself was after him. Shouting back at Hidden to not do the same to him.

Gallop and Jasmine were unconscious on either side of him with their eyes wide with fright. Their faces were slightly pale as if the blood was drained from their bodies, but they were still very much alive. If they had proved to be an actual threat to him, things would've been a lot bloodier.

The entire fight had only lasted several seconds as Hidden's vampiric touch quickly disabled and drained enough life from his opposition so as to cause little to no harm. The worst that could happen was them waking up several days later with a terrible migraine.

Seeing that the way was clear, Hidden began walking back towards the main street.


He turned his head to find the mare he had inadvertently rescued from the clutches of those thugs, which he never truly had the chance to look at clearly. She was a unicorn mare with a pale-yellow mane and sandy-blonde coat, which were both soiled after her tussle. Even after experiencing what he had done to the two ponies, she looked at him with awe.

"Do you have any idea who you just stopped?"

Hidden shrugged. He could care less about who or what got in his way.

"You just stopped two of the 'Canterlot bandits'! they're the largest underground organized crime group in Equestria." When Hidden still held a blank expression of uninterest, she toned her excitement down. "You... aren't from around here, are you?"

"No," he said flatly, wishing only to finish the conversation and continue on his way.

She frowned at his bluntness. "Well to put it out plainly: You're a hero you dolt! If you report this to the guard, you will get an audience with the Princess herself as well as a hefty bounty!"

Hidden's ears perked up at the words 'audience' and 'Princess'. Maybe this whole ordeal was worth it. If he could get royalty to understand his mission...

"Lead me to the guard station then, so I can... collect the bounty," he lied.

The mare rolled her eyes and motioned for him to follow, muttering something under her breath about stallions and priorities. "We can visit the nearest patrol station and they will take care of the rest." As they walked back to the main street, she decided to spark some light conversation. "So... do you have a name or should I just call you hero?"

Hidden kept his eyes ahead as he spoke. "Hidden Aim, and you?" He may be a construct, but that didn't mean he wasn't programmed to casually talk with others.

"Bright Summer," she stated proudly with a smile, which quickly disappeared when he didn't bother to notice. "So, what brings you to Canterlot? If you don't mind me asking."

It was at this moment that he clammed up. "Business."

"Business..." she mimicked, not entirely pleased with the answer. "What kind of business?" She continued to prod.

"Business that doesn't involve curious mares constantly asking questions about." He finally stared at her, and for a moment, she froze as his gaze brought a shiver up her spine.

"S-sure... let's just stick with it just being business."

After reaching the main road, and cutting across it yet again, Summer lead him toward the station where royal guards usually stayed, giving easy access to the population if there was something to report.

"Just let me do the talking. You just... stand out here and look pretty." While Summer went inside to discuss the attack on her, Hidden paced back and forth outside. It didn't take long before she came back out with a guard following close behind. "This is Hidden. He's the one who saved me and stopped the two bandits."

The unicorn guard sized him up for a moment before smiling under his helmet. "You've done Canterlot a great service, Hidden. As promised, you will be escorted to the castle for your reward. As he said this, his horn began to glow. Shortly after, Both Hidden and Summer were teleported with him toward the castle. Where not only his reward awaited, but the quarry he was soon about to meet.