• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 2,192 Views, 60 Comments

A bard's tale - Brotato

Deekin the kobald bard ends up in Equestria.

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Ch. 9: Cross-realm diplomacy

Chapter 9


Hidden dove behind one of the marble pillars as Celestia launched another blast his way. The pillar absorbed the attack, but it started to crumble shortly afterwards, forcing him to lunge back as a white chunk threatened to crush him.

The battle was not going well on his part. Already after several hits from her magic the ceramic plates covering his precise and intricate clockwork innards had small cracks showing. The constant hiss coming from his right foreleg also told him that pressure from a piston had suffered as well. The same foreleg would jerk its movements as if randomly choosing to move or not.

He had been returning fire as well with black rays shooting from his hoof as he cast the only spell known to him: Enervation ray. The spell was more likely to weaken and subdue the target than actually kill. Pressing his back against another of the white pillars, he peeked around slowly to see how his enemy was faring from his attacks.

Yep. Still looking regal and powerful as ever.

Hidden knew combat wasn't his strong suit, and that he was in a grand disadvantage for this fight. Most of the combat was left to the other inevitables such as the centaur-like Zelekhu. Who could chase down its quarry, no matter where they hid. Or the Marut, whose large fists could send shock waves of thunder and lightning to blind and deafen his opponents.

He had none of those abilities. If he was to survive to see another day, he would need to use the weapon he was built for: A silver tongue.

Steeling himself, he walked away from the pillar and into the clear where the red carpet leading to the throne rested. He was thankful she hadn't attacked again when he left himself open like this, or when he approached and stood a leap away from the first steps of the throne. Although he could see the bright light of her preparing another spell on her horn if he did something stupid.

Finally the tension and silence hanging in the room broke as Hidden spoke.

"Princess Celestia," Hidden started calmly. "I believe we got on the wrong hoof. While I may look horrifying, please believe me when I say I mean no harm to any of your subjects or yourself. I only wish to see the one known as Deekin back to his home realm." When the Princess retreated her attack, Hidden's defensive stance loosened a bit. Though she squinted her eyes with distaste.

"Your words ring false, inevitable. I've seen dozens of your kind in the past; taking away my subjects as they saw fit. I don't know what or why you do so, but they are never seen again. Seeing how brave you are to actually come this close to me, I'll make you a deal. Explain why they are doing these horrible things, and I might consider not punishing you as harshly."

Dozens have already been here? Is this place so infested with chaos as to summon my brethren?

"A fair trade," Hidden replied happily as he hid the shock from what he learned. "We are created from a realm known as Mechanus, whose very existence is to enforce order across all known realms. The reason you have spotted my crafted brethren in your realm may be the result of several of the laws we enforce being broken."

He placed a hoof on his chest as he continued. "My function as a Kolyrut focuses on those who break bargains or oaths. The Zelekhut hunt down those who evade justice, and the Marut dispatch those who evade death itself."

Celestia sounded a thoughtful hum. "So you hunt Deekin because of a bargain he broke?"

"No," Hidden stated flatly. "I was reprogrammed specifically for this mission alone. Deekin is only hunted by me because my lord believes he will cause something chaotic in nature. As to how he'll do it, I do not know. That is why he must be detained and brought back to his home realm. However, my lord never mentioned my target to be a kobold, leading me to believe he is simply a victim of circumstance." He saw the Princess lift a single brow in confusion. "Kobolds are not known to dabble in planar shifting. Meaning something else sent him here."

"Oh." She thought for several moment before something dawned in her mind. "Deekin's lute, she muttered, earning a high-pitched whir of curiosity from the inevitable. "I believe I'm beginning to understand what's going on." She smiled as everything settled into place in her mind. "This is all simply a big misunderstanding on both your lord and my own part. The only chaos known in these lands is trapped in a statue in the royal gardens, which I assure you will not be released anytime soon."

Hidden was more curious about the lute she had muttered about than the being stuck in stone in the gardens. However, it would have to wait.

"While the chances of Deekin causing untold chaos may be slim, a zero percent chance is still better. Now, will you please let me return Deekin home? If you still decline, I'll regrettably be forced to continue our one-sided battle. I'm to chase my target no matter who is in may way. Including you, Princess."

Celestia pondered the question for a moment.

"No. While he may have come here not on his own accord, that doesn't give you the right to do the same. If he enjoys himself here, he has every right to stay. Seeing as you will not back down..." her horn began to glow once more. "Prepare yourself."

"Things are going badly for inevitable three-two-seven-five, my lord."

Secundus three once again found himself kneeling in Primus's 'office'. While it may be a simple room surrounded by cogs with the centers big enough to house windows, it was the best word for it. After all, this room was the same spot he would go over whatever business was needed to maintain Mechanus.

"What is it this time, Secundus Three?" Primus droned, not sounding very eager to hear whatever bad news he had brought. Although he was in a bad mood before he showed himself through the door to his office. The recent memory of two inevitables failing to capture their target had lead to a wide-spread taint of chaos to infest the northern part of the sword coast. Threatening the city of Waterdeep.

Secundus three continued his report, unperturbed by his lord's demeanor.

"It appears to have found itself in a rather dire situation. A powerful creature known as Princess Celestia has revealed our agent and is now preventing it from continuing its appointed task."

Primus was thankful for that mask as it hid an expression of shock. "So we'll just build another to take its place," Primus responded. The answer was simple. He had close to an unlimited supply of these constructs. What would it matter if one fell? Many would gladly take their place in its stead.

"While I would agree with you in any other situation, doing so here would be unwise. Three-two-seven-five, or as he now calls himself 'Hidden Aim', already has a vast knowledge of this... Equestria," saying the realm as if a foreign word. "It would save time and effort to simply save it instead of sending another."

Primus sighed. There was a reason why he appointed him as a Secundus'. His wisdom always proved useful and held superb results. However, they didn't have the power to bring their ideas in motion. That's what he was here for.

"Very well. I will trust in your judgement, as I have done in the past." Without another word, he disappeared in a flash.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this," Celestia admitted as she stood over the inevitable. The ceramic plate across his face had split in half, revealing the right side of his face to be a swarm of intricate constantly moving parts. His once lidded right eye now only stare blankly at the ceiling; never blinking.

Her attacks would've killed any other pony. but weather it was his determination to complete his mission or his sturdy body, she couldn't figure out.

Hidden's body protested by emitting a loud whine and a spark leaping from his neck as it turned to look at her. His voice sounding more artificial than a pony.

"All living beings fight for what they believe in. While I'll never experience such a feeling, you must realize you were only defending yourself. Do not feel sorry." The only sound coming were the whir of gears as he paused for several moments. "I am defeated. What will you do now? The best course of action would be to finish me off. Any other choice of imprisonment or variations thereof will not change the task I was given. You must destroy me."

Celestia shook her head. "I cannot. To kill and destroy is a dark path, and one I will not go down again. Even if you are a machine."

Something caught her eye since her head snapped forward, and a gasp escaped her throat. Hidden followed her gaze to find out for himself what her attention was focused on. The room seemed to lose vibrancy as if all color had been drained from the room. Stranger still was that Celestia and Hidden still held color; completely untouched. He quickly realized that the effect was coming from time slowing almost to a stand-still.

The culprit behind the affect was none other than Primus himself; standing in the middle of the royal throne room with his arms crossed. Even with his golden mask, his gaze seemed to pierce through Celestia, who was returning the stare in kind. Without either of them speaking, they walked towards each other purposefully.

Hidden tried to understand what his lord was doing here. Was he here to help him? Or maybe Primus found his efforts lacking and decided to finish the job himself? None of these were the right answers as what happened next left even more to swirl through his artificial mind.

Celestia unfurled her wings and flew up toward Primus' head. When she was within reach, her hooves did their best to give a tight hug around his enormous neck.

"Primus!" she shouted happily. "It's been too long since your last visit." She released her hug and stayed floating in front of the demi-god as he simply nodded his head.

"It has, Princess, but business has left my checklists very strict these past decades. I'm risking a lot just coming here right now."

Celestia giggled and spoke in a teasing way. "Aw, is Primus scared that he has a pretty pony Princess for a friend?" She grinned as he uncomfortably cleared his throat and grunted.

"I had to make it seem I didn't know about this place or you," he admitted. "The Axiomites wouldn't hear the end of it.". His voice reverberated off the walls with his baritone voice.

Laughing once more, Celestia returned to the floor. "So what brings you here, Primus?"

Primus steeled himself since what he was about to say could very well end their friendship. "I'm here for my inevitable."

Celestia's demeanor changed drastically as her mouth parted in confusion, which quickly turned to anger as her ears pinned back. "You're the one who has been sending them?" Her voice almost to a shout. "Why?"

"Because it's my job to. I must watch over every realm to make sure they will never be overwhelmed by the touch of chaos. Keeping Discord in your garden as a statue is bad enough, and the last thing you need is a pony dabbling in plane shifting magic. Or worse, opening a portal to Limbo." The scowl Celestia made told him he had a good point.

"But why take them away? They were my subjects and could've changed-" she was interrupted as Primus raised a finger.

"The study of Limbo and chaos itself doesn't stray far from complete insanity, my dear. An inevitable will only kill if they are in a deadly situation, or their target is far from being saved. I'm sorry if none have returned. It only proves how much dangerous such a subject can be to your kind," he finished sadly.

Celestia wasn't pleased with the answer, but nodded in understanding. She decided it would be best to not focus on such a grim subject. "So what of Hidden Aim? Will you take him back?"

Primus paused. He couldn't just say he was going to allow his minion to continue. Celestia wouldn't allow it and the result would be a broken friendship that has lasted for centuries. There had to be a compromise of some sort. Something the Princess and himself could agree upon.

"Hidden will continue his hunt, but I know you will never allow such a thing. I don't want to fight you, Celestia. If there is some way I can earn your approval for him to continue unhindered, please tell me." The sly smile that appeared on Celestia's face left an unsettling rock in his chest.

"There is something you could do. I want you to change his... programming. Allow him to go near Deekin, but only as a watcher and protector. Only when Deekin believes it's his time to leave Equestria may he do so." Her wide grin receded to a friendly smile. "Do we have a deal?"

The only movement Primus made was his fingers drumming against his left forearm. "Your terms are odd, but I will not object." Unfolding his arms from his chest, he lifted and hand toward Hidden. When a bright mist grew in the palm of his hand, it shot toward the still form.

Celestia recoiled in a mix of shock and interest at what was happening. Hidden Aim's mechanical body lifted off the ground and soon was surrounded by equations that, upon solving itself, moved to the next. As quickly as the mist formed, the light-show faded, dropping the inevitable back to the floor with a loud metal clang

"It is done," Primus stated. "I must return to Mechanus and catch up on my duties. Take care... my friend." With a blinding flash, he was gone. A second later, the grey-scale room returned to its brilliant colors and hues.

"Farewell, Primus," Celestia muttered. She looked at Hidden Aim who was still on the floor, but appeared to be unconscious. Or whatever form the constructs took to act as sleeping.

With a sigh, she motioned toward two of the guards near her throne. With the time-stop spell, the guards wouldn't have known about her long talk with the demi-god. She would have to play along with being Hidden's enemy for now.

"Lock this one in a cell. I'll visit him again soon enough."

The two guards tried to lift the pony-sized body, but only managed to humiliate themselves in front of their peers. It soon became apparent that they needed twice as many guards just to drag the mechanical body to its designated cell.