• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 4,080 Views, 149 Comments

The Fifth Holy Grail War: A Pony's Perspective - Evowizard25

Twilight finds herself stuck in a bloody conflict the likes she never could have imagined. Thankfully, she's got a cute boy to help her out.

  • ...

Servant Dreams

Twilight didn't know where she was. She knew it was dark and misty. What little light that gleamed about showed her that she was in some sort of city. It certainly wasn't Fuyuki or any Equestrian city she knew of. She would have guessed where she was if not for the fact that she had talked with Luna about her dream magic. Given that Luna could walk within dreams, she had left a few tips to recognize whether you were in one.

This felt like one when she remembered the cues. So she didn't have to worry about being lost or dragged into some evil sorcerers lair. However, she felt powerless. Like she couldn't really affect anything around her. It was a scary effect and it didn't help that the place she was looking at was all kinds of creepy. It would have fit right into a horror story or Nightmare Night decoration.

Twilight watched as a figure stumbled through the city's haze. It was a woman and her clothes were ragged and worn. She wanted to go and help her but she couldn't do anything. She was stuck. So she simply watched as the woman looked up and other people walked past her.

"Please… I'm so hungry." The woman whimpered. "Please help me."

No one moved. As the woman got closer, one of the men smacked her aside with his cane. "Move it, you fucking beggar. I don't have the time to deal with you."

Twilight gasped. She knew there were mean ponies back in her own world. She had dealt with some angry ones in big cities, but they never hit her or used such foul language. She desperately wanted to make him apologize.

Then the scene changed to a back alley. A man and his son was pushed up against a wall by a large group of evil looking men.

"You forgot our payment," one of them grinned.

"I… I'll get it," the man whimpered. "Please don't hurt me. It's been a slow month."

"Course you will cause you won't have to pay for your son anymore," the man cackled as the group pulled the young boy away. As the man reached out to grab his son, he was smacked into the wall again. She heard the father's pained cries of grief.

Twilight watched as they started to beat the young boy to death. It made her sick. Why was this happening? Money? He was only a child and you can always get more. It wasn't worth killing someone over.

The scene shifted again. This time… a young girl, barely into her teens was being dragged to the ground by two men. They were tearing at her clothes and… She didn't want to see. She wanted this to end.

Twilight was sick. She felt such sickness as the scenes kept playing. Murder. Rape. Theft. Hatred. All over and over again. What was this place? Why were they doing this? It was wrong. It was just wrong.

'Stop please'

'I'll do anything, just don't hurt them'

'Please let me go'

She wanted to block out the voices. She wanted it all to go away. Yet over and over and over again new images appeared. Was this a trick? Was this a curse planted on her somehow? She had to find a way to stop it. Please just stop it.

And that was when she woke up screaming. Twilight panted as she held herself, afraid of what she had seen. Yet she was so very much glad it was over.

"Twilight/Mommy!" Both Spike and Assassin were at her side. Assassin had been sleeping beside her and so had jumped up with a knife in hand.

"I'm fine," Twilight quickly said. She patted both of their heads. "I'm fine. I just had a bad nightmare is all."

That's when Assassin looked away, "You saw it, didn't you?"

Twilight furrowed her brow, "What are you talking about, Assassin?"

"Servants and masters can see stuff in their dreams," Assassin explained. "We're connected that way so…"

Twilight's eyes widened, "Those were your memories?" That made her feel even worse about seeing them. No wonder Assassin was always so on edge.

Assassin shook her head, "No. We don't have memories. We aren't exactly alive. We just are and… we just see the world as it is. We see the pain and hatred." She sniffed, wiping away some of her tears on her arm. "We never had a mommy to love us."

Twilight immediately took her in her arms. She didn't notice she was crying until she saw the tears hit Assassin's head. "You have me now. You aren't going to have those nightmares anymore. I'll get Princess Luna to fix that."

"She… she can make them stop?" Assassin looked up at her with hopeful, cute and shimmering eyes.

Twilight nodded, "Yes, yes she can."

"Oh you're up for an adventure," Spike grinned. "Luna's great with dream magic. You can ask Scootaloo all about it when we visit Ponyville."

"Oooh," Twilight giggled. "You definitely would fit right in with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They could always use another member."

"We… we could have friends?" Assassin's lower lip trembled. When Twilight nodded again, Assassin buried her face in her chest.

Twilight lovingly stroked her back until she stopped whimpering, "Assassin, you don't have to cry anymore. I'm here and I will make sure you smile every day from now on."

Suddenly, the door was opened. In the doorway was none other then Saber and Shirou. "We heard something. Are you alright?" They shouted in unison.

Twilight chuckled at the display, "We're fine. I just had a nightmare."

"Ahhh," Saber frowned, looking on in sympathy. Obviously she knew why she was screaming but didn't say it out loud. "Shall Shirou stay the night to comfort you?"

"Wh-what?" Twilight and Shirou sputtered, blushing profusely.

"A true knight should always be there when a lady is in trouble," Saber narrowed her eyes. "Shirou, sleep with this girl to assuage her troubles."

Shirou's mouth opened and closed but he didn't say anything. He was red as a tomato at this point.

"Do it for your child!" Saber pointed at Assassin.

"Bu-bu-but," Twilight sputtered, just as red as Shirou.

"Come sleep with us, daddy." Assassin smiled and held out an arm to him.

Shirou's shoulders sagged, "You know what? I'll just do it. Not like I can talk my way out of this." He went over and laid right next to the bed. He yelped when Saber picked him up and put him on the bed. "What was that for?"

"It is best to sleep with your spouse in the same bed," Saber explained. "It is how me and my wife did things. As was me and my sister in our younger years."

"O-Okay," Shirou gulped. He kept his back to Twilight as the two whimpered in embarrassment. He watched as Saber laid down on the floor. "What are you doing?"

"I shall not let you sleep alone," Saber said. "It is my duty to keep you safe."

"Oh just get in the bed," Spike snorted. "You might as well at this point. It's big enough for all of you."

Saber frowned but nodded, "Very well." She stood up and got on the bedside opposite of Shirou.

"Yay~" Assassin giggled. "Aunty Saber is sleeping with us."

"Wh-wha," Saber had a light blush to her face. "I am not your Aunty."

"You kind of are," Twilight giggled, more than happy to turn the embarrassment onto someone else.

Saber huffed and the rest of the night was spent in peace and quiet. No one had any nightmares that night.

Sunset wasn't born yesterday. She could tell right off the bat that this was an inner illusion inside her head. A dream like vision. She had read and researched quite a few types of magics while researching on how to become an alicorn. This was one of them. It wasn't something any unicorn could perform but just in case, she had taught herself to tell the signs. So she decided to idly watch what happened. Hopefully it wouldn't end up with it attacking her. She really didn't have much in the way of defenses other then rudimentary mental blocks against weak mental attacks.

She blinked in surprise at the scenery. It was like the most beautiful bedroom she had ever seen. Only comparable to Celestia's own private room. Sunset knew instantly this was meant for royalty. That's when someone rushed into the room. She gasped at what she saw.

It was Caster except she didn't have her elvish ears and was crying and screaming. She didn't hear most of it other then something about 'cursing the gods' and 'Jason'. Sunset may not be knowledgeable about certain human things, but cursing gods was never a good idea. She couldn't do anything about it.

That's when the image grabbed a knife. She started to stab the beds. She started to stab the bedding and everything about, trashing the room in her rage. Yet it just made her more and more pissed. Sunset knew she was so angry and distraught, she couldn't think straight. Heck, she looked crazed right now.

It was at that moment that two young boys rushed into the room.

"Mommy," the younger one spoke up. "Are you okay?"

Caster stopped screaming. She started to shake as she turned to them. Her eyes were bloodshot and crazed as she glared at the two children, "Jason… Jason… He made me feel such pain carrying you. Forced me to have you!"

"Mom," the older one gulped. "Mom, you're scaring us."

"You aren't mine," she used her magic to close the door behind them. "The gods forced me to birth you little degenerates! I curse him. I curse them. I curse everything."

"Mommy," the youngest one earnestly moved forward to hug her leg. "Stop scaring me. I-"

Sunset nearly screamed as Caster plunged her knife into his head. Then she started to stab and cut more so. The other boy screamed, rushing over to help his brother only to be cut down as well. She didn't stop until they were small pieces, screaming in incoherent rage. Finally, when she was done, Caster held up her bloody hands and took a step back.

Her crazed eyes started to cool down. It looked like she was coming back to her senses. Then she shakily looked at the remains of what had been her children. That's when a pained cry of anguish escaped her lips. She clutched her head, shaking it about in agony.

A burly man smashed his way into the room, staring at the carnage in disbelief. "Medea… why?"

Caster stopped shaking and glared up at him, "YOU DID THIS! You did all of this! Damn you. Damn you to the pits of Tartarus for Hades," she started to smash her foot into the ground as though to call up the god. "Is the only god I trust to make your life as miserable as mine!" Then she rushed to the window and disappeared.

Sunset screamed as she woke up. She shakily looked around, dreading to see Caster at that moment. She couldn't fathom to think if that vision was real. Unfortunately at that moment, Caster was kneeling beside her. She was wearing the school uniform this time and had a small, sad smile on her face.

"You saw something, didn't you?"

Sunset shakily nodded her head, "Your kids…"

Caster's smile fell and she looked away, "I… I have no excuse. I was just so angry. So confused," she tapped her head. "I wasn't all here at that moment. The gods had messed with my head to make me fall for Jason," she said the name with venom. "They… they were a part of him."

"But they were your kids," Sunset shot back. The thought of murdering your own children was unthinkable in Equestria. It had never happened in their history.

"I KNOW!' Caster screamed, tears started to fall down her cheeks. She cupped her face in her hands, "I know. I raised them. They were such good boys. Always looking out for me when he was out partying or sleeping around. They were… such nice boys and I… I…" She started to sob.

Sunset didn't pause when she hugged her. She immediately pulled her into a hug, nestling up against her servant. "Stop it. It's over."

"But I remember holding them," Caster cried into her shirt. "I-"

"You weren't yourself, Caster." Sunset said.

"But I was," Caster moved closer. "I was and I remember it."

"The gods messed with your head, remember?" Sunset said, pulling back to wipe away Caster's tears and stare her in the face. "You're here and you can change your fate now."

"I… I just wanted my happy ending," Caster whimpered. "I just wanted to be happy with someone who loved me. That's all I ever wanted."

"And I'm going to give you that wish," Sunset narrowed her eyes. "Even if we have to destroy everyone to do it. I swear it, Caster."

Caster sniffled and gave her a tired smile, "Thank you, master."

"Hmmm," Sunset frowned.

"Okay," Caster rolled her eyes. "Thank you, Sunset."

Sunset smiled and chuckled, "That's better."

Author's Note:

Whelp finally got this chapter out. A bit darker then anything you'll see in mlp but I think it's a good showcase to these two that this world isn't exactly like Equestria. SO glad I got to do some servant dreams.

Also, the last dream was based on one of the myths of Medea. While not every version has her kill her children, given how often this happens to heroes who snap in greek mythology, I think it works. As well as a bit of contrast between a mother who killed her children and a child who's 'mothers' didn't want them. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to hear your feedback. Until next time, take care.