• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 4,083 Views, 149 Comments

The Fifth Holy Grail War: A Pony's Perspective - Evowizard25

Twilight finds herself stuck in a bloody conflict the likes she never could have imagined. Thankfully, she's got a cute boy to help her out.

  • ...

The Unicorns Start Their First Day

"Here you go," Shirou smiled as he gave her a new set of clothes. In all honesty, it wouldn't be too different then her old one besides the colors so he thought she would fit right in. "This should do it. Lucky you that we still have this size. Issei was complaining about a few budget cuts so I assumed we were low on extra clothes."

Twilight didn't know what she did in her life to warrant such luck, but she thanked it all the same. Shirou was a Celestia blessed savior in her eyes. He told her all about the school as they made their way in. She'd never have gotten so much information so quickly if it wasn't for him. The clothes also helped, although she doubted Sunset would stick around a school for long. Then again, it was right next to the portal. The best way to keep an eye on it was to attend school so that could work in her favor.

Twilight bowed her head, "Thank you so much, Shirou."

Shirou chuckled and shook his head, "Again, I'm just happy to help."

"No, I really have to thank you. I doubt I'd be able to do all of this by myself."

Twilight was still getting used to her new legs. Bipedalism was not something she had ever studied up on, at least when it came to doing it herself. So she was in new waters. That was never a place she ever liked to be in. If it wasn't for Shirou, she knew she'd be freaking out severely right now. A part of her knew there were plenty of other changes too, like her muzzle. Just looking at Shirou, she knew it was much smaller. Flat even. It was weird and she'd find it a bit gross in most situations, but right now it seemed to work out fine for Shirou so it must work out fine for herself.

"So anyways," Twilight wiped a few bangs of hair out of her face nervously as she stood there. She was always a bit awkward with new people. "So what type of classes are there here?"

"They didn't tell you?" Shirou asked to which she shook her head. "Well how about you stick close to me for today. I'll show you around. Is that alright?"

Twilight smiled, "Oh yes, that'll be excellent."

He was just so helpful. Oh, she just wanted to hug him~ If this was what everyone was like here, maybe their two worlds weren't so different. She was sure that Starswirl may have been exaggerating or the humans had changed. Twilight moved over to a table and put her clothes down on it. She idly watched Shirou as he started to work on some mechanical device known as a 'Heater'. Usually most houses in Equestria had some form of insulation. Most usually through spells or little devices like fans. Internal heaters were a new invention in Equestria and to see one here told her that the humans were probably on par with Equestria when it came to tech. Good. That meant she wouldn't flounder about with this world's tech.

She reached down and pulled up her shirt…

Right before she could take the shirt over her head, Shirou spoke up.

"Whoa!" He shot up to his feet and held out his hand. His face was bright red as he looked away, "You shouldn't be doing that here."

Twilight paused and turned towards him. Her fingers were still lifting her shirt over her chest as she perked her head to the side in curiosity. She idly noted the large fleshy mounds on her chest covered by a purple underwear like garment, "Doing what?"

"Taking off your clothes," Shirou quickly spoke. She noted his voice was a bit stuttered and she found it all just cute. "Go to the restroom and change please. I'll get this done by the time you get back."

Twilight huffed, but nodded. It must be a human thing, she noted. So she took the clothes and walked out into the hallways. It was like any school she had been at in her youth, though her own school was much larger and fancier. Then again, it was Celestia's own private school. Only the best could get in, which always filled her with pride to know she was the very best. Not that she liked to brag about that of course.

She frowned as she finally came upon something she thought was the restroom. For some reason there were two of them right next to each other. That was odd. Why not just have one big one? It would give you enough room and separating them was pointless. The symbols over them must have meant something but she didn't know what. So she just shrugged and entered the restroom.

She was glad that they had mirrors. She really wanted to see what she looked like. While she had seen some of her new body, and Shirou did give her a good idea about what humans look like overall, a closer inspection was in order. It didn't take her that long to get out of most of her clothes except for her panties and the chest panty? She didn't know what to call it. Gripping the mounds she gasped and then blinked in acknowledgment.

Ah, so these were her breasts. It made sense that they were up here on her chest. Bipeds wouldn't be able to move around so well with them between their legs. She had seen some pictures of minotaur females that had these. She just wondered why her own were so big. Maybe it was typical of female humans. Still though, all this clothing was uncomfortable. She'd have to figure out if there were any areas she could go without.

Her face though. She idly touched it, noting how non-existent her muzzle was. Seeing it so flat was odd. Yet it wasn't scary. At least not anymore. She idly pondered if the portal just normalized her body and self. It would make sense, especially since she could easily communicate with the humans of this world.

Oh that hadn't escaped her notice. She found herself hard pressed to believe two different species world's apart had the same language. No doubt Starswirl the Bearded was ingenious enough to have it where the portal would translate languages. So she didn't have to worry about communication. Nor did she have to worry about her new body. It was safe after all.

"You know," Spike spoke up. "I don't think it's that bad. You're all gangly looking but cute in a way."

Twilight snorted, "You don't have to try to make me feel better, but thanks Spike."

Spike smiled, "You're welcome. Still though, you got the better of the two options. I'm a dog."

"A purple talking dog," Twilight had to admit, even in her world that would be strange. Diamond Dogs could talk but they weren't exactly like average canines. As well, they all came in only a short bit of colors. Perhaps she could tell people she died his coat. "Just don't try and talk around other people. We don't want them to catch on that something is wrong."

Spike gave her a salute, "I gotcha, Twilight. I'll be as quiet as can be."

Twilight's smile twinkled. She didn't know what she'd do without Spike. He was her number one assistant for a reason. She leaned down and pulled him into a hug, "And don't you worry. We'll find the crown in no time. Then you can go back to your ol' dragon self." She giggled when she saw his tail wagging.

The moment was ended when she heard someone opening the door. She turned around to see a glass wearing human about her and Shirou's age. His mouth was agape as he just stared at her.

The moment of silence was rather awkward. Twilight nervously waved at him, "Hello? I'm just changing is all. Normal human stuff to do." She moved to unclip the little clothing around her chest, "Shouldn't be long!"

She was of course stopped when the boy yelled, "WHAT?"

"Of all the things to walk into!" Issei Ryuudou paced back and forth in front of Twilight and Shirou.

Twilight fidgeted in her seat. She had changed into her new uniform after his insistence. Humans seemed nervous about their clothing. She'd have to remember that when in public. She raised her head to look at him. He wasn't as athletic as Shirou as she could tell he had a build underneath his clothing, but he seemed fit and stern. Obviously he had some power here and was a stickler for rules. She could sympathize with that. He reminded herself of, well, herself before she went to Ponyville.

"Why were you changing your clothes in the boy's bathroom?" Issei shouted as he pointed at her.

"I told you," Twilight muttered. "I didn't know it was the boy's bathroom. We don't have separate bathrooms for the sexes where I'm from."

"Then why weren't you guiding her?" Issei's pointing finger shifted to Shirou.

"I didn't know that she didn't know," Shirou quickly said anxiously.

'Inconceivable," Issei pinched the bridge of his nose. "For a transfer student, you seem to be out of the loop about some things. Shirou, as you have promised to take care of her for the time being, it is your duty to make sure that she gets set straight soon."

Shirou nodded, "Don't worry. I've got this."

"And you young lady," Issei turned back to Twilight. "You are not to bring your tie died dog to school. No animals allowed."

Twilight sighed and nodded, "I understand. I just didn't have anywhere to keep him so I just sorta… brought him with me."

"Then be sure to find somewhere he can stay for the time being," Issei crossed his arms. "This school is run like a tight ship. I don't want to see you being thrown overboard because of a few rookie mistakes."

Twilight nodded again," I understand."

"Good," Issei sighed. "Now, I don't want you to start off on the wrong foot. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here at our school. If you have any problems, contact me or ask Shirou. We'll help you as much as we can."

Twilight smiled. Not just one, but two helpful people. Humanity must be really good and kind like ponies. Why would anyone worry about coming here? She opened up her mouth to thank him before someone shouted.

"Hey, four eyed freak! Where the fuck are you?" A harsh and slimy sounding voice cried out.

Issei groaned as he seemed to deflate, "I'll go deal with that before he barges in. Take care of her and we should do well today."

"I won't leave her side," Shirou stated as Issei left the room. He sighed and rubbed his head.

Twilight frowned, "I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to get him on your case."

"It's no problem," Shirou smiled as he waved off her concern. "Issei just means well is all. He's usually a friendly guy. I'm sure you'll get along. Still though, if you want to do something, you'll have to talk to me first."

Twilight smiled and nodded, "Of course."

Shirou lent out a hand to shake, "A promise."

Twilight's cheeks turned a bit red as she looked at his smile. She knew it was odd how she warmed up or how she liked this human's smile. Perhaps it was the mirror messing with her hormones. Either way, she liked it. She took his hand and shaked it, "A promise."

Sunset gritted her teeth as she walked to school. Sometimes she felt so angry that she just wanted to burn down the building. Some of the students and teachers just irked her. Too many idiots. Too many perverts. Too many… everything. Humans irritated her, but she kept at it. A routine she would not break out of until she had the crown.

Now though she had a reason to go. No doubt she would find the person who had the crown. They'd either be an idiot and keep it around, no doubt trying to be a 'good person' and return it. That would be the easiest to deal with. The other option was that they left it at their house. Which meant she would have to rely on magical signatures. Not a strong point of hers, but she had someone with a little more refinery in that option.

"No one will buy this," Caster deadpanned as she walked beside her. She was currently also wearing the school uniform.

"What did you say, big sis?" Sunset smirked. "I couldn't hear you over how clever I am~"

"Why can't I just stay in my spectral form?"

"Because no one would suspect an ordinary student to be an ancient spirit participating in a battle royal for a wish from the holy grail," Sunset held up a finger.

"But I am a woman, not a child." Caster flipped her hair back with a hand. "I don't see how I can fit in as a student."

"One, you look as young as I do." Sunset commented. "And I'm actually older than I appear as well. Portal hijinks or whatever. The thing is, humans are stupid."

Caster nodded, "Yes, I have enough experience in that regard."

"So they'll just see you as a pretty gal and move on. It'll help you get close to some of them and weasel some information out of them. They aren't so forthcoming with me after all," Sunset wiggled her fingers. "Also, a little magical manipulation of the mind doesn't hurt."

Caster nodded with a smirk, "Yes, now that should be easy. Very well. I'll look out for any traces of this crown. Should be easy enough… by the way, is this skirt too small?"

Sunset shrugged, "Don't ask me. You humans and your hatred of nudity still weirds me out. I think it makes you look cute."

Caster smiled with a small blush adorning her face, "Thank you, master~"

"... Just don't call me that in front of everyone else." Not that she didn't like hearing that from Caster, but appearances were everything in this world. She couldn't help but smirk. If all went well, she'd have the crown back in her hands by the end of the day. Then she could wipe whatever smirk was on Celestia's face at the moment. Oh it would be glorious. Until then… more school.

Yay. Of course, it wasn't all that bad. That Shirou was a lad that was rather helpful. Whether it be with machines, which still astounded her, or with other things. Perhaps she'd get him to help her out in some way or form with this war. A cute guy like him could be useful. That and maybe a date…

She'd ponder on that later.