• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 4,083 Views, 149 Comments

The Fifth Holy Grail War: A Pony's Perspective - Evowizard25

Twilight finds herself stuck in a bloody conflict the likes she never could have imagined. Thankfully, she's got a cute boy to help her out.

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Heroes Unite while Villains Plot

Shirou honestly couldn’t believe the day he just had. Well night actually. Yes he had been getting used to being involved in a Holy Grail War but actually being involved in a fight? That was beyond him. He of course knew that his dream of being a hero of justice would put him in the path of violence and that someone would eventually kill him. That much was obvious. He wasn’t stupid. Yet almost dying isn’t something you can truly prepare yourself the first time it happens.

He was determined to change that about himself. His friends had to step up and save him. For all they knew, they were going into a trap. He wouldn’t let that happen again. He needed to get stronger to protect them now that the war really was off to a start.

Twilight had decided to teleport them home and apart from a slight bit of uneasiness, it was alright. A pretty quick and effective means of getting around. Maybe he could learn that spell. It would make helping others that much easier. He’d have to talk to Twilight about this later. Of course the slight uneasiness meant his feet were a bit unstable and he tripped.

“Whoa!” Twilight said in confusion as they landed on the ground. She looked down and found Shirou’s head between her breasts. While she didn’t place any real importance on them, this was still a boy on top of her. So she blushed profusely, “Sh-Shirou?”

Shirou quickly stood up with a blush of his own, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It won’t happen-”

“Senpai!” Was the voice that rang out when they entered the room.

“Whoa!” Shirou said as he was knocked to the ground. He looked down to see Sakura hugging him tight, “Sakura? What are you doing here?”

“Rider told me that you were in trouble through our link,” Sakura whimpered, “So I rushed on over here to make sure you were safe and then I got worried when you weren’t here. I’m just… so glad you’re alright.”

“I take it you are Rider’s master?” Saber spoke up.

“Yep,” Rider grinned as he gestured towards his master, “This here is the best master I could ask for.”

“Well I have to say, thank you.” Twilight smiled, “If it wasn’t for Rider, Shirou could have gotten seriously hurt.”

Sakura gasped and looked him over, “You weren’t hurt, were you?”

Shirou shook his head and helped the pair of them stand up, “I’m fine, Sakura. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m more worried about you being in this war.”

Sakura looked away, “Well… you see… how do I put this…”

“She’s a mage,” Rider shrugged, “Stuff like this happens.”

“Rider!” Sakura looked at him in shock and Rider put his hands over his mouth.

“So you’re a mage like me then,” Shirou stated.

Sakura looked back at him, “You’re a mage too?”

“Have been all my life.”

“I’m something of a mage myself,” Twilight waved, “Although, not one from this world however.”

Sakura frowned, “Not of this world?”

Shirou sighed, “We’ve got a lot to talk about.”


Kirei tapped his fingers together. He had almost lost Lancer. He had to use a command seal to save him. The only thing stopping him from seething at that was the fact that he had several more. Even with that said, it was likely they knew his servant’s true name. They had seen Lancer start his NP. They had fought and talked with him. That was enough to have a guess.

Of course, it wouldn’t change anything. Lancer’s Noble Phantasm wasn’t something you could defend against willy nilly nor did he have any great weakness from his myths. No, he should be fine even if they figure out his true name. What did irritate him was the fact that it seemed several masters were working together. That put a damper on things. That meant he had to work around it lest he throw Lancer against two or more servants at a time.

They’d have to be more cautious. Wait until they separate and pick them off. Perhaps Kirei needed to send Lancer off against the lone masters that hadn’t gotten with anyone. Weed them out before they joined into a large collective. It’d be too late to stop them at that point.

He needed something to off balance this alliance.

“Seems someone is troubled,” Gilgamesh walked in with a wine of glass in hand. He took a sip of it as he smirked over at Kirei, “One would think you’d be happy. The war is off to a good start.”

“Aside from growing enemy alliances,” Kirei stated.

“Do you really think anyone can stand up to a king?” Gilgamesh chuckled, “Besides, between me and Lancer alone, we could kill everyone in this war. However, if you want me to ease your mind, I think I’ve found something to help us.”

“Those girls you’ve been talking to?” Kirei noted the fact that Gilgamesh had been seen with the new sensations, The Sirens.

Gilgamesh’s grin only grew, “They are like me. Beings from the ages of gods! I never thought I’d get to meet such beauties in this era. What’s more, they say they were from another world. Trapped here by some magician.”

“So you want to help them? How noble of you.”

“In exchange, they are willing to help me get to this land.” Gilgamesh sneered into his wine glass, “I hate this world. It’s forgotten what it means to be ‘human’ and what struggle really is. No self worth to it. After I burn this one, I want to go live in this ‘Equestria’. Perhaps it will be a kingdom I can rule in peace.”

Kirei nodded, “Just so long as they can truly help us.”

“Oh don’t underestimate sirens,” Gilgamesh’s chuckle was dark, “They are known for leading others astray~”


“Useless!” Zouken shouted as he stared down at his ‘grandson’. The whimpering sod was bowing straight to the ground, quivering in fear. Zouken had no idea how his genes could have ever come to eventually create such a creature. A spineless git in every sense of the words. It was so agitating. So frustrating. He wanted to kill him on the spot! “You are telling me you were unable to form the contract with your servant.”

“Y-Yes.” Shinji squeaked out.

“And Sakura has been able to withstand your rightful dominance?” Zouken had been manipulating the boy for years. He needed Sakura broken in every sense of the word. He was still thinking about killing this Shirou kid to really drive it home. He was too much of a positive influence on her.

“She’s being a bitch!” Shinji slammed his hand into the ground, “She doesn’t listen to me and she took my servant. I hate her.”

“Stop crying like a child,” Zouken sneered. He truly felt Shinji deserved nothing more then to be worm food. “You still can make this right.”

“I… I can?” Shinji gulped, thanking every god in existence for this chance.

“I need you to keep an eye on your sister,” Zouken said. “Keep tabs on her and report to me.”


“Go!” Zouken’s voice scared him into running for it. He sighed. This was a disaster. Rider was a powerful servant in the right hands. Sure she was wasted on Shinji and he didn’t expect him to ‘win’, but he needed to at least get a bit closer before everything went downhill. On top of that, he could potentially lose control of Sakura.

He would not let that stand. So he went off to go to his personal room. He had an item there that could help him out with this. Assassin had already been summoned. That he was sure of. He had tried summoning Assassin earlier without success. That was troubling. The Assassin he had in mind would surely have won him the war. Now he had to be creative. He had to bend the rules.

Just as the Einzberns had done once before.

So he brought out the item and went to work. The blood was from some unimportant people he had dragged off the street. No one would miss them and even if they did, they’d never be able to track them all the way here. They were dead already and their bodies given to the worms. They shouldn’t complain anyways. They wouldn’t have lived significant lives anyway you look at it. They were regular, non-magic folk. Just pawns to use.

He placed the item in the circle and started the chant. It was old and slightly altered but it would do. He could feel power coursing through the summoning device. Yes, this was it. This was his chance to get his wish.

That’s when the summoning was complete and a servant of his own stood before him. Before him was a young woman with pale skin. Her golden eyes blazed with hatred beyond anything he had seen before. SHe was covered in black armor except for her black skirt which showed off her thighs. A black cape with a blood red sign of the french people was on her back. Her blond-silver hair was held in place by her black helmet. Stockings kept most of her legs covered.

“I am servant Avenger,” she glared at Zouken, “Are you my master? Speak now before I burn you alive.”

Zouken smiled and gave a swift nod, “Yes, I am your master.”

“Then I shall serve,” the servant sneered. “For the time being. Do best to remember I won’t take insults lightly. Command seals can only take you so far.”

The sheer hatred was suffocating. Thankfully Zouken really didn’t need to breathe anymore. He inwardly cackled. There was no way anyone could best a servant of his magnitude by themselves. You’d need several to take her on and even then, that would be pushing it. Yes, the war was his now.


Another pale girl sat in her bed a long distance off. Her red eyes were skimming over a book as she lightly hummed. A part of her was disappointed she didn’t get to see her older brother today but that was no biggie. She’d see him soon enough and then squeeze out the answers she sought. Oh yes, she’d make him suffer. Suffer for taking her father away.

She looked up from her book to stare at Berserker. Initially, she hated the hulking servant. His large mass and frightful features didn’t help get her invested in him. It wasn’t until he had saved her from those wolves did she grow to appreciate having a servant like him. She giggled, “Just you wait, Berserker. We’re going to win this war and meet big brother. That sounds nice.”

She only got a grunt from him as he dematerialized.

Illyasviel cackled evily. Yes, she had summoned the most powerful being in this war. There was not a soul that could stop her and her quest now. She was unstoppable.

“Illya,” Sella knocked on the door, “It’s time to go to bed.”

“I don’t wanna,” Illya huffed, “I’m reading and plotting my victory!”

“You can’t plot anything with a tired mind,” one of her beloved maids spoke. They were the closest things she had to friends and very helpful. In fact, she didn’t know what she’d do without them.

Illya huffed, “You can’t make me.”

“Don’t make me come in there,” Sella shot back.

Illya gulped. Sella was not one to be trifled with. So she got under the covers, “Alright, but you’ve got to make it up to me in the morning. I expect a fantastic breakfast.”

“And you will get it,” Sella spoke. “Good night, Master Illya.”

“Good night, Sella.” Illya closed her eyes and dreamed of her family.


Sunset huffed as she kicked her legs around, “You know, isn’t there some way we can kick Twilight out of this war without killing her or that kid?”

The two had stayed at home this afternoon, going over strategy after strategy.

“I do have some manner of ideas,” Caster stated, “However, I want to keep it to myself for the time being. I can’t have the enemy know what I have planned.”

“Do you really think I’m the type to blad about that stuff?”

Caster shook her head, “No, but I do think you aren’t thinking clearly when it comes to that boy Shirou. He is looking after Twilight and that Assassin of hers. Stands to reason he might be an enemy in this war.”

Sunset crossed her arms, “Things were never this difficult in Equestria. Always cut and dry. Quick answers to everything. I really wish I was back there sometimes.”

“In life, you can’t always get what you want.” Caster said, “As for Twilight, we can deal with her when she gets somewhere alone. Assassin will not sneak up on me twice. That much I assure you.”

“And in the meantime,” Sunset lifted a finger and smiled, “I can talk to Shirou about him coming over to look at my stuff.”

Caster sighed, “You are hopeless.”

“Oh I don’t like him that way,” Sunset blushed and huffed, “He’s just so easy to manipulate.”

“If you say so,” Caster teasingly said as she watched her master and friend fume.

Author's Note:

Yes, I did just summon Avenger Jeanne. I've got to give Zouken his own piece after all. XD I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to read your feedback.