• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 4,086 Views, 149 Comments

The Fifth Holy Grail War: A Pony's Perspective - Evowizard25

Twilight finds herself stuck in a bloody conflict the likes she never could have imagined. Thankfully, she's got a cute boy to help her out.

  • ...

I'm a Mother?!!

Twilight couldn't help but smile as she looked at the interior of the shed. It was small but large enough to do a few spells without having to worry about limitations. Well at least with most of her spells anyways. She could use a spell to make the inside larger than the outside, which is how she got some of her rooms in the library to work, but that was overkill. That and it would be impossible to hide from Shirou. No doubt he uses this shed now and again.

"This is perfect," Twilight smiled down at her assistant. She kneeled and rubbed his head affectionately. "Thank you, Spike."

Spike panted and smiled from the attention, "You're welcome. Happy to be of service."

"Now," Twilight stood up and surveyed the room. "Let's test out a few spells."

As she lifted a hand, Twilight had to note how little magic there was in the air. It was almost pathetic levels. The type of magical energy you'd find in basic flora yet it was everywhere. No, most flora back at home had more energy. Twilight was thankful she didn't need to draw any real energy from her surroundings to make her spells work. It was all internal and everything was working just fine. She just made a mental note not to tax herself. She couldn't rely on the abundant magic in her world to give her a boost if she needed one.

Her hand glowed. Another peculiar thing about this world. It felt weird doing magic with her forehooves, well her hands in this case. Now this would take some getting used to when it came to using hand gestures and the like. Her magic cascaded around the objects in the shed before they levitated. She smiled as they floated as well as a leaf in the wind.

"Well levitation works," Twilight nodded as she set everything back down. She snapped her fingers and a box became a potted plant, "And my transformation magic is also working perfectly." She put her hands on her hips, "I think I don't have anything to worry about, Spike."

"Uhh, Twilight?" Spike spoke up. When she looked at him, he pointed at something. "What is that?"

"What is what?" Twilight peered over and narrowed her eyes. They widened the moment she found his object of interest. It was a large circle in a pentagram design. Twilight walked over and peered down at it. Obviously, it was intended for magical use. She should know. She had seen some of these types of spells before in her books.

There were many ways of concocting magic. Drawing out your spells was one way. It was time consuming and took a lot of effort but could pay off in the long run if you played your cards right. They weren't a speciality of hers and she honestly didn't care for them. She would rather spend her time learning quicktime spells then these and having the extra time to read her books.

She leaned down and stroked her chin, "It seems old and worn. Even if it's not Equestrian, I think I can get a gist of it if I pump some magic into it."

"Now that's a bad idea," Spike said. "Why don't we just leave it alone?"

"Oh Spike," Twilight smiled at him. "I'm not going to do anything major."

Spike shot her a deadpanned stare, "Twilight, you rewrote your friend's cutie marks and their entire lives just because you were curious about a Starswirl spell."

"How was I supposed to know it was an incantation," Twilight huffed.

"Are you saying you wouldn't have activated the spell if you had known?" When Twilight was silent, he huffed. "And all of the other times you went off the handle to know new magic?"

"Okay, okay." Twilight huffed once again. "But I'll be careful this time."

"You said that before," Spike grumbled, awaiting whatever was about to happen.

As Twilight traced the shape of the lines, she felt the brimming magic underneath them. They were worn as she said but still active. If she pumped just a little…

Her eyes sparkled as she saw a little life flash into the sigil. Now she could see it more clearly, "I see it. Ohhhhhh, it's a summoning spell. A really complicated one. Why would they need something like this?" She peered around it, "It seems to lock onto a magical signature of some kind but… but what? What sort of being could it summoned?"

Spike's eyes widened, "Oh no, Twilight. Stop it. Stop it right now."

"If I can perform this spell-"

"Twilight think about this for a moment."

"Then I can simply undo it since it seems to target beings made of pure magic-"

"This is a really bad idea."

"Ah-ha, this is a great idea Spike." Twilight smiled, "I can finally come into contact with a magical creature of this world. So stop worrying. It doesn't seem to be a powerful spell so all should be good."

"Yeah, like Starswirl's spell." Spike mentioned again but was promptly ignored.

Twilight closed her eyes. She had to focus. This experiment was crucial for her. She needed to learn everything about this world and no spell would go unturned. It had worked out well for her thus far in her life. Well, a lot of them backfired but still. She was Princess Twilight Sparkle. Every spell would be mastered, even the Dark magic ones. That's when she felt it. It was connecting but it was so… off.

She gritted her teeth and pushed. She pushed and poured her magic into it. Maybe it was broken. Maybe it was coded to an individual. She didn't know but there was one thing that she would never do. She would never give up when it came to magic. She was the Element of Magic. She would conquer this spell.

"Twilight," Spike shouted. "Stop! It's acting all weird."

Indeed, the air around her seemed to crackle with magic. Again, Twilight ignored it and pushed on through. She would not back down. That's when she felt it. A presence the likes of Sombra and Nightmare Moon. She gasped and felt fear. Fear dripping to her core. That… thing noticed her.

The nightmares were here too?

That's when she then felt a burning sensation in her hand. It felt like something was being seared into it. She let out a cry of pain and fell backwards.

"Twilight!" Spike ran to her side.

Twilight flinched from the pain and patted Spike's head, "I'm fine, Spike. Nothing-" She stopped speaking when she looked at the back of her hand. It was a red marking of some kind. It looked oddly enough like her own cutie mark, "What…?"

"Hello?" A cute voice piped up. Twilight and Spike looked up and their jaws dropped. Before them wasn't some monster or creature Twilight thought it was. It was a little girl with white hair and green eyes. Her small body was covered in a black vest and thong with some black leggings to go with it. The little girl looked at her as she tilted her head, "Are you my mommy?"

"...What?" Twilight started to panic. This wasn't what she planned. Not at all. She gulped and stood up, "Ummm… hello?" She waved at her with an awkward smile.

The little girl gave a real enthusiastic one and a wave too, "Hi! Are you our mommy?"

Twilight blinked in confusion, "Well… you see. I used the spell here since I wanted to find out what it does and-"

"Brought us here," the little girl's smile grew. "That means your our mommy!"

Twilight's eyes widened, "Your…. Your mommy?"

"Yay~" The little girl rushed forward and hugged her. "We have a new mommy."

Twilight's mind was racing a mile a minute. She had activated an unknown spell and now she had summoned a little girl? And what was worse is that she thought she was her mother. Wait, was it true? She had heard of spells like this. That can create children. One such object was an enchanted mirror. This though? Did she… did she make a child just now?

Was she a mother?

What would her mom and dad think?

What would Shining Armor think?


"Mommy," the little girl spoke up. "Are you okay?"

Twilight looked down to see the little girl frowning. Now while she wasn't the best with people, she would not stand idly by while a little girl was sad. She patted her head, "There, there. I'm alright. Just surprised is all. I didn't expect to be a mommy today."

"And we didn't expect a pretty mommy like you," the girl hopped backwards. "We're Assassin."

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight picked up her little dog. "And this is Spike my number one assistant."

"Hey," Spike gave a wave.

Assassin gasped, "The doggy can talk?"

Twilight chuckled, "Of course he can and he can do a lot of other things too."

"Wow," Assassin's eyes sparkled. It reminded her of when she was young and saw something new. "That's so awesome. We have the best mommy."

Twilight chuckled a bit more before stopping. It hit her again. She was a mother now… Well shoot. She'd need to think about this. She needed to plan. She needed to take every book in the local libraries about child raising and read them. All of them. Thoroughly. With a lot of notepads. It would require a lot of time and effort, but motherhood was worth it. "I'm going to die…" She groaned when she thought it through again.

Assassin giggled, "Mommy is silly."

"Like you wouldn't believe," Spike grumbled. That's when his ears perked up. "Someone's coming?"

"Eh?" Twilight blinked in confusion as Spike ran into the shed's interior. She started to panic. What if they saw Assassin? She was a magical being. They could hurt her. They could take her away from her. She just met this little girl but gosh darn it, she was the princess of friendship. She was a lonely little girl who was going to get the love she deserved.

That and she had to make sure that no one discovered magic. Princess Celestia would not take kindly to that. So when she looked down, she gasped as Assassin was gone.

That's when Shirou Emiya opened the door. He stepped inside and looked at her, "Are you alright? I heard some sounds coming out from here and some screaming."

Twilight gulped and nervously laughed, "Oh I just fell. I wanted to practice some stretches is all. I like doing that in private."

Shirou stared at her for a moment before nodding, "Alright." He walked on over and kneeled downwards, causing her to blush from how close his face was to hers. "You're not hurt, are you?"

Twilight shook her head, "No, I'm perfectly okay. Hehehe, yeah. Okay."

Shirou frowned and stood up, gently helping her to her feet. Her body tingled at his touch to which she grumbled inwardly about, "Alright, but if you're hurting in the morning, just let me know."

Twilight smiled, "Thank you, Shirou." She was so lucky to have met this guy.

Twilight laid in bed as she had been helped inside by Shirou. Spike was by her side and she hoped to see Assassin here as well. Maybe she should go and get her. It would be lonely in the shed.

That's when Assassin materialized out of the air by her side, "Hi, mommy."

Twilight gave a startled gasp before patting her chest, "What are… how did…" She groaned and opened up the sheets to let in Assassin. The little girl squealed and hopped into the bed, cuddling up to the woman. "I don't care." She laid the blanket over them and pulled Assassin in close, "I'll freak out tomorrow morning." She yawned, "Good night, Assassin."

"Good night, mommy."

Twilight knew this was a big shake up to their plans. A child was not someone you brought on a mission like this. She'd just have to figure out how to keep her out of danger. That and maybe talk to her mother about Assassin. She guessed Twilight Velvet would be a grandmother sooner than she thought.

A really strange thought but hey. She was an alicorn princess. Strangeness came with the territory. She'd study Assassin in the morn and figure out what sort of creature she was. Then she could understand more of this world's magic.

Hopefully Assassin could use some and if she couldn't. Twilight giggled in her almost slumber. She was eager to teach her 'daughter' some spells. She'd have to figure out a way around this 'daughter' thing but it was cute. That and she'd definitely have to keep her out of the prying eyes of the people here. She liked Shirou, but he wasn't ready to learn about magic. It was a harsh decision but eventually he would. She'd be glad to give him a tour of Equestria, after Assassin go to have one of course.

With that thought in mind, she fell into a deep slumber.

Author's Note:

Yes, I gave Twilight Jack the Ripper. Given how 'Fake' Assassin wasn't a normal summon I thought it would be interesting to change up that position and to do that, I chose one of my favorite Assassins for the job. That and because the thought of a mommy Twi was too good to pass up. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I can't wait to read your feedback. Until next time, take care.