• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 4,083 Views, 149 Comments

The Fifth Holy Grail War: A Pony's Perspective - Evowizard25

Twilight finds herself stuck in a bloody conflict the likes she never could have imagined. Thankfully, she's got a cute boy to help her out.

  • ...

Meet the Rider

Twilight happily hummed to herself as she went through her locker. It was a strange thing having a locker really. Back in her old school days, you just carried what you needed to each class. Given how magically adept you had to be in order to make it into the school, this was no problem. She had heard that lockers were something usually used more often by the pegasi and earth pony schools. That made sense to her so she wasn't shocked to see humans using them as well.

She just hoped that Saber was okay. She had decided to stay and watch over Assassin. Twilight knew those two were antsy around each other but someone needed to look after her daughter and she couldn't think of anyone better. Spike was certainly trustworthy but he was a dog at the moment. He couldn't make her a meal or the usual bouts of cleaning like Saber could. She just hoped Saber and Assassin could learn to get along.

"Oh hey, you're the new girl right?"

Twilight blinked in confusion before she looked over. It was a school girl like her with brown, about shoulder length hair. She smiled and gave her an awkward wave, "Yeah, I am."

"I'm Ayako Mitsuzuri," she leant out a hand, which Twilight shook. "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," Twilight ended the handshake. An idle part of her thought this was a great chance to make another possible friend and aid. She had heard of Ayako before. A big member of the Archery class. This meant that she knew quite a number of students. That could help her narrow it down when it came to who took the crown. "So what are you here for?"

"Oh just to say hi," Ayako said. "That and to check up on you. Are you doing well in our school so far?"

"So far, so good." Twilight said. "Although I've only made two friends so far."

"Yeah, Sakura told me about that." Ayako's grin turned teasing. "Lucky girl. Getting Shirou to sleep with you."

Twilight blushed and moved her hands in front of her as she waved them about, "It's not like that at all! We only slept together once and-" She put her hands in front of her face.

Ayako's eyes widened, "I was only teasing about you living with him. The same bed huh? That's pretty serious stuff. You sure you aren't taking this too fast?"

"I just had a bad dream and he was there to comfort me," Twilight sputtered, trying to compose herself. "Nothing more then that."

Ayako nodded, "Should have known. Guy's too good to try anything too unsavory. You're lucky to be staying with him honestly."

Twilight slightly blushed as she fiddled with her hair, "Yeah, I am."

Ayako chuckled, "Say, why don't you come to archery practice."

Twilight frowned, "But I'm not an archer. I've never shot a bow in my life." Which was honestly true. She had seen it happen enough times however to get the gist so she might be able to do it. That might require magic which would be hard to conceal. At least she assumed these were normal arrows instead of the larger ice arrows that the Equestrian Games used.

"I can teach you," Ayako smiled. "Come on. It could be fun and hey, you might get Shirou to come along."

"I don't see why he would," Twilight said. "He'd just be watching me fail."

"And then he could help you," Ayako got closer and whispered into her ear. "Like getting behind you to fix your form. His hands roaming your body to correct your stance."

Twilight's blush only grew more powerful as she started to imagine him doing that to her. She squealed in fright and jumped back, "No, no, no. He wouldn't… I couldn't… we just met…"

Ayako laughed, "I'm only teasing you. He wouldn't do that, unless you let him. I could help with that stuff in the meantime."

Twilight let out a relieved breath. It wouldn't be so anxious if Ayako did it. They were both girls and girls didn't lewd each other… Besides in some of those lewd comics Spike tries to hide from her but she found anyway. She really needed to talk about those with him. "Alright, I'll come."

Ayako clapped her hands together, "Perfect."

"And here we are," Ayako happily called out as they made it to the archery range. "It's not much, but it's basically a second home for us archery lovers."

"Well I'm glad to know it's so welcoming," Twilight smiled. Ayako seemed like a wonderful lady. She could definitely see Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash befriending her. One for her overly friendly attitude and the other for her combativeness and love of sports. Yeah, the princess of friendship could definitely see this friendship blooming.

"And if you ever feel like joining in," Ayako continued to say. "Just let me know. I'll teach you the ropes. We're down a member so we'd appreciate if you'd actually give us a shot."

"Oh please do," a slimey voice spoke up. The duo turned to see a purple haired youthful boy. "I was hoping to see you again, Sparkle."

"Oh Shinji," Twilight smiled and waved at him. Yeah his smile still creeped her out but she was sure he wasn't all bad. Even if she was, she could turn him around. Hopefully it wouldn't involve shooting him with magic.

"You know each other?" Ayako glanced curiously at Twilight while she spared a glare to Shinji.

"Barely," Shinji stopped a few feet from them. He eyed Twilight up and down, his eyes lingering on her chest. "I was hoping we'd get to know each other better."

Ayako stepped in front of her Twilight and crossed her arms, "I don't think so, Shinji. I promised to look after her while she's here."

Shinji sneered, "Oh really? I hardly see how you can do it better then I? I can take care of her just fine without you."

"If you actually believe I'll leave you alone with her, you are dumber than I thought."

Shinji's sneer turned into a savage scowl, "What did you just say, Ayako? Do you know who you are talking to? I am Shinji Matou. You will treat me with respect."

"You have to earn respect," Ayako scoffed.

Twilight immediately got in between the two and nervously waved her arms in front of them, "Hey, stop it you two. We're all friends here."

"No we aren't," both Shinji and Ayako glared at each other.

"Okay," Twilight nervously chuckled, "Archery enthusiasts then. So let's not fight and get to shooting arrows."

Ayako clapped her hands, "Sounds like a plan. Now let's get started!" She grabbed Twilight's hand and stormed off.

Twilight waved back at Shinji, "See you soon."

Shinji waved back, "See you too."

"And you'll see my fist if you keep up with that attitude," Ayako called back.

Twilight and Ayako were silent for a while as they changed and got ready to fire some arrows. As they walked out to the firing range, Twilight looked over at her new friend. "Say, why don't you like Shinji?"

"Apart from him being an asshole?" Ayako asked, which caused Twilight to cringe. She was still getting used to human swears. "He's mean to everyone and he hits on all the girls. I still remember when he tried to get into my pants." She shivered, "It doesn't help that he's especially bad with Sakura."

"But she's his sister," Twilight said. She spoke from experience. Just the thought of Shining Armor being mean to her was unheard of. The changeling incident didn't count since he was mind controlled. "No one would ever hurt their sister."

"You'd be surprised what some people are capable of," Ayako said before they started to hear some yelling. "Speak of the devil."

As they neared the location, there were several people there. Obviously they were other members of the archery club. In the center were three people. Shinji, Sakura, who had on black gloves, and a strange little girl with pink locks. She was for some reason wearing the school's boy's uniform.

"-And you thought it would be a good idea to bring him here?" Shinji shouted.

"He is really nice," Sakura fidgeted.

"You were supposed to stay at the house," Shinji scowled down at the pink haired girl. "Not accompany Sakura to school."

"Oh quit your whining," the pink haired girl pouted and put her hands on her hips. "I at least got on the right uniform even though the girl uniform would have been cuter."

"That's not the point," Shinji groaned. "And now I'm making a scene. Wonderful."

"Hey Sakura," Twilight waved over at them. "Who's your new friend?"

"Oooh," the girl walked up to her. "You're cuter than imagined."

Twilight smiled and chuckled, "Thank you. So are you. Though I have to wonder why you're wearing the boy's uniform."

"Because I'm a boy silly."

Twilight was silent for a moment.

Twilight was broken.

"She's obviously joking," Ayako chuckled. "Tell her."

"Oh I'm not joking," the 'girl' smiled.

Ayako did not respond.

Ayako was broken.

"And I'm Sakura's new friend," the 'boy?' grabbed both of their hands and shook them. "I'm from France. The name's Astolfo by the way."

Shinji seethed and stomped his foot, "Stop that."

"Stop what?" Astolfo turned and smiled back at him. "Stop doing what?"

"You aren't… that's not…. Stop that!" Shinji pointed his finger at him in pure rage.

"Shinji," Sakura gulped. "Stop being mean to Astolfo."

"Yeah," Astolfo put chuckled and waved him off. "It's really unappealing. No wonder none of the girls really like you."

Ayako laughed as Shinji sputtered for a response, "I like him. Can I keep him?"

"Depends on your kink?" Astolfo cheerily smiled before laughing. "Oh no, I'm open for everything. Joking though. Maybe~"

"Oh he's definitely a keeper," Ayako said. "Foreign too? Oh that's nice. You're lucky Sakura. Now you've got two cute boys around you."

Sakura blushed, "Ummm, it's not like that at all."

"Enough of this!" Shinji stomped in pure frustration. "Let's get back to shooting things."

"Way ahead of you," Ayako smiled before turning to Twilight. "Now watch me, okay?"

Twilight nodded, "Alright." She eagerly popped out a notebook and pen. She would record this in great detail before trying. Ooooh, if only she had a book on archery. Then she could study it to her heart's content. Ah, the library! It surely had some archery books.

"A cute bookworm? Nice." Astolfo held up a thumb in cheer. "Maybe I can help you study. I'm great at that sort of stuff."

"That's really thoughtful of you," Twilight grinned. This outing was turning out to be better then she thought. Who knew she could meet and make so many new friends. Yes, it'd be easier to find the crown now with everyone on her side.

Shinji scowled as he looked at the servant they had summoned. Everything they had worked for. Everything he had wished for was now going to be thrown in the gutter. He threw the book down on the ground, "You useless whore!" He turned to a shivering Sakura. "You couldn't summon the right servant. This is not Medusa."

"Nope," Rider cheerily saluted them. He was a pink haired little man who looked so much like a girl that it was obviously a crime. He easily beat out a lot of women in the beauty department. He was wearing a medieval knightly dress of some sort. "Astolfo, one of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne, reporting for Rider service. Are you my master?"

Shinji got in front of him, "Yes I am your master. You will obey me and-"

"Oh I wasn't talking to you," Rider effortlessly pushed him to the ground before walking to Sakura. "Are you my master?"

Sakura gulped in fear and nodded, "Yes, but he's supposed to be your master. I just summoned you."

"Then that's all I need," Astolfo smiled and gripped her hands gently into his own. "You've got a friend in me, master. I promise I won't let you down."

"Hey!" Shinji shouted as he raised a book. "You are going to transfer that pathetic servant to me, remember? Now get over here before I smack your head with this thing."

Just as Sakura whimpered as she feared the pain, the book was pierced by a lance. Shinji yelped in girlish fright as he stared at the remains. Astolfo swiped his lance to the side, sending it flying.

"I don't think so," Astolfo narrowed his eyes. "I've got a master so be nice to her or I'll do something bad to you next time."

"I don't need a girl patronizing me," Shinji shook his fist.

"Oh I'm a boy."

Shinji stared at him.

Shinji was broken

"Why does everyone do that when I tell them the truth?" Rider quirked an eyebrow. Then he turned to Sakura. "So ready to get know each other?"

"...You're really a boy?" Sakura asked.

"Yes I am," Rider gestured with his thumb to his chest.

Sakura did not know what to say.

Sakura realized she had a new fetish.

Author's Note:

Yep, Sakura has a different servant. I wasn't sure about changing Rider but as Rider doesn't do a lot in some of the routes and because of the Element of Harmony in her possession, I thought I would change it up. Astolfo seemed like the perfect choice. XD Rider and Assassin are the only ones I'll be changing. Unless I get radical with Archer. Hehehe, but anyways. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to see what you all think. Until next time, take care.