• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 1,718 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pony: The Pyres of Friendship - Scribe of the Nightwings

A crossover fic between MLP and Pyre, by Supergiant Games

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Trials from the Beyond

Chapter 10: Trials from the Beyond

The sun rose across the Cairn of Ha’ub and on upon the Nightwings’ campsite. Hedwyn had cooked up breakfast that morning, at which everybody was most grateful for, giving the Nomad’s impressive culinary skills. While they were all eating, it was a good chance for the group to help Rainbow Dash catch up on the situation. Twilight did her best to explain everything from the Downside, the Commonwealth, the Rites and the Nightwings. Although it was a lot of information to take in, Rainbow was quick to get used to her new environment. The blue pegasus was known for her quick adjustment to most new situations, so interdimensional travel to a whole new world wasn’t that much of a stretch for her. Once breakfast was done and everything was packed up, the Nightwings and the ponies piled inside the blackwagon and began their journey to their next destination. However, in order to arrive there in time for the next Rite, they would have to pass through the Flagging Hands.

Twilight didn’t really understand Jodariel’s slight melancholy when she realized that their journey would be taking them to the Flagging Hands. When the alicorn attempted to ask about the area, the horned woman was cryptic as always and simply told her that she would understand when they arrived there. Regardless, the purple mare was still determined to continue on, especially if it meant that she would find more of her friends. Rainbow Dash’s appearance after the Rite with the Dissidents was all the confirmation Twilight needed to realize that she would be able to find the rest of her friends that were caught in the magical explosion if the Nightwings continued to be victorious in the Rites. She still wasn’t sure as to why or how the arrival of her friends to the Downside connected with the Nightwings’ victory, but she supposed that it ultimately didn’t matter. The only thing that was important was that now the alicorn could sleep at night without worrying about never seeing her friends ever again. Now if only she could say the same with ever seeing her home ever again.

After she finished cleaning her bunk, Twilight looked around the blackwagon common room to see what everybody else was preoccupied with there own vocations, whether it was looking over equipment or gear, examining charts, or simply talking to one another. Rainbow had decided to fly outside to the wagon’s roof in an attempt to “get a good feel of the air of this place” as she put it. The alicorn was about to head out to the roof to check on the blue pegasus when something caught her eye. In the back corner, she had noticed that both Rukey and Fluttershy were huddled up and in a low conversation. It was then Twilight remembered that Rukey had promised the yellow pegasus that he would explain his nervousness in the presence of Barker. While she didn’t want to intrude on the conversation, the alicorn’s curiosity and concern for the Cur drove her towards the pair.

“But Rukey, you promised me. We have to talk about this!” Fluttershy pleaded with the Cur.

“I know, I know what I said, Flutters.” he began to explain himself. “It’s just…just give me a bit more time okay?”

“Rukey,” Twilight said, catching the attention of the both of them. As much as the alicorn wanted to be gentle about this issue, it was now time for her to be firmer. “I know that this…situation with Barker might be uncomfortable to talk about, but you should really talk about it with us. We’re a team now, and as the Reader, I need to make sure that everybody is feeling their best for the Rites. I promise, Fluttershy and I won’t think any differently of you.”

Rukey let out another sigh as he then looked over to Fluttershy, who was giving him a pleading look. “Alright, it’s just that, Barker, well…” It was fairly obvious that the Cur was struggling with his words, but he did eventually finish what he started. “Barker’s got me by the scruff, okay? I’ve been down here for a little while, as you can see by now. But Barker’s been here much longer.” The Cur then turned his head to the window. “He’s made quite a name for himself down here. As for me, I needed help. I didn’t want to look like some chump dragging his tail around the wastes. I had a certain standard to uphold, you know? I needed a good word for myself. So…I figured he would be the one to ask. After that…well, let’s just say that stuff like that doesn’t come cheap.”

Rukey lowered his head as he ended his explanation. Both Twilight and Fluttershy were silent out of condolence for his situation. It was now clear that Rukey was currently in some sort of debt to Barker in return for some credibility in the Downside. And judging from the few, agonizing encounters Twilight had with the wild Cur, she concurred that having someone like Barker constantly harass you about a debt was most definitely not a good time. After a few minutes of silence, Fluttershy took action and began to rub Rukey on the head. “Rukey,” she said in a gentle, sweet voice. “I know you must be scare of Barker because of this, but you don’t have to be. We’ll all be here for you in case that mean, old Barker ever tries to give you any trouble.”

Rukey then perked up and looked to the two ponies, his familiar grin spread across his face. “Hey, hey, you don’t need to worry about me, Flutters! So what if I owe Barker a little bit, right?! I got people back on the other side in the Commonwealth, and, just between us…we’re LOADED. RICH, I tell you! More than enough to pay back my debt with Barker.” The Cur then began to trot his way out of the corner and pass the two mares. “My little problem with Barker, soon it’s gonna take care of itself, just as soon as my people send the money through.” Twilight was about to ask for further details on Rukey’s alleged connections, but he quickly cut her off. “It’s all fine, sister, really! I’m telling you right now, don’t you guys worry about it. I’m sure everything on that front is going to end up real tidy, real soon! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think Jodi needs some help with…whatever she’s up to!” He then scampered off before either of the mares could respond.

“Twilight,” Fluttershy said to her friend. “I’m not sure Rukey is telling us the whole story.”

“I have to agree, Fluttershy.” The alicorn responded. “He didn’t really explain what exactly was on the line if he failed to pay off his debt.” The alicorn looked over to the Cur, worry plastered on her face. “Fluttershy, try to see if you can get anymore information about this debt of his. Though, you should wait a little bit before you bombard him on such a sensitive issue.”

“That sounds like a good idea, Twilight.” the animal lover agreed. “I’m going to go check up on Ti’zo in his nest. Maybe you should go see Rainbow on the roof and see if she needs anything.”

As she saw her friend walk off, Twilight decided that it would be a good idea to follow her friend’s advice and go to check on the blue pegasus on the roof. The alicorn headed over to the door and slowly opened it. Seeing how the blackwagon was already in motion, she quickly exited the vehicle and shut the door behind her while flying in the air. The purple mare then quickly flew up onto the roof and found her friend. The Wonderbolt had her eyes closed as she spread out her wings to let the incoming wind run through her mame and feathers. Twilight had to subtlety clear throat in order to snap Rainbow out from her basking.

“Oh, hey egghead,” she said. Twilight couldn’t help but smile a bit at the teasing nickname she had for the alicorn, seeing how Daring Do had made her a bit of an ‘egghead’ herself. “whatcha doing up here?”

“Just thought I check on you.” Twilight answered. “Why were you spreading out your wings like that?”

The rainbow mare chuckled a bit. “I just wanted to let my wings get use to this air. What, with us being in a new world and all that, though it would be a good idea to get a feel of the air and wind so that I’m not caught off guard.” To emphasize her point, Rainbow opened her wings again and let a pleasant sigh as the wind ruffled her feathers again. “Gotta say, the air feels pretty nice. Maybe not Equestria nice, but still nice.”

Twilight giggled a little at the pegasus’s levity, and then decided to move the topic to another matter. Even though Rainbow seemed to brush off most of the ponies’ current situation, so the alicorn just wanted to make sure she was absolutely fine. “Rainbow, are you sure that you understand our current situation? You know, with the whole ‘being stuck in a new world with no promise of returning back’ thing?”

Rainbow folded up her wings again and answered her friend. “Well, I guess I am. I mean, sure we’re in a crazy new world, and these Rites sound kinda weird, but if you really think about it, weird is kinda normal for us, right? So yeah, I’m cool with just going through the motions until we find a way to get home.” The Wonderbolt’s expression suddenly turned a bit serious. “But Twi, are you sure you’re okay? Hedwyn told me that when he found you out in that desert, you looked beat up and could’ve actually…died if he hadn’t showed up.”

Twilight took in the concern that her friend was expressing for her sake, especially how her voice got shaky at the mention of the purple mare’s potential untimely end. “Well, yes I was bit…roughed up when the Nightwings found me,” Twilight said she looked down to her front forelegs. The bandages that covered up the alicorn’s wounds were removed a few days ago, but it was still a bit tender. “I really don’t know how I ended up like that. Maybe it was from the…” she cut herself off when the explosion came up in her mind. She still hadn’t asked Rainbow Dash yet about her side of he story. “Rainbow, the explosion from the mirror, what do you remember from it?”

The pegasus’s expression grew a bit somber at the alicorn’s question. She let out a sigh and scratched the back of her head. I…I’m kinda having a hard time remembering myself, Twi. Some of it is a bit…fuzzy.” The pegasus shook her head clear so that she could try to remember. “Alright, so the last thing I remember was that I just finished checking on things at the School, so I went to find you. When I couldn’t find you in your office, I went to the castle to try and find you there. Eventually, I found you in the library with Starlight and Spike and you were-“

“Wait, Spike was there too?!” Twilight interrupted, her voice full of worry for her scaly assistant.

“Yeah,” Rainbow continued. “him and Starlight were messing around with the mirror-portal thing that Sunset Shimmer uses from time to time. Spike went behind the mirror while you were explaining what you guys were doing.” The pegasus then used her wingtips to lightly massage her temples. “I…can’t really remember what you were doing though. I mean, you’re my friend, Twi, but sometimes you have a tendency to overexplain things to a point where it sorta sounds like jibberish. No offence, though!”

Twilight narrowed her eyes in annoyance. “Point taken.” She plainly said, deciding to let the sly comment pass for now. “What happened next?”

“That part’s a little bit clearer to me. After you were done your lecture, you went up to the mirror and began to cast a spell. It must’ve been super powerful, cause your horn was sparking and lighting up in a weird way. Just as you were about to cast the spell, AJ and Fluttershy walked in the room looking for you too. After that…” Rainbow took a big gulp of air. “After that, you cast the spell and it hit the mirror. It then started freaking out and shaking like crazy. That’s when I heard the door slam open and then I heard a party popper went off, so I guess it’s a safe bet that was from Pinkie. But, I didn’t get a chance to look though, I was focusing on something else.” Twilight waited eagerly as Rainbow paused to lower her head. “I could tell that the mirror was going to explode, and you were right next to it. I tried, I really, really tried to push you out of the way! But…it was too late. The mirror exploded and the whole room went all bright and then dark. When I woke up, you were shaking me awake while we were falling towards then ground.”

When the pegasus finished her recollection of the prior events, Twilight let out a long, dreaded sigh. “This…this is just too much for me.” She muttered under her breath. She then turned away from the blue pegasus and looked out to the road where the wagon had just travelled. It wasn’t long before Rainbow attempted to make the alicorn feel better.

“Hey, it’s really okay, Twi. I got out pretty okay, and Fluttershy and AJ said that-“

“It’s NOT okay, Rainbow!” Twilight cried out, silencing that pegasus. “It doesn’t matter what you or Fluttershy or Applejack try to tell me, the fact of the matter is that this is all not okay. For some reason, for some idiotic reason that I still can’t remember, I thought it would be a good idea to experiment with trans dimensional magic that I barely had any knowledge on. I look what happen! I got myself and the rest of you stuck not only in some different world, but in a land reserved for criminals.” The alicorn hung her head down in shame. The guilt weighing down on her shoulders was becoming too much for her to handle. Every side from her friends’ side of the story lead to the conclusion that she was all to blame for this. “If I never had messed around with that mirror, we’d all still be home with our friends and family. I messed up, and now everypony is paying for the consequences. I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said nothing after that, seeing how she had nothing left to get off her chest. She fully expected Rainbow to head back inside the wagon and think about what the alicorn had just said. Which is was she was surprised when she was suddenly turned around and was now looking into Rainbow’s bright, magenta eyes.

“Listen, Twilight,” the pegasus began in a calm, reassuring voice. “I know you must feel really sucky right now, but you really need to let it go already. And before you go on another tangent again, hear me out. What’s done is done, and the past is in the past. Sure, you made a mistake, but you didn’t mean to do it. Me and the rest of the girls won’t think any less of you, even if we’ve been teleported to some crazy world. We just have to…uh…what’s it called when you have to think about how you’re supposed to do something about a thing you have to do?”

“Reassess the situation?” Twilight guessed based on the Wonderbolt’s shaky definition.

“Yeah! We just have to reassess our situation here. And right now, we need to focus on finding the rest of our friends and then we can get back to Equestria. You said that the Rites would be our ticket out of here, right? So, let’s just keep doing that.” Rainbow continued to give the purple mare a supportive smile, but Twilight still felt unhappy with the situation.

“Rainbow, you know that’s not one hundred percent guaranteed. It really more of a theory that the Rites will get us back home.” Twilight pessimistically explained.

“Well, it’s not like we have anything to lose by not doing them.” Rainbow countered her. “Besides, I think you’re really helping these guys out, Twi. Hedwyn told me that it was sort of a small blessing that him and his crew found you. The guy can’t help himself from going on about all the awesome stuff you’re doing as a Reader! Looks like being such a big egghead does have its advantages here!” The blue pegasus then patted the alicorn on the shoulder. “We’re all here now, Twilight, there’s nothing we can do about the past. Right now, just do what I like to do: Focus on what’s in front of you. Let’s just think about finding our friends, kicking flank at these Rites, and get the heck out of this cruddy place. Do you think you can at least promise me you’ll stop worrying about this?”

Twilight looked rather dumbfounded at the Wonderbolt’s sudden burst of wisdom. She had to admit, Rainbow did have a good point. Twilight couldn’t change the past (not without causing terrible consequences, that is) and the best thing she could do is to just look forward. The Nightwings needed her as their Reader, and she had yet to disappoint them with leading them in the Rites. It felt good to be helpful to their cause of freedom and she was eager to find the rest of her friends with every victory the Nightwings attained. However, just like always, there was that tiny part in the back of her mind that couldn’t help but make her think about the darker of things. What if the Rites wouldn’t get them back to Equestria? What if Twilight really did doom her and her friends to this desolate wasteland? Such questions were making the alicorn waver from answering Rainbow’s promise. “Rainbow, I…I’m not sure if I can keep that promise.”

Rainbow then gave the purple mare a kind, patient smile. “Well, then at least promise me you’ll let me snap you out of it if you fall into another rut?”

Twilight felt her heart warm up at the pegasus’s request to be there for her. That was definitely a promise that the alicorn that she would never mind keeping. The endless support of her friends were what got her through some of her darkest time and this time was no different. She then quickly pulled Raindow Dash into a tight embrace to show her gratitude. The purple mare let out a content sigh as she felt the soft feathers of the pegasus against her. Somehow, it reminded her of the comforts from back home. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I really needed to hear that right now. I don’t know what our future holds, but I know I’ll be fine as long as you guys are there for me.”

“Heh, n-no problem, Twi,” Rainbow said, sounding a bit flustered from the sudden contact. “just glad to be there for a friend. The, uh…hug is also nice too. Maybe we should-“ The blue pegasus cut herself off and took a few sniffs. “Um, Twi, what’s that smell?”

“Rainbow,” Twilight huffed out with an annoyed expression as she released her from the hug. “It’s not like I can bathe everyday under these conditions. Besides, I don’t smell that bad!”

“What?! No, not you! It kinda smells like…sulfur?” The pegasus then began to look around. “Um, Twi? I think the atmosphere changed up a little while we were talking.”

Twilight also began to look around and slowly began to realize that the wagon had finally left Jomuer Valley and crossed into the Flagging Hands.

Musical Cue - Sinking Feeling

In contrast to the bright, earthy tones of the Valley, the Flagging Hands was a dark, dank place colored in a dark green and light purple palette. Mushrooms the size of bushes were scattered through the land, often next to pools of viscous, green liquid that the alicorn preferred not to investigate further. The odor that Rainbow had previously mention seemed to have originated from one of the many tall puffs of green smoke rising up from underneath the ground. Finally, Twilight noticed that the sun above them was barely able to punch through the endless cover of smog and cloud cover that floated high above the marshlands. Overall, The Flagging Hands seemed to be a rather desolate place where life seemed to stagnate and then ultimately decay into a shadow of its former self. Twilight was now beginning to understand why Jodariel was dreading to come here in the first place.

It was long until the wagon soon made a stop in a nearby clearing away from some of the swampier areas of the marshland. Twilight and Rainbow Dash flew down to the ground to greet the group exiting out of the wagon to assess the change in environment. Needless to say, nobody was impressed with the atmosphere.

“Woo nelly, this here place has a right terrible smell here!” Applejack said as she was attempting to fan off the smell with her hat. “I mean, I may live on a farm, but…land sake!”

Mae followed behind the orange mare and held her hands together in an almost prayer-like fashion. “This place is…rather dreary. But I know the Scribes are watching over us. They will protect us, wherever we go!”

“Something tells me that the Scribes have already turned their backs on this horrid place.” Jodariel muttered while she looked out to the horizon. “We should set up camp for the night here. It’s hard enough to see where we’re going during the day, we’re bound to crash into a swamp at night.”

The Nightwings and the ponies nodded in agreement and began the process of setting camp. While the others were busy with that, Hedwyn and Twilight walked over to the Demon to discuss what to do next. “How far to the Pit of Milithe?” the Nomad asked.

Jodariel gave a huff of annoyance. “All the way across the marshlands, on the coast. The journey will not be pleasant.”

This seemed like dire news to the alicorn, so she decided to try to lighten the mood a bit. However, before she could say anything, the trio was interrupted by Tariq.

“Pardon me,” the minstrel politely said. “but may I borrow Madam Twilight from a brief moment? I have important matters to discuss with her in the wagon.”

Twilight was a little caught off guard from the Lone Minstrel’s request, seeing how she couldn’t think of any reason what he would want to discuss off the top of her head. The purple mare looked over to Hedwyn and Jodariel, wordlessly asking if it was fine if she left. The pair looked to each other and then back to the alicorn.

“Go see what he wants.” Jodariel instructed her, followed by a nod of agreement from Hedwyn.

With their approval in mind, Twilight then followed Tariq as they both made there way into the wagon while everybody else was busy with setting up camp. Once they were inside, Twilight was greeted with the familiar interior of the black wagon, however there was something different about it that the mare could not put her hoof on it. It wasn’t until she saw a green glint from the corner of her eye when Twilight realized what had changed. Beside the podium where Twilight kept the Book of Rites was a glowing, green crystal orb that was resting on a soft cushion. The orb was sparkling and shimmering to a point where Twilight was almost completely captivated by it. The alicorn shook herself out of the semi-trance and turned to the minstrel for questioning. “What’s that…orb over there?”

Tariq then gestured over to the new addition to the wagon. “This is an artifact that I give to you on behalf of my client, Sandalwood. It is known as the Beyonder Crystal.” The purple mare then looked back to the shimmering crystal while continuing to listen to the minstrel’s explanation. “As you have surmised, the triumvirates that you are to confront during the Rites shall stop at nothing to prevail against you. They have prepared for this for quite some time. The Beyonder Crystal may help ensure that you are well prepared, in turn. It is a resource now at your disposal, to be used at your discretion.”

Twilight continued to look at the crystal in awe and wonderment. The Nightwings confrontation with the Dissidents reminded Twilight that their adversaries would be fierce in their pursuit for their own freedom from the Downside. Even the slight hesitation from her could mean the difference between a victory and a loss. Having something like the Beyonder Crystal would be an invaluable asset for the alicorn in her journey to get back to Equestria. “How does it work?” she asked.

“Simply gaze upon it and give it a light touch. The rest should become clear to you from thereafter.” Tariq explained. “I shall now take my leave and let you familiarize yourself with the artifact.” With a final tip of his hat, the Lone Minstrel went outside, leaving Twilight alone with the mysterious crystal orb.

Now that she had some privacy, Twilight cautiously walked up to the crystal to inspect it further. As she got a closer look, she noticed there were shining glyphs engraved on the glassy surface that were beyond the alicorn’s understanding. There was something else about the crystal orb that intrigued her further. While there wasn’t a sound inside the wagon, save for the soft chirps from the drive imps among the rafters, Twilight could have sworn that she was hearing something, though not in the traditional sense. The Beyonder Crystal was calling to her. Not in the physical sense, but rather there was something in the deepest parts of her mind that compelled her to follow the minstrel’s instructions and touch it. Slowly, the purple mare reached her hoof out to touch the glassy surface. When she finally made contact, the effects were immediate.

Musical Cue - Forbidden Knowledge

Twilight stumbled back from the crystal as she was startled by what had happened. As soon as she touched it, an energy rippled throughout her whole body. From her perspective, it seemed like the alicorn had lost some of her senses, yet she still retained a hold over her consciousness. She looked around the room and noticed that it seemed significantly brighter than before. However, the most alarming thing to the purple mare was the figure that was now standing in front of her. It was a Nomad, female by the looks of it, wearing the traditional rainments and narrow mask of the Rites. However, there was something different but oddly familiar about the figure. Her rainments were a mixture of bright yellow and pale green, yet they were also incorporeal as well. Twilight’s eyes trailed down to the floor and was surprised when she couldn’t find any feet. Based on such evidence, the alicorn quickly came to the conclusion that the figure appeared to be, in fact, an apparition.

“Hmm,” the spirit hummed in an echoed tone. “…I sense that you are not a total idiot. Maybe it has something to do with you not being of this world.” The spirit reached to undo the clasps on the back of her mask. Once it was removed, Twilight was finally able to view the apparition’s awe-inspiring features. She was indeed a woman, with long, black hair tied behind her in a ponytail. Her skin was a dark pale, with no sight of a wrinkle or blemish on her face. However, the most interesting aspect of her was the glowing, seafoam mist that seemingly originated from under her neck and swirled upward around her head. This mist also seemed to cause the woman’s hair to gently flow upward as well. “So, the Nightwings have returned. And they appear to have an…interesting Reader, as well.”

Twilight was still awe-struck by the spirit’s appearance. She then quickly shook herself out of her staring and attempted to at least introduce herself. “I’m…My name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m a princess from a land known as Equestria. It’s…nice to meet you.” The alicorn felt nervous in front of the spirit, hoping that her greeting was adequate enough. She relaxed a little bit when she saw the woman smirk and chuckle.

“So polite, as well. That is certainly unique. Oh, but where are my manners? Please, call me Sandra.” She gave a small, mock bow to the alicorn, who was still somewhat lost for words. “We met briefly before,” she continued. “when you first held the Book and gazed upon its words.”

The pieces finally clicked together in the alicorn’s mind as she remembered back on the first day she arrived at the Downside. During that “practice” Rite she had with the Nightwings, Twilight remember being faced with ghostly adversaries that were donned in the same colored rainments as Sandra was wearing right now. “Wait,” she said, verbally confirming her suspicions. “you were one of those spirits that me, Hedwyn, Jodariel and Rukey faced in the Book?”

“Personally, I prefer the term ‘phantom’, but yes,” Sandra confirmed. “I was one of the phantoms your companions banished there, while you all were stuck in the Book. No doubt stroking their egos…and maybe yours too.” The grin on Sandra’s face lowered down back to a neutral expression. “You listen well enough to that damn Voice. Now, I suggest you listen well to me now. I am bound in servitudeto you. Along with any idiots whose freedoms happen to be intertwined with yours.”

The alicorn furrowed her eyes a bit as the phantom smirked at the passing insult she indirectly made towards the Nightwings and her friends. However, she decided to let it pass for now in hopes of asking the spirit more questions about her servitude. “Tariq said that you would be able to help us with the Rites. How exactly do you plan to do that with your…current condition?”

“I know the Rites better than anyone.” Sandra explained. “I can soon whip you and your compatriots into shape, if you but take advantage of my services. I assure you that my Beyonders and I are more that capable of training the likes of you.”

“Beyonders?” Twilight asked with a tilt of her head.

“Yes,” Sandra answered. “Souls that were ‘fortunate’ enough to be trapped within this crystal along with me, though they are not as expressive as I am with you. You would think that they would make good company in this imprisonment. There is just one problem with that, however.” The spirit quickly frowned. “We are all sick of each other!”

Twilight’s ears flatten out the phantom’s outburst, feeling a small amount of pity growing within her at her low opinion of her fellow prisoners. The mare was then caught off guard by Sandra then suddenly chuckling. “Relax yourself, I do exaggerate to some extent. But there is a certain truth to this. We have been stuck here long enough that we have grown more distant rather than more close. You’re bound to run out of conversation topics after the first few years.” Sandra gave another laugh, but there was something off about it by the alicorn’s standards. Though she couldn’t say that she was a connoisseur of smiles and laugh like Pinkie Pie, Twilight still felt that Sandra wasn’t laughing at her half-hearted joke, but rather at herself instead. “But I digress,” she continued. “I offer Scribe Trials to you and those friends of yours. If they can pass, it will be very much worth your while.” The phantom paused for a moment and closed her eyes. “I sense that one of those failures are worthy for a lesson in pain. Simply close your eyes, and you will see who is ready for their Trial.”

The purple mare was a bit confused at how closing her eyes would do anything but decided to follow the phantom’s instructions anyway. When she closed her eyes, all she could see was darkness in the first few seconds until a small ball of light began to glow. The ball became larger and brighter and then began to slowly morph into something else. Twilight witnesses as the ball began to elongate and sprout multiple appendages until the final results showed a four-legged creature that the alicorn that was very much familiar with. “Rukey,” Twilight announced. “I think Rukey Greentail is ready for a Scribe Trial.”

“What, the loud-mouthed Cur?” Sandra asked. “Well, I suppose he is ready…technically. Though, I do have a litany of reservations about him. But, go ahead and summon him hear if you are sure.”

Twilight nodded and when up to the doorframe to find Rukey. After looking for a bit, she found the Cur tending to the wagon wheels with Fluttershy helping him. When the alicorn called for him, Rukey nodded and entered the blackwagon with the purple mare. “What’s going on, sister?” the Cur asked her. “Why are you…looking at me like that?”

Before the alicorn could answer him, both of them felt faint all the sudden. Twilight could hardly say anything else as everything went dark.

Musical Cue Continued - Forbidden Knowledge

When she opened her eyes once again, Twilight found herself floating in the same space that she found herself in when she opened the Book on that faithful first day. She looked down below to once again find the Book open with the Nightwings and the Beyonders sigils on both sides. Two figures appeared on both sides of the field and both pyres erupted into flames, though Twilight noticed that the Beyonders’ pyre seemed at half intensity than the Nightwings’ pyre. On the left near the Nightwings’ pyre, Rukey appeared fully dressed in his rainments and mask. On the right, a single Nomad phantom was standing by itself by the green flames.

“Alright, what’s the big idea here, sister?!” Rukey called out. “Is this some kind of ‘magic prank’ that you ponies do or something? How the heck did I get back into these robes and mask?!”

Sandra then unfastened her mask and glared over at him. “Shut your snout and listen well, Cur! You answer to me here.”

“W-wha?” Rukey said in confusion.

“Your mouth runs quicker than those stubby little paws of yours. You have much to learn if you ever want to prevail in the Rites. Let’s see how you fare without the benefits of your comrades.” When she saw that the Cur was still speechless, Sandra grins and folded her arms. “What’s the matter, not confident that your lovely Reader can lead you to victory? You should just give up now if that is the case.”

Rukey remained silent for a few moments, but he eventually spoke up with an edge of resolve in his voice. “No…No, I trust her. Twilight’s been pretty good at all this ‘Rites’ business. Show me what you got, ghosty.”

“Hmph, be careful of what you wish for.” Sandra said cryptically said before she faded away from the field. A few seconds later, three Demon apparitions appeared on the right side of the field; their combined aura covering a large area of the ground. Twilight assumed that these were some of the fellow prisoners that Sandra was talking about earlier. The Cur’s aura then surrounded himself around him and the alicorn felt the familiar link with him just as in the Rite. Rukey took one final gaze of his surroundings and then got into a running stance. “Alright, sister, I said that I would make it up to you and it looks like now’s the time. Let’s show these ghosts what for!” Twilight couldn’t help but smile at the Cur’s determination, as it was a sentiment that she shared as well.

The Celestial Orb fell down onto the middle of the field, signaling the start of the Trial. Rukey had no problem rushing over and grabbing the orb first. However, the real challenge was getting pass the hulking Demons to jump into the opposing pyre. One of the phantoms attempted to rush forward to banish Rukey, but the he rushed backwards before he could be banished. Twilight quickly examined the field and found a small opening that the Cur could jump through. As t\one of the phantoms advanced again, the alicorn guided Rukey around them and had him leap for the pyre. The maneuver was successful and Rukey made it right into the flames. Twilight noticed that Rukey caused more damage to the pyre than she last remembered, inferring that he gained this extra power from his least Enlightenment. With this in mind, along with the fact that the Beyonders’ pyre was at half intensity, Twilight figured that she and Rukey only needed to hit the pyre two more times in order to obtain victory.

The field reset and Rukey returned to his side of the field. The Cur attempted to grab the orb like he did previously, however this proved to be a mistake as a Demon casted its aura to banish him from the field. Twilight could only watch helplessly as the Demon picked up the orb and slowly made its way to the Nightwings’ pyre. The Demon phantom would have made as well, if Rukey had not reappeared on the field after the allotted time and banished the Demon with his aura. One of the other Demon slowly advanced to the other side of the field, but Twilight saw this as an opportunity. The alicorn had Rukey pick up the orb and quickly advance to the other side of the field. With the two Demons spaced throughout the field, the Cur had no problem maneuvering around their aura fields. Rukey jumped and dived straight into the pyre. The flames were much smaller now, meaning it would take much more for them to finally go out.

After the field reset again, Rukey was able to rush forward and grab the orb this time without being banished. However, that didn’t stop the Demons from simultaneously going on the defensive and standing their ground. While one Demon casted his aura to deter the Cur, the other two stood by the pyre and surrounded it with their collective aura. Twilight had to consider her options fast as she saw that one of the phantoms was slowly advancing forward. This advancement, however, gave the alicorn an idea. She instructed Rukey to zigzag left to right, feinting the action of trying to circle around the phantoms. This strategy worked as one-by-one, each of the Demons moved up a bit in response to the Cur’s movement. Soon, Twilight saw an opening and had the Cur rush to the far left. While there was a small opening in the aura to the pyre, it still wasn’t big enough and was too far away for Rukey to make it safely. But this proved little problem to the alicorn, as she simply used a trick that she had picked up from Hedwyn back in the Nightwings first Rite. With all of his might, Rukey tossed the Celestial Orb into the pyre.

The orb let off a spectacular explosion, causing the small, green flames to quickly diminish. Once the pyre was reduced to a smoldering sigil, the three Demon phantoms slowly faded from the field. Twilight smiled triumphantly as the blue flames from the Nightwings’ pyre shot up into the air and exploded.

“Ha ha! LOXALAS!” Rukey howled out into the air. “That’s how we do it! Nothing’s impossible when Rukey Greentail and Twilight Sparkle is on the scene! Way to go, sister!”

“Congratulations,” Sandra said as she appeared back onto the field, her mask off her face. “you finally acknowledged that you did not win on your own. Despite having to face my Demon friends all by yourself.”

Rukey didn’t respond immediately to the apparition’s taunt, but he then said something that seemed to catch her off guard. “There’s no ‘I’ in team, lady. I’m gonna get back home, I need to, and I know that Twilight is gonna help me get there. Just like how we’re gonna help her and her friends get back to their world when it’s all said and done.”

Sandra appeared hesitant by the Cur’s response, but eventually huffed and continued on. “You have passed my test, Cur. Congratulations are in order. Both to you, and to your lovely Reader. Now, farewell.”

As suddenly as they arrived, both Twilight and Rukey felt faint and slowly sipped out of consciousness.

When they both awoke, Twilight and Rukey found themselves back inside the blackwagon. The alicorn looked around to confirm that they were in fact out of the realm inside the Book. When she was satisfied, Twilight looked to Rukey to make sure he was fine. “Are you okay, Rukey?”

“The Cur had finished looking himself over and answer the purple mare. “Yeah, I’m good, sister. But I gotta ask, who was that lady?”

“Her is name is Sandra. And apparently she’s some sort of phantom trapped in that crystal over there.” Twilight answered, gesturing over to the Beyonder Crystal.

“Well, whoever she is, she kind of gives me the shakes. Know what I mean, sister?” He then looked to the ground. “Hey, what’s that on the floor?”

The alicorn followed the Cur’s gaze downward to find what he was referring to. She then picked up the object with her magic to examine it further. It was a fang, a sharp one by the looks of it. If she had to guess, it appeared to be the right size for it to be a Cur fang. “I…think it’s supposed to be a talisman for the Rites.” she guessed out loud to the Cur. It then began to make more sense to her. This must have been what Sandra meant when she said it would be worth their while to complete these Scribe Trials. With this realization, Twilight smiled and offered the fang to Rukey. “I think it’s for you, Rukey. It’s your reward for passing the Trial.”

Rukey grasped the talisman in his paws and then placed it in his tunic pocket. “Thanks, sister. And what I said back there, I meant it. We’re gonna get you guys home. Don’t exactly know how, but we’re gonna do it. As sure as my tail is green!” The Cur then made his way to the door. “Anyways, I gotta get back with Flutters and show her how to tend to the wheels. Be seeing ya!”

Twilight smiled as the Cur left for outside, still feeling rather touched by his vow. It gave the alicorn relative comfort that she knew that a majority of the Nightwings were determined to help her and her friends find their way back to Equestria. Her ears perked up when she suddenly her chuckling behind her. She turned around to find Sandra had returned, still incorporeal as before. “Jomuer’s Fang should help him last in the Rites for a bit longer. You must be very proud.”

“So, what now?” Twilight asked the apparition, unsure as to what to do now that the Scribe Trial was complete.

Sandra laughed softly at this, though it was hard to determine if she was laughing at the alicorn’s question or at herself. “Now, I will return to the dark void that I call my home until I am needed again. It won’t be long until one of those other failures will be ready for there Trials. However, if you feel like you need some practice in the Rites, me and my Beyonders would be happy to spar with you. Or I would be happy if you wanted to make small-talk with me, anything to break from the monotony of staring into the endless void. Not that I could see it if I tried.” She laughed at this, or perhaps she was laugh at herself again. The purple mare wanted to say something to comfort the phantom, but she was already wrapping this up. “Until we meet again, lovely Reader.” Sandra then faded away from the room and the alicorn slowly began to feel her normal sensing returning to her.

Twilight was admittedly unsure what to feel right now. Sure, she did appreciate Sandra’s assistance in the form of her Scribe Trials. However, there’s was something about the uncanny way the spirit seemed to laugh at herself and her rather terrible predicament. She honestly expected somebody who had been trapped for so long to be a bit more malicious or depressed. It was certainly something that the alicorn would have to discuss with her at a later time. For now though, Twilight decided it was good idea to go outside and discuss with Hedwyn and Jodariel about how they would proceed through the Flagging Hands.

Little did the alicorn know how arduous crossing the marshland would actually be for not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.