• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 1,718 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pony: The Pyres of Friendship - Scribe of the Nightwings

A crossover fic between MLP and Pyre, by Supergiant Games

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The Missing Minstrel

Chapter 8: The Missing Minstrel

Across the vast, empty space of Jomuer Valley, the low rumble of the blackwagon could be heard traveling across the wastes. The sun was long gone from its place high in the sky and was making its way towards the western horizon, indicating the approach of dusk. The wagon in question had begun traveling that very morning, as the Nightwings packed up the campsite and began their journey to the Cairn of Ha’ub. From there, they began crossing through a section of the Valley known as Licksand, an area of sand surrounded by tall, red cliffs. Hedwyn had determine that if they continued a steady pace towards their destination, they would make it to the Cairn by dusk with plenty of time before the next scheduled Rite. This providing comfort to Twilight, knowing that they weren’t on a tight time schedule. She had considered taking a small snooze during the trip so that she would be well rested for the Rite, but idea was thrown out we she remembered the strange dream she received the last time she took a pre-Rite nap. Therefore, while the rest of the group were busy with their own various activities to pass the time, the alicorn began to start tidying up the common room of the wagon. She began around the bunk she had been sleeping in since she arrived in the Downside and slowly made her way across the room.

By the time the purple mare had finished, the wagon looked a lot less cluttered than the first time she had stepped inside it. The books had been stacked, random debris was swept up from the floor and she even tidied up some of the bunks. After giving a satisfying nod at her work, Twilight looked back to see what her fellow travel companions were up to. Applejack was talking to Mae, seemingly telling the girl about her family and life in Equestria. Jodariel was polishing her armor and checking it for any major wear-and-tear. Hedwyn was doing something similar, although he was polishing his cookware instead. Rukey was looking at himself in the mirror and appeared to be somewhat conflicted about something. Twilight was about to go check on the Cur, but she was distracted by a loud series of chirps coming from the blackwagon’s new member.

Ever since this morning, Fluttershy had spent her time getting to know the little Imp. Above them both in the rafters was the nest that both Mae and Fluttershy had made for Ti’zo. The nest was nothing complicated, just some hay and sticks bound together with bits of ribbon and string. Though the alicorn did noticed that there was a small fish plushie for Ti’zo to assumingly cuddle with, though Twilight wasn’t sure where they had got the doll in the first place. Regardless, the Imp adored his new home and was quick to make himself at home. Seeing how she didn’t know too much about the creature, Twilight decided to walk over to the pegasus and Imp to see what they were up to.

Musical Cue - Flutter Fly

“Kroohoooohoom.” He chirped at the yellow mare, as if he was finishing a thought.

“Oh gosh, that does sound dangerous. You really must be more careful next time.” Fluttershy warned him. Ti’zo was quick to perk up and gave a few resounding chirps, at which Fluttershy gave a small giggle. “Well, you certainly do look tough.”

“Hey Fluttershy,” Twilight greeted her friend. “How’s Ti’zo settling in? What were you guys talking about?”

The yellow mare looked to her friend with a smile. “Oh, he’s doing absolutely wonderful! Ti’zo was just telling me about all his adventures in the Downside. Although, it seems like he frequently gets in trouble with some of the Howlers.”

“Kraaahhaaa!” the Imp snarled at the mention of the dreaded creatures. Fluttershy was quick to translate.

“He has no love for them, but they know not to mess with him, either.” The pegasus then began to pet the Imp on the head, much to his enjoyment. “He plans on sticking around to make sure we don’t get any more trouble from those mean, old Howlers. Isn’t that right, my little friend?” The Imp didn’t give a direct response, as he was too busy basking in the pegasus’s affection.

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at such an adorable sight. “Well, we’re happy to have you along, Ti’zo. The more the merrier, I always say!”

Ti’zo then tore his attention away from Fluttershy and looked to the alicorn. “Krahiri-kii. Scra-HAAH-ha!” he said to her. Twilight still kept on a small smile but looked to her friend for translation.

“He said that he is very happy to be back in this wagon again and is very appreciative for letting him come along for our journey.” At the end of Fluttershy’s translation, the Imp fluttered up to his nest and began to settle in. After Ti’zo returned to his nest, the pegasus looked to her alicorn friend with a bright smile. “Oh, isn’t he the best, Twilight?! He’s just so small and fluffy, he kind of reminds me of Angel Bunny!”

Twilight gave a light giggle the yellow mare’s excitement. “He certainly quite adorable.” She complimented the Imp. “Hey Fluttershy, you sure you don’t mind translating for him all the time. I could imagine that it could get rather…tedious after a while.”

The animal lover quickly shook her head. “No, of course I don’t mind it, Twilight. Ti’zo is such an interesting little creature, and I would love it if you and the rest got to know him better! If it means that I have to be his translator, then I don’t mind.” Both of the ponies looked up and smiled as they say the Imp of interested snuggled up with his fish plush in his nest.

Seeing how the little creature was completely settled in, Twilight decided to leave the pegasus to her own thoughts. As she made her was back to her bunk, the alicorn heard a hushed whisper directed at her.

“Psst! Hey, sister, over here!” Twilight turned to see it was Rukey who was quietly calling to her. Curiosity got the best of the purple mare as she walked over to the Cur.

“Is there something the matter, Rukey?” she asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

The Cur still looked rather reluctant to speak, but he did so anyway. “Well, um, there’s something I wanted to get your take on. Normally would just ask Flutters over there, but I feel like she’d give me a biased opinion. So…” The alicorn listened intently at what Rukey was about to ask. “What I mean is, um…” The Cur hesitated again, seemingly trying to find the words. “Argh! What I’m trying to say is, um!” The Cur fell silent once again.

Even though Rukey appeared to be struggling with something, Twilight still gave him a kind smile. “It’s okay, Rukey, whatever you say will stay between us. If something’s on your mind, you have my full attention. I’m always happy to listen to a friend’s problem and help them work through it.”

The alicorn’s indirect declaration of friendship seemed to have calmed Rukey down a bit. He looked around the wagon once more to make sure nobody was eavesdropping on their conversation. He moved up close to the alicorn. “…Its about my mustache.” he murmured quietly. “I’ve been getting some conflicting reports about it. Would you say that my mustache makes me look a bit,…you know,…unscrupulous?”

Twilight had to quickly cover her mouth with a hoof to prevent the ensuing giggle had alert everybody in the wagon. She just couldn’t help but fine it rather amusing that the Cur would consider something as trivial as facial hair to be something of grand importance. Rukey, however, was clearly not amused that the alicorn was making light of something that was a large part of his self-image. After suppressing the giggles and collecting herself, Twilight gave her honest opinion on the Cur’s mustache. “I think it looks fine on you, Rukey. In fact, I would say that it gives you a rather distinguished look to you!”

Rukey seemed to instantly relax at the purple mare’s glowing compliment towards his grooming. “Ha ha, thanks for that, sister! I knew straightaway that you were a good judge of character. I’ll just be taking my leave now!” Before the Cur could walk away from the conversation, Twilight stopped him with a question of her own.

“Wait, Rukey, why are you so worried about what others think about your mustache in the first place?” The alicorn was certain curious as to what exactly would cause such self-doubt in the Cur. It was especially unusual since Rukey had been rather prideful of his facial hair before today.

Rukey turned back to Twilight, though he did not answer her question right away. “What? Oh, y-you know,” he stuttered out. “It’s…just important to keep up a good public appearance, is all!” It was clear to the alicorn that he was fishing for a good explanation for his behavior. Rukey continued to explain himself. “So, every once and awhile, I just ask others about my looks to make sure I’m still savvy! No harm in making yourself look presentable in front of other people…and other…ponies.”

While Twilight catch that last part that Rukey muttered to himself, she did notice that he quickly glanced away from the conversation. When she followed the direction the Cur looked to, she saw Fluttershy. The pegasus was still in the same spot as she was before, although it looked like Ti’zo had returned from his nest and the two were having another conversation with each other. A small smirk grew across Twilight’s face as the pieces were slowly coming together in her mind. All she had to do was press the Cur for further details to confirm her suspicious. “Rukey,” she asked. “you wouldn’t happen to be worried about your appearance now because Fluttershy is paying more attention to Ti’zo now instead of you, right?”

Rukey looked completely baffled at the mare’s accusation. However, instead of instantly disproving her claim, he paused and looked to the pegasus and then back to the alicorn questioning him. “W-What?! Come on, sister, it’s not like that at all! It’s no fur of my tail if Flutters wants to fawn over the little guy all day. In fact, it’s kinda nice to not have her attention all the time now.” The Cur tried to put on a convincing grin to help sell his claims, but that grin soon faltered with time. “Although, she did always hit a good spot when she scratched behind my ears. And I suppose it is downright pleasant to talk with her. And…,errr,…” Rukey looked down in slight embarrassment as he began to counter his own excuses. Seeing how he had suffered enough, Twilight decide to reassure her travelling companion.

“Rukey,” she said as she placed a hoof on his shoulder. “You don’t need to worry about Fluttershy. Believe me when I say that she is still enamored by you. It’s just that she loves to be with all types of animals. Sure, she’s paying more attention to Ti’zo now, but he’s not replacing you. I’m sure that if you walk up to her yourself, she’d more than happy to be in your company. And besides, Fluttershy said it herself on the night she arrived her; she thinks you’re handsome.”

Twilight removed her hoof and saw a much more relaxed Cur. It appeared that the alicorn’s words of encouragement had quelled any future doubts he had about the pegasus. However, he still kept on the cocky appearance that he wasn’t bothered by the lack of attention from the yellow mare. “Well, I still think you got the wrong idea about me, sister…..But, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice on…my mustache, sister!”

The conversation was then interrupted when the blackwagon suddenly stopped in its path. Twilight looked over to see that it was Hedwyn that had ordered the wagon to a halt. When the alicorn went up to the Nomad to question the reason for this sudden stop, he gave her a serious expression. “There’s someone on the road.” He answered.

This came as an alarm for everybody in the room, and they were all quick to exit the wagon to find out who this mysterious figure was. As Twilight stepped outside, she noticed that the red cliffs surrounding the sides of the wagon were casting shadows on parts of the path in front of her. The purple mare peered at the path in front of her, she discovered the figure that Hedwyn had noticed. It was a good distance away and covered in the shadows, so it was difficult to make out any significant details. What she could make out was that the figure appeared to have on a hat and cloak, and it was slowing approaching the group with arms spread wide. “Be careful, everybody.” Hedwyn warned one last time as the figure got closer. Jodariel and Applejack both got in front of the group and put on a defensive stand.

The air of anticipation was suddenly broken was Ti’zo rushed towards the figure. Fluttershy immediately rushed forward in an attempt to stop the Imp. “Ti’zo wait! We don’t know if he’s dangerous or not!”

Unfortunately, the Imp payed her no mind as he rushed towards the shadowed figure. Ti’zo only halted when he was right in front of the figure. The air was silent as the Imp continued to study what was before him. Twilight was unsure whether he was perplexed at what he saw, or that he was assessing something as a threat. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of suspense, Ti’zo fluttered up to the figures level and himself on his shoulder. “Hree-hee-heek!” he happily cooed. The figure responded with a soft chuckle.

Musical Cue - The Herald

“Ti’zo! It is good to see you again.” the figure said in a soft voice. And you found the others. Faster than I expected.” After he was finished greeting the Imp, the figure stepped out of the shadows to reveal his identity. Based on his apparel, it looked as though Twilight and the rest had finally found the minstrel that had eluded them these past few days. Upon closer inspection, he looked to be a Nomad of some sort. Only that his skin was extremely pale, which matched rather well with his pure white hair. The minstrel was dressed in a white cloak held together with a small, metal chain, with black feathers lined over his shoulders. He was also wearing a rather large hat that was decorated with a single large, black feather. To complete the look, the minstrel was carrying a white lute, which was shaped to resemble a downward crescent moon. Once he had completely revealed himself, he began a proper introduction. “Hello to you. We have not met, but I know who you all are, or who you must be. I returned as promptly as I could.”

Seeing how courteous he was being, Twilight decided to be the first to accept him back. “We’re just…happy to see you’re okay. I hope it wasn’t too hard for you out there in the Valley these past few days.” she told him. From her own experience, she knew that it was very harsh surviving out in the Downside.

The minstrel gave the alicorn a small nod. “I assure you, I am quite versed in the dangers and hazards of this land. Although, I still appreciate your concern, Princess Twilight.” As he said the purple mare formal title, the minstrel removed his hat and gave her a small bow of respect. Twilight was rather taken aback by this action. Her mind began to wonder how exactly the minstrel had known about her princesshood despite them never formally meeting before this.

“Now hold on just a minute!” The apple farmer confronted the minstrel. “Now how exactly do ya know about Twilight bein’ a princess and all that?!”

The minstrel put his hat back on and looked to the orange mare. “I apologize if I have alarmed you, Miss Applejack. On the night young Mae had joined our travels, I overheard you discussing your home and origins with the rest. I am rather quite familiar with both of you ponies.” He then looked over to Fluttershy. “Although, it appears another one of your kind had arrived while I was absent. May I enquire you for your name, madam?”

The pegasus was hiding behind her pink mane and averting eye contact with the minstrel, but she still granted his request. “I’m…Fluttershy.” she quietly said.

“Kree-hee-hee!” Ti’zo chirped was he was still perched on the minstrel’s shoulder.

“Ti’zo seems to think very highly of you, Miss Fluttershy, despite only meeting last night. I have to say, I’m rather impressed.” The minstrel complimented the pegasus. The praise did seem to help relax Fluttershy, as she now looked to the minstrel with a small smile.

“Well, you certainly had us worried there when you took off.” Hedwyn said.

Jodariel gave a small huff of aggravation. “I should knock him back into his slumber for all of the distress he has caused by wandering off.” The Demon was clearly not amused with spending valuable time searching for the minstrel, only to find out that he was perfectly fine. However, the minstrel was quick to explain himself before Jodariel could act upon her threat.

“Forgive me,” he began in a calm tone. “I did not aim to cause you such concern. As soon as I awakened, I had to notify my client that the Nightwings have return, with a Reader in tow.”

“Yer client?” Applejack asked, confused to who the minstrel was referring to.

“Aye, my client, Sandalwood.” he answered.

This caused Twilight to perk up at the mention of the name. She briefly remembered Hedwyn and Rukey bringing up the name Sandalwood when they picked up Mae a few days ago. Now was probably a good time to start asking questions. “Wait,” she said, looking to both Rukey and Hedwyn. “I overheard you guys mentioning that name when picked up Mae. Do you guys know who that is?”

The Nomad and the Cur looked to each other for a brief second before looking back to the alicorn. Twilight eagerly waited for answer, but it appeared that both of them were having trouble finding the words to explain themselves. Finally, with a bump to the shoulder from Jodariel, Rukey spoke up. “Well…” the Cur began. “We don’t really know him personally, per say.” Twilight was still confused with this explanation, but the minstrel interrupted with a much clearer one.

“Sandalwood is your point of contact, as I understand. Hedwyn was the one who sought out way out of the Downside, and my client answered his call with a request.” He then gestured towards the blackwagon. “I assure you, you did not find this wagon by mistake.”

As the minstrel finished, Twilight’s attention went towards Hedwyn, eager for an explanation on why such an important detail was kept from her for this long. The alicorn didn’t necessarily felt betrayed by this revelation, at least not yet. She understood that some information was either unimportant or not meant for her to know immediately. However, Sandalwood did sound important, and this sounded like it was something the purple mare would need to know if she and her friends were going to be traveling with the Nightwings on this journey. While the Nomad still had on his calm expression, Twilight could see signs of slight guilt appearing across his face. The Nomad let a soft sigh and began to explain himself.

“Forgive me, my friend. I didn’t mean to keep any secrets. While searching for an escape, I heard rumors of someone named Sandalwood with an offer. I made indirect contact with him, and he told me about the Nightwings and the Book of Rites in the first place. He pointed me to the wagon, I recruited Jodi and Rukey, and then we found you in the desert.” Hedwyn paused for a moment when he felt Jodariel put her hand on his shoulder. When he saw the blank look The Demon was giving him, he looked back to Twilight. “I’m sorry I didn’t inform you sooner about this. When you accepted to be our Reader, I thought you were only concerned with getting home.”

The alicorn had to admit, Hedwyn was right about that. Once the opportunity of freedom presented itself in the form of the Rites, she was rather quick to jump aboard and didn’t really think too hard about the specifics. She could also tell from the Nomad’s genuine tone and willingness to explain himself that he did not mean to keep anything from her, it was merely a slip in judgement. However, there was a small part of her that was still hurt that Hedwyn and the rest of the Nightwings for that matter decided to keep secrets from her. They all had to trust her if they were to succeed in the Rites, so it made sense that she would have to trust them as well. Twilight decided to put all that aside for now and that she would discuss this with Hedwyn at a later date. Now, she turned back to the minstrel and asked an important question. “So, what now?”

“You continue down your path. That is why I am here. As we make our way across the Downside, we will eventually meet with my client. He shall explain the finer detail far better than I ever could. For now, you have a job to do. Look to where the stars point you to and follow their path. I assure you, I will not interfere. With that said, I would very much appreciate it if you would allow me to accompany you once again.” The minstrel ended with another formal bow in hopes that it would convince the group to grant his request. Twilight looked to the Nightwings for their opinion of allowing the minstrel back to the wagon. Based on the nods and looks of approval she received, it appeared that none of them had no objections to the request. The alicorn then looked to Applejack and Fluttershy for their opinions, to which they both gave her a smile and a nod. Finally, Twilight gave a nod herself to fully seal the unanimous decision to let the minstrel join them once again.

“Welcome back, minstrel.” Hedwyn said to him with his usual smile. “You got a name.”

The minstrel nodded and gave a small smile. “Across this land, many have come to know me as the Lone Minstrel. However, I am also sometimes called Tariq. It is a great pleasure to meet you, Nightwings.”

“Welp, now that the welcome party is all wrapped up, I’m gonna go tend to the drive imps.” Rukey announced to the group. Before he left however, the Cur looked back to Fluttershy, as if he was remembering some advice a certain alicorn had given him. “Uh, hey Flutters? You mind helping me with the little guys? They get a little uppity when they haven’t eaten in a while.”

The yellow mare’s expression brightened up at the Cur’s request. “Oh, I loved to help you, Rukey! Those little imps are just so adorable!” The animal lover flew over next to Rukey and gave him a few pats on the head. She little a few giggles as she saw the Cur trying to repress a smile from her affection. Before the pair left for the wagon, Ti’zo let out a few chirps and fluttered over on to the pegasus’s back. Twilight couldn’t help but smile at how adorable the trio looked together.

“Alright everybody,” Jodariel announced to the group. “time to head out now. Dusk is approaching quickly, and we have to make it to the Cairn of Ha’ub before nightfall. Into the wagon!” The group was about to follow the Demon’s orders, but they were interrupted by Tariq.

“If I may,” he politely stated. “I would like to have a few words with Princess Twilight out here. I believe I have information that would be beneficial to her on the journey ahead. It will only take a few moments, I promise.”

Jodariel narrowed her eyes at the minstrel and then looked to Twilight. “Do not spend too much time dawdling, Reader. Make it fast.” The horned woman then made her way to the blackwagon, with Hedwyn close behind her. As Twilight was beginning to walk over to the Lone Minstrel to see what he wanted from her, she was stopped by Applejack who leaned in close to whisper in his ear.

“Now listen, Twi. I know this Tariq feller seem on the up and up, but just keep yer guard up. I’m not sayin’ right way that he’s trouble, but ya never know with this here land.” The farmer retracted from her friend’s ear when she finished her warning and looked over to the moon-touched girl. Come along now, Mae! Let’s get on into the wagon!”

The girl nodded eagerly and went inside with the orange mare, leaving the alicorn and the minstrel alone in the afternoon air. Twilight kept Applejack’s advice in mind and slowly approached him. As the purple mare got closer, she could see some of the finer details of Tariq’s face. There were a few wrinkles across his face, though they made him look refined instead of unsightly, if the alicorn was being honest. While his dull, yellow eyes appeared sunken and ragged, they still carried both a sense of serenity and alertness. After a minute, Twilight turned her gaze away from his face in hopes of not to be accused of staring.

“I thank you for this private audience, princess.” he said to her. “I am not asking you to keep any secrets from you friends, I merely assumed that what I have to say would interest you the most.” Twilight was willing to hear the minstrel out, but first she had to address something else.

“You don’t have to use any formalities with me, Tariq. I don’t like using my title with my friends or acquaintances. Just Twilight is perfectly fine.” The alicorn hoped that she hadn’t unintentionally offended him by rejecting his courtesy, but the minstrel seemed perfectly fine with it.

“Very well then, Madam Twilight. The reason I requested to speak with you involves your other compatriots that were caught in that magical explosion Miss Applejack and Miss Fluttershy were mentioning to you.” The alicorn’s interest immediately peaked when Tariq mentioned her other friends. She was curious as to what insight the minstrel could have very little familiarity with. “As of now, two of your friends have found themselves in the Downside due to that incident. However, what intrigues me most is that they did not all arrive here at once.”

Now that he mentioned it, Twilight realized that Tariq was right. Both Fluttershy and Applejack were caught in the same magical explosion, yet Applejack arrived here a few days before Fluttershy did. Now that she really thought about it, she had been transported the Downside long before either of them did. Why hadn’t they all arrived at the same time, along with any of her other friends unfortunate enough to get caught in the explosion? The purple mare decided to ask the minstrel if he had anymore insight on this situation. “So, are my friends just randomly falling out of the sky all around the Downside at different times?”

The Lone Minstrel shook his head. “Actually, I believe there is a pattern to this. So far, as the Nightwings have claimed a victory in the Rites, one of your friends have fallen from the sky. You found Miss Applejack after your victory against the Accusers, and then Miss Fluttershy appeared after you defeated the Fate. I do not believe this to be mere coincidence. Do you understand where I am going with this train of thought?”

The pieces were starting to come together in the alicorn’s mind. The scientist in her knew that when multiple observations resulted in the same outcome, it was no longer a random occurrence. “So, if I’m understanding you correctly, we’ll find more of my friends if we continue winning in the Rites?”

Tariq briefly scratched his chin. “It is only a theory, but I believe that is the key to finding the remainder of your friends. I cannot promise you that we will indeed find them, but I suppose will we eventually find out.”

Twilight gave the minstrel a relieved smile. “Well, that’s a good as guess as any I suppose! Just gives me another reason to keep going with these Rites.” The alicorn then looked to the black wagon. “We should probably go inside now before Jodariel comes back to fetch us herself.” Before she could make her way to the wagon, Tariq spoke up.

“Actually, there is one more matter that I would like to discuss with you, Madam Twilight.” The purple mare turned back around to hear what the minstrel had to say. “You read something in the Book of Rites. Which means that you may know something of my nature, correct?”

Twilight looked puzzled at this. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Most of the pages to the Book are sealed, and I don’t remember reading anything about a minstrel from the few pages that I could read.”

Though it was only for a second, Twilight could have sworn that she saw the minstrel’s eyes widen in surprise, only for them to revert back to their original calm state. He then cleared he throat. “Forgive me, for it seems I have spoken too soon. In time, the knowledge will make itself known to you. Conduct the Rites with glory, and all will become clear, for not just you, but your friends as well.” He then began to walk to the wagon. “Let us now make haste to the next Rite.”

Twilight wanted to question Tariq further about what he was referring to with knowledge and the Book, but he had already gone inside. She was tempted to fish more information out of the Lone Minstrel, however she was sure he would be just as cryptic as he was just a moment ago. Regardless, it was comforting to the mare that the group had found the minstrel and that he had returned to the group. While he was admittedly strange and somewhat cryptic with his words, she sensed no ill will from Tariq.

The alicorn then noticed that the sun was closing approaching the horizon, indicating that it was time to return to the wagon. Was she was aboard, the wagon started up again and made its way to the Cairn of Ha’ub, where there next adversaries for the Rites would be waiting for them.