• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 1,718 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pony: The Pyres of Friendship - Scribe of the Nightwings

A crossover fic between MLP and Pyre, by Supergiant Games

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A Moon-Touched Meeting

Chapter 5: A Moon-Touched Meeting

As the sun rose over the Downside Prairie, the blackwagon was already making its way to its next destination. The Nightwings would soon put the rolling green hills of the Prairie behind them as they made their way to Jomuer Valley. Soon, the weather gradually transitioned from cool and pleasant to hot and uncomfortable. Opposed to the Prairie, Jomuer Valley was more attuned to a dry desert plain, with significantly less greenery in the forms of small patches and the occasional shrub. It was unpleasant for sure, but when compared to the wasteland where Twilight was found be the Nightwings, it was just an unusually hot summer day. However, the alicorn’s attention wasn’t really on the new climate. She was too concerned with what Applejack was telling her.

“Wait, I did what?” Twilight asked her farmer friend to confirm what he had just told her.

Applejack let out a sigh. “I said that you were fiddlin’ around with that magic mirror that takes you to that place where Sunset Shimmer is at. You started to charge up a spell at it and then when you hit it, it just caused some big old explosion out of nowhere! When I opened mah eyes again, I was falling through some funny-lookin’ gateway for about ten minutes, I would reckon. Next thing I know, I’m landing on the ground and looking up to see your face.”

In a way, Twilight now felt a bit better now that Applejack had filled in some spaces in her blank memories. However, the alicorn still had many questions that made her nervous not knowing the answers to. “Alright, I guess that would explain how we got transported to an entirely different world. But that still doesn’t explain why you and I were separated when we arrived here. And what was I even trying to do with the mirror in the first place? Applejack, was Starlight there with me, or anypony else besides you?”

The orange mare closed her eyes in thought and then let out a disappointed sigh. “Aw, consarn it, Twilight! I can’t rightly remember that much of what happened or who was there. I guess I got some of that memory loss stuff when I went through that portal like you did. I think Starlight was there, and Dash, and…Fluttershy? I’m real sorry, Twi?

The purple mare lowered her head in disappointment. “Alright. Thanks anyway, Applejack.” She then walked to the window and watched the barren land of the Valley pass by. It didn’t exactly sit right with the alicorn that this may have been entirely her fault. Sure, she didn’t remember why she was messing with the mirror in the first place, but that still didn’t change the fact that she messed with it in the first place. And now because of that, her and Applejack and possibly more of her friends were stuck in this world and had very little options to get back home. It wouldn’t be the first time she had accidently messed up a spell, but this she had not only potentially doomed herself, but may have potentially doomed her friends as well.

“If you would excuse me for interrupting,” Twilight turned back to see that Hedwyn had now joined in on the ponies’ conversation. “but I believe you shouldn’t worry too much about your friends.” Both of the mares looked to the Nomad in confusion at what he had meant by this. “It’s like this,” he continued. “if we were able to find Applejack so soon, then I don’t think it would be beyond reason that your other friends should turn up eventually as well. Try to think of it as another reason to take this journey. The further we go, the more of your friends will turn up. Sure, the Downside is harsh, but it sounds to me like this isn’t the first time you and your friends have been through tough times.”

Applejack nodded her head at this logic and looked to the alicorn. “Hedwyn’s right, sugarcube! The others should be okay if’in they get dropped into this place before we get to ‘em.” The country mare then looked over to the stacks of books in the corner. “And after what you told me about these Rites this morning, I think we should be fine as long as we stick to a plan. I’m not too sure how I’ll be able to help with these Rites, but ya’ll know I’ll be on your side til we all get on back to Equestria!”

The words of encouragement from the both of them did help in making Twilight feel a bit better about their situation. She supposed that right now, it mattered little if it was entirely her fault that she and her friends were stranded here. Right now, she needed to focus on finding her friends and getting back home. She needed to have a hundred percent focus for the Rites, and she couldn’t do that if she was still moping about her mistakes. “Thanks, you two. I really needed to hear that. I’m sure if we all work together, we can find the rest our friends and then all of us will get home. We just have to-“

The purple mare’s sentence was cut short as the blackwagon made a sudden stop all of the sudden. Twilight knew that they couldn’t over reached their destination so quickly, so she looked over to see that it was Jodariel that stopped the wagon. The Demon had a look of intense focus and concentration, almost as if she was searching for something out of place.

“Hey, Jodi! Wanna explain why we stopped in the middle of nowhere?!” Rukey asked Jodariel, who was just waking up from a nap. The horned woman didn’t answer him as she made her way to the door to go outside. Rukey let out a sigh. “I swear, that woman is way too paranoid for her own good!” The Cur then went outside to see what the matter was.

Twilight, Hedwyn and Applejack also went outside to see what had drawn the Demon’s attention. It was mid-day and the sun was giving off an unforgivable heat wave to the Valley. The group looked on as Jodariel examined the blackwagon at all angles. She got on her knees to check beneath the wagon’s under carriage and paused. She got up and took a few steps back. “We have a stowaway.” She finally said.

Musical Cue - Moon Touched

Seeing that there was no use hiding anymore, the stowaway got out from under the wagon to reveal herself. Twilight was surprised when it was revealed that the stowaway was actually just a young girl that didn’t look very much older than eighteen. She was dressed in black rags and a cape, though it looked like there was gold trimming around the sides. Her skin was extremely pale, which made her red eyes stand out more. Finally, her grey hair was poofed out and completely disheveled and there were bits of sticks and leaves poking out of it. “Home…? We can go home?” the girl shakily said. Twilight guessed that she must have crawled under the undercarriage at some point we they were leaving the Ridge and overheard her, Applejack and Hedwyn talking about home.

“You need but say the word, Hedwyn.” Jodariel said after studying the girl.

“Oh, come on,” Rukey spoke up. “you can’t be serious, Jodi. She’s just some kid! Who managed to climb aboard our wagon undetected, but still.” Twilight was still confused at what was going on, but she didn’t like the implications of what the Cur was saying. Were they really going to leave such a young and weak girl behind in such a harsh environment?

“Do it, Jodi.” Hedwyn told his companion.

The horned woman nodded and walked up to the strange girl. She was beginning to look more nervous, but then she calmed down when Jodariel got on one knee to look at her at eye-level. “Listen to me, girl.” the Demon began. “We cannot guarantee that we shall get you home, or any one of us. But, at present, we have room for you, and adequate provisions. You may accompany us for a time.” Jodariel then got back up and went back inside the wagon, presumably to make space for the girl. Twilight let out an inward sigh of relief knowing that the Nightwings were not cruel enough to leave behind such a defenseless girl and were even generous enough to provide a temporary home for her.

The girl seemed overjoyed at hearing this news. “Really?” she asked, ensuring that there was no misunderstanding. When Hedwyn nodded his head, she clapped her hands together. “You are all too kind! May the Eight Scribes smile upon you all! It will so nice to be travelling with other exiles. Especially you two,” she gestured to both Twilight and Applejack. “you both look so interesting and rather cute!”

As the girl was bursting into laughter and started dancing around, Applejack leaned in close to Rukey. “Eh, Rukey, I don’t mean to be rude here, but why is she…all gray like that?”

“Hmm, odds are that the kid is probably moon-touched.” The Cur answered the apple farmer.

Now it was Twilight’s turn to ask a question. “Moon-touched? What does that mean?”

Rukey looked a bit uncomfortable as he explained the girl’s affliction. “Well, sometimes people are born looking like…that and they also tend to act a little nutty as well. The Commonwealth isn’t really keen on having folks with those traits, so they normally just toss ‘em down here in the Downside. Real shame, actually.”

Twilight wasn’t actually sure how to respond to that. Sure, she knew that the Commonwealth wasn’t the most tolerant place she had heard of, what with there ban on literacy and tossing their criminals into an inhospitable landscape. However, she never would have guess that they would throw people down here for just not fitting in with their society. How could someone just toss a young girl down here just she had gray hair and pale skin?

Applejack had plenty to say about the girl’s terrible predicament. “What?! How could they do that to such a sweet, little thing?! I’ve only heard about this Commonwealth place just recently, but now I certainly don’t want to visit there anytime soon if that’s how they treat good folks like her!” The orange mare then walked up to the girl who had just finished her dance. “Don’t you worry none, sugarcube! You’ll be staying with us as long as you need to. Now, what should we call ya?”

The girl stared blankly at Applejack for a small bit before looking away and scratched at her arm. “Well, this might be embarrassing, I think, but I don’t really know for sure? Back home, they used to call me lots of different names. Like, for the color of my hair.”

“They made fun of you just ‘cause you had gray hair?” Rukey asked her.

The girl’s face lit up all the sudden. “That’s it! My name rhymes with gray! My name is….my name…., oh, it’s just that there were so many names.” She was starting to sulk over not remembering her name, however Applejack was quick to come up with a solution on the spot.

“Her name rhymes with gray,” Twilight heard the farmer mutter under her breath. “and they say that she’s moon-touched…” Applejack’s eyes then widen and then she smiled at the girl. “How about we call ya Mae, at least for the meantime. Does that work for ya, darlin’?”

The girl was silent for a few seconds before her eyes lit up for the second time. “Why, that’s it! My name is Mae! My name is Mae! Back from where I’m from, they called me Mae the Moon-Touched! Although, I guess you don’t have to say that last part, since I really didn’t like it.”

“Mae it is then! Glad to have aboard, sugarcube!” Applejack happily welcomed the girl. Mae gave a few jumps of joy before she suddenly appeared tired and weak. “Um, are you alright there? You don’t look so dandy.” The orange mare asked with concern.

I’m…I’m fine. It’s just hot, and I’m a bit thirsty…and a bit tired, and…” Mae managed to say before she started to collapse. Thankfully, Applejack was nearby and caught the poor girl before she hit the dusty ground.

“Applejack,” Hedwyn said. “Go take Mae inside the wagon. Jodi should already have a place set up for her. You should go with them, Twilight, just in case.” Both of the mares gave a nod at Hedwyn’s orders before they headed to the wagon entrance. Applejack carried Mae inside, but Twilight back a bit when she heard Rukey and Hedwyn talking amongst themselves.

“First the Reader, then her friend, and now we’re taking her along? What, we gonna take in every little thing that we come across in this barren wasteland?” the Cur complain to Hedwyn.

“Easy, Rukey.” he reassured. “I’m sure he would want us to take her along with us.”

Rukey gave the Nomad a look of confusion. “Who, Sandalwood? I thought you said he asked us to find someone to fit in each type of mask. Pretty sure she would be able to fit your mask just fine!”

“He asked us to use our best judgement.” Hedwyn corrected him. “Besides, if we send her away, she’ll tell anyone she finds about us. We can’t risk that, especially with Twilight with us.”

The purple mare quickly went inside the wagon before she could be caught for eavesdropping on the pair. Although their conversation seemed mundane, it was the name Sandalwood that caught the alicorn’s attention. It appeared that this Sandalwood was the one who instructed Hedwyn to find a Reader in the first place, along with finding others to fill out the other masks (whatever that meant). It did raise the question of why their mysterious informant would want such a thing, but Twilight would have to wait to get an answer. Right now, she had to go and make sure Mae was settling in comfortably. She would try to talk to Hedwyn later about who Sandalwood was, in a way that didn’t make it sound like she was spying on his and Rukey’s conversation. When the Cur and Nomad made it back onboard, the wagon started up again and made it’s way across the Valley.

Musical Cue - Through the Valley

A few hours had passed since the group had picked up Mae. Since then, the strange girl took a quick rest for her previous exhaustion and was back on her feet a mere hour later. After brief introductions between her and everyone in the wagon, she made her way towards the far corner of the room and began fiddling with a pile of sticks she had on her.

Back in the present, Twilight had just finished stacking the books in a neat pile and looked over to check on Mae. She saw that she was talking and laughing with Applejack in her corner, so the purple mare decided to see what they were talking about. “Hey Mae, are you settling in alright?”

Mae gave the alicorn a bright smile. “Oh, hello to you, Miss Twilight! I am doing much better than I was a few hours ago. Me and Miss Applejack have just been talking about how I’ve been getting along with the drive imps and the wagon!”

“Um…the wagon?” Twilight asked, making sure that she didn’t mishear her.

Mae eagerly nodded her head as she patted the wall. “This wagon, he and I are the same age! Almost to the very day. But I am older, by three weeks. So I am giving him a hard time.” She turned to the wall. “Little Brother, I call him. He is a good wagon, isn’t he? He will take us very, very far!”

“Now Mae, you shouldn’t be goin’ and giving him a hard time now. It’s real nice of him to bring us all this way.” Applejack scolded the girl.

“I know, Miss Applejack. I really do appreciate him. Sure, my little brother pulls at my hair at times, and I really don’t like that very much. But he is family. I am happy to be with my family!” She then gave a little giggle.

Twilight was still giving Mae a confused look as she was having a hard time accepting that the girl saw the wagon as a living thing. Applejack seemed to have noticed her expression and took action. “Um, Mae? I gotta go talk to Twilight about something real quick. I’ll be right back, okay?” Mae gave a nod and went back to playing with her sticks.

Once they were out of Mae’s range of hearing, Twilight was finally able to ask some questions. “Applejack, I’m not usually one to question the customs of other worlds, but why is she-“

“I know, sugarcube,” Applejack interrupted her. “but hear me out. When she started talkin’ about her ‘little brother’, I asked about her other family and she just gave me this sad look. I don’t think she has any other family left, or at least any family that cares for her. I didn’t want to take that away from her. Just try yer best to play along for now. Besides, I can kinda relate to the feelin’ of having to deal with a little siblin’.”

Twilight’s look then turned sympathetic. Not just because of Mae’s lack of real family, but also the implications the farmer made regarding her little sister. “Oh Applejack, I know you must really miss Applebloom, and the rest of your family for that matter. If I didn’t mess with that mirror for some reason that I just can’t remember, you still be with them now.” The guilt over her actions was starting to eat at the purple mare once again, but it was quickly stopped by her friend.

“Now don’t you give me any of that now, hon. We already talked about this. I know you didn’t mean for any of us to be here. Applebloom will be okay, she’s got Big Mac and Granny to look over her. This wouldn’t be the first time I’d be gone for a spell.” Applejack used her hoof to put it under Twilight’s chin and lift her head back up. “We just gotta focus on getting back home to Equestria. Sound good?”

The alicorn let her friend’s words sink in for a moment. Once again, she was right. Twilight couldn’t let this guilt keep eating at her. She had to let go of the past for now and look towards the future. A future that hopefully involved them all getting back home. “Alright Applejack,” the purple mare confidently stated. “I would let it bother me anymore.”

Both of the mares were surprised when the blackwagon made a sudden halt. Twilight turned to the other Nightwings, only to see that Hedwyn and Jodariel had already went outside and only Rukey was standing at the doorframe. “Hey Twilight, AJ! We’re stopping here for the night. Mind coming outside with us?” the Cur asked before he went outside himself. Applejack gave a shrug and went outside. The purple mare was also on her way out, but then looked back to Mae.

“Come on, Mae. Let’s go outside and give your little brother a rest.” she called out, keeping up the façade about the wagon like Applejack said. The moon-touched girl gave a nod and followed the alicorn outside. The sun was already starting to set when Twilight gazed around her surroundings. This area of the Valley appeared somewhat peaceful to the alicorn, with what appeared to be white, mushroom-shaped rocks surrounding the general vicinity. Everyone was doing various tasks outside. Hedwyn was collecting various pieces of wood for a fire, Applejack was helping Jodariel turn the wagon into a campsite, and Mae was simply dancing out in the clearing.

“Hey, sister,” Twilight looked over to Rukey. “Wanna go head out and see if was can forage anything useful? Nowhere too far, I promise.” Wanting to be somewhat helpful for tonight, Twilight agreed and the two of them headed off to forage. When they reached a good spot, the duo scrounged over the area to find anything useful. While the purple mare didn’t find anything useful, Rukey found something that appeared to be animal droppings. Though it was rather gross, he believed that they would be useful for the group at one point, so the Cur put them in the bag he was carrying.

When the pair returned to the wagon, everyone was gathered around the campfire Hedwyn had made. The Nomad had apparently finished preparing and meal and the two had made it just in time for the for the food to be passed out. While everyone was eating, Hedwyn raised a question to the two mares. “So, Twilight, Applejack, why don’t you two tell us about your home? Equestria, was it?”

Both of the mares looked at each other before Twilight decided to lead with the explanation. “Well, both of us come from the land of Equestria. It’s a country made up of the union of three types of ponies. There are earth ponies, like Applejack here; pegasi, ponies with wings to fly; and unicorns, ponies with horns to use magic. Equestria is ruled under two princesses: Celestia, Princess of the Sun and Luna, Princess of the Moon.”

It was then Applejack’s turn to provide some explanation. “There are some other races besides us ponies outside of Equestria. Dragons, griffons, kirin, yaks, just to name a few. Overall, we got a nice relationship with all of those races, so living’s real nice.”

Everyone was listening intently as the mares talked about their home. By the various looks on their faces, they were quite fascinated by what they were told. It was Rukey who decided to raise the first question. “So, what exactly does that make you, Twilight? Are you some kinda love-child between a pegasus and a unicorn?”

Jodariel immediately slapped the Cur upside the head. “There is a child present!” the Demon scolded him. Thankfully, it appeared that the inuendo went over Mae’s head, as she was still enthralled with the tale. “But I too am curious, Reader. What are you if you are neither earth pony, unicorn or pegasus?” Jodariel asked more seriously.

Twilight’s cheeks flushed a bit at the Demon’s question. “W-Well…originally, I was born a unicorn. But then…” The purple mare’s words were getting caught in her mouth. Ever since she ascended, Twilight always got a little uncomfortable whenever she was asked on how she became an alicorn. It always gave her the feeling that she was more important than others around her; a feeling that she wasn’t very fond of. However, this was a new world, so perhaps she wouldn’t feel so self-conscious about her title. “But then Princess Celestia thought I was ready for something greater. So, she used her magic to give me wings, turning me into an alicorn just like her and Luna.”

It only took a few seconds for Hedwyn to put the pieces together. “So, if your princess turned you into an alicorn, and she’s an alicorn herself…does that make you a princess too?”

Applejack was more than happy to confirm the Nomad’s inquiry. “That’s right! Y’all are looking at Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship!”

Mae looked to Twilight in both awe and wonderment. “Wow, you are princess, Miss Twilight?” she asked excitedly. “I thought princesses only existed in stories that parents told their children. It must be so wonderful to be a princess!”

Rukey was twirling his mustache in thought. “Wait, Princess of Friendship?” the Cur asked. “Seems like a weird thing to be a princess of. I mean, the Sun and the Moon I can get, but isn’t friendship more a concept?”

“Well Rukey,” Twilight began explaining. “friendship has played an import part in the history of Equestria. Me and my friends have even used friendship to save it a couple times from those who would want to take over or even destroy it. I started a School of Friendship not too long ago so that future generations could understand how friendship is created and its importance.”

“You saved an entire land using friendship?” Rukey asked unbelievably. “You’ll have to explain that in more details for me, sister.”

Twilight was about to start with an example on how she used friendship to defeat Nightmare Moon, but Hedwyn suddenly spoke up. “While I’m sure Twilight would be happy to tell you a few stories, it’s getting late. The Rite should be occurring tomorrow night, so we should all get some rest.”

As the group was about to head inside the wagon, Twilight wanted to say one last thing to them. “Wait, before all of you go,” she said as everyone turned to her. “I know I just told you all that I was a princess, but could you all do me a favor and…not treat me any differently? I don’t be treated anymore special than everyone else here.”

“I agree.” Jodariel responded. “I mean no disrespect to you or your title, but you are no longer in Equestria. Your title will have no weight here in this world. As far as I’m concerned, you are our Reader, nothing else.” The horned woman then made her way inside the wagon.

“Eh, don’t mind Jodi there, sister.” Rukey apologized for the Demon. “She’s just all business, that’s just the way she is.” The Cur then said goodnight and headed inside.

Finally, Hedwyn said his two-fold before heading inside himself. “Don’t worry about it, my friend. We call you by whatever makes you feel most comfortable. We’re all in this for the long-haul, after all.”

Twilight gave a small sigh of relief as all the Nightwings entered the wagon. She was relieved that any future awkward interactions could be avoided now that she made her stance pretty clear about her title. It wasn’t like she hated her title as Princess, she just never felt comfortable using just her title to gain any respect from her peers automatically. The alicorn was more than okay with jut being the Reader for the Nightwings. Twilight was about to head back inside herself, but she looked over to see that Applejack was talking to Mae.

“Uh, Mae? What are ya looking at? See anything out there that’s catchin’ yer eye?” the farmer asked. The moon-touched girl was indeed just staring out into the wide stretches of nothing of the Valley. She had a wide smile on her face.

“Can you feel it, Miss Applejack?” Mae asked. “This was the path that Jomuer Many-Mane ran across so many times! You can almost feel his presence here, running across the sand with of his friends!”

The orange mare gave her a confused look. “Jomuer? Who the hay is that?”

Mae then looked to her with that bright smile. “Jomuer the Brave, the Alpha-Chief! He was the Cur that became the sixth of the Eight Scribes! He arrived here in the Downside to become stronger and eventually joined with the other Scribe to spread their words. It feels so inspiring to just stand where he once stood!” The girl took a deep breath before making her way back to the wagon. “Well, I must be getting my rest! Good night you, Miss Applejack! You too, Miss Twilight!”

When the girl made it inside, Applejack walked back over to the alicorn. “So Twilight, do y’all know anything about these Scribes that Mae and the others have been talkin’ about?” she asked her.

“I’m not too sure myself, Applejack.” Twilight answered. “The Book inside the wagon has made passing mention of them, but I’m only able to read a small portion of it right now. Although, it appears that these Scribes hold some major importance to this world. They almost remind me of the Pillars or even the Elements of Harmony back in Equestria. Although, I think I do know for sure is that they were the ones who created these Rites so that exiles of the Downside could return to the Commonwealth. At least, that’s what I think the Book says at the beginning.” Twilight really wished that the other portions to the first chapter would open up soon, so that she could read more of what Golathanian had written about the Emperor.

Applejack nodded her head and let out a yawn. “Yeah well, I’m sure that we’ll be learnin’ more about them as time goes on. I’ll be seein’ ya inside, Twilight.”

As the apple farmer returned to the wagon, Twilight just looked out to the Valley. Tomorrow would be the next Rite, the next step towards freedom. The alicorn had no idea who her next adversaries would be or what they would be like. However, she reasoned that she would meet them soon enough. Right now, she needed sleep so that she could be in peak condition when the Nightwings would need her. With a final sigh, Twilight turned around and went back inside the wagon.

Tomorrow was sure to bring new opportunities, and perhaps a few surprises as well.